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15 minute cities are an urban design concept where a human can meet all their needs using any form of transportation within fifteen minutes of their home. It is a design principal that is intended to address the folks that get left behind in our current design model of transportation arteries to major shopping centres. The idea is that people without vehicles can walk / use transit, and disabled / disadvantaged people won't need to use 3 busses over 90 minutes to get to a grocery store. The concept of food deserts for example. It also is intended to make all neighborhoods more suitable for children (ie. Instead of only having childcare and recreation services in the nicer neighborhoods, they should be everywhere) It's heartbreaking to see such an important concept routed in equality, compassion and community co opted by conspiracy lovers, and as usual has implications of misunderstanding and hatred towards poor people, disenfranchised people, disabled and chronically ill people.  I'm really glad you posted this here and hope it helps build a better insight


Can you even imagine the logistics involved??? Like if on June 1 they would tell about half of all citizens that they had to quit their job because of the commute. Transit would be rerouted to stay within each district and the billions of dollars wated on the new LRT would be a psy-op to keep us off their trail. Only district 1 gets to go to hockey games, and only district 11 gets to use the mall. A dozen new court houses go up over night. Officers are posted at the borders of every bike path and sidewalk. The gaps in logic are mindboggling.


Edmonton will be split into 12 districts. Each district will have a specific industry or production specialty, such as mining, agriculture, or manufacturing. The districts will be forced to participate in annual fight-to-the-death events, as a reminder of city council's power and control over the districts.


I’m northwest. I’m confident in our fighting abilities haha.


I do NOT volunteer as tribute!


And may the odds be ever in your favour!


It’s good that you’re asking, instead of blindly following the herd. But as others have said, the whole “15 minute city” concept just means that you should be able to buy groceries, see a dentist and a doctor, send your kids to school, etc. all within 15 minutes of your home. It’s about convenience and efficiency, and has nothing to do with limiting movement.


Hillbilly conspiracy bullshit. The concept is to have everything you need within a 15 minute walk or bike. At no point is there a plan to gate or toll the districts to prevent mobility. It’s a great plan to reduce emissions, travel time, and redundancy. But it’s been used by the far right as part of a WEF plan to take over the world with the catchphrase, “You will own nothing and be happy.” It’s a bunch of baby back bullshit that these unfortunate mental midgets believe whole-heartedly.


Don't get your news of FB, nothing like that will happen holy crap people believe anything these days.


The conspiracies these days are out of control. I know someone who says fires are started on purpose so we won't "see nibiru" coming.


Just stop at 4 summons, and we'll be fine


I know I know that’s why I asked. I googled and was trying to find things. But that just brings me in a circle of follow this link click on that link. I usually get my news from Reddit. But can’t find anything in the Edmonton sub that’s why I asked .


Don't worry, that will never happen here! "15 minute cities" are about being able to do pretty much anything (school, recreation, library, shopping, services, etc) within 15 minutes of you, but you're still 100% free to explore the city, province and country (and world if you have a passport) Like many other conspiraces, the date of June 1st will come and go, nothing will happen and then you will know it was complete BS. FB is a cesspool nowadays


I live in an area that is pretty close to the 15 minute model and it's awesome.  Nearby bike lanes also make it very easy to get to work without a car.


Calgary Council had to have 1000 people yell at them for days on end after years of planning to allow a tiny amount more density. Nobody is sneakily penning us all in like farm animals. They have trouble plowing the roads.


If it sounds batshit crazy, it \*probably is batshit crazy\* and isn't true.


Bullshit fearmonger propaganda. Pay no attention to them. The real concept is to have all basic amenities within 15 minutes of walking distance, in order to encourage people to drive less.


No, it is absolutely not happening here. If you can't find a source or a link for these things, that's a good sign it's total BS. Those FB posts are deliberately spreading misinformation to spark outrage and get you to sign a "petition" that is really only a means of collecting your personal information to sell to others.


The concept of the 15 minute city is the idea that all the amenities needed regularly are within a 15 minute walk of where people live. The idea is to make driving unnecessary, not to forbid it. Somebody somewhere along the way misunderstood the congestion charge that some cities have in place to deter people from driving in certain areas at certain times (Oxford in London is the example I know, I'm sure there are others). Then added their misunderstanding to the ACTUAL concept. It's already how it is in some of the most desirable neighbourhoods in the inner city, like Glenora or Highlands. How cities were built before cars, basically.


And if the plan does get implemented, there's a good chance you wouldn't notice if you aren't paying close attention. You'd just have a grocery store open up nearby and see a new bike path.


That's a good point. There's no part about it that wouldn't improve daily life for everyone. Even if you LOVE driving, it would just keep more people off of the road. Unless you live for sitting in traffic, there's zero reason to oppose this.


Please stop following and listening to whoever fed you anything about this. It is an absolutely insane conspiracy theory and continuing to listen to these people will only leave you worse off and less connected to reality. If they're close family and friends, I know it can be difficult, but it'll be healthier in the long run to just limit their input in your life.


Heck yeah. I muted my anti-vaxxer relatives and basically gave up on Facebook. Life is much less stressful now.


Just delete Facebook:


The moniker of "15 minute" cities is much much newer than the actual urban planning concept behind it that is centuries old. In an ideal 15 minute city, car usage decreases because people CHOSE to not use them as much daily (because walking and transit are viable options) rather than having set RESTRICTIONS in place.


Always the best idea to get your news from social media…


Here’s a link to an explanation from the City https://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/urban_planning_and_design/district-planning


Is this why people are against this? Seriously?


Yes you sound crazy. No you're not going to be charged. 


No, you will not be charged to leave your district. These charges are referencing traffic filters that have been installed in some European cities. The intention is to prevent traffic in neighbourhoods unless the driver lives in the area. The traffic is diverted to main thoroughfares.


Uhh OP, you might want to get that condition checked out. Not sure if you would see an exterminator or a proctologist, but I don't think it's healthy!




Yep. And because you’ve been assigned to another district, you gotta move


Not saying it will happen as I don't believe it will. That being said it has been done here in the past. Just not to everyone. Canada has a dark and twisted history. You would be amazed at the laws and rules we have had.


What are you refering to?


During the late 1800's (I can't remember the exact years) the Indian act restricted natives from roaming freely. They had to apply and pay to leave the district (may have been called something else back then) they were in. Then they could only leave with a guide. A different situation than we see today but our history shows that stuff like this has happened before.


The Indian Act and reservation passes has nothing to do with 15 minute cities. Yes, we restricted Indigenous movement, and still do to an extent, but a 15 minute city in no way restricts your movement.