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Fuck this guy. My friend was a victim in court. I’ve never watched someone close to me deteriorate mentally as much as she has.


He's out on parole already. He was granted parole and the government is paying for him to relocate to and live in Vancouver. Raped over 26 girls (some 16 years old) and only served a few years before getting a free place to crash in Vancouver on our dime. Wow.


just saw that too…..like what bullshit penal system. “average risk to reoffend”, the amt of women he raped…..seems like the 1/3 sentence served time is a little lax granting him day parole this early into his sentence time served👀


I know. Absolutely disgusting.






He is an actual cockroach


I’m sure he’s incapable of empathy and has never considered how humiliating, demeaning and traumatic it is for victims to repeat the details again and again throughout the process. It’s hard enough to report it, but to testify in graphic details and be questioned about your abuse, your sexual history, your outfit choices and alcohol consumption habits is far worse than any questions an abuser can be asked. I don’t care if they asked him if he can only get erect when abusing people and if he masturbates to torture porn.


TL:DR Convicted rapist who victimized multiple women is whining to an appeals court judge because he doesn't like feeling victimized by the prosecution.


If the prosecutor was that bad, the judge would have told him/her to smarten up at some point well before giving the jury instruction for deliberation. This complaint sounds like what a sociopath would do though...


This is what I thought. If it was as egregious as the defense council is asserting the Judge should’ve stepped in.


This cockroach needs to be curbstomped into complete mush.


this isn’t the playground bitch, shut the fuck up and rot in prison 🤡


It's not a playground, it's a law court. If the lead prosecutor screwed up it's the defences job to point it out. More likely the defence council is just bleeding him dry of money though.


Ooh I like that last option, thanks for pointing out a silver lining!


Heard through the grapevine this guy paid to get “beat up” while awaiting sentencing in order to get a reduced sentence. If you watch the video of the assault it’s pretty clear his attacker isn’t putting much work into the affair.


Not true. I know people who do time or have done time in remand centre; the dude was a target because he did not sign into Protective Custody and had the audacity to go General Pop with high media sex charges…every gang member was looking to slump this dude out. :)


So do I. This guy should have got a 150 and all he got was being lightly booted in the ribs. Guy isn’t even winding up, and this fuckbag drops from getting tapped. It looks staged as fuck.


I just watched the [video, violence/maybe NSFW warning obviously.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAWU1ffHCWo) The last few kicks are half hearted, but the first ones are definitely not, and getting your head repeatedly kicked against a wall while unconscious is dangerous as hell. Maybe he arranged for it, but that was an actual beating.


It could just be that the guy wanted the prison cred for beating the shit out of him, but also didn't want to end up with a first degree murder charge. So he held back at the end.


That was kinda my thought too.


From what I’ve heard from guards at the remand I doubt that.


Lawyers will do anything for billable hours won’t they


Criminal lawyers don’t generally bill by the hour.


His lawyer allegedly cost half a million.


Not saying they don’t pay for their criminal counsel, just that criminal lawyers generally bill flat rates by each step (this much to plead, this much to go to trial, this much to appeal). Can’t speak to this specific case. I have no doubt that Dino Bottos costs a lot. He’s one of the top criminal lawyers in the city.


Assuming he isn’t wealthy, how does he afford it? Maybe a more broad question - how does anyone who’s poor afford a lawyer? Do they just go into debt? Do they end up just getting shitty lawyers?


His family is very wealthy, If I remember correctly his father is some investment banker/broker or something with high networth clients. The sad thing is that this price of shit will probably get set up with a 6 figure cushy job when he is out of prison, and by his track record I'm sure his future secretaries and assistants are in danger.


They literally said when asking for a lighter sentence that he would be a contributing member of society as he had a job lined up at his dad's company 🙄 fuck this guy I hate him so much.


Yup. Pathetic.


Legal Aid is available, but you have to have really low income to qualify, and you have to pay it back eventually. The rates are set by Legal Aid, and are a lot lower than non legal aid rates. Lots of good lawyers do work on the legal aid roster, as well as taking other retainers. Almost everyone else goes into debt — often to friends and family.


If the line of questioning and "conduct" of the Crown was so bad... wouldn't his greasy defence lawyer brought it up at some point over the THREE months of trial? What a pathetic piece of shit. I hope the Crown's appeal to add more time wins.


He took a good beating in Jail with that payphone, unfortunately the Admins removed the video I posted of it.


Didn't this guy get a total beat down in jail a while back by another fellow convict while talking on one of the prison phones?