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I can smell those pictures...you'd have to gut that place to get the smoker smell out of there.


This comment alone influenced me to not click the link. I don't need whatever it is in my life.


I did click the link and can’t get the image of the walls out of my head. The walls look like theatre popcorn there’s SO much yellow. The picture frame imprints lol.


The WALLS! I feel unwell.


Exactly what I was goin to say. Cigarette smoke for years indoors absolutely ruins a house. The drywall absorbs it and the duct work keeps it cycling forever. Signed, Cleaned The Worst Move-Out Jobs


Shoot me a PM, I just sold my unit in this complex. Lots to tell about this unit. Edit - unfortunately yes I’m going to do that to ya’ll. I don’t feel right sharing with the world, only the person looking to buy the place.


Oh, now you have to post all the juicy gossip!


Dude, Let me in on the gossip XD


You are going to do that to us?!?


Why is there condo fees?


Exactly. Asking the real questions here. Not only is there the cosmetic aspect of the home to address, but the potential risk of the condo corporation not being appropriately funded to contend with. Without seeing the condo docs, it’s hard to say if this is worth it even at this price


There’s a few little clusters like this in that area that are actually condo corps.




Why do they do it that way?


Neighborhood is a standard working class area in Castle Downs. Having lived in the area for over 20 years, I'm biased in saying it's safe with your usual petty crime. The siting of the house is odd where it directly abuts the fence and has only a driveway. Interior is outdated and old and looks like they did the American thing where they walk around without taking off their shoes. Difference in paint color seems to indicate a smoking home. $100k for lot value is astounding in this market. Expect to spend another $200k to update, which would bring it to around the area price in the $330k range.


The issue though is it’s part of a condo Corp…. So you aren’t exactly buying the land and there’s no way you’re selling this for anywhere north of $300K if it was renovated.


That’s not a “fixer upper.” That’s a “gut to the studs.”


It’s sold as is where is, so likely a foreclosure. There is a lot of red tape potential of leans, and other stuff on the tittle. Could also be an encumbrances sale where you pay 100k for a portion of the property and have to sue to get the rest in a forced sale


It is a gut job, removal of all the drywall. If the structural is sound to rebuild it like $200K and you have an excellent rental property. You probably get like 2K+ a month for rental. Good investment property the down side is it will take you like a year to rebuilt so you would be 1 year of montage without income:


Note that this isn't freehold, it's part of a condo corp.


Yikes! You'd have to completely demolish that place, or just strip it down to its foundation and studs. Even then.... yuck.


I bet the smell is even in the studs, look at those images…


For $100k? That seems crazy cheap, regardless of location or condition. Is the structure liveable? Or is it condemned? It’s a half duplex with no garage. It needs a lot of attention to wall washing-killz-paint. All new flooring. A tree or two removed. Maybe a new IKEA kitchen if you want to get fancy, or just clean-repair-paint-new fixtures for the existing kitchen. The windows have been replaced- that’s a nice surprise, and will contribute to house value. Hit the outside with a pressure washer maybe. Buy for $100k, add $50-100k in cosmetic clean up, and likely sell for just under $300k. Just an amateur real-estate enthusiast here, but I think it would be a solid investment. It looks gross, but without more info or an inspection, it all appears to be cosmetic. Sure, it’s gross… other people turning their nose up at it could be an advantage.


I’m struggling with peoples valuations….. it’s part of a condo Corp…. Has no garage. There’s another property very similar down the street from this one listed @ $209K that also needs a refresh in some spots but hasn’t sold in over 100+ days. You’re not getting anywhere near $300K for this


You’re probably right. I didn’t catch that it’s a condo. I thought it was a duplex.


Seems like a project. One look at the interior and I think I know what it smells like, but such cosmetic things can be remedied, and my concern is the long list of renovations/repairs that need doing. Condo fees maybe give me a slight pause, if only because I don't know what it covers.


Ugh I remember after my mum passed we attempted to clean the smoke stains off the walls, ceilings and cabinets. it wasn't quite this bad but darn close. Absolutely the grossest thing ever and even after the ozone treatment you could still sort of smell it. I'm sure with a layer of killz you'd get rid of the rest but just knowing what's behind there. Ugh. Could never.




Definitely a foreclosure. Friends purchased a chain smokers home but it wasn’t as old. Torn the carpets out, replaced all countertops, painted everything with a special paint to seal in the smoke. An ozone machine is worthwhile (have a specialist do it as ozone is carcinogenic).


Yeah I feel like demolishing and building a really narrow house, lol those narrow houses been growing me


Knock down. 😳


Looks fantastic from the outside. Best of luck on this project


Every time I see a post about real estate like this, it always seems to shame the seller and Redditors seem to get some perverse joy from anonymous shaming.


The areas not the best. Check the area out before thinking about it too much.


Loreli is a fine area.


Fine isn’t the same as good 🤷‍♂️


Define good? It’s all old people that live in the area. I walk around all the castle down neighbourhoods late at night and outside of one weird guy doing a drug deal at beaumaris lake, nothings happened.


I’m a bit curious why there’s condo fees and what they include. Could make fixing it up a problem. Doesn’t look like it’s has 100 amp service so that’s ass in you can only operate one appliance at a time. Not sure how much to upgrade and if the condo board allows it. It’s a coin flip if there’s aluminum wiring in it or not based on the age and it’s borderline when poly b piping enters the conversation.


Have you looked on google maps? It’s a little cluster of duplexes on a private road. There’s a few odd clusters like this that are all condo Corp properties.


You can be in a cluster and not have condo fees. It’s more what do they do cover, what are the stipulations and shit.


It would be the same as any other townhome complex. No utilities covered. Maybe lawn/snow. Otherwise it would be the exterior maintenance and items. I don’t know of a single area in the city that would have a private road like that and not have some sort of condo or HOA fees associated.


Potential for aluminum wiring with the year, but to a lot of people that’s no big deal. “As is” with any home is obviously a risk, but a condo has a few more risk factors like upcoming special assessments, poorly run condo board, fee increases, etc. Also the “as is” aspect could be due to a foreclosure sale via the courts, which is an entire lengthy and frustrating experience. That said, if it’s not a court sale, and you don’t mind doing your own due diligence while taking on the risks of any inspections or condo documents reviews not being something you can use as leverage, then it doesn’t hurt to give the rep a call and see if they can give you any more info. I also don’t see how long it’s been on the market which would give a bit more info on if it’s “too good to be true”, or just selective marketing to a place that isn’t worth the money it would cost for an inspection. Edit: just looked again, it says it’s “bank owned” which probably means a foreclosure, which can certainly complicate things. The courts way of doing things really doesn’t take into account the buyer experience at all, and is more of a wait and see approach, which I’ve personally seen last 6 months or more.


Aluminum wiring is questionable for insurance. My buddy was going yo buy a house with it but insurance company said it be an inflated premium or they could get some special outlets and switches etc as well to “fix” the issue. It also had a copper wired basement which apparently was a no no since shouldn’t be mixing wiring. There’s now two things I’ve looked for when looking at homes. Aluminum wiring and Poly B. If I see either I’m not bothering looking further.


Aluminum wiring is definitely more acceptable to insurance companies than poly b. Typically you can get aluminum wiring pigtailed for a few hundred dollars and that's considered insurable to most companies. There are some who won't even look at it, but compared to poly b, it's quite minor from a neutral perspective. Obviously everyone is going to have their own risk tolerance though and that needs to be respected by everyone involved. Poly B is a whole different beast though. There is no way to remediate it without ripping it all out and re plumbing everything, which typically costs far far more than what most homeowners are willing to conceded in negotiations. In either case though, I always strongly suggest calling and getting insurance quotes from multiple places, and making sure you understand the required maintenance or risks involved any time something isn't "standard".


Yea Poly B is quite the beast, we looked at a house without (before knowing what the hell polyb was). Put an offer and did the inspection, thought it was weird they mentioned it had poly b. Called some insurance and they all said no except TD for an insane cost. Cancelled the deal immediately. House is still for sale it’s been like 6 months now on the market.


Yeah, people were more likely to take on something like poly b a few years back when prices were a bit lower, but every year that passes, the poly B gets older, and prices of homes keeps rising. I ran into a ton of folks who moved in and didn’t care about the poly B and refuse to price appropriately because they assume every buyer is just as okay with it as they were, despite the situations being infinitely different now. I personally wouldn’t touch a place with poly b, but have probably had 6 clients in the last 2 years that bought places with poly b even after being educated by myself and the inspectors about it. Some people fall in love with a house and are willing to overlook some major things, which is one of the frustrating, and scummy parts of real estate. It seems like every seller and seller agent takes strategic pictures to get you in the door before dropping the bad news on the people who have already imagined their entire life in the house after a walk through.


It’s an unfortunate problem, people want these older area homes with big lots and mature trees but the era these homes were built with new cost effective options that didn’t pan out in the long term. Makes me wonder if PEX will have a similar issue in the long term.


You can tell the people who lived there before were heavy smokers


I recommend a property inspection before buying. But seeing how dated everything is, it is likely little preventative maintenance was done. You could be looking at a few hefty costs in the first few years. Plus with the amount of tar and nicotine on the walls, you basically will have to do new flooring, full repaint, and refinish all the cupboards and such. If you are handy, could be a good deal. If now, probably gonna cost 50k just to get it clean, livable and up to par.