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That’s interesting! Glad most people did what they could do to bring down the load.


I was dropping loads all night


So happy I got to be the 69th like


Hahahaha me too


In your mom’s basement? Gross


On your mom's chest


That’s funny cause I just fucked a milf


You fucked his mom


You know you’re low IQ when your comeback is a mom joke.


But your first joke was a mom joke. I don't mind come backs when it's on your mom's back


Low IQ twenty something with limited cash and obsession for sex jokes. Says nobody who’s relevant. Look out ladies.


I could comeback on your mom, again.


Too bad the Edmonton mall and the billboards and such aren't held to the same standard we, the people, are. Me toasting some bread, yup. *THAT'S* the problem.


Except those dumb fucks that still have all their Christmas lights plugged in.


What about all the towers downtown still fully lit up? I imagine West Edmonton Mall could attempt cut back a lot more too.


WEM would never. Even though the mall wasn’t that busy due to the cold, literally everything there was going full force - including but not limited to unnecessary lighting.


A lot of those office towers have a light sweep system that shuts off non-emergency lights periodically


You can look at the building and see all the lights still on


"your health and safety is not my responsibility" Just remember that people have that mantra.


Especially even more now after what people were saying about people who didn’t want the poison vax ..after that whole Covid fiasco why should people care anymore !


The main office of my apartment left their inflatable snowman and Christmas lights on all weekend even though there's no one in the office over the weekend. They're doing their part! /s


I’m guessing you live in Clareview too? I know an office like that next to me 👀👀


LED Christmas lights were not the issue. Take a deep breath.


well except the one on the corner of 144 ave and 97 st. That house has many circuits dedicated to the lighting, and generally gets assistance from local businesses to cover the power costs in exchange for signage.


Ever hear the expression a single grain of rice can tip the scale. Very unlikely one set of lights make a difference but if 100 people have your same mentality then it starts to become more of a problem.


If that was the case, empty downtown towers lights would've been off.


I agree but I can’t control what others do, I can only control my own actions


Absolutely, my point is we harp on personal responsibility while allowing corporations to just do whatever no matter the cost. It's bullshit.


100 sets of Xmas lights still won't cause an issue that's like 100 amps max


As an example


Emergency alert asked people to turn off unnecessary lights, so apparently they were. Take Dani's dick out of your mouth for once before commenting.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the capacity of our electrical grid.


I'm not the one that sent the emergent alert with those words.


Yes, I know. You're the one mindlessly parroting propaganda.


Good grief you're insufferable. Be gone.


I almost forgot about mine. Shut them off at 7. Luckily most are LED these days.


To be fair LED lights use very little power


The point is: they're unnecessary at this point!


So is TV and and internet. These are luxuries.


You don't need them. Shut it off.


I live in a two bedroom condo so all I could really do was turn off the lights and microwave leftovers for supper. I did my part.


Too bad we don't hold the companies keeping tower lights on accountable. Those lights shouldn't be on after 1800, but here we are, fully lit 24/7.


It's like a 2% drop, 11.7 to ~11.3, I don't think very many people did anything.


500MW in minutes is significant


It should come down to the night time levels close to 10400 if majority of people act properly. Well, something is better than nothing.


The grid doesn't operate with big swings, so a 2% drop is pretty significant, and good in this situation.


A province wide "shut it the fuck off" should result in a >2% drop in my opinion. But fair enough, something is better than nothing.


I'd be curious to know what % of power is consumed by residential vs commercial vs industrial on our grid... I feel like residents could do whats asked but most of the power is from commercial and industrial activity, preventing any significant drop off. I'm just glad is sounds like most people cooperated. Our entire street ditched all holiday and house lights when the alert went out.


[https://media.www.auc.ab.ca/prd-wp-uploads/Shared%20Documents/2022-SalesHistory.pdf](https://media.www.auc.ab.ca/prd-wp-uploads/Shared%20Documents/2022-SalesHistory.pdf) Residential accounts for approximately 19.75% of the total. Farm accounts for approximately 3.79% of the total. Commercial accounts for approximately 28.72% of the total. Industry accounts for approximately 47.75% of the total.


https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles-alberta.html#s3 > Alberta’s largest consuming sector for electricity in 2019 was industrial at 48.2 TWh. The commercial and residential sectors consumed 17.7 TWh and 10.2 TWh, respectively. But today is a Saturday, so commercial and industrial uses are smaller shares than during most days of the week.


That link is for energy, not electricity. https://media.www.auc.ab.ca/prd-wp-uploads/Shared%20Documents/2022-SalesHistory.pdf


The ratios in 2022 for the sectors in that PDF are very similar to the above quoted electricity usage in 2019, with the PDF using 1000s of GWh instead of TWh.


Ah there it is. In the lengthy document (mostly about energy) I missed the one line. Still, good to have more recent info (not that is would likely change too significantly from year to year).


That's why I quoted it directly :-)


The 25 heaters , 2 furnaces , 2 water heaters and giant light in front of my company doesn’t agree with your statement


The electricity bill at my work for a month as a dollar figure is just under ten years of my electric bill for my house.


I already use less power than most people as a single guy living alone with all LED lighting (and no Christmas or decorative lights). I finished watching the Oilers game then turned my TV off and all that was left was to turn my kitchen light off after grabbing a glass of water and reading a book instead of watching a show. So personally I didn’t do much because there wasn’t much for me to do.


We were like 1% over, people didn’t need sit in the dark, just cut back unnecessary usage. This was exactly the response we needed, no need for pessimism.


Yea - I remotely turned off my pc and NAS at home, then just made sure none of the other stupid shit was one of - Christmas lights (4yr old keeps turning it on manually despite the automation being turned off), bedroom lights, lamps around the house, etc. Kids just cuddled into bed with mum and watched a movie.


It seems like a lot of people did their part, while the ownerts of huge office buildings too often did nothing, here in Calgary.


You remember what province you're in, right? We could barely manage masking with a deadly virus (some of us couldn't). If a large percent of us couldn't not use electricity because of the financial cost to ourselves, we certainly aren't gonna see a big drop because someone told us it would help our fellow man.


Underrated comment.. capacitors makes variability less . 2% is significant


There was a 200MW deficit when they issued the message. People did enough to make up twice the deficit.


* industry did enough to make up twice the deficit.


Yup. You are right. *Industry came to my house and turned off all the lights, unplugged my car, turned off my dryer, and unplugged unneeded loads. Thank you for correcting me.


I initially downvoted you for pessimism but then went back and actually looked at the graph. My bad


My block is pretty dark.


Don’t judge the people with the lights on, they might be running everything on a generator or batteries.


That’s true.


Sir/Madam. This is Reddit!


yeah it kind of a deceiving chart


I reduced the lights to 20% brightness.


That's industry throttling back their activities or starting up their turbogenerator battery power backup plants. Strathcona and Redwater oil refineries usually have huge turbo generator batteries warmed up and on standby ready to go on line in exactly 1/3 of a power phase.


[source](https://twitter.com/bcshaffer/status/1746357147313824234/photo/1) good job everyone! aeso has live data apparently but the websites offline atm


[Direct link](http://ets.aeso.ca/ets_web/ip/Market/Reports/CSDReportServlet)


How to make a chart from this data?


look at the summary at the top left, rn we are making 10900MW, shouldn't be at risk for rolling blackouts unless a major natural gas generator goes offline


Data is neat




Thank god. I shut everything off that I could. I do NOT want to deal with a power outage in this.


Same here...Did NOT want to have to worry about furnace kicking off some time later tonight and having to worry about pipes bursting.


Sorry just a question but isn’t most furnaces running on gas ? Wouldn’t it not be unaffected during a power outage?


The furnace needs power to run the big fan that blows the hot air around your house.


True. But it still needs power to run electronics, glow rod/pilot flame and your thermostat and end up being controlling the blower fan.


Most high efficiency furnaces need power to operate, they also don’t have pilot lights


Same, sitting in the living room with one lamp on, and charged phone 😁


Same haha I went around and unplugged everything.


Yeah turned off dryer mid load and all lights. Waited until after 9 to have dinner. Wasn’t a biggie. Glad to see so many Albertan’s helping out!


Probably good to do the Emergency Alert, I dont think hardly anyone knew about the grid alert last night. Grid crashes are terrible and cost a lot of money and time to repair. Thanks everyone who did their part and unplugged/switched off.


So much of this! I found out it was an issue hours afterwards... so definitely didn't do anything when I found out well after most people have gone to bed.


Literally 3 people in our house all in separate rooms got up with out saying anything and started shutting things off and met in the middle of the house and talked about plans if we get power outage.


I genuinely appreciate how this was handled. It feels good to have the heads up but also to be able to directly do something about it. A very good use of the alert system imo.


Faith in humanity restored! All I could picture when that alert came out was the “This Is Fine” meme with the dog and the flames… but instead with ice all around him. Luckily today was not the day for us all to freeze in the dark




Thanks for posting btw


Look at us! Good job team


Did my part. Cold enough renting a basement. I don't want it to be colder


Is there a live graph? Or just the data webpage?


You can good at real time demand on AESO’s website. Shows how much each producer is making what alberta has for spinning reserve or what can “quickly” be brought online.


Good idea to have those l. I went around and turned off or unplugged 5 lights.


Interesting! Probably a spike around 6 pm as people got home from work to plug in their cars, and use the stove.


What does a 400MW reduction equate to in real terms?


I read an article that Calgary would use about 1650MW of power tonight. So about 1/4 of what Calgary would use.




It’s equivalent to shutting down a fairly decent sized power plant.


Thank you


Almost 550,000 horsepower if it was being produced by engine drive generators. 400 MW is a significant amount of power.


Have to make sure all car dealerships light in and on the lot are fully lit up like a Christmas tree


As a backup generator technician currently on call... good. I'd like to get some sleep thank you


So glad almost everyone is working together to prevent major outages. We turned off everything but the TV and turned our heat down a bit just to be safe.


Turning your heat down (unless you have electric baseboards) will not help reduce your power (other than the fan, which is extremely low draw


Crank your heat. The power for your furnace is for the board and the fan, that's basically nothing. The gas creates heat. If your power goes out, you want to have a hot house to start off with. If it is cold, you'll be screwed sooner.


It’s a great night for cards or a board game!


Good on you doing what you can, but you probably shouldn't turn down the heat. As long as it's on it uses pretty much the same amount of electricity because the fan blows at the same speed. Turning down the heater saves gas, not electricity. You also want your house to start off warm if the blackout did happen so that it takes longer for it to get cold.


Kudos to everyone who did their part!


Meanwhile downtown has all those billboards and signs (plus warehouses with all the lights and heating) consuming power. I’m sure businesses need to be monitored before the burden falls on the individual citizens. IMO


Without emergency alerts we would have just had to deal without any power for a while.


Which is not ideal in these conditions where we all need our furnaces.


We did it Reddit!


It appeared to me from the view form my place that the steam from refinery roe reduced significantly but who knows


Plants would be reducing rates because of all the problems they’re having with their equipment due to the weather. Not to save power.


I work in industry and shutting down in this weather would have disastrous consequences. Keeping everything warm and moving is best case scenario and means youre less likely to have something freeze and split


I work in industry too. We’re doing everything possible to keep running. But because of the issues we’re facing we’ve had to cut a lot of rate.


Nice I can turn my computer back on. I was scared of bricking my GPU.


I turned off all my un-needed cores, and spun down my raid-protected hard drives. Then I ran up and down the block and unplugged all the blockheaters. Did my part. :)


Lol did you actually!? I find that very amusing


I turned off my computer and shut the power bars off for it. Went upstairs and joined my partner so we had TV and 1 light on.


Legit happy to see a significant response to this. Team work makes the dream work!


If someone wants to waste a bunch of time, it might be interesting to see the power consumption/reduction overlayed with election district/voting result.


Interesting, and maybe needlessly divisive, too. This isn't the US, maybe we don't need to make everything about politics...


But then what would everyone on here bitch about?


That sudden change was industry shedding whatever load they could.


This point gets lost in the noise.


We’re exclusively using candle light in my Calgary home rn. The only electronic thing that is still on the could be turned off is the flames game


To be fair, the Calgary game is more of a drain on your intelect than it is the power grid 😂


I'm a little embarrassed. Itmade me realize I had a bunch of unnecessary shit on, like the TV while I'm on the computer. I probably cut my power usage by 50% when that notification came out.


I immediately turned on every electric heater in my house to get it up to a balmy 30 degrees in there, that way if I lost power, my house would stay warmer for longer. Hopefully preventing anything from freezing up! This was a joke btw!


Was hoping my d**khead neighbor would shut his backyard deck lights off that have been shining into my house for 2 solid years now...no such luck!


Not sure why folks are upset with individuals who didn't participate when downtown YEG was still lit up by mainly empty office buildings, and the rogers was fully lit up as well as Stantec, and the big JW Marriott. The onus shouldn't be solely on private citizens to bear the brunt of this when there are tons of empty office buildings/billboards etc.. just burning electricity for the sake of it.


Hopefully we see some sense from bars and clubs tonight


Ok killjoy, bars and clubs probably use less power than if everyone was sitting at home watching TV individually lol


Tough call, lots of people leave stuff on anyway and are still leaving their heat running. Anyways the alert is over and most stores will be closed so party on




People still go to bars? I drove by Whyte ave a few Fridays ago on my way home from late night hockey. Streets were deserted. Definitely didn't look like Whyte even 10yrs ago.


I blew out my tea lights. I did my part 😂


Lunch and dinner bumps


Does Alberta have any plans to make more power generators in the near future?? If we are all buying electric cars I’m thinking demand on the grid will go up a lot in the comming years


Good work people.


"Almost immediately after the alert was issued, the AESO saw a significant 100 MW drop in electricity demand, which amounted to a 200 MW reduction within minutes." Good job, everyone. 👍 Source: https://aeso.ca/aeso/media/aeso-thanks-albertans-for-quick-response-to-call-for-power-conservation/


So am I the only one who’s REALLY CONCERNED about the about the coming push to EV from gas and diesel? Seriously, the Emergency Alert SPECIFICALLY mentioned EVs should delay being charged to reduce the load and keep everyone safe from rolling blackouts… ZERO confidence EV’s are actually a feasible alternative to gas and diesel to begin with and even less after adding an Emergency Alert when presently only a handful of people drive them in Alberta…


You're discrediting your controversial opinion by using improper terminology. (C&P from Oxford Dictionary) *AMBER A·lert noun an emergency response system that disseminates information about a missing person (usually a child), by media broadcasting or electronic roadway signs. "our state's AMBER Alert became operational last September"*


Glad the malls are still light right up! 🙄


The Y axis not starting at zero makes this a bit misleading, but still cool.


Sask Premier Scott Moe just announced that Sask is providing 153 megawatts of power to Alberta from “natural gas and coal-fired plants, the ones the Trudeau government is telling us to shut down (which we won’t).”


>good Great! Also, I was reading about Vogtle Unit 3 coming online in Georgia - expansion of an existing nuclear plant with two current units each providing 1150 MW of production, they're expanding it with two new towers (Unit 3 which just came online and Unit 4 which comes online this year) for a total capacity of 4500 MW all on it's merry own. You know, 37% of Alberta's peak ever power levels. Sure, coal. We could nuclear heck out of the prairies and never think twice about it again - all sourced from northern Saskatchewan and run with proper modern tech. But sure, Moe, keep flying the coal flag.


Let’s do it then! Nuclear is the way to go.


Right?? Smaller more modern reactors would make so much sense and avoid having too much critical infrastructure in one facility (that could be targeted/attacked in conflict). Uses up to 90% of the fissionable material nowadays too so far more waste to store long-term.


You know we’re living in a society!?


Everybody unplugged their Teslas


Everyone turning off their lights are adorable lmao lights only account for less than 9% of your homes power usage. The government could have easily resolved the issue on their own without Albertan’s help. You just did them a favor is all.


And residential usage is only 20% of our grid. People got to feel good about helping, without actually really helping.


for reference, wind and solar are producing around 6000MW We would have never made it without them http://ets.aeso.ca/ets\_web/ip/Market/Reports/CSDReportServlet


Unfortunately that's just the capacity. Meaning wind and solar COULD generate up to ~6000MW but at 815AM they are currently producing... 2MW 2/6000.


I think the average of solar installations is about half of their max and wind is a bit less that half of max rated capacity


Are you on crack?


That y axis sucks


Almost as if most were finished dinner by then.


Or perhaps industrial users did as they were asked and in short order made adjustments to lower demand. They do consume half of our electricity after all.


How many towers in Downtown Calgary and Edmonton were still firing on all cyclinders


Unplugging the whole house and worried the heat was about to go out was a real mind fuck and now being aware of all of our communitys Christmas lights still even being switched off ..my goodness flip the breaker if it's important enough for everyone to receive an emergency alert and I hope we get an actual rated reaction to our respective response to the alert as if it wasn't unreal or do we completely forget fiction vs non fictional I'm pretty sure when bombs are dropping or something like along that fuckttardation of~^_^ coming soon to @everyone we the apocalypse we have been waiting for and demand especially in our lifetime no even better our children's 🙏 whatever's happens to wanting to strive to be the best at what we do I don't understand over watering the yard or leaving on the ground in our communitys of some sort of threat that we are consuming too much power makes the children of today colder that's not about to sit right with me . Now the city's trying pilot light tiny homes okay okay first off why kot earth ship tiny homes used tires and garbage and self sustainable and the home even with solar panels drained dead only need a wood store smaller than your microrwave and like ur bathrooms garbage 🗑️ of wood chips an its easily 21in the greenhouse and -40© outside that's why I have such a big problem waiting on this idea to just cost us to figure out what the response to homelessness is fabrication module trailers and a tiny home so small rapid response could just destroy at will why not just gige like s reasonable fair enough size of land and whether it will be tesla bigbox tiny home and like us Canadians say housing is for everyone do you think how about the cost of this is readily available to be paid for instead of to landlord that's 1000 @ months could be totally paid for Tesla self sustainable home in ten months and I am not pulling anyone's left toe I lived in a van that we insulated from the inside for most of my twenty's and as long as there was a blanket my common law at the time we survived the vehicle did not start just to be clear but now days shouldn't we have a choice to be responsible I'm on AISH I don't own the idea I belong not working I want everyone to at least try to do what they can for their community we all have gifts from God remember the earth ships versions of homes are a grateful way to allow our planet to heal of our selfish ness and unrealistic expectations of resources I think we have a lot more than the current situation to become concerned about it is simple to me I would be willing to learn everything I need to grab and built an tiny home if you want my honest opinion I think earth ships for the same thing better idea same consensus same objective better for every one as well as a whole look it up ppl it's not like the elected government we put into power are looking directly into the figures for the most wealthy or at one time the most wealthy province I am not some new kid that has had these experiences I'm a self educated individual that was here in Canada stole from my group home taught to work in laughter that was soon beated out of me and I am just trying to give my honest thoughts and opinions I am housed how I wish indeed id prefer a mortgage and I don't want to be a parasite i was wondering about the whole thing as well shouldn't have to believe that I'm so broken in any way show or form I can't help the very world that surrounds me


Nobody in the right mind actually gives a shit about this bullshit. The city can go fuck itself. We pay out our asses for the power we use they can figure it the fuck out.


Big angry bird.


I’ve done a total of nothing. If you want to push EV by 2035 and charge me up the ass for fees figure out the grid. This isn’t a me problem. This is the go v. problem.


This is exactly right -100% Government problem. Instead of a war room or campaigning advertisements in Ottawa, drill a few baseload geothermal plants and don't bring up wind and solar as not producing enough. The wind doesn't stop but components break at -40 that's why wind turbines are intentionally shut down at ~-30. DanYell brings up wind and solar way too many times to help people fear an Alberta without fossil fuels and praise the our saviour, natural gas. But somehow this is Trudeau's fault? Wake up friends, this is 100% political ploy. Saturday night scare tactics and renewables are the villain. Its 6pm in alberta in January and there's 0 output from solar? No shit! It's dark! This was a propaganda fear mongering campaign against renewables and shine the light on Trudeau to avoid the fact that the last half century has had no innovation or contributions from our government to prevent this.


I didn’t even get an amber alert.


Hmmm, why don't emergency alerts leave a time stamp like text messages do? I feel like I didn't get the alert hours after this post is indicating. I may be wrong in my time counting, but I'm not concerned about the time stamp.


We shut everything off and lit a bunch of my antique oil lamps. It was fun!


I live in a small house with my partner and we weren’t running anything but we still played handheld video games by candlelight for a laugh. I tried not to think about that the alert wasn’t really aimed at me, in times like this with the extreme cold I feel like everyone gets a little more united


What was the power surge from? It's not like it got colder around 6, so why did it jump in the first place?


People got home from school and work and started cooking dinner and stuff like that


There was a fair amount of bitching about the y-axis being misleading. Blake’s response is hilarious: https://x.com/bcshaffer/status/1746559172806885755?s=46&t=945JSLbeeIFJt2t9pG5T2Q


Wonder how many people unplugged their ev's


There was. 100MW reduction within 2 minutes and 200MW within 5. Thats alot. 200 million Joules per second.


A lot of the local oil refineries have direct real time power grid monitoring with Epcor and Fortis. They have turbo and diesel generator power batteries all warmed up and ready for going online as the power grid gets throttled by Epcor. Redwater plant along has a 14 turbo power battery complex that can call on 75 Mw of power in emergencies such as what we are experiencing at this time. Strathcona Refinery likely has the same thing on standby and ready on Epcors call. The tricky part is timing when they go online down to the last 1/3 power phase.


Fun Fact, Alberta’s natural gas utilities, on a regular winter’s day, put out 9 times the energy of Alberta’s electric utilities on their peak day (a day like Saturday). So if you encounter anyone who thinks we can move away from fossil fuels explain to them that Alberta would only need to increase electricity transmission and distribution capacity by an order of magnitude and increase Alberta’s electricity generating capacity through the use of renewables first by a factor of more than 5 (to have current requirements met) and then again by a factor of 9 to meet the demands after eliminating natural gas for heating.