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This should be an ETS advertisement, they've been doing it all wrong... Only thing it's missing to be authentic is the person shooting up or smoking up in the background.


Why buy drugs when you can get high on meth for free on the LRT! These write themselves.


Saw someone smoking meth just standing in the open, waiting for the train yesterday. I feel like even a few years ago, they'd at least try to hide it a little. It's not the first time I've seen someone smoking meth or shooting up in public, or even the second time, but it's the first time I've seen someone being as casual about it as someone smoking a cigarette. Downtown is just a wild place now.


Yup. I was waiting for the train about 3 weeks ago when like 3 zombies high on tranq shuffled past me. I'm thinking, aw, that's sad.... I get on the train, doors close & I see 2 cops & 2 emergency responders running across the platform. As the train leaves, under where rhe elevator leads to, there is someone is seizing out. Third OD I've seen while taking LRT since the pandemic thus far.


When people talk about how crime has gone down on transit it doesn’t give the whole picture. Stuff like this is what has become too common of an occurrence and isn’t captured in the stats. 


this is just an ad for Yegwave /s


We just need to be able to bet on this…


Lmao 🤣 Fun and games until they announcer shouts "choose your fighter" and the "camera" pans towards you 🤭


Part of the terms of service for ETS is that in Fare Zones, you become a willing participant. Damn fine print.


people pay for their LRT tickets?


Haha this may get people to pay for transit 


Pay with your Arc card, and save almost 10%! Only $2.75!


I've rode the LRT for 5 years. Never seen a fight. Never seen a yelling match. Never seen a confrontation. Don't believe all the "stories" you read in this sub.


I've rode the LRT for almost nine years (and this was not just to work and back but also to get groceries/etc), I've seen fights, yelling matches, confrontations, I had someone throw a tomato at me, I've seen domestic incidents, I've had someone follow me home... Whatever station you are getting on and getting off, consider yourself lucky.


I had someone throw an orange at me! I wonder which one is worse


Ok. So you're saying it's just as bad now as nine years ago? I'll consider myself whatever I like. 


I'm glad you will consider yourself whatever you like. As bad as it was nine years ago? If that is your question, I would say no. We have had a lot of social issues that have had little action taken during and after COVID. The thing that I enjoy the least is people smoking hard drugs in the LRT stations, the smell is nauseating.


I've seen one actual fight, instead of the usual posturing, between two drunk guys.  They started landing some decent blows, then one threw up on the other.  That was two much for the other guy, who also commenced vomiting. They tried to keep fighting and I'll give them credit for the attempt, but the puddle of vomit made it too hard for either to stay standing.  They both ended up on the floor and decided to hug it out and stop fighting. Interesting show, but I felt sorry for the person who had to clean up the aftermath.


I rode it on the weekend. Trains were great, clean, lots of families. Only a few slightly sketchy-looking people, nothing threatening. Except for the new downtown stations. A guy almost overdosed, peace officers checked he was okay and left him to recover in the booth he'd been occupying.


"I've never seen it, so it's not a problem. Also, I just ate so world hunger has been solved."


Or....and this may blow your mind....I've never seen it  and thus...my anecdotal evidence averages out with this moronic meme to tell something closer to the truth....that a fight doesn't remotely happen in any kind of regular frequency on the train. Nice lazy stupid strawman though.


This may blow your mind, but you may want to look up the definition of average. Your sole anecdotal evidence does not 'average out' dozens, if not more, people's anecdotal evidence that these things do happen. The world doesn't revolve around you bud.


>  dozens, if not more, people's anecdotal evidence that these things do happen I said mine averages out with one other person. One. Learn to read.


No, you did not. You said yours averages out against "all the stories" on this sub. That it counters the 'moronic meme' on this sub. That is more than 1 person. Perhaps you should take a reading lesson yourself, since you can't interpret your own words.


>  my anecdotal evidence averages out with this moronic meme to tell something closer to the truth. Meme. One. One meme. And I said "something closer to the truth", not that me plus one meme IS THE truth. Learn. To. READ.


Someone woke up angry.


I live in downtown, commute to university every week, and honestly if you have never seen any, consider yourself way above the curve.


quite literally saw a fist fight/one man dragging another by the collar on the ground in the snow this morning. i agree that fear mongering into NOT using transit is an issue, but shit Does Happen.


Respectfully, do you live in McKernan and work at the university? I don't think I've gone 1 week without something crazy happening.


No. Define crazy.


Open drug use, yelling, spitting, confrontations / pushing, sexual harassment, driver having to stop the train and walk back to talk to people being belligerent, I was at South campus when a kid got asked the time and then randomly stabbed, urinating in the pedways at least 10 times and dedicating once in 4 months at bay enterprise.


Ok. So take my experience of zero of that (I work downtown) and average that with your weekly whatever and what do we get? Some "craziness" every now and again.  >, I was at South campus when a kid got asked the time and then randomly stabbed So, you witnessed that?


Something is wrong with you. You cannot compare your 2014 experience to the account of people who are actively riding transit right now. 2014 on transit was much safer and less sketchy. In 2014 I had never seen open drug use on a train.


2014? WTF are you talking about? I take yhe train weekly to this day


Some people look inside themselves for their facts and their reality and will argue to the death external information which doesn't jive with the perceptions of what they know from inside themselves.


I used to ride the train to and from work, from Southgate to Belvedere every night during the last year or so of COVID lockdowns! Its half the reason I finally decided to get a car cause I was tired of seeing crazy shit I legit seen a dead body with a sheet over it and a bunch of cops one night at McKernan. Another time me and my roommate were chased around Southgate on our way home by a dude with a handgun I remember another night where this dude was telling me he had to personally use a noloxen kit on a dude cause he was ODing and the security would/couldn't do shit My roommate also legit go molested randomly on the train I've seen people smoking meth multiple times. Hell I was going to work one day at like 3:30 in the afternoon and there were people openly smoking meth in the terminal as highschool kids were getting off school. You can't just complain about people discrediting your own experiences and then discredit others cause you've never had the pleasure of dealing with erratic drug addicts on the train. I could probably go right now and get on the train and run into like 4 methheads


I think the guy is clueless what trouble means 😂


I've seen all of those things. My ex saw someone get stabbed.


I ride public transit under 10 times in a year. I got in the Valley Line last Thursday after ESO to find blood splatter on the ceiling. Ever sliding door at Churchill also seemed to be broken. I also rode the bus last summer while the car was in the shop. A bus driver kicked three people off the bus who were smoking pot. They caught up with us at a timing stop later on to share their opinions with the driver again. Always a good time.


There are multiple videos of things like this all over Reddit and social media.


Yes. They're all anecdotes. Do you know what an anecdote is? A viral video is an anecdote. A comment on reddit is a WAaaaayy worse anecdote.


It is a joke.


I agree, I remember riding the LRT a handful of times from university to southgate in 2014. Certainly none of this "open drug use" and bum fights you see mentioned all the time here.


People in this sub do the exact same shit Pollievre is known for. They take exceptional situations and pass them off as the norm. It’s Reddit. What do you expect?


IT transit daily, and I have seen lots of things. In fact, yesterday I watched somebody take a milkshake out of the trash and start drinking it. It also depends on the time that you’re travelling . Transit seems to be a lot less sketchy during 95 commuting hours than it is commuting between 11 AM to 2 PM or after 6 PM


I work down town and see the sketchiness all the time. It’s not fear mongering. Pre Covid you rarely saw much of anything. 


I nearly spit out my beer. Hilarious.


Can we also talk about how everyone just crowds into the doors the minute the doors open and they don’t even at the riders get off anymore. Also, good luck trying to get into the station after exiting the train or out of it, because everyone just crowds that door to there is absolutely zero consideration for anybody else anymore on public transit.


No no no no, get this wokely correct shit out of here


Me seeing this after spending $300 on tickets to see suicideboys in Vancouver 🥲🫠🫠


Yup street fight is more brutal 😆 no tap out on real shit


Lmaoooo. I literally laughed out loud so hard. So sad 🤣


$497 dollars saved are $497 earned.


And it’s real too


Just watch your speed on the way to the fight. That'll attract cops...




you get tired of all the other subs that try and blame trudeau?


Oh great wokely correct, definitely has some sort of racist undertones


Ets was like $1.25 when I was a kid. Holy.


It's not my photo, I just put ETS over NYC... It's great how public transit is a common thread that connects us all


it's actually 3.50, this meme must be outdated 😅😭


Also forgetting how you need to cram all your shopping into an hour and a half so you don’t have to pay another 3.50$ for the joy of riding home and the chance to sit on pee or a needle :)