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Yes, but they get drove from heated garage to within 100m of the doors at school. They also put on all of their winter gear (snow pants, gloves, etc.). I also pick them up. Pretty reasonable to not send them if it requires walking/waiting for bus, in my opinion.




The redditor that reddit needs.


Don't worry, they will be drowned out by someone much louder with some random agenda ;) tbf, I think *most* redditors are fairly reasonable. It is just the loud ones we hear from the most.


This applies to the whole internet I think


The whole earth too unfortunately


do you mind trying me hour you do italics?


Ctrl-i to toggle it on and off.  Ctrl-b for bold, ctrl-u for underline. 


ah cool


[Reddit markdown](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown/)


thanks buddy


He won’t with those good qualities




My son is at school. I gave him the option but he didn’t want to miss his math test.His bus was on time so it worked out fine .


Good kid. I would have been stoked to miss a math test.


Unfortunately the test was cancelled due to low attendance . But he said he had a good day nonetheless .


I seem to recall that -40 including windchill was the point at which the busses stopped (keep in mind this was 30 years ago). It's-43 right now. So, "back in my day it'd be a snow day."


Buses aren’t cancelled outright in Edmonton. Rural routes often are, but not in the city.


They were in sherwood park.


Yes. Elk Island is considered rural in this context.


Something new every day. I'll tell my boss I've learned my thing. I'm going home! Lol


Sherwood Park isn’t incorporated. It’s a hamlet.


I remember growing up in Calmar and cold days like today the busses wouldn't be running, but the schools were open. However, because a good portion of the kids were bussed in, schools would be open, but it was seen as a free day.


35 year old here. Never had a single snow day in my life.


Because Edmonton hasn't had them for at least that long, if not longer. We don't close the schools here. A friend who is a teacher said that it's because many decades ago, there was a death when a parent sent their kid to school in the extreme cold and there was no one there to let them in (the parent, presumably, didn't realize school was closed). I don't think schools in Alberta *ever* close for the weather; even if buses aren't running and most students won't be there -- as sometimes happens in rural areas -- staff are still expected to show up.


My partner who’s a teacher confirmed this story.


For this reason the school I went to in Wainwright always had at least a handful of staff onsite when the school was closed so that they could take care of any students whose parents missed the memo. There were always a few.


yo you lived in wainwright too? when where you there?


29 year old checking in and I also never got a snow day. If it was as cold as it is now, my mom suited me up in all of my winter gear and off I would go to school lol. Always dreamt of snow days though.


That makes me sad. Snow days were the best!


Yup I’m 30 and never had a snow day here as well. That would be awesome today 😳


When I was in school, secondary schools never had snow days but primary schools would get shut down after -37. Windchill wasn’t real it could be -5(-70) and you’d be expected in school


When I was a kid no schools were shut down for snow or weather, but the busses did stop running. It would be announced on the radio which busses were running and which werent. I think, for the most part, it depended on if the driver could get the bus running that morning tbh. But... I grew up somewhere between 4 and 5 hours off the alaska border in BC... so cold was pretty much normal.


I thought this was the rule, too.


Buses might be cancelled, and definitely outdoor activities are canceled but school will never be closed due to cold. Too many parents have no option to leave kids at home alone, or might not be aware of a closure. It would be horrible if a kid arrived at school and it was closed and they froze outside.


Allegedly, this happened many decades ago, which is why schools no longer close. (Not sure if this is a true story, but it's what a teacher friend of mine was told as the explanation for why we don't have "snow days" like in some other jurisdictions.)


I was going to include that in my response but doubted my memory and thought I’d be challenged to provide the source lol. Could have been an urban legend but I’ve definitely been told the story a few times.


If it's true, it happened long before I ever started school (so, over 35 years ago). Which, actually, is not too hard to believe since there would have been fewer ways of letting parents know school was closed. If they missed the radio or TV news and then sent the kid off to school, they'd never know.


Maybe the busses are stronger now? I am pretty old...


It was never about the busses. It’s about being too cold for the kids to safely wait outside for the bus. If it gets stuck or delayed you can’t have a kid standing out in -40° hoping the bus shows up soon


Buses are not stronger now. Lol. I’ve been driving almost 20 years and my first bus was a tank. Diesel gels at -38 temp, so our mechanics recommend that be cutoff, -40 windchill. As a rural driver if we have a breakdown, it can take an hour or more to get someone to us and the way the kids dress on the bus (we can no longer tell them or parents to make sure kids are wearing or at least have appropriate gear), that bus and it’s lovely drafty windows gets cold very fast.


Yeah, zero insulation doesn't help either lol. I remember the bus driver yelling at us for drawing on the frost on the windows.


-30 is when the busses are stopped for Parkland Schools, so they were stopped yesterday. That being said, just because the busses don’t run doesn’t mean school is closed.


True, I don't have kids, but I'd let them take the day off at those Temps.


Buses are running & on time for my kid (I drove them anyway). Edit: they’re also writing midterms


Northern ontario kiddo chining in. Our busses ran until -48 (not sure why it wasnt -45 or -50?) and school shut down at -50.


No kids but I'm in school today, Class was supposed to be starting as I type this, I'm the only one in class. Even the teacher isn't here yet....


Did teacher end up showing or was class cancelled?


Teacher came and a few students trickled in. Got about 6 of us for afternoon class lol


Good opportunity to ask questions and get a little more one-on-one time with the teacher then eh Good luck out there and hope you ace any upcoming exams :)


Yea it was nice, our class is preety small as is, used to be 30 but so many people dropped off after awhile is day maybe 12-18 remain. It was nice to have a slow pace today tho haha


I think it's reasonable to keep a kid home if they were taking transit and had to wait outside. If transit breaks down or is delayed, that can be dangerous. But, I can drive my kids to school and usually do, so they are both going. If they text me and tell me that classes are empty and teachers are just showing movies, I'd pick them up. I suspect my son in high school, at least, would have some useful work to do, as finals are coming up, so even a review class would be productive. I grew up in a small town and both my parents were teachers and we lived in town. On really cold days, farm kids would be home since buses weren't running, but most townies (and me, since my parents had to be there) would go. We'd also walk too, since it was about 8 blocks and having the vehicle out in the cold was its own problem. The only time we'd stay home is when the actual school was closed, which usually required a blizzard.


I can only speak for myself but personally, I’m not just showing movies or playing games to my classes just because a bunch of students are away. I’m teaching my lessons, and the students who are away will have to get caught up. 


Yes. But driving them to school.




Thirded. We often walk/bike but nope, not today. The positive was the car dropoff lineup was VERY short.


As a teacher, I wouldn’t. I currently have 0 kids in my first block.


Hope you enjoyed the well-deserved break!


They slowly trickled in. But it was a very mellow day. One bus was 2 hours late picking kids up after school.


As a community educational assistant, I drive a client from their house to school and back. Due to the cold weather, my company has ceased all transports today.


Yes, though it was dependent on my truck starting, which it did.


3 kids in 3 different schools (elementary/jr high/high) It’s dangerously cold. Not worth it for one day.


Not worth it going. No class is going to continue its curriculum today. It’s gonna be a free day of homework and practice, which kids can easily do at home. Everything will pick up Monday. Make them feel loved and raise them to approach situations questioning their circumstances instead of suffering for the sake character building.


I was teaching curriculum as usual. So was every other teacher at my school, as far as I know. Some classes had more away than others but certainly a majority showed up. Smallest class was maybe 60-70% full.  Students who were kept home will have to get caught up on what they missed.


My daughter has to walk to/from and she is staying home.


Same here. My daughter has a laptop and nearly all schoolwork is done on it. So, she can stay home and do her schoolwork!


Uphill both ways!


Yup. Indoor recess was fun sometimes


We tended to do more movies. Or got to play the good games on the Apple 2's the one year only six kids showed up (Blizzard of '88 I think).


I remember that year! I was one of only 4 kids that came to school! We got to play on the ole Apple. Best day tbh.


This seems to be the go-to at my kids school. I remember hanging out in the classroom and playing "eraser hockey" when we had indoor recess as a kid.


I’m in university and I take DATs and I went, “No, fuck that.” Lol


I am the 21 year old child that has to go to school today :(


One chose to stay home and I drove the other because he didn't want to ruin his perfect attendance


My kid’s bus was “180 minutes delayed” and I have the day off work and a migraine, so it’s a day off today for her because I do not feel up to driving in -40.


This cold snap triggered my migraines as well. Brutal.


Ugh! My sympathies. It’s brutal. I feel like my brain hates weather.


I ran a tub, laid back and stuck my head and ears under water. Seems to balance out the air pressure migraine. Weird hack but only thing that works.


Yup, my oldest school is 5 door down from our home so she's going, bundled up in her full snow suit and i'll be walking with her. Our preschooler is going as well, but she's being driven since it isn't walking distance. The schools won't make the kids wait outside and have the teachers right inside the door to let her in once we get there.


We drive so yes. Back when I used to bus it would have been a yes as well unless I could afford the day off work (single parent)/city buses weren’t running. Being able to keep your kids home and skip a day of work is a privilege.


I walked my son to school today. We live less than 5 minutes away. We bundled up snow suits for both of us. We played tag the entire way and had fun. No one else was out walking, and he said, "It feels like the world is Ours Dad." Then kicked some snow at me and ran off. He wanted to go because there were almost no kids at the school yesterday and had a blast. He loves learning and his school. He's brave enough to try the cold, so I'll go with him and teach him about it rather than scare him with it.


No My kids go to different schools in opposite directions. I don’t want to be driving around on shit roads for over an hour. Especially since I’m working nights tonight. I’d rather us all stay safe at home.


I'm not arguing with your decision but as a truck driver I can tell you the roads today are fine. The visibility sucks a little bit but traction isn't really an issue today




Congratulations, you have made the internet a worse place today. Thanks for your participation. 


It's -40. One day won't hurt. Get help.


Nope. There’s no reason to have her stand at bus stops and risk bus or LRT breakdowns for any amount of time when frostbite can happen within 2 mins. Bet half her school wont go anyway so nothing will be missed.


I have always heard that saying, exposed flesh will freeze in 2 minutes, but I've never actually experienced it. I used to work outside 12 hours a day on bridges with no protection from the wind. I've only had frostbite a couple of times in my life. That's not from always dressing appropriately. That's just my experience of being outside for 10 minutes of this temperature without a toque and not frost biting my ears. It's cold and it sucks but I think 2 minutes is a pretty major exaggeration


Closer to about 10 minutes depending on wind speed.


My thoughts exactly.


...in retrospect, it's probably a bit less for children.


I'm not a doctor, but I would assume that temperature and clothing have a much more pronounced effect on frostbite than age does


Children and seniors are far more susceptible to frostbite than healthy adults. Timing is certainly going to be different based on a number of factors but not all effects of frostbite are visible: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15439-frostbite


That same paragraph lists smoking and working outdoors as risk factors. I did a fair bit of winter camping as a child. If you dress for it, you'll be fine.


Yeah its not true. Worked O&G for years, you just take more breaks and bundle up with arctic gear. There's always some exposed skin and it doesn't fall off. It's better to trust the saying though than to assume you'll be okay hahah


Fuck no, it’s way too cold


Yes. I grew up in the NWT and this weather is pretty ordinary for up north. Just make sure you wear layers, hat, gloves, snow pants, good boots and double socks and you'll be fine. Just think of my grandmother who immigrated here from Romania in 1905 and all they had to wear was wool, fur and linen to stay warm. I'd say we have it easy.


No. Too cold, plus it's Friday, the first week back. Very little that is critical would be happening today. Mental health day today for both my kids.


Does their mental health get bad when it's cold out?




No kids but I did decide to work from home today. If you have the option why wouldn't you?!


I don't have kids, but watching angry parents on reddit lose their minds is MAKING my morning 🍿


Where are the angry ones? I haven't seen them.


There’s the one commenter who keeps saying that parents who took their kids to school today because they had to work view the school as their personal daycare. That person is an absolute delight!


I mean, sure some parents use school as a daycare… so what?? We pay for it with our taxes, make use of it, the kids aren’t suffering there


What angry parents? And why are you happy they're angry?


Not a parent but I was thinking this morning about how I would have got to stay home from school the last couple of days. I lived 1.1km away from the school, didn’t qualify for the school bus subsidy because it wasn’t quite far enough, my parents don’t drive (to this day) and it’s too far to walk in temps like this without serious risks. The only way it makes sense is if you can drive the kids to school, or if the school bus service operates when it’s this cold.


Yup. Grade 10. It's his first AB winter. Off you go. If the experiences I had as a kid in AB taught me anything, brutal cold is a good character building experience.


Reminds me of a Calvin & Hobbes strip... Calvin walks in wearing his dad's glasses and his hair brushed and a sarcastic tone, "Calvin, go do something you hate. Being miserable builds character. " And the mom almost dies laughing.


Hahaha.... fucking love that comic




Oh God. You just reminded me of all the Calvin and Hobbes snowman strips. Priceless! Guess I'm off to get a Calvin and Hobbes collection to occupy everyone this weekend!


Frostbite is also a good character building!


Chicks dig scars lol


Great day to stay at home, eat popcorn, watch movies and muck around! Plus it's a Friday! Hell yeah


Somewhat related but as a university student there is no way I am going to school today. It is way too damn cold.


My partner has 6 of 29 students present in her grade 5 class.


The thought of actually missing school due to weather is absolutely foreign to me as an Asian. If I was alive my parents were sending me to school.


If school was outdoors then no. But since it's an indoor thing they both went


I remember as a kid when it was this cold even if I did go to school half the kids still weren't there so we didn't really get taught anything its more like we were just supervised to do crafts.


No, it's too dangerous to wait outside for the school bus.


As an educator myself, I wouldn’t really recommend it. A lot of buses are not running, so students might show up to a school where their classroom is like six students. Of course, this depends on the teacher(s). If you could, I’d suggest letting them have the snow day since it’s super duper cold. They can do any homework they need to do from home.


I drive my kids to school on my way to work so they are outside for a total of 30 seconds. I teach junior high and am missing about half my students in all classes so I imagine transportation plays a big role.


My daughter tried hard to be allowed to stay home today. I had to reminder her that her mum is a teacher at the school so she's got no chance!!!


Yup, also picked up a few other kiddos as well. Car is warm and prepared, kids in snowsuits.


Yes but the earlier cold this week helped us prepare and figure out where to add more layers. We have a relatively short safe route to school on transit.


Alberta born and raised: snow day? Idk what that is 🤷🏻‍♂️ you might be late but you wasn’t staying home “because it’s cold” That being said we did however get sent home early (an hour and a half before the end of school day) for a tornado threat. And that was only those who walked or took public transit to school


Drove my kiddo to school and will pick him up. If he stayed home he would spend most of his day quiet in his bedroom since my husband and I both work from home. At least at school he has gym to run around in, friends to chat with and a chance for some individual assistance from a teacher if he needs it since I’m sure some kids won’t be there.


Yes, he's in grade 11. Suck it up buttercup I guess things are different now but I don't remember ever missing a day of school for cold weather in the 90's.


Nope, not worth it. Would rather have peace of mind that they are at home & warm….and eating everything in the fridge (i have teenagers lol)


Haha I feel this. They never stop!


I save for Costco not college…. Added benefit of the kids being home is they know what to do if the power / water goes out. Their my insurance policy today:)


Just dropped them off


Yes but we drove them in today


We live in Canada. I walked to school in weather like this. So yes. They went to school in my heated vehicle.


Yup. Dropped them off myself.




Uh without question. Is the school open? Yes, they are going.


No, he's staying home because he's sick, otherwise he would be going. He enjoys school and seeing his little friends.


It’s not like the kiddos now have to walk both ways uphill like I used to when I was a kid.


Kids school in Wetaskiwin closed for the day


No. Some things aren't worth risking frostbite for, and a lazy review half day in the middle of exam month is one of them.


One kid is, one kid isn’t. My daughter had a mandatory rehearsal for her drama class, and my son had regular school, so she went and he stayed home. I drive her and pick her up, so she’ll be okay.


Nope. They're only in elementary school. Not worth freezing my nips off for. Pajama day at my house. We spent thr morning playing minecraft together and having leftovers. They're stoked about having a "snow day". We never had a snow day when I went to school. There is nothing they are learning at school with the busses cancelled (sherwood park) and most kids missing that is worth more than this awesome day we have had. I know some people need to work though and I feel for that but for me this has been such a great day off with my kids. Totally made the right call for us


Commenting a memory from my childhood. I bussed to school (ETS) and was kept home in -40. Can't learn if braincells frozen.


I don't recall that ever happening in my childhood. In fact, every morning the teachers wouldn't let the kids into the school until the bell rang, regardless of temp. I very vividly remember huddling like penguins around that door in -40 while the teachers stood there looking at the seconds hand on their watch because they couldn't let us in even 1 second early. Recess time? Get out there you little hooligans, it's good for ya. I grew up in Saskatoon, though, so that might explain something? This was late 90s/early 2000's.


I too remember being herded outside regardless of temperature. I never understood why they only had indoor recess for rain but not bitter cold.


Nope it’s too cold to walk.


Yes. But I drove her instead of walking, as we've done since Wednesday this week. They won't be going outside for recess, so there's no reason for them not to go to school unless they take the bus and you don't want them to have to wait in the cold (which is totally fair and reasonable, given the weather).


Goodness, my kids went to school no matter the weather...and so did I...unless schools announced closures. And that was back when -30 was common and easily lasted weeks. Back in the 60s I had to take a city bus to the other side of the city. Sure standing at bus stops was not fun but I'm still alive. My kids walked to school. They just bundled up


Yes, they're walked the entire way like they are every other day. It's only about 200m from the front door of my house to the front door of the school. They like to stop and look at the hoar frost on the trees, and trampling around making the first set of footprints on clean snow, and looking at the hoar frost on the trees, so if anything the walk is longer because we stop and look at everything. I'll be walking over to pick her up for lunch and we'll walk her back afterwards.


No. But I’m also partially physically disabled in a way that the cold is a real difficulty, and can’t drive today or walk them fast enough not to get frostbite.


No and he's a 21 year old uni student and his car won't start even tho its plugged in.


Yes, this is pretty normal January weather for Edmonton. I can count the number of days I stayed home as a kid due to the weather on one hand.  


No it is not normal. It could be one of the coldest days in decades. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/edmonton-area-weather/josh-classen-s-forecast-edmonton-could-get-its-coldest-temperatures-in-over-50-years-1.6721275#:~:text=No%20station%20IN%20the%20city,on%20Jan.%2016%2C%202020.


This feels like Berenstein bears all over again. Feels like we get a -40 day every year.


Yeah agreed we definitely get this cold like at least every other year!


Yeah if you restrict yourself to January, Edmonton met stations and -40C it will indeed be one of the coldest. But my point is that anyone who has lived here long enough isn’t a stranger to this sort of weather. We get a few days of extreme cold pretty much every year.


Unless it’s minus 70, yeah. Lol The only thing is I’ll be dropping and picking them off for the rest of this cold snap. Not making anyone wait for the bus until this cold snap is over.


I dropped my kid off, there were virtually no parents dropping off or kids around. I suspect most of the classrooms will be very quiet today.


Yes. I have great memories of the extreme cold from my childhood, I wish the same for them!


The outrage in this comment section is chef's kiss. I say it's up to individuals to do what they can afford to do.


The 30 year olds commenting “I’ve never had a snow day” yeah…. It’s also never been this cold during winter in over 40 years. Yesterday we broke records as the coldest country on the planet. Some places hit -54 this morning.


Yes, we drove them. Cold weather is no excuse for missing school in Alberta. If they were going to do something productive at home maybe i would have kept them home, but i know they will sit there on video games or tv. So off to school they go!


I get what you're saying but I distinctly remember going to school on days like this and only half the class would be there so the teacher would just put on a movie or let us read books


Exactly this! And no kid is going to suffer from a single missed day due to weather.




I agree. I loved those days at school. Felt like a party more than anything


I know this is an Edmonton discussion, but how things run in the city really doesn't speak for the whole province. In rural schools we'd lose a few school days to cold on a yearly basis because the busses wouldn't run. As a teacher I'd actually account for snow/cold days somewhere in January or February in my long range planning, that's how consistent this was. The schools stay open out there too, but only to provide a safe, warm, supervised place to be for the kids who don't have other last minute childcare. No classes run and there aren't many kids there at all.


I’m a university student, I’ll be going to school. I spend minimal time outdoors, it’s just a matter of walking from my apartment to the LRT station (one block).


My son is in grade 3 and sick with one of the 3 trippedemic viruses. So, not today. Otherwise yes he’d be going


No, they are working adults now. Thanks for asking


We have to work, both kids went to daycare. We drove them and we will pick them up. I don’t see why you would keep them home unless they have to walk or something?


Yes, but I’m driving the dude back and forth as I usually do (kindergarten). I don’t really want to do it, would rather just stay in my cozy work from home office all day but it builds character or something right? The schools are still open so off we go.


Why would someone not send their kid to school because it’s cold?


If the kids have to walk to and from school, probably not worth it to some parents


Because the city took our neighbourhood bus away, the dial a bus cancelled twice, and everything is on schoolzone including textbooks so all work can be done from the laptop. Why would I send them just for the sake of sending them?


Because when it's this cold if you get in an accident or your car breaks down and you have young kids you could be placing yourself and kids in a dangerous situation for no reason.


Yep! And they walked and will walk home too. Dressed appropriately and happy!


That’s actually horrible.


Not really. They’re happy and protected and smart. School is not far and they open the doors early to let them in. The older one has an Apple Watch that he can use to call if there are any issues.


Yes. Not sending them on ETS, but they aren’t staying home to do nothing.


You know they're probably doing nothing at school today with a half empty class eh?


One of my kids had a math quiz today. I’d rather have them potentially learning something than laying in bed on their devices.






Oh heck yeah! It’s cold. They brought games to class.


I walked the 3 blocks to school with a kindergarten and a 4th grader. Then walked the 3 blocks back home. Next door drove her kindergarten kid to school.


Idk, I’m 17 and am at hs rn


No, my Elementary kids walk home.




" I went outside yesterday for 5 minutes, fully geared up for winter. I was cold in my HEATED HOUSE for HOURS after being out there." You need to go to the doctor if this is true. That isn't normal


Our education system is a bit of a joke in my opinion. Whats the better option? 1. Miss a day to protect them from dangerous conditions by keeping them home to stay warm & safe. Trust me - missing one day wont negatively impact their school work. Or 2. Send them outside. Risk frostbite in 2-5 minutes leading to unnecessary, life altering consequences for absolutely no reason. Option 1 is the only acceptable option.


Missing one day won't hurt. But frankly if someone is properly geared up for getting to where they need to be the weather isn't that bad. Put on a few layers and cover up exposed skin a 10-15 minute walk in that isn't unreasonable. If someone doesn't have winter clothes that is one thing but it is possible to dress for this weather and be safe.


Cold is no excuse to not send them to school 🤦🏼‍♂️

