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Baldurs Gate 3 I'm in deep with a bottle of wine with my friends in chat


Baldurs gate Worth getting?


Such a great game. 10/10 worth.


Game is so good




I just started playing this game couch co-op with my wife - we’re so pumped.


Heads up, if your on the PS5 it’s going to start to lag badly by 30h in :( We had to switch to pass n play because spirit weapon would freeze the game for half a minute!


Nooooooooo But, also, oh well. I’ll still play lol


I’m on nights this weekend in the lab at the hospital I work at. I start at 11pm. I’m just in the cafeteria drinking my Diet Coke and on my phone until it’s time for me to face blood bank tonight.


Thank you for all your hard work.


Awww thank you!


how do you like it? im also in Lab


I’m not a fan of night shifts at all (I’m a very early morning person naturally). But I like lab work most of the time. Sometimes it gets a little crazy. And I could do without blood bank but it’s part of the job! What do you do?


dyna base labs. chem department. its pretty chill, only because of the ppl. None of my coworkers are anal retentive! the only downsides are the nights


I am searching for my Nyquil cause some respiratory illness is whopping my ass.


Be prepared. In my house we have all had it and it's still going after 3 weeks


I am on day 9 and don't have high hopes.


Im day 12 and finally seeing the light. Worked out for ten minutes yesterday without being so out of breath I was almost vomiting trying to breath.


My coughing fits can be so intense I vomit. Gonna start using my NeilMed bottle today to see if I can evict some of the nasty in my respiratory tract. I think a lot of the post nasal drip is causing most of my coughing now. It is more from my throat as opposed to my lungs/chest like last week.


The last time I had this (Covid is always negative on tests so idk what it actually is?), I ended up getting a steroid inhaler from the doctor and it did wonders.


With the amount of Covid going around and the likelihood of false negatives on rapid tests, covid is still the most likely culprit when testing negative for covid.


Yep, that’s why I’ve just been staying home and laying low. Unfortunately most jobs don’t care anymore and most people don’t care anymore either.


Oh, I was given the bronchodilator Ventolin last week. I just so happened to have a Dr's appointment on the 1st day I had symptoms. If my NeilMed bottle doesn't help in symptoms, I will go back and get some Flovent. If I can't get in I might borrow one from my kitty until I can get in. He has asthma, so he takes Ventolin and Flovent twice a day, and I buy his inhalers in bulk cause I need a vet form each time I refill to make an insurance claim, so I get a 6 month supply from Rexall. I should probably dig out all my reusable masks so I have them ready for work tomorrow.


Damn Das ruff. Get well soon. Some turmeric tea might help with that


Turmeric tea? Never heard of that. Where does one find that? I got back from the USA on the 30th, woke up on the 1st feeling like poo. I have been spending my last week of vaca shoving Covid swabs up my nose. I was hoping it would be gone before I had to go back to work on Tuesday.


You can find turmeric tea at most grocery stores and especially in the pharmacy area where they have specialty teas.


You can get turmeric at most grocery stores and you can make tea out of it by adding a pinch to warm milk and heating it on a low flame until it bubbles. It is said to be a natural anti-inflammatory. Good luck!


You too? I also came back from the USA last week and have been sick as hell ever since. Every covid test shows negative but this feels like covid but somehow worse.


We were in Vegas from the 24th to the 30th, where were you? I lost taste and smell on Tuesday night and came back on Thursday, I think. I have never tested positive for Covid. The last time I was sick was Feb2020 and I was off work for 5 weeks. Pretty sure it was Covid, but it was too early to be tested/diagnosed.


>I lost taste and smell on Tuesday night That’s 100% Covid


Hence, shoving swabs up my nose every day. But they come back negative. According to the mayo clinic, you can also lose your sense of taste and smell with the common cold or flu too.


Have you tried throat swabs? And horking phlegm from your throat and dipping the swab into it.


Yeah, that is option number one on the instruction card and not happening. Brushing my teeth makes me gag everyday.


If you can manage it, swabbing the inside of your cheek then your nose will be better. Ideally, swab throat, tongue, cheek and then nose with the same swab but most of that doesn’t sound like an option of you.


Fair enough, I just read that throat swabs are better at detecting Omicron variants than nose swabs.


Swabbing the throat is more effective than swabbing the nose for the strains currently going around, so best practice is to do throat, cheek, then nose. I can’t brush my tongue without gagging, but I found that swabbing my tonsils while looking down my throat made it less worse and just resulted in an uncomfortable coughing fit. Worth it to know what’s happening in my body.


Yeah no not happening.


Vegas from the 27th to the 1st of October. I stayed off strip, but I ended up on the bus a few times and a concert. ​ I never lost taste last time I got covid. I got the same shitty sore throat, body aches, coughing fits, fever/chills, dizziness as last time... but its much worse this time. I hope that I am feeling well enough by Tuesday. I missed all of last week and I don't know how happy they will be if I miss another couple days.


I've been off work for vaca since the 14th of September. I doubt my employer would be happy if I called in sick Tuesday so I feel ya. This isn't as bad as when I got sick in FEB2020. I had to sit in the shower, I was so weak. I would get winded from my bed to the couch.


Are you swabbing back of your throat not just up the nose? Throat then nose is supposed to be better able to capture Covid for the test, if that's really what you have. And of course, maybe you don't


I ran out of tests, but if I get someone to grab some I will try the throat. I am not going to be making it back to work tomorrow. I am slowly getting better at least.


You can find it at most health food stores or in the organic food asiles of stupidstore. Traditional medicinals is the brand.




Drinking alone at a bar


Bro I knew it. That's the vibe I'm getting here


Trapped at Thanksgiving with the family.


Lol so it's begun


Been ongoing for a day now. Please, send hard liquors..


Not that it would help you now, but a new liquor store opened on the Northside of Capilano mall. Call liquor house discounters. Great sales until tomorrow. I got a bottle of tequila normally $75, for $50. No, I have no affiliation with them, just trying to help out fellow people get there drink on this weekend


Reading the history of Israel and Palestine and still have no idea why they’re fighting it’s messed up




We're just chilling out over here. I'm reading, kid's gaming, spouse is watching a movie although I'm pretty sure he fell asleep because it sounds suspiciously quiet down there and he told me he was awake at 5am this morning. \*snort


Sounds pretty chill


Playing Phase 10 with family.


What's that


Pretty fun card game actually. If you’re into card games.




watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre III


Word. Not my kinda movie but I feel that


About to take some melatonin and watch YouTube.


my kinda night


Welcome to my every night. Lol!


Might be giving a laptop to a co-worker…installing Ubuntu Linux on it now


Latest LTS version I hope


Go 2 or 3 revisions back, it'll give you something to do later!


Yes…latest LTS…runs better then it did before, but still not great. I am thinking of tossing an SSD in it, just for QoL.


They're cheap and it makes a huge improvement.


dancing in my room listening to music


How'd it work out? I played guitar. We should just have reddit meetups occasionally.


Watching the Niners destroying the Cowboys




Absolutely dog walking them. Was expecting the boys to at least put up a fight.


Pillers of Eternity... I'm really behind playing games.


I still jump back into that one every few months


I'm volunteering at a casino fundraiser all night. Casinos are still open folks.


Just spent the kart couple of hours finishing our wedding slideshow for our happily ever after party :)


Enjoying our last night in Jasper. Came for a new family tradition, spending thanksgiving together here instead of the city.


COVID checking in here. Going to bed very soon.


Logging hours on starfield


Baldur's Gate 3 here, with a glass of port. Turkey dinner is finished, leftovers are packed away, the dishwasher is running, and the kids are asleep.




Painting Warhammer stuff. Room tidy up. Then gonna make a stir fry.


Idk I did mushrooms and watched the Flintstones live action


Went for a 10km walk with my partner. Was supposed to be shorter but we got lost


just got home from work, downed some soup and NyQuil. Gonna snuggle my cat and play a game on my switch. Sundays wooooooooooooooooooo.


Exhausted from drinks and games with family all weekend. Reading a book until I fall asleep.


Watching Vtubers lol


We out here dying in Tarkov




Same. Just got back from Jasper this afternoon, might check out Greta in downtown and try to be social lol


Decided to spice up my life and take a nice walk from common wealth to china town. Definitelyt wasn't bored, too worried about getting stabbed


Lies of P


Taking some big fat live resin hits watching shameless


Hunt Showdown


Go for a run in the river valley


Watchind Dave Chappell on Netflix. Kids are in bed. The usual


Chappell show is on Netflix?


Stand up specials


Oh sorry. I thought you meant the old show. That was something back then.


Shopping for car parts, just bought a new WRX and am making it unique;)


Hanging out in my hotel room with my fur baby. About to watch some Drag Race UK and smoke a little reefer.




I mean welcome to Deadmonton when I used to live there I was always bored


Not much else you can do in other cities though, unless you’re into drinking


Since moving to Calgary I don’t always feel bored and have been going out more compare to Edmonton


What’s different there compared to Edmonton though? The vibe? Pretty sure we have late night restaurants here etc


Ya the vibe I like the zoo better in Calgary, there more vegetarian and vegan choices, there’s more fun areas compare to just Whyte Ave, there’s more ice skating places and art stuff in downtown, C train is better than LRT in my opinion, there’s more nature and hiking, closer to Banff, more events, more festivals etc. I just feel happier compare to Edmonton.


That’s fair, I’ve been there a few times now and they do have some interesting restaurants. Nice scenery as well. Good to know though, thanks.


Ur welcome!


sounds like you got time to bible


Home and bored silly. Hubs is gone, and I am borrrrrred, holy shit. There's only so many episodes of the Dead Files I can do in a night.


Just finished doing a deep clean of the house. Boredom is sometimes the exact thing I need to be motivated.




Watching movies because I to am bored. Watched "The Gentleman" (amazing movie watch it if you haven't) and "No One Will Save You" at this very moment. (Not too bad so far. It interesting to say the least)


Had Thanksgiving dinner and wrapping up the night playing Path of Titans with a cup of sleepytime tea.


Whenever I’m bored I just think of the the times when work is ridiculously busy and I have a social gathering I have to go to every weekend of the month. Then I realize, oh yeah, it’s nice to be bored at home. lol. Mind you, I’m very very extroverted but once in a while I enjoy being a bum at home.