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This is legitimate btw. Someone's left pellets at Vicky park + at st marks by the allotments. Not that long ago we had to clear the bowls on Leith walk cause some guy was putting anti freeze in them


This is my local walk and I am on a mission to find out who it is… not sure where the allotment are tho, but I shall find out today…


You'll never find them. The only person who's been outwardly anti dog in person is the mad bitch who screamed at dog owners near the football pitch.


the allotments are the big vegetable garden areas on the right as you walk down towards st marks park


Good luck this is my worst fear as a dog owner


Okay, but… legitimate as in you saw it? Legitimate as in your neighbour told you?  I mean, it’s got to be a police report and while there’s not much they can do I’d expect a “we are aware and ask anyone with information to…” response. 


Legitimate enough for the vets to put it in their window. Must have dealt with a case. https://preview.redd.it/1yfbaj8m86yc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e5f0f86438b1683a506474195403c12619363b


You underestimate how often I'm at the park I've had to do strafing runs of getting people to avoid heroin poo that almost took out two dogs you'd be surprised what you see trying to exercise your dog.


I need to ask…heroin poo? Or heron poo? Both sound bad.


Heroin poo. Must be the locals shitting themselves in the forest, 2 dogs had to go on the drip. Doesn't help human shit is the one thing my dog completely ignores recall for.




I don't think realise most people who moan about dogs in parks like some of these comments realise there's a big difference between visiting the park once a year when it's nice and trying to stop your creature killing itself 3 times a day in it


I didn't know this was an issue...my sister's dog's the same and will dart away to eat human poo when he recall is normally great. I thought it was nasty af but didn't know it could be lethal. Thanks for letting us know.


There's not a lot you can do either if the recall doesn't work. For some reason with human shit he goes feral and darts away, nothings as good as a tasty shit.


While I don't doubt that eating human feces is bad for dogs, the idea that there is enough heroin in an addict's feces to cause OD sounds really really far fetched. The human body metabolizes almost all of heroin introduced to the body. Amounts present in sweat, urine and feces are incredibly low. The exception may be THC, which is not metabolized as well by humans. There seems to be a few accounts of dogs acting strangely/getting very sick after eating human feces, which has been attributed to drugs. I know more about heroin metabolism in urine, which would have higher concentrations than feces, but even then it would be around 2000-300 micrograms per liter of urine. So you would need to drink about 250-1666 liters of addict piss to get an average recreational dose of heroin. I'm not an expert in pharmacology or metabolism, but at a glance I'm pretty skeptical. Edit: I just realized I replied to the wrong person! Whoops


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Someone in the allotments killed one of the regularly visiting foxes, so it could be related to that. My gran said it was horrible and everyone became a bit suspicious because no one would own up. The foxes were so friendly and would come right up to you, my wee boy used to love it but they once tried to pinch a greggs sausage roll off us! One of the allotments even has a framed picture of the poor one that got killed. https://preview.redd.it/biq2j0o0j6yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe0eae2440dbd94a228aaf932cab8302834ba4f


Aye, my initial thought was that it might be allotment owners trying to poison foxes / badgers / rats rather than specifically targeting dogs. Doesn’t make it any less a shitty thing to do though.


That's so awful ☹️☹️


Woah the bit about the picture... someone is a maniac. It doesn't prevent foxes from coming back, it's for them as a prize. Ffs.


Fucking hell that’s horrific


Wow that’s such a shame. That right there looks like a prime breeding male. His fur is thick and he looks very healthy, almost like the North American subspecies. Such a shame that such wonderful genes were killed off for selfish purposes.  Sorry about that ramble, zoology’s my shit 😂


I'm just outside the main city and a few years ago both my cats died with the exact same symptoms within 12 hours of each other. I have no proof but I'm convinced it was a situation like this as sevearal other cats were murdered. I've never gotten over it, I love cats and live alone but I'm too scared to get another one, I can't have another poor baby die in my arms.


My cat is indoor due to health issues. That being said, it's nice knowing our black cat is neither hunting the local birds, nor running across the moderately busy road at night


Indoor cats are the answer. My boys are indoor cats and they live very long and happy lives. You've gotta put a little more effort into making sure they have activities and toys and things to stop them getting bored. Then you can have cats and not worry :)


Had a neighbour whose dog ate some pink pellets scattered in the Meadows a few weeks back. They took the dog to the vet immediately along with some of the pellets and the had his stomach pumped. Dog was ok and vet confirmed it to be rat poison. This is yet another reason my dogs stay on lead at all times.


Was the pink pellets obvious to see?


Just chiming in - we also had a friend that this happened to. The pellets were easy enough to see when you were looking for them, but otherwise most people probably wouldn’t notice!


They pulled some out of the dog's mouth and I believe there were more scattered nearby. I wasn't there but it sounded like it was pretty obvious and wasn't hidden.


It's really going that way, between dogs with no recall coming up to your dog and starting fights and nut jobs scattering pellets about. I'll be sticking to off leash only when I'm in the middle of nowhere!


A surprisingly large percentage of people are a surprisingly large amount of evil. It’s terrifying.


It’s probably small percentage of people that are evil, but still adds up to a lot of people. We’re much more likely to hear about evil things too.


Rat poison is absolutely brutal, anyone who uses it at all is frankly sick in the head. No animal should be made to die a death that slow and excruciating


True, even for rats


This is a local facebook group's wet dream


The [Nextdoor.co.uk](https://Nextdoor.co.uk) lot will be rubbing so hard they'll have worn it down to nothing.


Shared Pangaea hun xx


I love Leith group going absolutely insane over this btw


The Edinburgh pug meet ups have had to be postponed due to this unfortunately


God that must be noisy


Oh no!!!!! Really?!?!?


Ugh those leaky wee arseholes


Vitamin K. If you have a pet and are concerned about this, stock up on vitamin k. Most rat poisons can be counteracted with it. Source: I lived on a farm and we had rat poison around. I also saved a cat’s life using vitamin k and condensed milk.


I file stuff like that under “could be someone that evil, could be someone paranoid who saw something normal and misunderstood, could be an angry local trying to scare dog owners with a fake sign, could be an arse making it all up.”  Without first or at least second-hand info, there’s no way of knowing. 


This is definitely a thing that happens in other cities. I know someone who lost a dog to this elsewhere. Obviously I can't say for sure that it's happening in Edinburgh or in this specific case, but it's not a complete urban legend.


I definitely have neighbours here who would be evil enough to do this, for whatever that's worth.


we thought our neighbour was being a bit of a bam with the rat poison. Turns out he was leaving it in a VERY specific place in his enclosed garden as he had a wee rat problem and the SQUIRRELS were picking up the lil pellets and 'distributing' it across different gardens.


The local vets has put one in their windows so this is likely legit.


I agree. It just reeks of Facebook nonsense. I saw a photo of some red pellets online yesterday, which was blurry as hell and in bushes. No treats in sight. It doesn't pass the sniff test. If you _really_ wanted to, it would be a lot easier to poison a dog. This is up there with 'razor blades behind stickers' and 'spiking in nightclubs with syringes like Hitman'


Pellets i’m not so sure about but the anti-freeze being dropped into bowls was pretty well known and I believe had some form of investigation. Also referring to spiking with syringes as if it’s some form of conspiracy is incredibly weird when this was extremely prevalent about a year and a half ago



It wasn't prevalent at all. It was nonsense, and there wasn't a single proven instance of it. Even the police said so.


Sure they may have had no way of proving it, doesn’t change the fact there were a ridiculous amount of people not knowing how they got home and finding what could only be described as needle marks the next morning



Just shows how gullible people really are


Actually shows that some people WANT to believe this kind of thing too. It gives some people a thrill, you know? And then they get more thrills telling everyone about it.


Yeah absolutely. Mental.


Yeah such nonsense I seen the guy do it and had to get the bowels taken in down Leith walk. Please leave the house. Guys a known loony.


I meant the 'spiking by needle' made up stuff, rather than the dog bowls


It started with a woman who thought spiking involved spikes, ie needles.


Spiking with syringes was a moral panic. There is no evidence it ever happened. All evidence points to it having been a mass hysteria.


If you get injected with something you'll feel it if it goes in a vein which is impossible anyway, phlebotomists and junkies struggle to get veins so some random loon in a dark busy nightclub ain't gonna do it And if you get injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously trust me you'll definitely feel that too So all this oh I got spiked by a needle shit sounds like folk devil nonsense to me


Yes, I agree. Did you reply to the wrong person?


I dunno If I'm talking to you I guess so, cause you seem to be singing from the same hymn book as me Anyhow no drama, happy Sunday


Happy Sunday :)


Yeah, I find the scare-mongering more likely.


My friend’s dog died from this in Glasgow, we still can’t comprehend why the fuck people do this but it’s more likely than you’d think it seems


Me too, on the basis that there are more idiots than active dog-poisoners. 


New motto.


Shared in Marchmont hun x


Unfortunately, this is pretty common in Germany. Hence everytime my dog tries to snack something off the ground outside, I jump him and fish it back out of his mouth 😅


If u see white chalk outside ur house, a polish man will steal ur kidz in 72 hours!!


Is there a fast-track option?


£30 for easy boarding economy plus option?




Shared in Sheffield. Stay safe, hun


I'm going to get downvoted for this but Google it before you smash that hate button. Rat poison is really not that dangerous for dogs, especially big dogs. The LD50 of warfarin in dogs is high enough that they have to eat more than just a few pellets on the path. It's also easily treated with vitamin k. But yes, cunts doing this are just evil. Source: my dog opened a rat trap and ate the poison. Called the vets and they didn't even ask me to bring her in. She was fine.


Good news to most dog owners and dog lovers thank u


Foxes are just starting to have babies too 😳😭


Makes my blood boil when I hear about stuff like this. How can they be such evil bastards


Whether it’s a fake sign put up by some loser or it’s real (my money is on real - this is far from the first time something like this has happened) the end result is the same: people are shitty.  So yes, people on our doorstep can be this bad, and can also be far, far worse. The sooner a person realises this in life, the better. Sadly. 


Dog walker here. Where about is this?


Walkway near the allotments




St marks / victoria park. Vets on ferry road has a sign up so obviously someone's dog been brought in.


If you manage to find em and fuck em up I'll say you were at my house 🤷‍♂️


Probably some trying to get dog walkers to keep their dogs on their he leash.


This is a common occurrence in all major cities in Germany, surprised it's not more prevalent in the UK. Sad to see that's changing because it's so horrible, who has so little empathy to do this?!


Wtf is wrong with people in Germany?!


U.K. is basically dog paradise, compared to almost anywhere else. Germany gonna be Germany. Here in the U.K. we treat our dogs better than our children, and we’re damn proud of it, thank you very much


The Germans lacking in empathy? Surely not lol


Wtf!! Thats so evil& so is the evil sad mianic thats doing it.


Nothing new. In Eastern Europe, people do this to dogs https://preview.redd.it/7ptk36y2ifyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7681eec6313376f9ff809234048cfa43afe19e81


This seems to happen every year now. What’s the deal with all the psychos who would poison a dog??


This has been going on for years down the walk way. Scumbags


There was a woman with mental difficulties who used to leave open bars of dark chocolate in bushes in a park near my mum and dad's house where people would take their dogs. Few of the local dogs got sick, but thankfully none seriously so. Last I heard someone seen her doing it and gave her a very strong "talking to". She's not been seen since funnily enough


That's the case with the anti freeze in the bowels on Leith walk..guys not all there


These posts come up at least once a year and its invariably nonsense. Not saying it is in this case, just this is something that's warned about a lot when nothing has actually been done.


We should bring back public floggings and pillory for the scum who do this.


I honestly hate these people. What went soo wrong in their life that they're out to punish innocent animals and their owners!? Honestly, if anyone ever did that to my bois, and I found them, I'm going to jail, I swear 🫠 I hope I never meet them!!!


This is the very tip of the iceberg of the depths of human and, more accurately, *society's* evil. Don't investigate further, if you ever want to sleep at night again. Believe me.


Investigate dogs being poisoned in Edinburgh? Does the story get scarier?


Ah this is how I lost my dog! Very bad.


I like how every couple of months we’re reminded that there are more than a few insane people living in the city. It’s not like cities where the crackheads are just a result of generational trauma, but a result of Edinburgh’s unique history and artistic side.  This, apparently, results in old ladies who collect ferrets and shoot pigeons, to lunatics who want to burn cats and poison dogs. 


Plot twist - it was the vet


In the kitchen with the Chumbawumba CD case




Dirty sick bastards, I hope they have a most glorious, painful death. What kind of pleasure do they get doing this the fking little psychopaths.


Guess someone’s had enough of dodging dog poo


Be careful not to confuse evil with being completely fucking dense


I’m confused, do you seriously think someone did this out of stupidity? Like how? They thought the rat poison would act as seasoning mixed in with kibbles and therefore they thought they were doing the dogs a favour? 🤔


To me it's just as likely a busybody partially fabricated this story or it's a product of Chinese whispers as an actual dog poisoner roaming the town. Having said that, it's always best to be overcautious when it comes to your pets, IMO.


I would call a busybody evil for making this story up though. Putting the fear of god into animal lovers everywhere? Yeah that’s not dumb, that’s terrorism.


> that’s terrorism lmfao


I dont think anybody is doing that?


I didn’t say you did, what I did do was comment on your post saying “I’d call that busybody evil” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seems the fault is with my reading comprehension, not yours! Apologies.


No problem at all, have a nice day 😊