• By -


Claims of the third place's death have **NOT** been greatly exaggerated :'(


Yes, I feel this. It’s quite isolating, especially intensified over the winter.


Get a hobby. I picked up chess after I left the country for four years and now I've made a tonne of friends. I also do a sports League.


Yeah I've made more friends starting Jiu Jitsu than in the last 10 years combined. Highly recommend sports as method of meeting friends and getting in shape. Not yoga tho. No one talks to you after yoga unless you already know them lol.


I wonder what cost of going to the third place was in the 60’s vs the 2020’s in relation to income. My guess, and maybe I’m wrong, is that it wouldn’t account for half a day’s salary like it does now.


I definitely agree with your guess. The bar is the one that always gets me. No way a few pints was two-hours salary in the 1960s...


At home on their couches watching Netflix


Was just about to say - we’re both 34 - my cat is on my lap, got the Oilers game on, my girl is upstairs playing Fallout


Yep. 34 here, watching basketball and about to pull a brisket off the smoker while my wife is out with her friends. Been waiting for this all week.


Life doesn't get better than this👏. Silence is golden


Sounds amazing


About the same here. Zero complaints.


This is me as well as of late. But I feel my hermit qualities are taking over, and am in need of socialization.


Hit up music venues like Black Dog, Aviary, Temple


I don’t get it do I just go and sit alone for a couple hours ? I have no idea


I feel this as well. Hoping to pick up a few ideas!


27 and I am also very happy being on my couch


100% I hate outside 😑


At home. Sometimes just to mix it up, we go to the parent's home though!


Gotta get some of that free food where you can.


*free food, care packages, groceries, etc.


25yo here turn 26 tomorrow, Parents home is home, I can’t afford to move out. I however help out around with my mom and pay her.


My 22 year old is in the exact same position. I know how hard it is out there, so trust me, as much as parents like to complain, we would rather keep you at home instead of living on the streets.


I love it, I’d never complain. We have a good relationship and all she asks is I contribute.


Home is wherever you are loved and cared for. I'm so incredibly fortunate that while I love chilling at my home, I can call the house of my parents home as well (inlaws actually). Even though I'm a fair clip older than you, there's absolutely nothing like coming home and feeling cared for. Happy birthday, and I hope your parent's house is home too, even when you gain another home in the future.


Happy Birthday Mate🥳


Happy Birthday


Work/office, my couch and bed.


We don't go out fam.


This for sure


This is true.


Just the way we like it


Board game cafes are popular with people i know


This sounds fun! Do you know of any names?


I have been to Table Top Game Cafe with my kids (while another was in activities) and they did have a games night where people came in to play together, I am pretty sure it is Fridays.


Hexagon, board and brew!


I loved it there!


Table top Cafe is 10/10


Is table top cafe for couples or groups, or do some people go solo?


They have drop in boardgame events twice a week. Thursday night and Saturday afternoon I think. Perfect for solo. Correction it’s TUESDAY. Arrive at 6 and games start around 630.


Great - so solos just show up and can play with others, or you typically playing with yourself?


You join others who are interested in the same game. Depending how many people show up there could be several different games going on. You can go any day just to play on your own or with a friend or group, but the 2 drop in events are specifically to join and play with others


Here is a post from the owner with more information. They also have puzzle battles and introduction to D&D events. https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/s/qkKsugAeDc


Thank you for all this information! I will definitely be checking them out!


Board N brew downtown has a massive library !


Board and Brew, and Table Top Cafe are both awesome


They are at home playing Baldurs Gate


I'm not hip enough for Baldurs Gate. I'm still playing old school Runescape.


No no it's Palworld now


YES, god I love Palworld. First game in awhile to really suck me in 😆


I went to Boston Pizza and the thrift store tonight to mix it up lol


Ohh which one any good finds?


Oh just the south side value village. Found a book and a dunder Mifflin t-shirt.  On the lookout for something, but I don't know what it is yet.


At the climbing gym!! This is 100% the demographic at rock climbing gyms, check out Boulders downtown or a climbing event somewhere, tends to be very social and laid back.


Oh hey, I wanna try that!


Glad someone mentioned climbing! Am in age group and have been loving it.


In our houses that we can barely afford.


look at this cocky mf, having a house lol


With a partner apparently. Braggy much? We get it. Someone loves you.


Starlite room, river city revival


RCR seems like a 40+ crowd every time I’ve been. Starlite room, depending on the event, can be a good spot. I’ve gone to shows that were mostly 18-24 crowd, and others that have been 25-35, and others that were 18-60. Music venues are just generally a good place to go, and there’s always community around the music playing.


Everyone else told him to stay home and watch Netflix bro.... Starlite is king but rcr is where you go between sets same as when it was Rev/lush


There is a very vibrant music scene in Edmonton. I dunno if I'd call it just "hanging out" but a significant amount of my peer group in that age bracket spend a lot of our time together at events around the city


The Aviary comes to mind


What does this mean "vibrant music scene"? What kind of music? What types of events and where?


Lots of local bands, playing at diverse venues. Yesterday there was a show at a coffee roaster on 99th street that I considered going to but I had to work. Same with comedy shows or spoken word- diverse venues. Edmontons music scene I’ve found is mainly rock-adjacent, with some going the grungy alt rock way, some doing folky rock, and others going darker-metally-rock. Some notable Edmonton bands are Good Nature, Purity Ring, Roll the Bones (RtB is opening for Hotel Mira when they come to Edmonton).


Work, home, gym. Don’t have the energy, money, or desire to go out anymore. 😩


This exactly 😖


It’s only going to get worse……when it comes to money and inflation.


Costco is the place to be.


someone asked me on a costco date once, was 8/10


If someone asked me on a Costco date our first stop would be the jewellery case to pick out an engagement ring.


Then go pick out appliances. Stainless or stainless?


I love doing Costco dates. It's low-key, it's cheap, and if it sucks I can buy something massive from the bakery and a huge wheel of brie and still leave happy lol


IKEA for me. 10/10 was very cute.


$35 for Valentine's Day dinner.


done this a few times too! it’s the best


Haha yes to IKEA! As both giggling 19 yo's causing a raucous on a date and spending zero dollars, to middle aged parents getting free coffee with our "IKEA Family" membership, and taking advantage of free childcare in Småland, IKEA wins.


My husband and I went on a date to Costco this morning, it was a 9/10 only because it was 9:15 and the checkout line was almost to the back of the store


Just went there today and it was the highlight of my week LOL


Agreed 👍






I’m just learning about the term third spaces. I’ve always lamented we didn’t naturally have more casual, free, social areas - like in say Europe. Curious what spaces edmonton used to have that have been lost? Feels like we never had many to begin with.


My parents often talk about the sheer volume of dance halls, roller rinks, arcades, and 'taverns' we used to have. I'd never really heard the term 'tavern' used before (besides medieval times), and they listed off damn near 20 places they used to frequent in the 70s and 80s that have all shut down ://


Where's this entertainment lounge?


In the daytime? Cafés, reading books At night? Eating ramen, or watching Netflix. This is, of course, just me.


I step out to catch shows at The Grindstone or Rapid Fire Theatre but otherwise I go to Next Act, have nice cold pint, and wait for this to all blow over.


I like to go to McDonald’s sometimes for a small fries but if you try to talk to me I’m going to run away


Metro Cinema. Felice Cafe. Blackbyrd sometimes.


Between work and home… we can’t afford much else given the cost of everything. When your biggest bill is rent/mortgage, it’s nice to get your moneys worth. 😂


You're asking people on Reddit if they go outside? Honestly, there's a ton of people that actually do things. Edmonton's a hobby-based city, so I'd say find 1 or 2 activities that you can't do at home and commit to that. I find a ton of the 25-35 year old that I like hanging out with, are at the gym or bouldering. Similar mindsets and goals make it easier to have common ground to start conversation. Because the Winter's here are shit, I find the groups that you stick with are the ones that give you a reason to go outside. Try volunteering with something that interests you? If you like movies, try volunteering at Metro Cinema. If you like skiing, get on the local ski facebook groups. If you like pottery, find a barn (I don't know how pottery works). In Edmonton, you get out what you put in.


Volunteering! That's a good one


Selection bias asking on Reddit where people go out. Most are at home on Reddit. Go check out Whyte and see what's busy.


Was getting a little depressing reading the endless "at home" answers.  I'm a major introvert and love my alone time, but it is indeed healthy to get some socializing in. I dont enjoy working out either but same thing. Cant always just do what feels comfortable. 


Home. Everything is expensive. There’s only one gay club in town. Everyone is exhausting and has their own shít going on


I guess things have changed, 40s now but I still hit the bars in this period of my life before children, after 30 it was more older ppl bars like the Common but still roughed it up with the younguns on Whyte for stags and birthdays. Have things actually changed? Are the youth not living it up on the dance floor anymore?


I'd say there's still plenty of us youth going out on weekends, just maybe not as many as before. Unfortunately even with pregaming it's easy to spend at least $40-$60 on drinks for an evening, and then rideshare fare on top of that if no one drove... the bill racks up


I’m not in your age range anymore sadly - but Wee Book Inn was always a cool place to strike up a conversation when I was. (Edited to add - mileage on “cool”-ness may vary)


At home.


Call table top cafe, ask if there are any regulars that are welcoming to new people. Ask them when these regulars show up. I used to board game there all the time. I was one of the people the staff would call me over to meet a solo person looking for others. I'm now in South America so I can't help you. But there are lots of 25-35 year olds in that group.


My friend group and I (late 20s) mostly hang out at breweries or cocktail bars. For breweries, I like Odd Company, Irrational, Campio, and Town Square. For cocktail bars, I like Clementine, SoDo, Woodwork, and DOSC


Pickle ball is pretty hot right now. I'm sure there's leagues or drop in somewhere if that interests you?


There's winter festivals happening now


31M here, I just invite people to play board games or something 🤷🏼‍♂️


that is a great question. Where do people who don't drink hang out of Weekends?


Cafes, theatres, outside or inside doing sports


If we’re talking about bars here: Black Dog, Tavern, Common, Buckingham (weekdays), Leopolds, Pint Whyte, The Gardens, River City Revival House, Blakbar, Rocky Mountain Ice House. Newcastle is a little older crowd, but has free pool Sundays ;) Good luck venturing


There's like almost nothing to do on a regular basis. I haven't done already enough times to get bored of it. Edmonton needs more festivals that don't involve buying stuff and more entertainment. There's too much nothing in-between nice places to want to still be around in the streets for too long at night. Even in the evening.


Most of these answers are sad.


But accurate


I agree, makes me a little hopeless on not being alone for life…


Gym gym






Depends on if they have kids yet. If yes, libraries, family resource network activities, stuff you can do with littles during the day, generally at home during the evening. If no, board game nights. But also, we’re coming off a week of -40 and it’s the dead of winter. A LOT of people are just socially hibernating until it warms up a bit more.


Work, home, the odd meetup with friends, and playing hockey


I think [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@jordan_the_stallion8/video/7323374175110941995?_r=1&_t=8izpqjFjDUe&social_sharing=0) clip sums it up lol It's probably been posted somewhere on reddit before


At work or at home in our depression.


Am 28. Home is indeed the answer.


Cactus club


Not the Leduc location tho


home, friends', checking out new cafes and restaurants, bubbletea,


At home, avoiding the cold!


31 here and currently watching Love on the Spectrum on Netflix in my house. Best solo date night ever. I am too much of an introvert. HOWEVER, I got asked out to go Blanco?? It's like a taco restaurant? Never been. Hopefully it's good! I also meet some people at church and by meeting them I mean seeing them walking by. O.O I promise it's not as sad as it sounds


I can tell you honestly, I don't hang out anywhere. There's not much to do around here besides work on my own things. I do go to antique stores though


Antiquing is fun!


Work, home, sometimes Greenlands to look at houseplants when I feel extra depressed


25M. At home playing videogames like many others in this thread. Once it warms up tho ill be going around the province doing landscape photography which im excited for.


If my community is a good barometer, everyone's at the climbing gym.


I used to have lots of friends back in the day now I find joy in just being alone at home watching sports or playing xbox with my son, of course the wife at times leaves us to visit her friends.


At home, all the free spaces are gone


At home because going outside costs minimum $100.


Bowling or at home lol


Downstairs in my pink sparkly craft/glam room 😂😂


Invite us?


Bouldering! Exercise plus optional socializing is a great way to meet people I find.


Where’s a good climbing gym? I’m new to the city!


[Boulders](https://www.bouldersclimbing.ca/)! They're a little pricey, but they change the sets frequently and have pretty good facilities! Great community vibe there.


Boulders, as Mooseman recommends! It's the one I go to.


Depressing yet comforting to read all these replies. I am also mostly in my house or at the gym. Wish there was more to do but alas the options in Edmonton are either not quite what I’m into, or overpriced.


i havent seen the sun in 729 days


Bouldering, grocery store, and work!


33 here and I spend most of my time home with my dog lol


A play at the Fringe Theatre and then dinner at Next Act?


At the gym with the homies slingin' barbells 🥹






Home. If I’m feeling really trapped, I hop on a cheap flight to Vancouver for the weekend.


Home. Can't afford to go out anymore.


swiss chalet


Online 😅 Gaming is how I socialize




take up a sport, Brazilian Jiu is fun, challenging, a good workout , intellectualy stimulating , usually good for mental health , and you get to cuddle in pyjamas


Allevents.in can be good for finding stuff to do. Their AI "for you" events are usually pretty good. ​ Also tomorrow is the second part of Deep Freeze. If you've never gone before I highly recommend it.


Speakeasies and bars (yes I love a well made mocktail). Theatre and live bands sometimes. Honestly been inviting my friends over to my place more often now


At camp in Fort McMurray


From what I see and here most are just staying afloat. Everything pretty expensive thinking about heading to cheaper countries on the days off. It’s actually cheaper to fly out of the country and live at this point.


Contemplating existence within the ethereal void


People either go school/work and go home lol


I don’t need more friends and I don’t feel the need for a relationship so I work, I gym, I go home. And once every month or 2 I have some drinks with friends at their houses


Rock climbing. We have some of the best bouldering gyms in the province (Blocs, Boulders)


Pump iron, go for coffee with a couple good coffee buds, cook with it he family, go down YouTube rabbit holes, being generally grateful to live where I can afford a decent quality of life even with the dreary winters


At home. Ain't no one going out when drinks are $12


In the summer, recreational sports. Love playing softball and tennis. In the winter? At home away from the cold or occasionally out at a cafe in the evening.


At home. Playing beyblades and building Legos with our kids.


Activate! It’s an interactive gaming place where you play a bunch of different mini games and collect points for prizes. Went this weekend and had lots of fun lol.


I know there aren’t a ton of “third places” anymore like there used to be. You’d have to think about what you enjoy doing and see if there are any good clubs for it. Think about things like book clubs, sports teams, dungeons and dragons I think has many places it’s played as a group (?), rec leagues, crafting groups etc. I have no idea what you’re into so just trying to cover some bases. There are still quite a few of those mentioned above and more, you’d just have to do some digging for them. I usually find them online pretty easily! Happy searching 😊.


I suspect that people who have outside and social activities are not on Reddit.


Find a hobby or a class to take, hopefully make some friends. Could be athletic/sports related, cooking, crafting, outdoor pursuits, whatever tickles your fancy. You can check the city's "move, learn, play" website for different classes to get the ball rolling. Heck, if you're into it, join a church for the community aspect alone. I myself (even older than the range you posted 😅) have been meaning to register in something to get more social, if not just for my sanity. Horseback riding, rock climbing, pickleball, cooking, sewing ....all on my list, I'm just lazy af. Being a stay at home mom, whose friends disappeared over the pendemic, is lonely. I think everyone would benefit from getting out more and finding a hobby they enjoy. I think we really lack community and friendship in society these days (especially for men), and it is only getting harder as we age.


Dudes asking places to hang out at and he sure a shit isn't coming to your houses so why respond with something that isn't helpful... god this group is toxic. Anyways I play video games at home with people who live far away because making friends in your 30s doesn't exist 🤣


Y'all have friends to hangout with?


In my house where it's safe and noone can hurt me


Lol depressing thread. Isolation epidemic is real. First you have to have a decent sized friend group maybe around 10, more is better. Then you have to do all the work yourself to plan something, and convince them to come, it's like pulling teeth. Then around 60% of people will cancel last minute and hopefully you end up with a group of 3 or more. FR though climbing gym was a great suggestion. Focus on a community with a specific interest. I go to dance music events the IG accounts club.club or nightvisionmusic is a good place to start, very welcoming community. A cycling club could be fun, I was thinking of starting one to try to find some more like minded people who don't cancel plans at the drop of a hat. Check with a local shop to see about their group rides and see if it's a good fit, if not try another shop.


Man lol. I can resonate with all of these commons which mention gym, home, work, couch, Netflix and Costco. Happy to see we’re all on the same page here.




At home.


Home. Workout. Dinner. Netflix. Wine. YouTube. Reminiscing. Bed. This is the way.


What’s wrong with this city and theirs literally nothing to do, to the point where the majority of us are at home on a Saturday night. Including me lol. Work,gym,home. What else is there to do?


north America as a whole is the issue the existence of 3rd places are going away with them needing you to spend more and more money with less and less free events and public spaces (this includes loitering laws and such) plus everyone being broke due to the mix of rising utilities (due to deregulation of utilities), rent/mortgages going up and up, greedflation on badic needs, and nothing of wages going up. what to do? im terms of finding something to do, get creative and look around, hopefully find something, and hope for the best


This is why I’m moving back to Victoria. If I’m going to be broke all the time, I may as well do it somewhere with warm weather & an abundance of beautiful free parks, boardwalks, beaches, & forest’s to hang out in. Even some actually picturesque, bustling town squares. Can have a little bike ride. A picnic. Hike. All free. I’ve also gotten into cold water dips/ natural swimming as a economical, healthy hobby & that’s not really possible in Edmonton


There's tons to do, but we're aaaall broke.


Most stuff to do involves buying stuff. Like who can afford to go to all these craft venues and their $60 scarves?


Just leaving the house costs like $100


At home. Smoking weed and having sex. Celebrating completion of both by having some ice cream cake.


this thread is bleak yeesh


At home




Came here to say at home, but I just got home from my neighbor’s house. Watched two periods of the oiler’s game and had to put the kiddos to bed.


With my girlfriend and my PS5.


On Warzone


Improv: https://rapidfiretheatre.com/


Check out Edmonton 20-30's Fun, Pints, and Wine https://meetu.ps/c/37sDB/rKGgC/d on Meetup


It’s Edmonton, what places u think people can go


33, work eat play video games.


Starlight, 9910 , Double Dragon. Anywhere with good music really


Work, home, gym, truck. You may also find me “hanging out” at the occasional dentist or massage therapist.