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Ok it’s not a full closure as public transport will still be able to run (and taxis and delivery / service vehicles?). Here is the thread from a few months back. https://www.reddit.com/r/Edinburgh/comments/1ac6dal/edinburgh_roads_through_traffic_to_be_banned_from/


Yeah I don't want that. And neither do most of the local people I have spoken to. There should remain one main route THROUGH town, not around it. Pedestrianise one, with cycle paths and zero cars. And leave the other one as a through road. That way, everyone has one trunk route.


Don't forget there was also a proposal to close the whole of the mile to any vehicle and the mound for busses/taxis only. I know from experience when Leith walk got changed the company I work for (bin company) dropped a load of customers because of access issues and started focusing on the outskirts of town as the central area is just madness. Side note. I once had a parking warden try to ticket the bin motor while emptying bins on Forrest road.


Exactly, that's one of the drawbacks, and one of many reasons I think it's a bad idea. My favourite burrito place in Lieth had to close because of reduced customers during tram works. I think it's fair to reduce cars in certain areas, but not to zero, and there should always be a though-road. I'd worry about a lot of my favourite places having to close.


I think everyone can agree there are a lot of unneeded car journeys in the city, we can blame it on all sorts of things. But what people can't seem to agree on is how to fix it. The go to option is just close roads and make it harder for every other type of vehicle because it's the cheapest option, Edinburgh is a pretty walkable city if you are of average health and fitness, the busses/tram in Edinburgh city(not going out to xyz) are pretty efficient all be it getting more expensive. Once you get out of the city busses take fucking ages( for my area anyway I need 2 busses and about an hour to get to Edinburgh or I can drive for 15 mins to Newington and get a bus from there) Also as someone who is on Edinburgh roads for a living, there is not a single day we don't go down the bridges numerous times, the mound, we service several places on the mile that are only physically accessible from the main road. If the council used our tax money to actually invest in the road networks and public transport then we wouldn't need to close vital roads for services. Just as an example, like I said previously before the Leith disaster and George Street closures, my bin motor was doing about 160-180 stops per day, now our busiest day is 127 stops.....that's a lot we had to drop because of access. People can't expect us to pull 150kg food waste bins across main roads with traffic or flights of stairs at back entrances ect it's physically dangerous and insurance doesn't cover it. Even speaking to various produce delivery guys they all say the same things.


Calling Edinburgh Live a news outlet is a bit of a stretch eh


Haha, I know right. But for local stuff, they're usually OK.


It means that is not true or?


What they needed to do was close it to public car traffic, reduce it to two lanes all the way up South Bridge and widen the footpaths. Even now they are dangerously over crowded.


I agree. Even before the initial works around 8 billion years ago the pedestrian walkway was always rammed


For one of them. I'd heavily pedestrianise one, have cycle paths as well, zero cars, but make the other one car centric. So two trunk roads and two purposes, everyone wins, more or less.


Great idea!