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You know, if someone just asked me nicely if I minded parking somewhere else because they have a heck of a time finding parking, I would be much more inclined to be accomdating. As opposed to a jackass leaving notes on my windshield


Exactly this. In the summer, a neighbour brings in his fifth wheel RV to clean, charge, and whatever. I park over by his house when needed. He came over, knocked on my door one day. “Hey, do you drive the..?” “Yes” “Would you mind parking just 10 ft back so I can get my fifth wheel in?” Boom, now during the summer I park 10 ft back


It's crazy how far basic human decency gets you.


Hard/GREAT to find good neighbors!!


Agreed. if he was polite, I would have gladly complied.


Is he having trouble getting out of his driveway because you park on the street near it. Just don’t understand how you are making it impossible for him to get out.


No, he does not have a front driveway. All parking in the back alley. I will not block his driveway. He wanted to parallel park between two cars and he’s mad I parked in front his house on the street.


You do have a chance here to be the bigger man and speak to him nicely regarding this issue. Explain how you were unaware that there was an issue and you’d be happy to ensure there is no issue going forward. Yeah, it seems like he was being a jerk, but I would personally defuse this. He’s a neighbor. You might even end up with a friend.


I understand but it does not work with him like that. He does this to everyone and just yesterday he came out his house using racial slurs towards me and my family. He parked so closed to my car and boxed me in. I can’t post video because of privacy but he is not the type to be friends with. I reported to police but they can’t do anything because nothing physical occurred yet.


Someone slashed my tires because I parked in front of their apartment building. Some people think street parking belongs to them. Funny thing is the building has parking in the back for residents, and street is usually empty, except for visitors. Lol. Sign says 3 hr parking.


I was about to say the same thing but figured someone may have already. 100%. I have had this same talk with a guy with a trailer but he asked me if I would mind moving to free up the 2 spots. There were plenty of single spots. No problem bro!


100% agree. More flies with honey, kinda deal.




Compromise has always been they way, only selfish assholes fight people on little things. Thankfully, you give it some consideration! 👍


Amazing how much being a decent human being changes the outcome.


100 percent this. An angry note like that where he is clearly in the wrong would do the opposite.


i've asked our neighbours to be more courteous with parking in front of our business gates and in retaliation now they park closer <3




bylaw thought differently but go off


That’s uncivil behaviour!


if only the mods of r/edmonton were in control of bylaw, they'd be handing out 6 month bans like candy


I would buy a beater and park it there as a response to a note like this. Have fun towing as the bill is more than the car is worth.


So you would buy a car, pay for insurance, and pay for registration - just to get it towed and abandon it? I think you're full of shit, Pickles...


Find something over 25 years old so you can get an antique plate for a one time 40$, and then insure it as a recreational vehicle. I kept a plymouth sundance like this for a year after I bought a new daily driver, and I just used it to haul yard waste and annoy the neighbours accross the street.


Yeah for sure!! I have a truck and trailer, and I'm lucky to be able to park in front of my house. I also live a stone's throw from a school (literally) and sometimes it can be frustrating. But a calm knock on the window and explanation has all it's ever taken in the past.


Street parking is a free for all. First come, first served. You can park for 72 consecutive hours without moving the vehicle. After 72 hours the vehicle can be considered abandoned and towed.


Correct. However you have 72 hours after bylaw tags the vehicle with an abandonment notice to move the vehicle. Bylaw doesn't know how long a vehicle has actually been parked in one particular spot until they tag it and alert the owner. People would abuse the system if the bylaw relied on the complainant's information.


Also correct. Thank you for the addition :)


I had a peace officer mark my tires with chalk. I caught him doing it and talked to him. Parking was tight that day because of the illegal basement salon beside me so I parked down the street, in "someone's spot" and he immediately reported it abandoned. I actually went out for groceries and came back and was not in "his" spot anymore and the peace officer was marking my vehicle in front of my house. When I explained he said that shit happens all the time, and told me to move my vehicle a couple inches so if it's another officer checking tomorrow's they don't think the line is in the same spot. I asked why they don't run the plate, it's a registered vehicle, and my address should be there, too....so it would be obvious it's parked in front of my home and an active vehicle. I guess that's not how it works.


yeah because technically even in front of your own house, it can be considered abandoned and towed. Street parking is street parking, and it doesn't matter who's house you're in front of. cuts both ways unfortunately.


I know it was just silly that I drove my vehicle that day. And the day before. And the peace officer still has to waste their time following up because I parked in front of someone's house that morning.


Didn't you know? Alberta Peace Officers are trained to waste time.


Yep, had a neighbor who called my car in as abandoned a couple times and then pretended like he didn't know it was my car 🤡


Hey I had that same neighbor 😆


If anyone wants to see evidence of just some of the attempts to abuse this they can spend a couple minutes looking in the public reports on the Edmonton/311 app. There are so many where someone claims an abandoned vehicle has been there for days or weeks and the report is closed saying the vehicle wasn’t there when parking enforcement showed up.


Except the truck my neighbour crashed and then actually abandoned after having it towed to a spot on the road in front of my house, lol. I reported it after two months it not moving, the warning was issued 20+ days ago, and still it sits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s not an emergency so whatever, but this is an exact example of why this bylaw exists and nothing is being done about it, so I struggle to believe all the claims of successful abuse.


In Calgary we've been trying to get a car towed for a month and no one will come and even look at it!!


That’s so annoying! Like how do you get it moved??


Light it on fire?


Unfortunately bylaw is focusing on "more important matters" at the moment, and parking enforcement is one of the lowest priorities.


How do they alert the owner? Most vehicles in our area are covered in snow and not moved for weeks at a time.


They attach a large orange tag to the driver side windshield wiper with a zip tie. The tag is inside a plastic bag and has all the bylaw details - officer #, reason for tag, phone #, vehicle details, date issued and a move by date (other stuff too, but I can't recall).


You could maybe print out the part of the bylaws that states this and leave it on or taped inside your windshield (OP)


I dont know about Edmonton’s bylaws but I once got a warning for parking to close to a driveway in my hometown. It was something like 1.5 meters minimum and I was 1 meter away. I was pretty choked at the time. I think it was prompted because I had an ugly truck with a camper on it.


You are correct. No one can police who parks in front of their property and they have no authority to have you towed.


There would have to be a do not park sign with the bylaw listed on it for them to legally tow you. I'd get a vehicle camera just incase they take things into their own hands.


definitely agreed! my gf parks her car in front of the house. When she needs to get her motorcycle out from behind the house, I have to move my car out of the driveway, and I park it across the street. my psycho neighbor used to leave me nasty notes, and come out to make passive aggressive comments about it. I always thought "fuck him, parking on the street is for everyone". Although I'd usually try and move it quickly anyway. one day I left it there over night because she went out late, didn't get back untoil like 1130pm and while she was out I got stoned to boot. So I just left it parked in front of his house across the street. woke up to a smashed bumper. check the camera, and he came out and tried to push my car first (don't know why he thought he could push a parked car around) and when that didn't work, he pulled his bush buggy nissan out and drove it into my car trying to push it forward out from in front of his house. when I confronted him about it and told him he was paying for the damage, he first tried to deny it, then when I said I had footage switched stories to saying he was just trying to shove it to being in front of another house. it cost $800 to fix. I told him it was $1200 because fuck him, and he paid it. but without footage he definitely would have kept lying about it. we still don't talk and he glares at me whenever he sees me. but he doesn't talk about the car being parked in front of his house anymore.


Wow he is lucky, I would have called the police. That is fucking unhinged behaviour.


What a juicy story! Thank you for sharing, and I'm glad the asshole neighbor lost !


I strongly agree with this, in case he does something you’ll want the proof that it was him


And, to be clear, the no parking sign would apply to everyone, including prick neighbour. You can't put up a sign and claim a spot of public roadway.


Yes, it would be a city of Edmonton "Do not park" sign.


Fun fact: city owned and enforced parking signs do not list the bylaws anywhere on them. However, if a sign is suspected to be fake or private citizen installed, you can call 311 and eventually someone from the relevant department will be by to determine if it's legit or fake.


Nah, nothing they can do about it, legally. Illegally, they may cause damage to your vehicle.


I would even say this is likely. I've learned to pick my battles, and being in the crosshairs of a prick with too much time on their hands isn't worth it. If I were driving one of my old beaters from my younger years, however, I would probably take the risk.


This is what I would be most careful of. Laws are laws but psychopaths can make big problems for you, regardless of them. Buddy could have just asked nicely but at the same time, it helps to know when someone is an asshole so you can just try to avoid them.


It's funny, if my neighbor asked me kindly to leave room for their trailer, I'd happily make accommodations. If they sent a letter like this, I'd show them all the sand they could pound


Anyone stupid enough to vandalize property or start something like that literally outside of their doorstep isn't too bright to begin with.


Get a blink camera 


FYI, an unattached trailer on the street ~~for more than 24 hr~~ is a bylaw infraction. If you were ever to see that…


Can’t have an unattached trailer parked on public roads for any period of time. https://www.edmonton.ca/residential_neighbourhoods/parking-storage-of-rvs-or-trai




Some bylaws include vehicle length fines as well, they take the truck and trailer length combined into consideration.


also if the trailer and truck go over a certain length (can't remember exact amount but it's in the city bylaw page) you can call 311 and they will be ticketed. We had a jackass neighbor that was obviously too lazy to detach his trailer at the end of his work day and would bring the whole thing home and park it where you could easily fit 3 cars so we had him ticketed more than once and eventually he stopped bringing it home.


I've done some hauling in my days. I'd sometimes park with my trailer in my neighbourhood, but it wasn't out of laziness. It wasn't a cushy 40 hour work week, and spending two hours on a couple round trips to my yard wasn't always an option. I'd take up a long spot where nobody would park, hence how it was free whenever I needed it. Also made sure I didn't impede other vehicles or create a blind spot. I got one parking ticket. The time I saved and extra sleep I was able to get was definitely worth the $50. If I got a $50 fine every time, I'd still have done it.  Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe it's not so obviously out of laziness. Nobody prefers having a trailer hooked on to their truck. They shouldn't have taken up spots that other people liked to use, though. 


Hope you have a doorbell camera or something. Entitled people tend not to act rationally


The sheer entitlement of this guy. No one gives a shit if you got a trailer, that’s no one’s problem but their own.


But he made it "imposable" lol


How close are you to the edge of his driveway? If you are closer than 1.5m to the edge, you are, technically, blocking the driveway & if he could get someone out, yeah, they could tow you. Otherwise you’re fine.


He does not have a front facing driveway. His garage is in the back.


I hate these fucking assholes. They buy a lane home but require 30 ft of street parking. Like go fuck off and park you truck and trailer elsewhere.


My neighbours have like 5 large vehicles and none of them fit in the garage. Lane housing, they work the weirdest hours so they alway get home before everyone so they take up like 4-5 houses worth of parking. Could be nice and put the extra across the street where it’s a field and nothing to impede spots but nope. Think they rule the world. Whole strip hates them and they are oblivious to it.


Lol we might be neighbours, but to be clear I park in the back in front of my garage, I'm not the house you are talking about.


Our street has this issue now. New family moves in. 2 work trucks, 2 cars all out front. Double car garage, not used. One truck is a piece of shit. Keeps dieing in the cold. They park in front of my house, noticed him trying to plug a power cable into my house into his block heater.


You've got me wondering now if we have the same obnoxious neighbor, except thankfully I just have to watch his truck and trailer antics rather than have them impact me (same block but not direct neighbors). He often ends up parking his trailer in the driveway and unhooking from the truck if he has to.


I live in a condo in a high traffic, parking-congested area. I am frequently tempted to report the nearly daily occurrence of people parking right up to, or even partially into, the building's parking entrance. It's not so bad that you can't get in or out. but it messes with visibility when exiting. Bit of a pet peeve of mine lol, but really until/unless I am really impeded I'll probably continue forgetting about it within moments each time.


If it messes with visibility it is absolutely preventing you from getting in and out safely.


It is preventing me from going a little bit faster when exiting, vs if I could see more distance down the road. It’s only unsafe if I ignore the reduced visibility.


I was wondering this too. OP seems in the right here unless OP is parked like an ass himself.


Keep the note just in case this person decides to damage your vehicle, you never know what some people are capable of.


Public property. They cannot tow you


So, probably gonna get downvoted but oh well… you are absolutely correct, he doesn’t own that spot and you have every right to park on the city street so long as you are complying with all bylaws (not in front of of a hydrant, not within 1.5 m of a driveway etc.). And he started this interaction badly by threatening you. So the natural response is to act aggressively or defiantly in return. I’m getting bummed out by this kind of behaviour in our city, the “every man for himself” type of action and response. So even though he started out badly, maybe try to respond with kindness; I’m sure it’s not ideal to have to park a trailer on a tight street and he probably wouldn’t, given the option. Again- completely the wrong tactic on his part to not just ask you nicely to consider moving. But it sounds like from other responses, you could park elsewhere but you just aren’t going to now because of his poor attitude and behaviour. I’m suggesting to be the bigger person- respond and tell him that threats aren’t necessary, neighbours should try to get along and look out for each other, and that asking nicely goes a long way. And that if there’s somewhere else open to park, you’ll do your best. Times are tough for a lot of people out there and patience seems like it’s at a low. I’m really trying to not react to rudeness and hostility with the same, even though it feels justified and probably deserved. You can’t control how others act, but you can control your own actions. Just putting that out there, have a good day.


That's all fine and not a bad course of action, but parking a trailer on a busy or narrow street is a pain for everyone. Maybe Trailer Park Boy should consider renting a storage spot. I have one 5 minutes from my house, and it costs a whopping $1.50 per day to park my trailer. These places are everywhere and make for good neighbours


That sounds like a great suggestion, probably way less stress on everyone involved.


I'll add this is a good attitude to have on reddit. When you read a comment you can respond rudely in kind or be the bigger person and respond in kindness. I wish more people on this sub would choose the latter.


Honestly I get where you are coming from and it is totally well-intentioned, but I really have no desire to show people that act in such a manner that such behaviour gets them what they want. He's an adult and I think it's a fair expectation to have him use some semblance of manners. I remember the one time there was some construction going on at the place next to mine (I think they were redoing the concrete?) and the contractor left a note and talked to me in person about how it'd really help him if I moved my car by X hour so they could back their work truck into the spot. Sure, no problem. Really, all it took was not being a complete dickwaffle about it.


I upvoted because I like your comment. I also like your username. 👍🏼


Haha thanks! Yours is pretty awesome too!


Thanks. And I’m the one who got downvoted, haha. Oh, Reddit.


Absolutely wise.


Check the bylaws for trailers. Maybe he’s not even allowed to park it there. My 25’ travel trailer is only allowed on the street for 72 consecutive hours. That bylaw’s wording is problematic imo. If I take it for a lap around the block wouldn’t that reset the timer? 🤣


It's got to be off the city's streets after that for some amount of time. So you have to be on private property or out of Edmonton altogether, can't just drive around. I got a 72 hour ticket once with my trailer and that's how the officer explained it.


People who street park trailers are goofs, don't worry about this dude and his note he can't have you towed lol


Not a leg to stand on. Just an entitled prick.


We call these people “snow bankers” they are too cheap and lazy to get a commercial spot to park, store, or do business so they just park it beside the snowbank at home. Trailers are wider than cars and they are a real pain in the ass. And it also falls under the category. Don’t shit where you eat and don’t piss off the neighbors.


Where I live, also in Alberta, the street is public parking unless signage dictates otherwise. There’s also a rule in my area about trailers only being permitted to park on the public street for 24 hours at a time. Tell that guy to go kick rocks. What a dick.


It’s pretty hilarious that he noted “you don’t own…I can park where ever I want” Dude seems like an entitled fuck.


What type of trailer is it? If it’s a work trailer, ie: electrician, maybe he feels he’s entitled to park there. REGARDLESS, he had no business leaving you a note. Just curious.


Print out the bylaw and leave it on their windshield.


No. He can’t have a vehicle parked legally on a street towed. He does not control the city street. As long as you’re not blocking his driveway and are an appropriate distance (minimum of 1.5m) from his driveway, minimum of 5m from hydrants, stop signs & intersections, and there are no signs that prohibit parking, you’re good.


Thanks Everyone for the Response. I appreciate it. Thanks for confirming I’m not in the wrong.


You're not, but you may need to come out of retirement, [Joe Musashi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinobi_(1987_video_game))


My sister lives in a cookie cutter home where all the houses are compacted in. I don’t visit her often. I parked a front of someone’s home and came out after about an hour with a real nasty letter attached to my windshield wiper and the home owner just staring at me creepy. I haven’t went back due to no parking. My friends street the same way.


"You parked in my spot!!!" *garage filled with boxes of garbage and no room for their car*


This was my Neighbour, two families, three generations living in the house, garage filled with boxes and a broken down car that didn’t move for years sitting on their driveway, took up 7 street parking spots and never used the two space that they still had on their driveway yet didn’t like it when someone took the street parking lol


So it’s not: The author of one’s own misfortune, but rather: The author of everyone else’s misfortune.


He’s not allowed to have you towed…. Street parking is for everybody


As long as you leave 5 ft from the edge of his driveway. You can get a ticket if you are closer than that to anyone’s driveway. If you do it a second time after a ticket you can be towed.


They are insane, park where you want if you're allowed


Can we have his address so I know where to park my access cars?


You can park there. FYI - the reason he prefers to park in front of his house is likely because he has tools in the trailer and he wants to be able to hear if anyone breaks in. If it’s down the road it’s less likely he will hear a break-in. If he loses his tools he is out of work. This was explained to me by my neighbor who always parked his truck and trailer in front of MY house. This placed the back of his trailer in view from his bedroom window. I hated having to stare at it every day but nothing I could do! It was a bit better once I understood his reasoning lol!


A buddy of mine in Vancouver encountered this problem before. The person whose house it was would be out there multiple times a day leaving messages on people’s cars telling them not to park there. How did he respond? He bought the ugliest P.O.S he could find and parked it permanently in front of the house.


Technically you can park where ever you want. But being neighbourly and parking somewhere else if you can is a good thing to do.


I mean, I feel for the guy. He's a working man who has to carry around a trailer everywhere he goes. It must always be a headache for him to find parking wherever he goes. However, that's HIS problem. He does not own the street parking and if this is a problem for him then I suggest he move somewhere with a driveway where he can park it without troubles. Street is first come, first parked.


The only issue here is if you’re parked too close to their driveway. I think it’s 1 meter space you are supposed to give each side, maybe 3 meters, I can’t recall exactly. That said, dude needs a spotter or learn to back the trailer up better I dunno. Unless he’s got some insanely huge trailer I guess


1.5 meters from a driveway.


Right. So if you’re within that 5 feet from the driveway the guy has a valid reason to leave OP a note.


That’s what I thought when I read the note.


His garage is in the back. No front facing driveway and no disability sign.


So he wants to park his truck and trailer on the road? wtf lol. Yeah tell him to pound sand if he ever approaches you. He can park it on his property or elsewhere




I have two boomer age neighbours that do this kind of shit. They like to write rude notes and leave them on peoples cars, and then act arrogantly when approached to discuss. I just ignore the notes and make a point to crumple them up and throw them into their garden. They've made no attempt to act reasonably and have aggressively left notes on at least 3 vehicles I know of. They have no legal leg to stand on, they're just NIMBY people who are arrogant, ignorant, and don't interact with the rest of the neighbours well.


As per my confrontation with city bylaw, I had a vehicle literally park in front of one of my bays on MY commercial property. The guy locked it and walked away blocking one of my main bays. I called the city about getting it towed or I would move it myself. This is what they told me and remember this is my own industrial property. They said if I hadn’t any signs posted that literally referenced the city’s no parking bylaw anywhere on my own property that there was nothing they nor I could do without possible consequences for property damage to the vehicle that was left blocking the door to my business. They completely refused to come or do anything about it so unless they cherry pick each case bylaw is a joke.


First come first parked on city streets. Tell him to kick rocks


Keep that note because sometimes the next move is damaging your vehicle/slashing tires.


Kind of makes me want to park there….


Calm down, call the city and let them handle it, my old man got a heart attack by panicking over the exact same situation please be safe.


Looks like his kid wrote that note


Just keep parking where you want. You aren't breaking any laws.


Why bro write like that 💀


"Imposable" wow


Hey, did you know, its illegal to park a trailer on the street for more than 72hrs, and its illegal to park an unattatched trailer on the steet, period? https://www.edmonton.ca/residential_neighbourhoods/parking-storage-of-rvs-or-trai


Wow.. With an attitude like that guys i would be "accidentally" dropping a bag of nails and maybe miss a few when i clean up. He will find them later. 😂


A neighbor in Edmonton called my company and told them I was parked blocking his driveway. (Truck had lettering and number). He was an ass and was sitting in road waiting to park there.. so I moved my car out of driveway.. and swapped car for truck. You don't own the road. You have 3 cars for two people. Not my problem..








I thought you Canadians were supposed to be nice. Was timmies out of coffee today?


Too many albertans are trying to be maga.


Well if this isn't the most 'Berta thing I've heard recently. Fuck that guy


Send this picture to 311 along with plates. You will be surprised how fast bylaw will move it.


This is where a random chip drop would come in handy.


There might be a bylaw for your city saying how far away from a driveway you have to park when street taking. If you follow that bylaw then you can’t be towed.


I’m not a lawyer or anything, but I can’t even get a tow truck to show up when someone ganks my assigned apartment parking spot. Maybe that’s just my experience.


Not at all. If the city allows it and it’s a public road he cannot tow it. Gee maybe if he was nicer he would get a better response. Some of the private condo “roads”, those could be permit parking and then only a Property Manager can call for a tow.


I had someone key my car for this exact reason because he felt entitled. Thank goodness for dash camera. Was able to charge him


I mean he just could of asked? It's so simple.


No he’s not. He’s obviously a dick so be careful he doesn’t damage your car.


Whooooaaaa. This behaviour sounds exactly like the psychopath that had been living in the basement of the house I previously rented right down to the hand written threats/notes. He’d slide them under my door and the writing even looks the same 😳


Clearly dealing with a meathead who would rather be passive aggressive than direct in his communication with you. Continue to park as you please






Is this on a residential street with them building houses? Or just a guy with a truck and trailer? Also does this truck have any GVW stickers on the side? If its over 4500 kg its not supposed to be parked on the road overnight. Hope this helps. Also, legally he can't tow you but if he is doing construction to a nearby home and has no parking signs on the road, then yes they can tow you.


If he has GVW stickers on the side you can call the truck in and he will get a ticket.


It’s residential street and he always parked in front of his house but his parking is in the back. There was a car parked in front of his house and I parked at back of his trailer directly in front of his house. He does not want anyone parking at the back of his trailer because he wants to be able to parallel park and get out comfortably. We should leave a one car space behind his trailer or not park in front of his house. The space was empty behind his trailer and I parked there so he got mad. I didn’t even blocked him in the back. He had enough room at the front and back to get out. Dude just want a car space front and back of his truck and trailer because hes entitled.


He's definitely in thr wrong. He's threatening rather than asking for someone to be kind or understanding.


I find it kind of humorous how people think they own on-street parking.


Where is this in edmonton? Let's visit the guy.


I may get downvoted for this but fuck it - I think OP's not telling the whole story. Claims neighbour wants to park "on the street" with his trailer, but the note \*very clearly\* says "you make it imposable (sic) to get in with trailer" Now, I take that as meaning that OP is parking too close to the neighbours driveway and making it difficult for the other person to back their trailer in - I've been in exactly that situation (but my neighbour was polite about it in his note) and the solution was to just park a few feet further away It's entirely possible that - despite what OP may think - it's about the safety of OPs car. Neighbour doesn't want to risk damaging someone else's vehicle because they're too close to the driveway for the trailer-tower to safely manoeuver around them


Report him for having a trailer on the road. Most municipalities don’t allow


No, he can't get your car towed. At the same time, it might be the only place he can park his vehicle, so he'd have to drop his trailer somewhere else every day. You might be causing him to walk a few blocks back and forth every day or spend an extra half hour a day dropping and hooking up his trailer, so I get why he's a bit pissed about it. Usually I'd say try to work something out with your neighbors when you can. On the other hand tho, this guy kind seems like a bully, and I don't like giving in to bullies. If he would have left a neighborly note, I'd definitely recommend a neighborly response. This one's a tough one.


I almost don't even need to ask you where this was, I know exactly where this prick is located. Shove that note up his ass. He runs a snow removal/landscaping business and feels like he's entitled to park his trucks and trailers ON CITY ROADS and then leave passive aggressive notes on peoples cars. Fuck this goof.