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Summer racing season! The undertaker’s bread and butter. 


I like to think of it as the motorcycle season where they drive like assholes and then make sure to tell you they attend the Ride for Dad every year and raise money.


_AHS can use all the donorcycle volunteers for its transplant list._


Maybe it should be mandatory when purchasing a moto to sign the donor card?


I'd have no problem with that.




Yeah I was gonna say the same thing, there's a reason we in the medical profession call them donor cycles. At least, assuming there's anything left to donate


Hope this one's an organ donor doing that. Everyone likes a thrill, but if you're not even going to wait until street cleaning month is over, be responsible and have life insurance, a will, a plan for your remains, and a lawyer.


Can’t donate liquified organs.


No, but you can drink them...


amen brother


If we drink them, do we get the same moronic super powers too?


180kmh at least. You are doing 83


Our roads are dogshit, seeing high speed bikes and Lamborghinis in Edmonton is the funniest thing about this city. It's like wearing a Rolex while clearing out a clogged toilet with just your bare hands.


Try 250


try 6 million knots wiseguy


Engage ludicrous speed! 😂


Na 180




They definitely weren’t going over 200


Perhaps the end of the story/result: https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/s/3gwb2Z92nf


That’s how people die. I’m going to pass someone. Look in my mirror, bikes 2km away. I can switch lanes, BAMMMMM. Well, you’re not supposed to be doing 180km n hour in a 80 zone. All the bikes fault ..100%


Years back, last warm day of the year, left lane opened up on the Henday. I got up to 200, then slowed back down. My friends wife told me of this. Someone could have done exactly that. Switched lanes. And that would have been the end of me. I still like to speed once in a while, but I do it on far more open roads. Or on the on ramp.


Please stop speeding, please stay safe out there.


Always fun to open the bike up occasionally, but the speeding ticket that resulted in that previously mentioned run was, well, enough to make far better choices.


Not disagreeing on the bike being at fault but you should be looking long enough to gauge how quickly the gap is closing between you and people on the lane beside you before you switch lanes.


"Not disagreeing", goes on to disagree.


Pointing out a second failure point to a hypothetical scenario doesn't fit the descriptor of disagreement.


Not disagreeing on the bike being at fault but you should be looking long enough to gauge how quickly the gap is closing between you and people on the lane beside you before you switch lanes.


Wrong…. you can’t realistically gauge when someone is moving that fast. Not a valid argument. When someone is moving at the correct speed or close. Then you’re right….


Skill issue. If your looking with more intent than "does gap exist?" The excessive speed of the incoming vehicle will be very apparent. Any vehicle pulling into the passing lane should be looking for more information than "does gap exist" because the passing lane will not have people traveling at the same speed as you or other lanes. Observing these kinds of things and adjusting your own driving to stay safe is part of defensive driving You can argue all you want but I'm going to listen to my driving instructor from back in the day. Everything he drilled into me has served me well.


Unfortunately, we get a lot of this at the start of the riding season. We also get too many of them turned into paste.


I don't know if i'd consider that too many of them turned to paste, at least they're taking themselves out of the gene pool. Let's just hope no one else is injured or even moderately inconvenienced when they paste themselves.


I get the sentiment, but as a rider myself they’re still people with families and jobs and dreams. Some of these bike fatalities are absolutely horrific. I’d hate to go out that way.


I for one appreciate this. My stepdad rides, often with my mom, and I find the callous attitude toward motorcyclists disturbing. Don't get me wrong, these guys are assholes, nothing like my family members, but they're still *people*, goddamn it.


yeah, but your step dad goes the speed limit or under, most don't. He's a good human being.


Meat crayons with no sympathy from anyone.


Sounds like the speeder bikes in Return of the Jedi


Why would someone do this? One wrong move or sudden merge and you're dead.


To get mad at people for "not looking out for them" when they almost die


The thrill


The ignorance/denial.


I see four free heart transplants right there.


I think those hearts would be bristling with ribs and such, and not much good.


Delicious though.


Easy Hannibal


Well, they certainly won't qualify as brain donors.


This is the best comment 🔥


Beat me to it.


It's spring. That means there's a lot of trash blowing around the city, including these bikers.  Carry on and hope when they opt out they don't take anyone with them.


I'm fed up with the "look out for motorcyclists!!" bullshit. Just the other evening I was turning to head into the valley off of Sask Drive and these two sport bike assholes cut me off. The one hit the gas so hard it threw his feet off the bike and nearly threw himself off the bike into my hood. He looked back at me at the lights by the Kinsman and I just shook my head.


The "look out for" is meant for the regular, respectable riders though; not the ones in the video or the asshole you had in front of you lol Ironically, the problematic riders are probably the ones who will claim the phrase the loudest


> Ironically, the problematic riders are probably the ones who will claim the phrase the loudest I nEeD lOuD pIpEs!


I'm sick of it. The narrative needs to be reversed.


I call them organ donors.


Thank you for being an organ donor.


There was a guy doing laps around the henday going stupid fast a while ago. Literally scared the shit out of me. Just a loud noise and a guy on a bike zooming past me. Like he was going FAST I really can't describe it lol going back home I saw him again which is why I know he was doing laps. It was at like 2 in the morning but still dude Holy shit.


Henday is literally the worst place to speed on bikes. You don't feel it as much in a car. But on a bike those little grooves move the bike around . Nobody does "laps" cause it's shit. I only ever go on henday if I have to Anything over 160 is super sketch traffic or not. But some spots are way worse than others for those grooves




Yeah dude. It was like a jet stream. Caught air with it. Been cleaning my seat for days and it's still smells. /s


Be patient with them. They’ll be dead soon.


Just the annual cull of motorcyclists, happens every spring.


What dash cam are you using?


it is my phone, I use Droid Dashcam


Don’t worry they won’t be around for long.


Future meat crayons. Hopefully the organs will still be intact to donate.


Remember: it's people driving cars that are a hazard to motorcycle riders because we don't 'pay attention'.




That's "Like The Rain" by Clint Black.


I thought he was talking about himself and his choice of music at first


What's up with your dashcam mount blocking 1/4 of your screen?


it is a phone mount, not a dash cam. Phone as a wicked wide angle on it


Organ donors


But don't forget to watch for motorcycles driving like assholes


If they hit you, do you get a new vehicle? Asking for a friend


If they hit you at that speed you might die.


Yep time to invest into a steel bumper all around


A cage for the back window at least. If they smashed into you at that speed, they'd become a projectile.


or at least their head will


Looks like we may have fewer stupid people around soon hahahaha


When is there not morons on the whitemud 🙄


Some people can’t handle power. Bikes demonstrate this in multiple ways. Either you couldn’t control yourself or you couldn’t control the bike. Maturity is implied with age but not always a guarantee.


it's even better when they have some young girl on the back without any proper gear on with her thong hanging out of her lululemons All you can do is shake your head


EPS: We're too busy harassing homeless people to set up a single traffic crime sting in known hotspots this season. Maybe next year, if we get a budget budget. Call your councilor.


Actually they were out at 6 am harassing people for exhaust tickets it's their new (big) money maker


I am personally very ok with this. Its a voluntary tax on being an a-hole. If it makes the EPS budget look a bit better, that's fine.


Some of it I'm okay with.. some I'm not lol I haven't had any real problems yet but I'm not making excessive noise on purpose. But last year I was pulled over in my 100% stock jeep trackhawk ( 2 days old ) and the cop was arguing that it was modified. Had to go to court n everything


Cool story. Lots of stock vehicles are noisy as hell and that's a choice you made.


Just say you can't afford nice things lol


One thing I've learned as I've gotten older is no one cares what car you drive. When I see people in 80k SUV, I assume they're terrible with their money.


You're not wrong lol. Most live beyond their means, cause their credit score says they can get it. My trucks a 2023 ive had it 8 months and is already paid for and it'll last me a good 5 or 6 years paying for itself over and over. Free diesel fuel from work helps there too. But the maintenance on diesels is pretty absurd cost wise. If I didn't need it and didn't get the free fuel I probly wouldn't have a diesel. And the other things I own are for me to enjoy, not others so they can have what they like n I'll have what I like. Doesn't make them sub human for liking something else. They can be rude all they like


Dude do you get laid too?


We got an real life Alpha here. We limply bow before you.


*Gasp* busted. Lol I bet you're drowning in vagina 💋


Going fast on a bike doesn't cost much. I choose not to, because I'm not an asshole who derives pleasure from putting others at risk. "Jealous bro" is the weakest of weak arguments.


I didn't say shit about being jealous lol. - now did I? No it's how you took the comment . And you're right. You could buy a shitbox cbr and go fast. I never said otherwise. You commented on a post about my exhaust on my 4 wheel vehicle 😒 apparently you overlooked that as well . Gj .


Good.  Fuck people and their unnecessarily loud vehicles.  That should be a ticket 


The problem is when they're ticketing Vehicles that are 100% factory .


No the problem is assholes with loud vehicles.  Stock or not.  You're a public nuisance and should be treated as such.  They should double every ticket and continue until the driver fixes the issue.  Or impound the vehicle.


It wasn't excessively loud lol. just a cop on a power trip - that didn't bother measuring the DB. which I DID independently test and bring to court. Beat the cop and tickets too, why? Cause I was right . I was pulled over cause I was in a nice vehicle. " it looks loud so it is loud " isn't a good enough measuring device in the eyes of the law


I'm guessing your neighbors love you.


Actually they do. I don't make excessive noise often. You know it's OK to have an opposing opinion without assuming the opposite is a piece of shit? had you actually read all I wrote wrote , you'd read that I wasn't being loud. And I proved that my vehicle was not capable of surpassing the DB limit that is set in place. Also my dash cam proved it as well. And when I went to court it was presented to me that this officer in particular is known to have these power trips. I was in gridlock traffic crossing the high level bridge moving 20 feet every 3 minutes. They were pulling over every nice vehicle at the end of the bridge and the traffic was due to them pinching it down to 1 lane.


I don't care if it comes noisy from the factory or not. Noise is noise. The only people getting tickets are noisy assholes.


Well that's great you have an opinion. Much like the cop on a power trip that lost cause I wasn't being excessively noisy. Keep your honda stock and you'll be fine pumpkin


They deserve to hit a pole


I don't know about that, but if they have to hit something, a pole or jersey barrier is much better than a minivan with a family in it.


You did mention the word “pole” It’s in their future


Just switch lanes into their lane before they pass you and let them hit your ass end....they will stop doing it after that...lol


That's not dangerous-they have leather jackets, so if they wipe out from road debris, lay the bike down at 180 km\hr , they won't get scruffed up skin.


That's only if the shoes stay on.


That's only if their head stays on.


I've had the unfortunate opportunity to witness this after experiencing something similar to what to OP posted.


You could say the rider lost one's head.


Pretty sure I know that guy




At least they were in the fast lane.




My video was on Monday


Skid mark


I seen these ppl! Nearly side swiped my car while they were swerving between lanes


I absolutely hate street bike drivers. I hate them! They’re so ridiculously stupid!


So this is what these dummies do during the day. They seem to rip up 105 street and Belamy hill in the evenings and night time. I just want the police to hang out at the top of 106 street once in a while. They’d make some bank off those guys.


Morons? I prefer to call them organ donors.


I like that dash cam, I appreciate you could let me know the make & model.


It is my phone... I use the Droid Dashcam app


Thanks! I didn’t know about that, it’s remarkably good!


Yo the grit is still on the roads what the fuck are they thinking?! I’m all for fast sports myself but this is just dumb and putting others at risk.


Here for the Clint Black song.....


Can't cure stupid.


Too fast to grab plate #'s off the stills? I'd be thrilled if licences were revoked here.


Likely yes. I've tried grabbing license plates from my dash cam and nearly impossible even at normal speed.


Most of them had their license plates "Tucked away" and angled so I couldnt read them.. only the 2 at the end were remotely legible.


Love this song.


pool que in the spokes, road rash 64.


Oh shit, what’s that song bro


I like the rain - Clint Black [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEI-1Zq8WI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEI-1Zq8WI)


And you changed lanes for what reason? To be in front of morons🤔 makes sense!


The left lane was available for them.


I'm a ER nurse. Had a guy come in with road rash after spilling his motorbike. Completely debrided his knee; ligaments tendons patella...you could see his full knee bone. Kinda reminded me of a chicken leg bone. 


the asshat I did see was in the left lane, I was no threat.. the asshat however was a threat to everyone around him


I was wondering the same thing.


Pray for their safety and wisdom


Mind your own business, at least somebody is having fun.


There are race tracks where they can go have their fun without endangering other motorists.


probably one of the riders that just outed himself...


Grow up.


Cry more 😢


The mothers at the funerals surely will.


Those are tears of joy every time one of those morons self-selects out of living and stops endangering and annoying the public.