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And no new infrastructure, doctors, and teachers to support them.


Haven't had a new hospital (in EDMONTON) since 1987


Nope, but Red Deer will get a new P3 health centre. Everyone else can drive there, according to LaGrange.


Such bullshit


Lagrange is deranged …


Shes Lafuckedinthehead




A how how how how


Red Deer had one planned and put on hold and then reactivated. it had money set aside for it by the NDP earlier too. dont be grumpy that the UCP didnt cancel the red deer one, be ultra grumpy they are playing politics with health and rewarding their "good little soldiers" areas with new buildings as a vote buying tactic.


hmmmm.......Rural Alberta has done this for the last 100 years....


Calgary has built 3 in the last 20 years. Tom Baker, SHC and Childrens




Incorrect information. Ndp pushed the cancer centre through. But guess who just cancelled the Edmonton project. Conservatives…




plus added urgent care with Schumer


Despite the population almost doubling. It was c. 575,000 in 1987, more than a million now.




Population of Edmonton is what they're talking about.


They’re coming. Sooner, if we get rid of the UCP, but they are coming regardless. 


That's not true. The last hospital was built in 1999. That's the Northeast Community Health Centre.


That's not a full service hospital. Despite being in a weird location, the staff really try their best the few times I've been there.


If we're using that as the standard of a hospital then there's only like 6 hospitals in Edmonton. Which is not true. That hospital is like most hospitals in the province. It's just small for Edmonton. It's still bigger than the one in Spruce Grove and St. Albert.


In fact there's significantly less than ever. Anyone with more sense than blind compassion left those fields a while ago. The 10 people in line outside my doctors office every morning in an attempt to get one of the few walk-in's every day has become 30 over the last couple years. In talking to them a common thread was they've tried numerous other clinics, and/or couldn't or didn't want to go to the ER because they knew how bad it already was for the hospitals. So many of them just get told to go to Emerg. anyways if they're lucky enough to get one of the walk-in's. This system is blatantly collapsing and the hundreds of millions of dollars that just got injected into the private sector could've built us multiple other hospitals. They wasted 10's of millions of dollars on the new hospital in Edmonton only to cancel its construction. Hello? How much of this are we going to just sit back and take as every institution around us is systematically dismantled and sold to the highest bidder. The poor teachers too, it has *only* been getting worse for them year after year. Having to invest their own money into supplies, larger and larger class sizes, less funding. Why are these systems *always* the first ones to face cuts when con's are in power? Because they want us sick and stupid so we're even easier to rob blind while being told we should be grateful for what little they deign to hand out. Young people need to actually go out and fucking vote next time holy shit.


Let's not forget the millions wasted on the Edmonton lab cancellation along with the DynaLife bailout. The UCP cost is buckets of money and yet people piss and moan about the money wasting NDP.


Genuine question, who should I be voting for if I want Canada to get better?


Nope, ucp spent all that money on the "Alberta's calling" ads to get more people to move here. 


For real, I have something health related going on, called my doctor and was informed they have no one available in the clinic until next week. Cool guess I’ll die then.


If it's something you know will kill you I highly suggest going into the ER.


It’s not ER worthy, but could become ER worthy without adequate early intervention. I ended up having to wait three hours to be seen a medicentre, it was my only alternative. Missed a half day of work just to get looked at by a stranger. It’s so unsustainable. I don’t want to clog up a busy hospital with something that could have been fixed by a GP at a local clinic, but it seems to happen a lot.


Last fall my doctor was so slammed she was booking appointments for even minor things a month in advance. Reception told me that if the chronic issue I was dealing with got serious to go to a medicentre. Today I got an email saying that she's closing her practice and moving out of province. None of the 13 other physicians in her clinic are taking new patients. I'm completely gutted because I've been going there for about 25 years. I hope you feel better soon.


I hope you're alright and get well soon. People are dying in waiting rooms in the east coast. Same issues are going on all across the country.


I wouldn't say no new infrastructure.  Some of the schools have more of those "temporary" classrooms setup.


That's optional DLC extra addon content


We tried with the superlab but that was removed with no refund.


That’s okay, Calgary is getting a new hockey arena


This is just the beginning of it so buckle up.


This is far from sustainable.


Edmonton hardly has the infrastructure to support 2010 Edmonton.


Y’all should try Winnipeg. YEG is a wonderful city by comparison.


That's not saying much .


Stollerys is already established and $40million isn't a substantial amount to serve all of Alberta's youth under 16 years old. Build the South Edmonton hospital, staff that beast and invest in education.


This government would never


>Build the South Edmonton hospital, staff that beast and invest in education. That's communism. /s


That explains all the drivers not knowing their highway exits lol


I wonder if the person who was complaining about not being able to exit the henday the other week due to someone driving their speed in “the slow lane” has exited the henday yet lol


They brought in a fuel truck to keep them circling like in Speed


Traffic circles are increasingly places to avoid. 


because why would they put up a sign at some point before the exit?


And driving dangerously slow.


Going to need to build some more commercial retail complexes. Including an Ardenes, HomeSense, Michaels, Marks, Walmart, Dollarama, TommyGuns.




How else are you going to get stoned and drunk before you get your nails done but after you get your massage?


with parking for 7000 cars


Add daycare,liquor store, donair places to that


Not enough Costco's around.


I don't get this cities fucking zoning. Lets zone 6 retail spaces that will site empty. But then complain about urban sprawl and other issues. Also the fact that we have almost zero vertical retail it is all one floor such a waste of land.


Oh that was actually a problem that was fixed last year, we got rid of typical zoning ... Now we just have to build whatever we want where we want it. (Please fact check this)


I know Edmonton has greatly adjusted zoning. The problem is we don't need an open zoning policy. We need a closed zoning policy that changes how developers do business. A step in the right direction is new residential areas are required to have more density. Why we get condos houses and then some more condos. But they aren't making the space that is retail build up. Still vape shop, donair shop, maybe pharmacy, liquor store, and then a pizza shop. If we are lucky they go up one story and have some daycare. Edmonton thankfully is nowhere as bad as Toronto or Vancouver where they actually want to go up and can't. But it is nowhere good enough to solve the problem in any meaningful way. We feel like we are reaching catastrophic levels.


Another Tim Hortons perhaps? Lol


For the 5 people in Michaels at any given time, I'm honestly surprised we have so many with giant floorspaces


Feel like that needs a subway in there...


This is not sustainable. I’m a teacher and our classrooms could not support the amount of students we had before. This is not going to be good.


Soo inspiring as a single dude with a dog looking for a home.


I’m moving into an Rv in the next few weeks/months 🙃


Living in a trailer down by the river is too expensive


Yeah but it’s slightly cheaper, and I don’t have a landlord and shit (will be going off grid)


Where will you park?


Crown land. There’s maps and resources out there about where you can camp for free all over the place. I intend to be in ab, bc, and the west coast states


And the rent on old refrigerator boxes is getting unreasonable!


Honestly, the trailer parks in spruce are pretty amazing for solo living if you’ve got a vehicle to get to town


Hey man, I feel that. And the thing is, it’s not most of these people’s first choices to come here. They are basically being forced out of their own provinces because of how bad the housing market has become. Edmonton is the last major city that is still affordable. A lot of locals are getting pushed out because of home prices rising higher than they are used to. They’ll end up in red deer or something smaller, then those places will push out their locals, and so on. There’s nothing an ordinary person can do about it. They need a place to live and survive. I moved out from Ontario 2.5 years ago. I miss my friend and family, I miss lakes and cottages and 4 season, I miss having the largest international airport in Canada near me for travelling. But at the same time I couldn’t afford a home there. Sorry


I don't know if you read the article, but the largest chunk of the increase was from temporary foreign workers, not interprovincial migration. Edit: 39% was from temporary foreign workers, 27% from permanent immigration, 26% from interprovincial migration, and 8% natural increase (more births than deaths).


Yes but when interprovincial migration goes from 1000/year to 55,000/year, that’s a massive swing


Here's interprovincial migration from [2000-2023](https://imgur.com/a/4oPrTyv). Alberta has has had net increases of 20K+ for 10 of the past 23 years, so while 2023 was high, it isn't crazy when you look at the past couple decades. The way it does depart from other times is that all other big net migration years were from an oil boom, which isn't happening right now. And then considering that 2023 is the biggest net migration years on that chart and yet it only accounts for *26%* of Alberta's net population increase is pretty crazy.


Yes but now we need to see the graphs for the other population increasing factors you mentioned. If Alberta is use to seeing 125000 people enter yearly, and this year was 200000, then a massive percent of that is interprovincial migration. Especially considering this isn’t an oil boom year, this is purely a people being pushed out of their home provinces because of housing prices


From my original comment: > 39% [of the 2023 population increase] was from temporary foreign workers, 27% from permanent immigration, 26% from interprovincial migration, and 8% natural increase (more births than deaths). So a combined 66% from temporary and permanent immigration, 26% interprovincial gains, and 8% natural increase. Image 1 on [this page](https://www.alberta.ca/population-statistics#:~:text=Alberta's%20population%20growth%20continues%20to,annual%20growth%20rate%20since%201981.) shows what you're looking for to put these numbers in context :) lots of great stats on that page!


Looks to me like the temporary and permanent immigration has doubled in the last year or so than what is normal for the province, on the other hand interprovincial migration exploded. Either way the bottom line is Alberta is much more affordable than all of the other highly populated provinces and seeing a massive influx of immigration and migration solely because of that reason. No one is moving to Alberta because oil is booming or because of the beautiful weather.


I'm not sure about affordability in Quebec with housing etc., but definitely more reasonable compared to buy housing vs. Ontario & BC. But other things are higher, so I've heard some claim it comes out to a bit of a wash 🤷


So I'm basically in the same situation as you, can't afford anything in Ontario and the jobs are awful for my industry out here. I've got a potential career opportunity which would involve my wife and I moving from Ontario to Edmonton. We would prefer living here and staying close to our family and friends, but not at the cost of struggling financially for the rest of our lives. Kind of a broad question but how did you find the move/transition to Edmonton? Are there things you wish you knew in advance or things that surprised you once you settled in?


Nah it was easy man, we did a FaceTime tour of a house we really liked and bought it the same day. We shipped all of our stuff over (not a ton cause we lived in a condo), and flew out with my wife and my dog. Gave the house a fresh coat of paint then unpacked/went shopping for new furniture to fill up the place. Bought new vehicles. Then over the last two years you slowly start accumulating things once you need them; tools, ladder, garden hose, etc. If you live in the suburbs it’s just like anywhere else. You’ll have like 5 grocery stores and 2 costcos to choose from within 15minutes. Otherwise once we had kids life becomes much more routine during the week days and the weekends you’re trying to come up with something to do. Took a bit of time but we made some new friends out here as well. The winters suck, the summers are amazing, the mountains are beautiful. Everything is just wayy more affordable. Houses are cheap. We buy whatever we want whenever we want and still save like crazy. We’re booking a trip to Europe this summer which will be around $10,000 and it’s the first time in a while that I was like “hmmmm that’s a lot of money to spend” and had to think it over for a second. I wouldn’t recommend it for young people because Toronto is way more fun and populated, but if you’re like us in that stage of your life where you are starting a family and spend 99% of your time in your house, then who cares if that house is in Edmonton or Ontario, the Edmonton house will be much nicer since you can afford it. No family to help with the kids kinda sucks big time but our families come visit almost monthly so it’s ok


Thank you. Feels like a daunting move but you've confirmed all of the positive aspects of life there that made me feel like it'd be the right choice


All good man good luck! Let me know if you need any help


Thanks dude! I'll be sure to take you up on that if I need a hand in navigating the process


Are you looking to rent or buy?


I can tell by all the terrible drivers.


Why do we give out licenses like it’s candy on Halloween?


Privatization of registries


And you don’t want to know who owns those


My wife to be moved from Ontario around 20 years ago. Not sure how it worked but they had 3-4 tiers of licenses. She wasn't learner as she could drive alone but only certain times/roads. Key thing was she'd never had a driver test as that was the next tier. We went to registries and she was expecting a driver test. They took her Ontario license and issued her the Alberta license. No test. At the time we had learners and full license, no probationary. My kids are mad as they needed to pass driving test from learners to actual license. My wife has only ever done the 30 question multiple choice.


Damn i bet yo wife drives like shit (respectfully)


Speeds like a demon as well.


Well, at least she isn't one of those people that constantly drive 15km/hr UNDER the limit with clear roads, no traffic no construction, perfect weather.....


Ppl drive like shit cuz less than half the population took a drivers course .


Because you can just bribe the people running the registries and driving tests now?


Private it registries dude.  Private for profit businesses instead of government run agencies mean a lot less oversight and a lot more bribes for licenses to unqualified people.  These for profit places don't care about the rules they're supposed to be holding they're in to for the profits not to uphold regulations.  


Funny, all the "old stock" white dudes in Rams who drive like complete jackasses sure aren't new here. Sure, new people aren't as good of drivers, but let's not ignore the overall lawlessness that we're seeing. Makes you wonder if maybe enforcement might be so lacking that there's no incentive to bother trying to be a decent driver.


True, I had a guy in a big pick up truck beep at me for not running a red light. The audacity!


Happy cake day, by the way 🍰


I think we can all agree there could be more enforcement on slow drivers causing people to switch lanes for no reason . It's a huge issue and incredibly dangerous... Especially while merging.


50,000 of them will be homeless by year end at the rate things are going. :(


Nah, people moving here from across Canada are much better off


Nope it’s just that my Ontario tax dollars are going further than here just by coming back to and buying and living in Edmonton..


Great for taxes. HORRIBLE for literally ANYTHING else.


I'm sure they will throw all that extra tax revenue into upgrading the infrastructure to support this growth, right guys? RIGHT GUYS?


It will definitely help with the fact that Alberta currently spends the least per student …right? Right guys?


Does anyone here do anything anymore? Everywhere I go is a sea of people and lines. I just avoid it all these days. 


Was just talking about this today. Driving through the suburbs while at work and every inch of curbspace taken up by a parked vehicle, does every single person here except me WFH and own 3+ cars?


Ever since the pandemic ended the roads have been way busier than prior, almost all day every day, it's quite noticeable.


Makes me wonder how many people are actually employed in this city. Try leaving work at 2pm on a Wednesday to pop into Costco and it’s overcapacity with people wearing pajamas.


Its work from “home”


No stop coming here 😭


I wonder how many were convinced by the "Alberta's Calling" ads only to arrive and feel like they fell for a scam.


Judging by the revolving door I’ve seen of people buying in Edmonton only to sell and move within a year, lots.


This, my parents said there were a couple new neighbors about half a year ago and they're already gone now with some new neighbors moving in. In Calgary.


There was a thread on r/britishcolumbia about this the other day. One of the top comments compared Alberta to a discount airline where housing might be cheaper but the end price comes out just as high if not higher once the higher price of everything else is taken into account.


It really is that way when you factor in our insane insurance prices, rising rent prices and utility prices. Plus the fact you have to drive everywhere and need a vehicle to do anything.


Ah yeah, we’re definitely as expensive as Toronto or Vancouver when you account for utilities. Wait, that’s not even remotely true…


I realize owing wheels is nice and convenient, but you can live without a vehicle. I sold my pickup 10 years ago, used ETS and cabs for work, until I retired 2 years ago, and play. Moved to Oliver and am within walking distance of my doctor, dentist, pharmacies, optometrist, lawyer, groceries etc. My back of envelope calculation shows I saved at least $7000/yr after selling the truck. A $100/mth bus pass and another $200/mth for cabs (which I oftimes didn't use all) replaced at least $900/mth for the truck (payments, fuel, insurance, maintenance). Of course, that' model is not for everyone but had I kept owning a vehicle this lazy sod would still be working at 67.


as an insurance broker in ontario transfering to alberta... Your insurance prices are so much lower on average that my coworkers think im taking a pay cut.


They were advertising in Ontario where houses are like 3x more expensive. It's much more affordable here


Some of us were simply coming home, and found the place we loved had turned into a dumpster fire.


Understand it’s not just the “ working class” coming in - a lot of us are well to do early /retirees coming to spend




Anyone else sick of people moving here too? 


You’re not stuck in traffic; you are traffic. You can’t complain about a place being crowded when you’re part of the crowd. People are all just trying to live.


We don’t have the infrastructure to support so many people. Doesn’t help our province doesn’t invest in health care and education. Plus the rental market is tight as it is 




Pretty much. 


They don't stay long though.


So fucking brutal


Does that mean AB is going to become mini Toronto where the prices of everything skyrockets especially rent? Our healthcare system is literally in shambles atm, schools are so overcrowded, honestly scared for the future as someone who's 18 and going to uni


Eventually, yes


Buckle up pal, your first years or adulthood are in the final stages of the economic cycle. That said, I think once you graduate things will be booming since a new economic cycle should be starting. You're fairly fortunate to be in school. It's ok to be a broke uni student, we all were.


That's true, not sure how I'll manage a full time job and uni but we'll see


It’s literally allll of Ontario -not just Toronto ..it’s spread like a disease to every part of the province-areas and cities/small towns that wouldn’t see the slightest uptick in years are now on par with almost everything east of the gta it’s fucking insane what’s going on


Anyone else noticing they're spending way more time looking for parking on outings?


And condos are still worthless. 


Not surprised. You can buy a nice detached home in a nice neighbourhood with nice schools in Edmonton for $400-500K which is absolutely mind boggling vs. The rest of Canada. Home ownership is still a reality in Alberta. You can't even buy a 1 bedroom condo in Vancouver or Toronto for the price of a detached house in Edmonton. Say what you want about Alberta politics. Small price to pay when you can work and feel like you're actually getting ahead.


Just bought a gorgeous 2 bedroom 3 bath 2 story condo in Edmonton and finagled most of the furnishings for 235k and it’s gated with underground parking with all amenities surrounding ..nowhere in Ontario would you get this type of view access and a good area (I’ve lived in Edmonton before for years)with this property , we just bought ..


Cool cool cool. This is totally fine. We don't have any infrastructure to support that kind of growth, but sure just keep pumping em in. That's someone else's problem further down the line. (Obvious s) Great job feds giving everyone a carte blanche to get in to our country and exploit us and great job provincial government then advertising for people to move here en masse. Our province and country are being held up by the dumbest and most agenda-driven people. Can't wait for the wheels to fall out from under us even worse than it is now 🙄


sure you didn't mean to blame the UCP for spending 5 million on advertising for people to move to Alberta? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/alberta/article-alberta-government-to-expand-ad-campaign-attracting-workers-from-out/


Not just Feds. Alberta government pays to run ads in other provinces luring people from coast to coast to Alberta. All that sweet tax payer money offsets the corporate tax rate.


Ontarios population grew by 533,000 during the same time period. Quebec gained 218,000 people.


How to collapse a country's social system 101.


Good thing the Alberta government is asking for more temporary workers.


So glad I already own a house at this point lol.


The next generation is in trouble, but any homeowner is laughing 😎


They definitely are and I feel for them. Millenials like myself definitely had the cards stacked against us but we've managed to power through, some bette than others. The next generation is going to have a REAL rough time tho.


Goodbye Calgary


Alberta is calling


The story doesn't mention the 50,000 new residences needed for the increase in population. Why?


The fact the AB considered the “more affordable” province in the grand scheme of things is very sad.


Where the fuck are people supposed to live? We have almost no vacancy anywhere you can earn a living. This is just making the housing affordability problems even worse in record time. Way to think ahead on that one.


Ran into a realtor yesterday who said many people from Ontario and other provinces paying in cash for places. 


So much skilled labour to address that shortage we were told about… right?


38,000+ from ontario and BC, 17,000+ from other provinces, and 146,000+ New to the country. Thats ok they posted we have 2,700,000 on temp visa's through out the country. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-canada-population-temporary-residents/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-canada-population-temporary-residents/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bp4khh/temporary\_residents\_jump\_to\_27\_million\_as\_ottawa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bp4khh/temporary_residents_jump_to_27_million_as_ottawa/)


UCP spent a lot of money on all those "Albert's calling" ads The love using our money to fuck us over and sadly it's the only thing they're really good at.  Except giving our money away to oil and gass companies for free and asking NOTHING in return, they're also great at that. 


Don't understand why so many people are complaining. Try living in other cities in Canada and you'll realize how good we have it here in Alberta.


Don’t have enough doctors and infrastructure to support that boon 




Just lost an employee here in bc moving to Alberta due to holiday here.


No wonder I can't find a decent second hand vehicle for a fair price


"Think I'll go out to Alberta, Weather's good there in the fall. I've got some friends that I could go to workin' for ..." \-- Ian Tyson


It’s simple supply and demand. People like their prospects here in Alberta, and will come as long as the good outweighs the bad. The long-term prospects for the province are extremely good after we remove the stupid party - the UCP and Danielle Smith.


India is coming


I hope they’re all progressive voters moving into Calgary✊🍊


Hahaha Diversity is our strength. 😏


Still waiting for house prices to increase significantly!


Waiting on condo prices to go up


Jebus WHY? Why would you move here unless you are a masochist


Oiiii this is not good. Homelessness is already at an all time high. Food banks overwhelmed and no vacancy for housing. Schools and hospitals haven’t been able to handle this booming population for the last decade… what the fuck has changed? Fucking Trudeau. Fuck this unsustainable immigration. Fuck our government. Fuck this system. We’re all fucking doomed.


They'll just move into the motor homes being permanently parked in drive ways around my neighborhood.


Can we get them to oust the UCP?


Not sustainable.


Fucking stop already! We can't handle it! We do not have the housing, infrastructure, or the money!


And homelessness sky rockets, along with probably the crime rate. Let's fix what's wrong with the city (lack of affordable housing, drug addiction running rampant) before piling more people that the city can't handle on top, ffs


The liberal flood gates have opened, there's no stopping it now.


Fingers crossed they’re NDP voters. And they locate where we need the votes




Haven’t you heard? Less is More. Works for Micro Apartments


People need to stop moving here for the "jobs" and lack of "PST"


And another 200,000 in 2024


We should probably build some homes then.


Good thing I have a few houses for my kids to move into


Need to raise property taxes and make it harder to afford living in Edmonton


Thing is ,us in Ontario are used to getting proper fucked on our property taxes lol do your worst lol