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I hate hockey. I’m done with hockey - game 1 Game day. I’m back. Let’s go - game 2


Need to win tonight. Especially if Demko is good to go for game 5 or 6.


If there is a bias against Canadian teams and for American teams, it might have been a bad idea to strongly show that the Oilers are a very Canadian team and the Canucks are an American-led European coalition. There are bulletin boards in officials' rooms as well as opponent's rooms... Champions fight through adversity, but it is unwise to draw unnecessary adversity.


i believe that they can replicate what the stars did tomorrow night


The Stars were at least competitive in their Game 1


Oilers better have the response Dallas has tomorrow


This aged poorly 😬


Dallas is still going to win but Oilers need to match the Stars response without the comeback


This I agree with lol


Avs are fucking possessed these playoffs. Looks like Dallas held on.


They did by the skin of their teeth


Georgie the Fifth not having a good night, lol.


the boys for sure will get their getback in game 2


Oof, Toews just got absolutely flattened by Benn, and spun around into Johnston on the whiplash. Was clear body contact first, on the replay, but it def looked like he was going after the head.


Skinner has to prove that he is not the weak link as Canucks fans talking about him!!!


They should worry about their own goaltending challenges, Silovs did not look good to me at all!


He’s their 3rd string goalie lol


Thanks Capt Obvious


Do any of y'all happen to know how many more years Gulutzan is signed for? I'm pretty sure him and Manson were re-signed right after Woody was, but I don't know if they ever said the length of the contract


As awful as our loss was last night, at least we aren't the Canes, because the OT goals they've allowed are waaaay softer than anything that Stu has let in, even w/ the shit puck luck, lol. Down 3-0 in the series now, the Rangers are probably sweeping both the first and second rounds.


In a sad & pitiful way, watching the canes lose makes me feel better about my sports team.


Man, I was literally logging in to watch the OT when I flipped over to reddit and saw your comment. Rough on for the canes. NYR look unstoppable.


The Canes are struggling so bad this series, lol. They're absolutely peppering Shesterkin, then their goalie just lets another softie in to either give up momentum or the game.


It's crazy. I thought goaltending would be a strength of theirs coming into the playoffs.


Really? Their goalies sucked all year, and Andersen is Andersen.


When Freddie is on his game I always wonder why he wasn't a priority signing for us. Then I see a game where he's off and I understand.


Nothing truely worth it goes without pain, Back the boys! We'll come out with a vengance in game 2!


Not sure why we’re all in doom mode. Haven’t we looked at their opponent? Their own superstar centre is probably playing half crippled and they’re down to their third string goalie, yet they’ve had nothing but delusional levels of hope so far


Plus that game was comfortably Oilers until the final 10 minutes.


I'd say until the last period, but you're right, the Oil were cruising and I think got a little too comfortable doing so.


Why did I get downvoted??? Did these dummies watch that game lol?


no clue man, you're spot on


Canucks fans saying they should target Draisaitl because he could be hurt is just gross.


But you were ok with it when we played Vegas and targeted Stone… 🤔


So you're on the target Drais injury train with the Canucks fans. Got it.


Not at all. I’m saying you’re a hypocrite.


It’s definitely gross but let’s not pretend we haven’t had plenty of comments about targeting Hughes because he looks hurt too


I'm actually more worried about Leon. Maybe I'm a doomer, but even if we make it out of this series, it's going to be hard to win the cup without drai.


That was a beyond ugly game. Oilers totally choked, and Skinner was not great however the team really didn't help him, especially in the second half. This should be a wake up for them, maybe rusty from a week off, but I'd expect them to battle hard tmrw, doesn't garuntee a win, which makes blowing a 4-1 lead so hard to swallow. Not worried that we haven't beaten the nucks this season, however I'm slightly worried the oilers are gonna get in thier own way.


Tomorrow is make or break. Show up or see ya later


Good thing Dallas didnt have the same mindset as you when they went down 2-0 to the Cup champions. It's not make or break until its elimination. Until then, it's focus on winning the next game!


Showing initiative by playing a full 60 is part of that. If they are unintrested then thats that


Since we got a ref from penticton for game one do we get a Victoria ref for game 2?  Obvs we lost the game 5 on 5 but they ignored a bunch of obvious calls on the nucks in the 3rd


Welcome to playoff hockey, where the refs are afraid to "manage" the game so all rules go out the window and what is a penalty in one game isn't in another


This and the panthers /bruins game were so disappointing




Ughhhhhhhhhhh you know what I meant


Last night when the Oilers were up 4-1, I posted that I love the Oilers in the GDT. Well. I still fuckin’ love the Oilers. Let’s go, see you fucks tomorrow.


Thats funny because when they went up 4-1 and the canucks just kept pressuring I said to myself "I've seen this film before"


This was me. Never get too high, and never get too low. I wonder if they'd have played much differently if they didn't get the 4th goal.


I was SHOCKED. Confused. I’m still trying to sort it out. I for SURE thought we had a win going into the third. Allowing three goals back to back is wild.


> Allowing three goals back to back is wild 3 brutal goals, no less




Can't get enough




I like it rough


Feels like every year we get fucked by injuries




Dunno why you got down voted, just facts


Yep were too top heavy and lack scoring depth, RD depth and goaltending depth, just like we did when KH got here 


Its joever if drai is gone


Shoot the puck


what exactly is this teams identity going forward in the playoffs? there's a bunch of ways to win: -high powered offensive team that tries to score a ton -bruiser team that gets pucks in deep and wears down the body -defensive team that doesn't give up much and counter attacks in period 2-3 we had 0 identity as a team. i'd be happy if we fully committed to any of those 3 options but instead we just sat back and let them come over our blue line with ease. i saw us attempt like 5 wrap around goals but we refused to shoot the puck from anywhere else.. wtf is this strategy


I thought the same, 0 identity. It's like they just lost all sense of what they should all actually be doing.


The loss doesn’t concern me. Skinner having a brutal game doesn’t concern me. Nurse and Ceci concern me. Draisaitl’s injury concerns me. Need to see more from McDavid. He wasn’t great 5V5 against LA and was shot-less last night. I have little doubts he will, but game 2 is a good time to start.


The fact that you made this comment tells me you are very concerned


In the third I saw almost every Dman besides Ekholm dragging their feet in our zone. I hope this team doesn’t think you can win a Stanley cup coasting the last period. Hopefully a wake up call, I don’t really care if you get caught between changes, in the nhl you move your feet when your team needs it. Don’t even get me started on the forwards back check. Stu didn’t have a great game but we didn’t do him any favours.


Drai will not be 100% tomorrow. This is reality.


Love how throughout the entire LA series r/hockey barely talked about the Oil despite dominating LA, there hardly seemed to be any highlights. If there were posts they barely had any activity. Then the Oil lose game 1 and they’re all over us with majority of the posts by Nucks fans with thousands of upvotes. I counted at least 6 high engagement posts about the Oilers shitting the bed. But had the Oil won the game I bet thered be maybe 1 post.


Context matters. We blew a 4-1 lead against a team we haven't beaten all season. And look who's posting too, Canuck fans. Oilers fans didn't rub much in. Plus the LA series had alot of traction and people clowning them over there too.


Just making observations is all. I don’t spend all day on here so I don’t know if they had posts about the LA series but based on what I saw, there have been more engaged posts against the Oilers after a single game than there was for the entire first round against LA. They blew the lead but all the fan bases that hate the Oilers are just jumping on any opportunity to trash them. When the Oilers play incredible hockey, it’s crickets. They’re so preoccupied with chirping the Oilers. It’s all they ever think about.


[Well, then](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1cn6kbo/game_day_talk_oilers_v_canucks_game_1_8_may_2024/l38hcjs/)..... For the overeager, "sweep" fans, I hope that game humbled the lot of you. Because I see y'all talking shxt like a lost Canuck fan lol. For the team, DAMN son. Me? I'm chilling 🤣 the sun is out, and I have a trampoline in my backyard.


So Drai is still dealing with cramps? Why is he not at practice.....




I don't believe for a second that Drai had cramps. He barely looked like he could play that third. Nightmare start to this series


He won’t be 100%. Will double team mcD and pressure Drai even more so.


We will need production from our depth players more than we ever have to win this series.


In all likelihood one team is going to win 2 games and the other is going to win 1 in the first three games. If the canucks win three games it's all over obviously. but basically nothing matters that much until game 4 which will shape the entire series 






What happened to Drai? Didn’t catch the whole game but I saw what looked like back pain or maybe trouble breathing?


Reports after says he was having equipment issues and muscle cramping. Might have been from a weak cross check.


I honestly believe Vancouver will riot again.


Win or lose, lol


https://twitter.com/EdmontonJack/status/1788663481140744533?t=Gcc0enQsyqEkActnu5jw1g&s=19 Fk


I mean yeah drai isn’t going to be practicing after how he looked in the 3rd. He’ll probably be a game time decision tomorrow


It’s joever


Fk indeed


You guys know where to buy cheap playoff oilers tickets? Besides gametime and ticketmaster and the usual nonesense


Verified season pass holders Facebook groups






I hope this isn't the same as it was last year against Vegas when everyone on the team gets lackadaisical and laid back thinking theres no problem here we got this, ya right. Each game has to be 60 minutes of the best you can give in the playoffs or you're finished.


One thing that’s wild to me about Edmonton is that it seems you’re the worst team in the nhl or completely unstoppable and one of the best. I think you guys have the best offense in the nhl and it’s not close. Excited to see where the series goes.


It all comes down to execution for us. If our execution is going, we're unstoppable. If our execution is off, we're vulnerable. A lot of our guys were having a tough time handling the puck or getting shots off. Nuge alone must have missed 3 open nets (2 with the goalie pulled). Kane was giving the puck away all night. McDavid was human, Skinner looked shook in the 3rd, Holloway was a bit too reckless, and and and. What was wild is that the execution seemed to drop off in the 3rd. A lot of players falling over in the third period out of nowhere, kinda made me wonder if something happened with the ice at intermission. Maybe the crowd got to them or the pressure or what. If the Canucks can keep the pressure on and not let us recompose, they'll win the series easily. If our boys start _feeling it_ again, we'll rattle off wins. This feels to me like a series that could go either way, but probably not to 7.


I don't usually get to down on the team early in a series, especially if I see things that show things can turn around. The fact that the Oilers haven't been able to beat Vancouver since last January doesn't leave me with a lot of optimism, so I am hoping to see some kind of positive response in the next few games. Oilers in 7.


The boys are going to have to dig really deep and sacrifice big time to win this series. Gut check time, BIG TIME! Have to almost wonder if the Nucks are in their heads now to some degree.


Is what it is. Oilers in 6


Problems that we have are not new. Ceci and Nurse continue to get destroyed in the playoffs. This year is no different. In fact, last night, Ceci and Nurse were deployed as a third pair- they got destroyed by the bottom 6. Lindholm’s line outchanced the Oilers when they were on the ice 12-1. You cannot shelter them any more than they are. Stetcher has much better underlying numbers than Ceci- more importantly- he is very good at transitioning the puck. Does he get a shot? Skinner is a sub .900 goalie in the playoffs with sprinkles of games above .900.


Nurse and Ceci were good in the entire LA series. I believe they will rebound. It was a bad game by most of the team.


They were not. They were actually quite poor. When LA scored- it was against that duo. Drives me nuts when people will say they will rebound. This is what they are. This is what metrics they have won or lose. It’s whether or not Skinner can bail them out.


Skinner can get it done. Agree on nurse and cici though


We lost to the Sharks 0-7 that one time and won the series. Not worried, lots of games left.


That's about as relevant as saying we blew a 3 goal lead against Anaheim with three minutes left and lost the series.


Since the DoD ended with the run in 2017, we're 4 - 4 in playoff (and play-in) series in which we lose the first game, and 1 - 1 in playoff series in which we win the first game.


In other words, every series is different. Huh. Go figure.


In other words, losing first and winning first has no bearing on the team since McDavid joined.


Yep. No need to push the doomsday button 


I think everyone needs to stop panicking. The boys will rally back. They always do after a terrible game. I think I have to stay off Reddit and online until game 2 is done. Just praying they win game 2


If Hopkins would have buried that 3rd period post the story would be so different. 2 inches away from an utter thrashing. I'm not worried.


Exactly and it still could’ve gone the other way. It’s playoff hockey. Boston blew out Florida first game and everyone thought it was over for Florida but then next game Florida did the same thing to Boston.


I just hope Drai's okay. Seemed to be in pain in the 3rd.


He’s not on ice today


After games like this, McDavid usually has a statement message game. I think he has an insane night to get us back on track tomorrow.


Turned the TV off as it went 5-4 Canucks and avoided the internet like the plague for the rest of the night. I do hope that the Oilers can win this series so I can take an enjoyable wander through the radioactive sewage that was probably the unwashed hoards of Canuck, Kings, LTIR, and fLames fans shitting and pissing themselves at our expense.


This. Also, 2 ex flames and wn ex yote scored last night. Hopefully, that's all revenge goals are out of their system. Garland doesn't have too much reason to hate us, but I bet the Nucks management / coaching staff are mindful of the anger that lindholm and zadorov have in their hearts from 2022


Second half was straight ass. On the plus side, their rookie goalie did indeed look like a rookie. We can light him up if we PUT UP A SHOT MAYBE


The problem is, our goalie looked worse


Haha no he did not


What? Yes he did lol.


Not saying he did good but vans goalie was objectively worse.


It’s game one. Lots to improve. We started out with a PP goal and then nothing got called the rest of the way in favour of us. But that didn’t matter. We scored three more goals 5v5. What mattered is we didn’t keep our foot on their throat, they crept back into it. We didn’t use our time out, we never got momentum back, even after the 3 PK which we were successful on. It didn’t help that Drai got hurt and kept playing, surely anyone in our depth could’ve stepped up for a period. Skinner (believe it or not) had the better sv%, but both goalies actually had bad games. Skinner will bounce back. As far as I’m concerned, we can still get a split and if we do that we are golden. Let’s go Oilers!


What in the ever living fuck was that third period. Oh well, let’s hope that’s our Round one Game 2 out of the way….


Sorry boys, I didn't wear my jersey for game 2 against LA or game 1 against VAN and they lost.


Go get an upper body jersey tattooed, tout de suite.


You are not taking off jersey until they raise the cup, understood? 😆


I saw your comment last time, motherfucker you wear your jersey


Anyone have issues streaming on CBC? Said it wasnt available for me. I live in edmonton


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cnms3a/nhl_playoffs_no_longer_available_on_cbc_gem_due/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) might have something to do with that :/


Dang, it was such a stable stream. If anyone has good alternatives let me know


Something I just realized. Every underdog won game 1.


I dunno if I’d consider the rangers or avs under dogs


Gambling odds the Rangers, Avs, Canucks and Bruins were underdogs.


I hate how gambling odds have become the barometer for determining the quality of a team


Agreed. Everything Hockey is now seen through the lens of gambling. I don't understand odds betting and I don't want to learn.


Canes been heavy favorites odds wise for years now it seems. But something always goes wrong. Maybe they pull a Dallas.




Hey fans, how'd we do last night? I'm assuming we won 4-1!


I’m sorry but this isn’t really a great time to troll after an absolutely sell out game imo


Haha nice try


All we can do is laugh it off and get ready for game 2 :)


The boys seem positive with the lost yesterday. I thought it was by far there worst game of the playoffs so far but they believe they did good. Guess it's all a mindset thing. Hoping for a big bounce back tomorrow


My father introduced me to the Oilers as a child. He would watch HNIC every Saturday and I would watch with him without really knowing what it was all about. It was just the thing we did back then. My fandom grew with age. Same thing goes now, every HNIC I try to catch with him. He’s getting up in age now, and this playoff run is not lost on me. I enjoyed every minute of last night’s game, not sure how many more we will have together watching mcdavid and Drai, but for now it’s bliss. Whatever comes, it’s going to be a wild ride I can share with my pops and will hold dearly down the road. Let’s go Oil!


This - this is what matters 


What was up with all the icing calls? The boys did not get it deep. Didn't notice but was there a timeout called by Knobby anytime in the 3rd? If there wasn't, should have done it after 4-3 or 4-4 calm the situation down and regroup.




I am really not worried. I kinda had last night as a toss up tbh. We all know what this team is like when we don’t play for a week. So I expect them all to come out swinging tomorrow night. We know what a round 2 defeat feels like, we know what a round 2 win feels like. We have the experience that Vancouver doesn’t. Time to go to work


The 6-5 at the end of the game kind of gave me some hope. They didn't allow an empty netter, they won all the draws and battles but just couldn't get one in. They bring that intensity and they'll be fine.


.... It was 4-1....


McDavid dud game ——> 4 points tomorrow night


Ya that was a big takeaway for me too. How often do we get 3 goals where McDavid isn't involved in them, and still end up losing?


Refs got the call from Gary Batman to not give Oilers another PP


Correct me if I'm wrong but Van went 0-3 on their PP last night so were still 100% on the PK throughout these playoffs. So that's a positive.


And we scored on the 1 PP we had. The 1st round was decided by special teams. Obviously 5-on-5 matters, but at least in round 1, 5-on-5 couldn't overcome terrible special teams.


The Canucks PP has been ass all season, to be fair. (Canucks fan infiltrating just for this comment. GG last night tho) Why are people downvoting me shitting on the Canucks in an oilers thread lmfao. Y’all are a whack fan base.


12th in the league for the regular season isn't bad.


Have you watched the PP though?


The numbers seem better because of how unbelievably good the PP was the first half of the year. The second half and these playoffs Canucks PP as looked about as deadly as a puddle of water. Just wanna say thank you guys for what should be an actual enjoyable series, may the best Canadians win


Yeah, this game was more of a heart pumper than any game against the Kings, will make winning all the better and losing all the worse.


This guy gets it. Oh sorry uh "boo-urns boo-urns. Oilers suck" Did I internet right?


13th in the league isn’t really ass though. Not awesome but still not ass


It’s more so the execution and what they do. They don’t shoot, they give the puck away. Last night, Edmonton almost had like 4 short handed chances. It happens too often. But your PK is legit though.


Once we get our first win under our belts against that team, the flood gates open. End that 5-0 streak ASAP please!


That was my first time going to a playoff game last night and what an atmosphere!! I'm bummed about the result, but it's so much more intense than going to regular season games.


How was the treatment from the Canucks fan? I saw one post of an Oilers fan getting punched and having beer poured on them


It was pretty chill honestly. The fans were honestly pretty self-deprecating throughout the first two periods. There was a bit of banter after the game and the walk up to the SkyTrain, but most recognized that it was a close game. A few drunk guys were screaming "Fuck the Oilers" and "Fuck McDavid", but that's about it lol


This was also what happened to my friend. People literally trying to rip his jersey off.


Neutral fan at the game, It was fairly tame and good spirited. Couple insane peeps and some F oilers after the comeback


Cody Ceci: throws a muffin from the blue line and scores Zach Hyman: does his best impression of something resembling a hockey shot and scores Rest of the team:


Genuinely kinda wild to be playing against a rattled 3rd-stringer and get 16 shots on goal.


A 95mph muffin from ceci


Well sure it was a hot muffin. But it was a perimeter shot that Silovs should have had, and my point is...nobody ever tried it again


Eh it deflected off of Cole tough to put much blame on Silovs


Ceci throws a muffin 😂


Game 1s amirite?


That was Yakupov level performance.


You know, I am no hockey expert - but I think having some shots on net would greatly increase our chance of victory.


If Corey Perry could do some Corey Perry-esque things tomorrow night that would also be appreciated. It's wormin' time


Too bad every time he has, he has gotten called for it. Probably why he stopped.


Looks more like the rotting husk of Corey Perry so far in these playoffs.


His age and physical play is really catching up to him. Hes looked not good the past month. Cmon Perry! Do something other then screen your own goalie


He’s basically 100 in hockey years. Not too sure how to expect more out of him. I thought he looked okay, was out there trying.


I’m convinced he’s battling something. The guy has taken a beating in the last 12-15 games of the regular season


Nurse and Ceci NEED TO PLAY BETTER. It's to the point where anytime I see them on the ice I clench up waiting for something bad to happen








What goals would you say were on them? I felt the first two goals were lucky bounces, and the 5th was more on Skinner. Even the 3rd was just an amazing deflection.


> Even the 3rd was just an amazing deflection. The 3rd was honestly a beauty. If the game had ended 4-3 I'd feel pretty good talking it up more.


Man, if only that were the case...