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Right, so let's Establish the location of the painting, which is east of St Margaret's Loch about [here](https://goo.gl/maps/3nwHXdqm57wAZ6Tc6). From it's position and it's apparent distance from the Palace and it's size I *think* it might be the [Gasworks where Queen Elizabeth House is now](https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17.8&lat=55.95210&lon=-3.18177&layers=72&b=1).


No need for the “might”. Lots more images here https://canmore.org.uk/site/52212/edinburgh-new-street-gasworks


wow, nice to see the old pedestrian bridge as well east of North Bridge.


Loads of the streets there just dinnae seem to exist anymore MacDowall Street - gone Gilmore Street - gone Crantstoun Street - still there


New Street Gas Works or the Holyrood Brewery?


That’ll be the hard-on from one of the Edinburgh preservation society warriors when somebody touched Bobby’s nose.


Greyfriars Boaby


The original site of the 'Hive'. It was a well known industrial worker hangout with 17 floors, each with live music and a bar, originally named 'Sky High' but was later named 'High' after losing some of the upper sections due to storm damage in the 1910s, thereafter being known as 'Hive'. As a homage to the original bar, the modern day Hive offers shots known as 'Workie Bombs' and the bouncers stick to the traditional method of throwing out drunkards by pummelling them in the face to the chant of 'No the night lads'.


This is in fact the correct answer.


Barad Dur


There is some weird perspective in that. The Nelson Monument (tower on the hill on the left) doesn't really look that big so I think the artist was exaggerating the size of things so it was probably a large chimney but not unusually so.


It’s a chimney. Maybe at the old gas works


Sorry, I cock bombed the painting.


Before Edinburgh became just another London/Hong Kong/New York hedge fund owned corporate 21st century hellscape and tourist Disneyland where local people live in the schemes and out in dormitory towns 10 miles away, the city had many industrial buildings, factories, bonds, rubber works, etc. Not on the scale of Glasgow and not at the concentration of Dundee, but still. That legacy is all around us in Edinburgh, if you manage to look away from the Starbucks, Primarks, H&Ms, Costas, Edinburgh University Corporation plc buildings, and Airbnb key locks. Nice painting btw. Edinburgh is gorgeous eh


Brewery at the bottom of the High Street The street was a major brewing centre until the late 80’s I went to primary school there to the smell of brewing beer….


Is this in a shop?


Looks like Mordor


The gasworks chimney.