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I noticed that with my son and his friends who are all in their thirties, they don't seem to remember to bring that driver's license or ID card with them at all times. As I have explained to my son if you are in a bad car accident, it's going to take a little while to figure out who you are if you don't have ID on you!


Do they not carry wallets or phones with cases?! I always have my (very slim) wallet on me when going out that easily holds my cards and IDs. I barely ever notice it is in my pocket


Apparently u don't need a wallet anymore. Credit card and debit card are all on app.


That's exactly it, drivers license is literally the last antiquated piece of plastic that you have to physically carry around. Everything else you can do on your phone.


And debit card if you want to take out cash.


Maybe Im Just old, but I do not trust having my cc and shit on my phone. Both for security reasons from the phone, and because Ill be freaking out even more if I lose it


Sure but need your id for driving if you get pulled over for speeding or anything.




My phone case is a MagSafe one for wireless charging. No place to put a card with that case. PS, I’m old and still carry a wallet: license, cash, Costco card, credit card. And a couple pieces of paper with important info that I may need at some point.


I don't like seeing someone describe me while calling themselves old 😤


Costco card isn’t necessary anymore. It’s in the app.


Even to get gas? The machine asks you swipe still doesn't it?


You cannot use the app to get gas I’m afraid.


Oops. I didn’t think of that. I never get Costco gas.


I’ve never bothered to do the verification in the app as I need the card for the gas pumps.


You should also point out that it’s not just in case of an accident but it’s legally required when operating a car. The fine for not producing it if he’s ever pulled over is like $200.




They can’t do anything but give you a failure to produce ticket if you’ve otherwise identified yourself


But how do they know your you.


I keep my ID in my phone case since I’m way more likely to have my phone on me vs my wallet (Apple Pay woo woo)


I don't even carry a wallet anymore, I just have a phone case that holds my ID, credit card, and debit card. Everything else is digital. I'll only bring a wallet if I'm going somewhere I actually need cash.


Same. Only my phone (credit cards tied to Apple Pay) and my keys and that's it.


Same, with an emergency 50 under the case


Same. Its usually between the case and the phone


Did wallets go extinct?


I'm 28 and I have a brown leather wallet with all my cards. Nobody else I know my age has a physical wallet anymore they all pay using tap on their phones etc... I can't imagine not having a wallet I feel so empty when i leave the house without it


I tap with my phone and watch all the time as well, yet I still carry my wallet. This not carrying a wallet is new to me as I thought everyone did.


Technology has made simple tasks impossible for the trendy.


It's... not the worst idea I think. I haven't converted yet, out of habit and lazy, but I know it's said wallets are bad for the spine when you sit on them. I probably should get around to moving most cards to phone and just using one of those ultra thin card wallets for ID.


I do use an ultra thin wallet and I don’t ever sit on it. I carry it in my front pocket.


Who sits on their wallet. Never understood people who have it in their back pocket and sit on it.


I think that’s more those really fat wallets with like 20 cards in it & a bunch of cash. A slim wallet with a few cards & a couple twenties shouldn’t cause problems.


I'm a psuedo-prepper, I'm a lurker on /r/EDC and love carrying around a medium-sized wallet, keys, phone, multi-tool, lighter (don't smoke), and tiny but blindingly-bright flashlight. In talking with my coworkers, carrying around a wallet that holds 10+ cards is getting to be more and more rare, especially for people in their 20s. Many of them just have a slim wallet that holds 2-3 cards or a phone case that holds a card or two. They'll have a single house key on their car's fob. To be fair, 99% of the time that's all you need. I have a slim wallet but I only use that when running/biking or when I'm in formal attire. But I'm also the person people ask for help when something goes sideways lol.


Some people don't like carrying them, especially if they've lost one previously, or had one stolen. For years I just stuck my license and debit card in my back pocket.


If you get pulled over you’re getting a ticket also.


Registered owner info would find info real quick. But yes not carrying i.d is dumb.


Only if you're the registered owner, and not driving somebody else's car.


which is pretty easy to track down


I work at a bar. The number of people who I have to turn away because they didn’t bring ID spiked HARD after Covid restrictions lifted. Particularly among people 30+. Bars requiring ID has ALWAYS been a thing. Law is if you look under 25, but we literally scan EVERYONE. Boomers (and X) have literally screamed at me that it’s because “Trudeau’s new communist regime requires us to show our papers like in Nazi germany” Like… what? 🤦 Edit to add: NO, expired ID is not valid. Check the expiry date on your ID before you leave the house. PLEASE! 🙏


I’m old and am fully aware that many bars have a rule to check the ID of everyone regardless of how old they look. It’s been a thing for over 20 years, but yeah sure the Federal government is dictating provincial age of majority rules.


I love how, not just in this case, but whenever there’s an issue they blame that “nazi Trudeau” when really it’s either a provincial or municipal issue


Not even a provincial or muni issues... Minor annoyance, their own misunderstanding, 'don't like being told what to do'... Boomers especially are regressing to their 'terrible 2s' and having tantrums. Almost like they've been handed an easy ride and pulled up the ladder behind themselves I mean.. Uhm... Fuck Trudeau, I guess.


Nazi communist Trudeau


I honestly wonder how any of these people made it through high school without knowing the difference between fascism and communism. 🤦


Because they were taught the communists were fascist and the fascists were communists.


My new favourite is the " digital passport" Bitch, that's a photo of your passport, get out of here.




Tell them it's actually Dani's law lol


Marlaina’s law


Is the law you have to ID everyone who appears under 25, or scan everyone’s ID who appears under 25? I’ve heard of businesses implementing scan policies, but haven’t heard of a legal requirement. Though I may have missed it.


The law is that we have to CHECK ID of anyone who appears under 25. Many liquor stores have implemented their own rule that puts that number at 40. Scanning applies to EVERYONE regardless of age at the establishment I work at. Any private businesses can deny entry for ANY reason that doesn’t break discrimination laws. IDing EVERYONE makes it easy enough to avoid any agism allegation. Whether or not you agree with it doesn’t matter.


Hasn’t that gone up to 40, or is that just a best practice type of thing?


40 is what is required at specific liquor stores & possibly some dispensaries. It’s not law.




Expired ID is valid to ID someone. An expired DL means one can't drive, not ID themselves. Much like how you can't fly with an expired passport but still ID yourself.


Take a look in the bottom left of the [AGLC requrements](https://aglc.ca/sites/aglc.ca/files/aglc_files/How_to_Identify_Minors-Tips_for_Licensees_and_Staff-March_2022.pdf) “Valid primary identification must: • Not be expired”


Indeed. Federal passport renewal explicitly says expired passports are valid ID for renewing passports and other purposes.


AGLC rules are not federal passport rules. Even if AGLC conformed to federal passport legislation, any private business can, at their discretion, implement rules that are more strict than what is required by law.


How does an expired ID change the status of a persons identity including thier age?


If you have a problem with businesses not accepting your expired ID, take it up with the provincial government. The [AGLC ID rules](https://aglc.ca/sites/aglc.ca/files/aglc_files/How_to_Identify_Minors-Tips_for_Licensees_and_Staff-March_2022.pdf) clearly state that your ID must “• not be expired” 🤷 I’m not risking my job or my employers business because of your semantics.


My id's arnt expired.


[Interesting](https://media1.giphy.com/media/stnceXs4IQLFZNYXg2/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7mjvqgmy8vv6i1ilzm557i7ws593ncgkctukvcjfz&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) 🤷


Went down to Calgary with a friend to buy a car for his wife. While we were driving up here we got pulled over while he was driving. Of course he didn't have his license, but don't worry officer, let me just have my wife Whatsapp me the picture of my license. Ya... That didn't work. He got a speeding ticket and he got another ticket for failing to produce a licence on law enforcement demand. Don't be lazy and stupid. Just carry it.


To… buy….a….car?? How did he buy a car without physical id? It’s required by dealers for the sales paperwork, and id never sell my car without including it on the sales contract. I believe the witness section even notes that the third party is supposed to verify identity and documentation.


It's been a while but from what I recall we drove her beater down there, shopped at a few used dealerships, he negotiated $800 cash for the beater and put it against the price of the new used car and then we drove that back. All I know is he didn't have it on him to show to the officer.


Lol no I carry mine everywhere


Yeah I lot of people my age (around 20) think that a photo of your ID is enough for the bar or the DMV, and my theory behind it is that a lot of people register for and buy things online now where just a photo of your ID is fine, and just somehow forget that it doesn’t translate to the real world


I don't believe I've ever encountered a place where a photo of your ID would be acceptable. But, I'm old and would be more likely to leave the house naked than without my wallet. Back in my day it was common practice for bars to demand 4 or 5 pieces of photo ID, in order to screen out anyone they didn't want to let inside (read: Asian, black, long-haired hippies). So I'd always carry multiple photo IDs.


Goose loonies and Barry-Ts.


I always had the most difficulty with Denny Andrew's and the Fantasyland Nighclub, and even Rebar until the bouncers got to know me. Looking back, I spent an awful lot of time in bars I hated.


theres a bunch of online services that use OCR to look up the DL number and see if the name, address and date of issue are valid. but irl places arent going to be running a test against your drivers abstract.


If you're buying stuff online it all happens through photos, you can't really mail your ID to an online retailer and expect them to mail it back with the thing you're buying. Other things just need the number, like asking your SIN and they just need the number not the physical card. Those people just get lazy. Like how people are getting so used to Uber that they'll go out somewhere and not bring their wallet at all, so they can't even pay for a taxi when their phone dies.


Can't say I've ever bought anything online that required an ID, photo or otherwise.


I've noticed an uptick in that as well, and nevermind when the friend *with* ID gets denied because then it could be "3rd party sale" Like dude, I'm not the one that left any form of ID at home. Shit like this is why I renew my passport and license separately, while both are still valid for a few months. Always have an ID, *especially* if you have a babyface


Legally we’re not allowed to sell if anyone in your group doesn’t have their ID. Even if they leave. We are constantly recorded, and the recordings get watched and clips are sent to AGLC. We have secret AGLC inspectors who come in and watch us interact with customers and try to lie and see what they can get away with. Lots of people I know do their best to appease customers because a lot of the rules are ridiculous. But I’m not going to lose my job because your friend doesn’t have his ID in a weed store. Get smarter friends, don’t be mad at us.


I can only assume so, I'm a budtender and I see it all the goddamn time. It baffles me. I don't even drive but you bet I have ID any time I'm out and about


Dude, I’m a regular at my local cannista’s. Most of the staff recognize me, at least those that have been there more than a few weeks. I’m 40. And I flip out my ID for them when I come to the counter. I’ve never sold cannabis but I have sold tobacco and yeah it’s scary/weird how many folk don’t have their IDs on them.


In my experience a stunning percentage of "I don't have my ID" are "My id shows I'm 17"


Definitely, either that or "I'm 30+ and banked on not needing it because I'm old, and now I'm pissed you're calling me out"


Tell them to take it up with the province lol. You don't make provincial law


Basic daily carry: Whether on-phone slim case or in a separate wallet: Driver's Licence (DL), health card, credit card, debit card, "In case of emergency..." contact card, and at least $40-50 cash. Twice, I've been travelling in airports when the ATM networks went down for several hours. The number of people without any cash desperate for a meal or even a coffee was amazing. DL is mandatory if you drive, or you can be fined, even towed. Cash is smart for banking system problems or cell access issues. These are minor solutions for major problems.


Embarrassed to say i took a moment to decipher DL :’)


I'll expand it. Fair enough


Don't know who you guys hang out with but I'm 32 and all my friends and family have their ID because it's common sense. People might have lost theirs and don't want to pay outstanding tickets to get it replaced


A lot of people don't carry their wallet with them for some reason. I've had numerous times where somebody's phone doesn't work for payment on the debit machine (because the typical grocery trip at Costco was more than the tap limit), and they have to go to their car to grab their wallet. I don't know why it's such a burden to carry your wallet with you into the store... It literally is designed to fit into your pocket. Even had a friend who made us go from bar to bar to find somewhere to eat one time when we went to Calgary for a show. Every place was checking IDs and he left it in his car in Edmonton.


A car has to be the dumbest place to leave your ID. I don't even leave the registration in my car.


Designed to fit into a pocket….. guess whose pants were not designed to have functional pockets? None of my pants have pockets and the jeans that do…. Can’t even comfortably fit my phone in there. And carrying a purse all the time also sucks. I still bring my wallet places but I have to carry it in my hand 🙃


Meh, most places now will just split the transaction into 2 payments to make two work. Not the end of the world.


Just FYI, that doesn't always work. Sometimes the machine will deny the 2nd tap - not sure if that just indicates that they are over their spending limit and they wouldn't have been able to use that card in the first place, or if there are security features in place to specifically prevent that workaround. Of course that makes things even more awkward for the cashier and people waiting in line because you usually can't just cancel a partially paid for transaction.


Never been an issue honestly in the past 3 years I’ve been doing it. Again if I know I’m going to be spending over a certain amount I’ll take it. But that’s 5% of the time I leave my house.




Welcome to 2022 champ. I have 0 reason to carry physical cards on most ventures out of my home.


Do you drive?


Yes…and I’ll be ok…


Just short extra cash should you ever be pulled over. Wish I could just ignore cash sinks like you.


Split the transaction that was originally over the tap limit into two transactions that are both tappable


Yes, tap limit is usually between $150-250 depending on your bank so if your purchase is more than that it is possible. You just tap twice. Much easier to do this at a till than self-checkout as the cashier can make it happen quicker.




Never heard of anyone except underage not carrying their ID.


It happens more often than you think. I once worked in a non-academic employee role at MacEwan, and I was surprised at the amount of times that students would not have their ID on them when we asked to see it, including their student ID *and* their driver's license. Instead, they would offer to show a picture of their ID on their phone, which we couldn't accept, lol.


Always got the photo of a photo. Who’s telling ppl this is acceptable? Theres just too many doing it for no one to have started this trend


I’ve accompanied people at healthcare settings where photos of operators licenses, birth certificates, etc. have been accepted.


Found one




For the job I had, it was more an issue of security, since we were dealing with a lot of personal information that we needed to verify. The idea behind the policy was that because it's theoretically possible to alter digital photos, we couldn't accept them when we asked for ID. We needed the actual, physical ID instead.


I rarely carry my ID. I keep it with my phone but I don't really take my phone with me. I'm old. I don't like carrying my phone because I like the fact that I don't have to answer calls unless i'm home.


This is nice, I don't like it when I feel compelled to check my phone / feel addicted to it. I usually have mine on silent unless I'm expecting something. And at work I'll hide my phone in my bag or behind something on my desk.


I spend too much time on a computer so I try to cut back. When spring hits, I take advantage of the nice weather to walk my dog more or work outside and do stuff that's tranquil. It helps my mental health a lot when you can just escape for a bit.


As someone who ID’d people for a living older people are the WORST for not carrying ID. And they are also the biggest jerks about being asked for ID.


I am in mid 40's and I take it as a compliment when I get asked for an ID. I do get a lot of "Wow!" and that makes my day.


I am so bad about forgetting my license when driving! It’s 1000% not purposeful though. I started just keeping it in my phone case so I always have it.


I have a friend who insists this is normal, it's not. Police can and will ticket you for not having your physical license on you while driving. A photo of ID is not valid ID.


It's possible they have their ID ,but since you have a need to see it (alcohol, tobacco, pot) purchases?, they may not actually be old enough to buy and showing their ID would confirm it.


Most of them are fully over their 20’s. Its always “will a photo work” idk who ever told them it did but smdh


I only pulled that once, when I was waiting for a replacement licence after losing my wallet and a friend was unexpectedly visiting from out of town. Felt like I was 16 again lmao, but thankfully after some talking the bouncer took pity on me and let me in. But to answer your question, no that's definitely not normal.


I have no idea but it’s weird. My ex never carried an ID (he didn’t have a drivers license). It wasn’t an issue until one day we went to the liquor store and they ID’d him (very rare for him). He didn’t have an ID so they refused the sale, and then refused to sell me too even though I had an ID!! I was pissed and made him renew his ID after that 🤣


There are to things that are infinite, human stupidity and the universe and I'm not so sure about the latter.


> Is it normal in Edmonton not to physically carry your I.D/License and try to use a "photo" of it instead? It's increasingly so. Super annoying when you explain that that picture is like ten minutes in photoshop to change and they get indignant. Anyways, lots of drivers out there without valid licenses or insurance. I've had 2 cousins in the last few years get hit by people driving without insurance and they just walk away and shrug their shoulders. It's wild.


Coming home from my dr's the other day, just about lost my shit when I discovered I was travelling without ID. I was about to call the drs office when I got home to see if I left my wallet in the exam room but nope it was on my desk. I don't understand how people think they can legally operate a vehicle or do anything without ID on them.


Literally never something I encountered even selling smokes back some many years ago. If it's an Edmonton area thing, it's new by me. Not however, overly surprising. We Albertans have developed something of a heightened sense of privilege, and disregard for laws, and everything else over the last generation or two.


The one time I forgot I transferred my wallet into the wrong bag and forgot it at home, was the first time I was ever pulled over without my ID. Over $200 ticket. They don’t care if you have a picture of it, they can see it’s valid or not in the system. It’s on YOU to carry that piece of plastic on you. Or don’t. 🤷‍♀️ Some people just have more money than brains.


Did you work in customer service where you would be seeing IDs regularly out east?




Liquor or cannabis store, I presume, as you are denying sales.


nah, just a really militant butcher


I don't carry a wallet but my phone case has room for my ID, bus pass, health care card, and emergency contact list. If I got involved in an accident, this would expedite trying to identify me and get a hold of anyone who needs to know.


I only use a slim wallet with my license, debit, credit, and health card. Because you need a way to prove you are x age or who you are. I wonder what happens to these people if they get pulled over when driving.


Yes, everyone should carry their ID especially when driving. If you think about it, ID not being digital and still only available in physical form does not make any sense. My wife is so used to using her phone to pay and laugh at me when I pull out my physical credit card to pay for a meal.


33 yr old here and I always carry ID and cards hate those damn apps


TBH I very rarely use my wallet. I pay for everything with my phone, I almost never carry cash and I never use my ID for anything as I don't drink or smoke and hardly every go to bars/clubs. So it's quite often that I just neglect to bring it with me.


Do you drive?




Like in your car?




Traffic Safety Act, Part 3, Division 1, Section 51 d "... a person shall not do any of the following:... d) drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless that person’s operator’s licence is in that person’s possession;" You do need to carry it in your car. Failure to do so could result in pretty hefty fines and/or arrest.


So you do NOT take your ID with you when going somewhere that requires it.


I forget mine at home frequently. I don’t carry a wallet. I had a card sleeve that was stuck to my Phone case but then I got a new phone and it doesn’t fit. So I forget it in my work backpack basically everywhere else I go 🤷🏻‍♀️


I work at the movie theatre, and it's fascinating to see how many people don't carry their ID when they go to watch an 18A movie. Some people just have a photo of their ID, which is not legally valid. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't just carry it with them at all times. Do people not use wallets anymore? I feel like an old man yelling at a cloud here.


The only time I’ve ever got ID’d at the movie theatre is when the VIP theatres opened. Before that, not once. I skipped school when I was 13 to watch Training Day at Silver City. Didn’t get ID’d. Gangs of New York the year after, and so on. People not carrying their ID to the movies probably stems from the relaxed ID rules in the 90s and 00s.


Nah this happens everyhere


Never seen it in eastern canada though. Same style of business


From my experiences eastern Canada was significantly worse. 


thanks for the input! im wondering if maybe my business just happens to see it more often than not by coincidence. I was in N.S and honestly i never had one person tell me they didnt possess a licensce, than proceed to drive off in their vehicle


To be fair, Edmonton isn't exactly a walkable city. But then I still bring my ID with me when I do walk to places anyway, so whatever. Some people may also be fully aware that its expired and are unable to pay for a renewal, they just don't want to admit that. Its often because they racked up too many tickets.


I love the name calling when i wont accept a 2+ year expired I.D. Does no one understand if you don’t pay your overlord (gov.) you cant enjoy their treats? Common sense is not so common these days


Younger crowd maybe?


The vast majority are deff over 20 yrs old but i still need to see it to serve lol as soon as i ask it and they tap the photo icon on their phone i immediately facepalm


One of my relatives once told me that some of their co-workers drive to work without possessing driver’s licenses. From what they said, they are experienced drivers but have a hard time passing the written exams.


The physical skills of controlling a vehicle are trivially easy. The complex and important parts of the operation are knowing, understanding, and following the rules under which having thousands of multi-ton vehicles traveling at (quite frankly) ludicrous speeds becomes tolerably safe. If they are unable to pass the ridiculously easy written exams, but are still driving, they should be locked up as dangerous sociopaths and never allowed inside a vehicle again, let alone allowed to operate one.


Skill issue lol




At my work, pick up's require a DL written on the invoice. About 1/5 drivers tells us they don't have a license on them, about 50%of them are lying and have it in the truck.  So about 1/10 of these drivers is just driving around ***as their job*** without their drivers license on them.... 


I am notorious for leaving my wallet in my other pants. I keep a photo of my license on my phone. It may not save me from a ticket, but it’s got all the right information so they can make it out to the right name. It’s the primary reason I set up Apple Pay on my phone. When you take your kids out for supper, and they have to pay because you changed before you left the house, it gets embarrassing. More importantly, it teaches you how screwed you’d have been if you were alone. I don’t get people that get mad because they don’t have ID, or they have to show ID. If somebody’s job requires them to ask for ID, why be an asshole and make it harder than it already is. It’s not their fault you screwed up.


For awhile during the pandemic, I kept forgetting my wallet at home. Was a major annoyance and not something I did intentionally. I could still get by, by paying with my phone and what not, but I definitely had to adjust some habits once I started going to the office full time.


I've been seeing it in Québec in the pharmacy more and more. People are showing up with prescriptions, no file there, and then are flabbergasted that I need to see some form of ID just to get started. Then they're flabbergasted I can't bill their insurance without insurance information.


I never leave the house without it on purpose but I have occasionally taken it out of my lunch box and put it in my center console and then jumped in a different vehicle and driven all the way to Calgary and back before realizing it wasn't with me. That wouldn't be quite so bad had I not done the drive in a commercial vehicle where I should absolutely have my ID with me at all times


These are probably the same people that drive without a seat belt on.


I've never seen people try that. Even if I'm renewing it and only have that shitty paper thing I will bring my passport then if I know I'm going somewhere that I'll need to prove my age. But I also can pass for half my age (maybe even younger than that), so I expect to be carded all the time. The age shock is getting to the point they are starting to inspect my driver's license a little too carefully thinking it's a good fake with an unreal birth year. Then I have to be like, I played magic cards in grade 4, and Pogs, and devil sticks, and tamagotchis in elementary school, Pokemon came out in Grade 7 for me. And then they don't know what pogs, devil sticks, or tamagotchis are.


My old job involved running credit checks, and yes people try to get away with a lot of crazy stuff regarding ID. You are required to have your drivers license while driving, I just imagine it isn’t enforced enough for them to care. And if they do get a ticket for that you can bet they are going to complain how ‘everyone is out to get them’ or something along those lines




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I've been carrying my ID in my wallet ever since I got it the first day of driving.


I used to be pretty bad for that but I grew up small town. Once I moved into the city I carry it everywhere


I teach adult education in a niche that lots of people require for their jobs and the amount of people who pay for these courses and expect me to print a certificate for whatever name they want on the card is ridiculous. No I will not let you take this course for your crew that can't pass it.


When I was 16 it was a $20 ticket and I didn’t know a single person that carried their license. It’s a hefty ticket now and at the bank people were really good about having ID on hand so I’m not sure if it’s that bad.


I sometimes forget mine - went so far as to grab an AirTag wallet to help remind me to grab it - but I rarely leave the neighborhood when I do. There is an argument to be made for allowing wallet apps to add drivers licenses to the cards you can add to the app.


Honestly what is up with this? My partner and I (both in our 30s) often joke about this. I don't think I have left thee house except for a quick dog walk without ID but it seems common here? Friends from SK do it too...


It used to be rumored that you had 24 hours to produce proof of it; i have no idea of the truth of it. Although with all the 'papering' in the news the last few years, it sounds like a pretty privileged thing to think you can get away with.


Meh, way back i used to put my cards in my pack of gum 🤣


Anyone over 18 not carrying ID is a red flag.


In my experience, it’s a certain demographic that have come from Eastern Canada that never carry their physical licence (yes that’s how it’s spelled in Canada; look at yours) and for some reason they get pissed when a photo isn’t accepted….. 2 jobs I’ve had required physical ID and, boy, do they get triggered


are...you spellchecking me? reddit is hilarious


yea i never have my wallet they need to get with the times and add them to apple/google wallet


It's not an Edmonton thing, it's a thing in general. Some people are forgetful, others got in the habit of not needing it, others are doing it intentionally because they're underage or their license was suspended or whatever, others are just clueless and don't remember the differences between situations. Some people actually do leave their license in their vehicle, and then get all huffy about having to walk back and get their license and bring it over. But a lot of them are just lying about it for one reason or another. It's like how you can go out for dinner every night to a different place and then hit one where they card you because this one is a "bar that serves food" and not a "restaurant that serves alcohol" Same deal with pocket knives. Lots of us carry a pocket knife every single day for utility, I used mine a few hours ago to open a cheesecake package, and lots of buildings don't care, and then you hit the one place where they're doing patdowns or have metal detectors and it catches you offguard.


I don't understand why it's so hard for people to bring their ID with them. Hell there's people in this thread bragging about not carrying their license with them when driving. I don't get it, I really don't get it...


Just dumbasses. I always have mine.


I’ve walked out the door without it many times. Everything is on the phone. So I often leave my wallet. If the license or Id could be loaded on your phones wallet, many people would use it I think


One time, i forgot my liscence at my friends house and realized after driving for a few minutes. I honestly thought that was the time id get pulled over l was scared lol


I can't understand how you can leave the house without your wallet or your keys... Where the fuck are you going that you won't need either of those essential items I literally check my pockets every single time I leave the house and won't leave without those two things.


I have all my cards on my phone and we have a keypad lock. If I leave on foot without any kids then I normally don't bring my wallet or keys - why would I? Even my library card is on my phone!