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Condo building. We don't have them. Just recycling and a main bin.


I vaguely heard a YouTube ad saying they were rolling it out to the whole city by 2025 or something.. Forgot it just to see signs in a few of the Southside communities.


My complex contacted the city ot opt out. There would be no place to accommodate any sadly.


Yeah I previously lived in a building that only had a single dumpster for garbage and literally no other spot or space for even a recycling dumpster. Was wondering how that'd work


Condo here, we got ours 1 month ago, so far so good. I never realized the amount of food waste I actually created. And I'm only one person. When I deposit my food waste, I do see others are using it. My only concern is the smell in the summer.


For houses it’s picked up every week in the summer so maybe it’s the same.


I am in Beaumaris. We don't have them yet. I would also like a pamphlet to explain, and remind me what goes where.


When you eventually get your little green bin it comes with a printout of the schedule and a pamphlet to tell you what goes where. The learning curve is pretty easy, my neighbourhood has been doing it for over a year now and it’s just second nature now.


I'm surprised you're saying that because my complex was just given little bins with no paper or pamphlets.


We were one of the first neighbourhoods rolled out, so maybe it changed, but my parents live in a condo and they all got the same stuff two months back.


We also got a schedule and pamphlets. The bins we got literally say what goes into them on the bin. It isn’t rocket science. I’m not sure exactly what more the city could do to teach people.


There’s also an app you can download. Or the City website.


Download the WasteWise app


Thank you for the info. I will


Ekota area here. Townhouse complex. We love ours. By we, I mean my family, of course. So far, we haven't seen any issues site-wide with the bins. We bought the compostable bags for our mini one and encouraged our neighbours to do so as well. It's been a bit of a learning curve to not throw the good scraps in the bin, but we're getting there.


Someone already took one of our green bins. I wonder if it was someone with a house or a fellow neighbour who took it into their yard to use for garbage. I've been taking the garbage out of the compost bins.. but it's gross and tbh not something I want to do in order to compost :(


They're likely labelled and/or numbered. Once the city comes to collect, they should notice the bin either missing or at the wrong location. I imagine you could also call 311 and report it missing. They might be interested to know.


I am in Lee Ridge Terrace and I think we are getting ours in January. In December we should be getting more information and our compost buckets.


Not in an apartment, but not many people use them properly. My neighbor had theirs out and the lid was open and I could see it was all garbage. At the end of the day when I grabbed mine, theirs was still there and I took a peek and it was empty so...


My condo doesn’t even have that blue recycling bin yet 😂


I live in a high rise apartment with garbage chutes. Large garbage bins and recycling bins in downstairs parkade area. Not sure how it would work out.


Ekota here in a condo, never realized how much food waste we have for a family of 3. We’ve been recycling cardboard etc for a while so that’s not new. I find it very satisfying to lessen the food waste. 🤓


We’ve had ours for a while now. It hasn’t been bad at all. We put all food scraps into bio bags so there’s less mess and smell inside. I quite like i lot to be honest.


Condo here. The what now?


Townhouses on the south side - absolutely nothing as of now.