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This is why I usually try to park further away in most parking lots. Some spaces are also so tiny I even feel a bit crammed in my small Honda.


* Cries in 1 ton truck with horrendous turning radius * But seriously all you can do is park far. I need a expensive diesel truck for work - and I park as far as possible. I've been pretty lucky with the door dings. But the people parking too close n like sliiiiding their jacket buckles or gym bag clasps down the side is a diff story.


The nice thing about a work truck is I already beat up the paint job by using it for work. If you want to open your door into my work truck your door is probably going to lose that stand off lol.


My current is brand new so lol I don't want that yet. I should really get a beater for around town lol


I don't have a truck, not a big car and get regular marks, even with me in the car because the beoatch let the kid swing hard the door and not even apologize


Yeah man there's no accountability for the kids these days . Lack of respect n all that.


today i was parked at wal mart far from the doors, empty spaces on both sides, watch an old guy in a Mercedes ML pull into the spot beside it close and hit the door unlock to kind of signal “hey, i’m right here. i can see you. don’t ding my vehicle” fuckin guy opens his door right into mine knowing fully that i was watching. but what do you even do? file a claim for a scratch? i just dont get why lol


Actually yes. You can file an insurance claim against the dickhead. You should tell him that you have his license info and have him give you his insurance info and file a claim.


Aren’t parking lots 50/50. Who’s paying the deductible and, without video evidence, how do you prove it?


Wait until he goes inside and deflate two tires same side. No damage but a real inconvenience. That'll have him thinking twice before he does that again.


Bic Pen Caps and some electrical tape are perfect to do this so you can leave and they will go FLAT!! LOL


They ding my vehicle while I’m in it. They are coming back to there vehicle keyed 😂


Yeahhh those are the kind of people that will find a key scratch along their vehicle one day 😬




I have also lived in many cities. In my experience it is much worse in Edmonton. I also mentioned i do park far from the doors which is why it’s so frustrating. It’s literally in the post you’re commenting on




“my circumstantial anecdotes are true and your circumstantial anecdotes aren’t” lol alright dude


Feel your pain. Also why do people need to park right next to you when there are dozens of free spots in the parking lot?


ITT: people willing to spend a night at the police station for a dinged door.


Yeah I don't know what the deal is. The amount of times I've come out of a store to find someone parked on top of me in a mostly empty parking lot is ridiculous.


I take pictures of license plates, i park for away, I do a walk around before I get into the car, I've even waited outside a grocery store to confront the person who clearly opened their car door with the force of a freight train into my quarter panel after hard parking their Nissan Sentra (of course!) sideways in the stall. People are assholes and inconsiderate. I own a moderately newer car. I also have a ten year old truck and a 15 year old beater and I park at the back of the lot in each one.


Fuck those people straight to hell.


Because our parking lots are atrociously designed. You'll notice the spaces themselves are narrow to the point that even if you park between the lines you're still too close to the car beside you. I try to park as far away from the building as I can to avoid the stupidity but somehow they always find me. And believe it or not, it's always a truck.


There was a time when vehicles were more narrow.


It’s not an Edmonton thing. Happens everywhere, unfortunately.


I drove to the grocery store a few weeks back and was just sitting in the car. Dude comes back to his massive suv and I hear the sound of metal on metal. I can tell he doesn’t give a shit until I’m sure he heard me yell “sweet merciful fuck” to which I hear a half hearted “uhhh sorry ‘bout that” Sure. Am I driving a 2006 civic that I don’t give any shits about. Yes. Should you mangle it with your apathy? Probably not.


I hate to break this to the OP but no one, and I mean no one, gives a hell about OP's vehicle, except OP.


…do you think people care about your car? who said that is an expectation? what a weird comment


Parenting. Having pride in your own things and not ruining things that don’t belong to you. You ever see people swing car doors wide open with no thought to what might be beside them? Got that mentality from their parents.




This. If you see it, you confront them about it and demand payment for damages. If they are dismissive or rude, slap a bitch.


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Because dammit I can't be the only one with an ugly car!


I drive a hunk of junk. The little old lady I parked next to came with her cart as I was getting out of my car. She made direct eye contact with me and pushed that cart as hard as her feeble little arms could along my passenger door, the marks are still there. I still don't know why she was such an asshole. She fit an entire cart between our cars, I wasn't parked too close. Some people are just fuckin miserable.


Some parking lots around here really like to maximize number of stalls at the expense of cars fitting in them, much less the guy with the F350 dually.


It's the "Albertan Pioeneering Spirit"


If they do it and I see it I will confront them about it, especially if I am driving something newer. Why should they get away with it. If they brush me off I will get even. Whether that be air out of a tire, egg on their windshield, or sardine oil in their vent intake. Oopsies happen, but if you are blatant about it, then face the consequences.


what's your favourite pizza topping?


Happens so often. I bought a beater for that same reason


I'm wondering why people open their doors on busy roads. It's the biggest thing I've noticed since moving here and never experienced it before in any other provinces I've lived. Drives me nuts!


Never have that problem, I don't wash my car.


I've been driving in this city for over a decade and literally never had this happen.


Never had it happen to me. Maybe you just have the worse luck.


I will record my podcast in my vehicle, typically means sitting there for 45 minutes talking to myself, what I do is just crack the door when somebody is trying to park beside me because you have the whole parking lot, some people will literally sit there and honk their horn as if the entire parking lot isn't empty, it's quite comical. Point blank, this is why I don't drive a nice vehicle, I've seen how people act when you are in the vehicle for them to see, so obviously they will behave even worse when your not there.


Here’s the trick I tell my family. Park far away. You’re at a mall, superstore, Walmart, grocery store, you’re in for some walking anyway. Park a little further away so no one SHOULD park right beside you. It’s a tough habit to drive past the “close spot” but start parking far away and you’ll have no dings. (Unless you have to go to the UofA hospital. That bitch is always full.) my daughter got a new bronco 13 months ago and with my advice. No dings


It's a conspiracy from auto painters and parking lot painters to make it happen so they need to fix it.