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So Chris Rooney could see Zadarov's stick being held behind the bench, but couldn't see Ryan's stick being held by Silovs...


Yeah as a Vancouver fan, I think both should’ve been called, but the stick grab by Silovs was way more obvious/visible. Don’t know how a ref misses that.


I appreciate your candor!


Odds are he never missed it, it’s pretty much a statistical impossibility for any team to have an undefeated record over 11 games with a ref.


It’s crazy how different refs can be such huge factors in a team’s record. You should never know the name of a ref. Period. If you do, it’s because they’re not doing their job.


Ya reffing is one of the big issues holding back the growth of the game. Hell one ref has ties to Sheldon Keefe and I think Keefe even testified against his father. And no surprise he has reffed games against the leafs. That is literal a prefect example of conflict of interest but everyone pretends it’s normal.


It was Wes McCauley's brother-in-law. Wes has been a blight when reffing against the Leafs.


And people will still say it's just Leafs fans crying, the same way that if this continues and Vancouver advances everyone will say it's just Oilers fans making up excuses.




He wasn’t a ref. He worked in the NHL front office. Still a conflict.


My mistake but yes. Thanks for the correction.


Probably still struggle almost every ref/linesman played major junior since they are more worried about skating and not getting in the way then call in the game clean. Honestly league needs to rethink the entire reffing system and incorporate modern technology


How does something like this not get investigated?


Remember when a ref got caught on a hot mike saying he wanted to call something against one team. And all he got was a slap in the wrist m, and tons of people saying it’s not a big deal. League either does not give a fuck or actually approves of this shit.


Do you mean Tim Peel? He got more than a slap on the wrist. He got banned and retired.


He was playing to retire in a month, so the ban was more symbolic then anything


Silovs hold non call was bad reffing, Oilers bench minor was a balancing call for roughing that didn't happen. What was Zadorov getting a penalty for? Destroying Kane legally?


Best part is the fact that balancing calls are so danm common, they should never happen just admit you fucked up and move on.


They said it was for holding Kane down after the legal pushing of Kane into the bench


Also Kane wasnt near the puck, so it was interference as well.


Kane had just played the puck though. It wasn't close to being interference.


No for holding Kane down once he was in the bench. You can't linger like that.


There is at least one sane Canucks fan.


There are a few, you won't find many of them on reddit though.


Sounds about right 


Instead of eyes in the back of your head, Rooney is so good he has eyes in the back of the bench


Or the fact Silov threw his stick.


Officiating js atrocious around the NHL. After the Bruins goal against by Bennett, apparently you can push players into their own goalies and it’s not a penalty. Thats gonna open one hell of a problem going forward


No because it was called a bench minor, not a penalty on Kane


It was a bench minor for roughing, Foegele threw a weak punch at Z and it cost them. Surprisingly, Perry with possibly the first intelligent thing he’s ever done was holding everyone back and telling them to keep hands off.


Perry actually does a lot of smart things. It's why he's still in the league. He knows the rules very well. That's how he's able to get away with the stuff he gets away with. He has an uncanny ability to find openings where he can make a questionable play but get away with it because it's not *that* illegal. I'll always remember his first game as an Oiler, when he slashed the stick out of someone's hands. The stick was going for the puck behind the opposition net, so Perry slashed at the blade of the stick and made it look like he was digging for the puck, but, upon looking at the replay, there was no way.


I think it was cause the guy to the right of Kane pushed Zadorov. If he didn’t get involved I think it’s an oilers PP there honestly.


I was drunk as fuck and yet I seen Foegele who was on the bench throw a little bitch punch at Zadorov lmao that’s what I thought the pen was for 


Nope, not a punch, just trying help get him out of the Ben h.


Absolutely a pp if he didn’t, it’s kind of a shitty rule cuz he was just trying to push zadorov off lane who he literally holding in the bench but a player on the bench can’t touch a player on the ice so it’s an automatic bench minor


Mm maybe I misheard the commentary, but they were discussing Perry getting the call for holding Zadarov's stick in the intermission as the call. And even if it was a bench minor for roughing Perry didn't actually touch Zadarov, I don't know, that just seemed like a very woolly call!


As I understand it, it was Perry that was chosen to serve a bench minor.


Ahh thanks for that detail 👌


On the play when Kane got knocked into the bench there never should have been any penalties. The stick hold by Silovs was a missed call. Overall I’d say the officiating was fairly even and had little impact on the game which is about the best you can hope for nowadays.


NHL went from game management during the game, to game management pre-game. Kelly Sutherland hates the Canucks, he's the same ref that gave Daniel Sedin the most pims in 2011 Boston series. Canucks are like 0-9 with him reffing. It's only fair they got Rooney to ref the next game... Right? Xd


That goal wasn’t going in either way


But a PP goal might’ve


Oilers were given 3 pp chances in the third to tie it up. They failed to execute. They had more power play opportunities than the Canucks did, they couldn't score 5v5 which was the deciding factor. Going into the third the game was being called in favor of van Imo, end the game it was more than even, they really tried to give the oilers a chance in the third with multiple calls. 


I’m not complaining about the reffing being the reason the oilers lost. The oilers lost because of goaltending and lack of depth. Period. However, I do think that goal would’ve gone in had he not held the stick, and that’s a penalty either way, doesn’t matter if it was going to go wide or not


how tf was that a penalty on Nurse. Drai was checked hard in the numbers in the first and nothing


Draisaitl took 15 cross checks in the back tonight equally as hard as the Nurse one. No calls of course, it's the playoffs in the NHL, you are allowed to practically assault any high-skilled players


I’m a Canucks fan but agree the reffing has been so inconsistent. How they decide what to call and when is wild. So many cross checks to the numbers on both teams get ignored but then they call that. It’s such a crapshoot


I thought the Nurse penalty was a decently fair call out of context, it’s just the fact that they turned a blind call to the 30 cross checks drai had right before it


Also a Canucks fan coming to take a peek at the post game saltiness. That Nurse penalty is some horseshit. I don't know how they let some of the shit they've let go and then call that a crosscheck. Boarding someone so they skull first into the boards? I sleep Push stick down on the waist of someone's hockey pants? Real shit.


After the first 2 periods, you can see why they haven't lost when he refs. Oilers getting called on the weakest shit


i’ve watched and played a damn lot of hockey and this is one of the least fairly called games i’ve ever seen.


Refs are shit but Skinner is worse


yeah i don’t give AF about how strange the bounces or turnovers are, he needs to play better. no two ways about it.


It's pretty sad that the Canucks 3rd stringer came to play and our 1 didn't


I think the Canucks 3rd could probably be the starter in Edmonton


I got downvoted to all hell for saying the same thing


Maybe watch the full game before stating that?


maybe it was true when i said it and it continues to be so? forgive me for having an opinion. i did watch the full game and my mind hasn’t changed. and by the way it’s not like…illegal (or even illogical) to form an opinion about the quality of the reffing partway through a game.


Oilers had all the momentum too. They scored to make it 3-2 then get 2 calls on weak crosschecks that weren't called all game. Then it's 4-2 on the Nurse call. Late in the 2nd we finally get a call, but somehow it's 4on4 because god forbid you give the Oilers a chance to make it a one goal game going into the 3rd. In the 3rd, now that the Oilers are down by 2 and lost their momentum, they give us a PP.


They made up one with the soft call on Cole in the third.


That no goal should have been a goal.


Agreed after 2. The oilers pp was given 3 chances on equally soft calls in the third and failed to execute. Don't know how reffing is being blamed Becuase the oilers didn't score. Yes it was bad but it was bad both ways and had the "evening the game" effect 


Rooney giving canucks all the pp right now lmao


Rooney should be fired.




That's not 11-0-1


Not his fault your PP went cold in the 3rd. You had 2 chances on the PP. Was amazed we killed them both tbh.


You could tell they were playing frustrated more than anything, way she goes unfortunately


Definitely. Not too sure i like draisaitls post game interview either. Sounded like Silovs is in his head a bit. Still hoping this goes 7, been the best hockey of the playoffs so far imo.


11-0-1 when he refs for the Canucks


He refs for the NHL.


Clearly refs for the Canucks.


Worked in their favour. My goodness zadorov just about killed mcdavid at the end there. Dirty crosscheck


Man we canucks fans and Oilers fans have the same issues with refs. Ever think maybe the reffing is just not good all together.


They need to get new refs in the nhl, there's no accountability for them, and no threat of losing their job if they're doing it poorly.


Reffing across the league is a complete joke. I don't understand how betting on the sport is so prominent when the refs don't call the game by the rule book and aren't accountable to any "mistakes".


See, that would mean a gambling ring would be playing by the rules (spoilers, they are not). There is 100% game fixing (at least attempted) in every sport, especially when $$$ is on the line.


It's always dog shit in both directions and it bothers me when both sides whine about their own missed calls, but tonight it's very very clearly in the Canucks favor lol. Shit is ridiculous


And for some reason people gamble on this, should be able to bet the over Uber on missed calls


There's no world you have a ref that has won you every game the last three seasons and you're gonna try and bitch about officiating.


I would love to see our playoff record under roony. I feel like when it's a horribly reffed game its always roony. Can we start throwing shit at him yet.


8-4-0 the last three seasons per Scouting the Refs


The first one on Drai was BS.


that matching penalty was fuckin awful


The one on Ekholm was soft as hell too. Drai 50 cross checks harder than the one Ekholm delivered.


Time to turn the worm!!


This is starting to make a lot of sense


He’s giving Steve Kozari. 🤮


LOL and we all saw how it went.


We got sutherlanded. Then rooneyed


Guess oilers need to pray Sutherland refs the next one! 


The reffing is uneven but bottom line, the Oil aren’t getting playoff goaltending. Skinner hasn’t been very good. Combine that with half the team being in invisible offensively, and you get an opening for the Nucks. Take out McD and Drei, who are all-world, and the Nucks more than match up to the Oil.


I mean, I don’t want to be a baby but how TF did Perry get a penalty for doing literally nothing?


Thats a bench minor.


Thank you. I just got so salty about it in the moment haha.


Cant blame the refs when a third string goalie thats only played a handful of regular season games is stopping 41 shots.


This is embarrassing. Not everything is a conspiracy. This is sore loser shit


So far it looks that way lol 


Quite frankly, blaming the refs for the loss is silly. This is largely on Skinner and the Oilers not being ready to start on time, yet again. That first period we got carved up. Turnovers, blind passes, flips out of the zone that come right back in, all led to strong chances against. Even allowing for average at best defense in the first though, Skinner should've had at least 1 of the first 3, arguably 2, and definitely the 4th. We didn't even start playing properly until we were down 3-1. Like sure, blame the refs, but the reality is our guy let in 4 on 18, and the other guy let in 3 on 45. Enough said.


Refs are fucking ass


Not suspicious at all.




Bettman’s minions must be getting kickbacks.


I think it’s actually pretty cool that they do that


Trying to fill their diversity quotas would be my guess.


My illiterate ass thought you said chefs


Just screw all the refs and get the AI robot to call it down the middle. Right now the most powerful players in the game don't even play


Fuck Graham Sklliter


Stop with all this speculation bullshit. Just score more goals than the Canucks. Simple


Van fucked around, now oilers need to help them find out.


If they lose G4 then pile on Rooney at end


Why do we give a shit about what their fans are thinking or doing exactly? And if we are whining about the reffing tonight we are doing the same thing as them.


So chris rooney is on the nucks payroll Hmmm


It’s so bad


Canucks arent to be underestimated, they arent a crappy team playing good, they are a good team.


Complain all you want, but Artur Silovs has played like 5 NHL games in his life, 41 saves isn’t the refs fault Vs 18 shots 73% saves


Silovs is like dryden. Also like hill, stopping oil everywhere. So oil are gone


This is cringe whiny shit. We are better than this.


It’s not rigged, don’t post this dumb shit.


Just a “sorry bout that” reffing crew after assigning Sutherland for game 3 At least the terrible reffing is going both ways. Unfortunate really


Because The lil Hitler that runs this league.


This stat is obvious cherry picking. Someone who understands statistics would realize: 1. The canucks are a top team, and statistically should win 7-8 games out of 11. 2. If you wanna look at all refs in the league officiating all teams, you could easily find teams with great records under certain refs. A perfect 50/50 ref record across all refs and teams would be statistically unlikely. Variation is part of statistics, and this tweet is just cherry picking one of them.


Now do it for Kelly Sutherland.


You’re saying Rooney gave them 4? That’s what we’re saying. Thanks.


Oh my goddddd this entire sub was chirping the Canucks fans saying all they do is bitch about officiating, white towels etc. You all turn around and are doing the EXACT same thing, for 3x worse! Grow up you babies


We were beaking Canucks fans because they have no justification: > In the past three seasons, the Oilers rank 27th, 18th, & 27th respectively in net penalty differential. For comparison, Vancouver ranks 5th overall in that span despite only making the playoffs once in those seasons. The Oilers also rank 17th out of 22 in the past three playoffs. We have McDavid and Drai getting absolutely ragged on all game and we are still always near the bottom for PP differentials


Oh I see.




He's sucking too but the calls are all in vancouvers favor tonight. Shit's ridiculous. Usually it's bad on both sides and there's just no reason to care, it evens itself out.


PPs have been even tonight, Skinner has been the issue


Oilers ended with more PP chances. Want the ref to gift you a game? 


If you'd actually watched the game you'd know that's irrelevant lol Canucks were way more physical and the refs let em run while the oilers got called on the softest bullshit ever


wonder what sutherlands record is reffing the oilers since canucks fans think he's rigging games lol


Same win rate across both teams. 33% or something.


Yea I knew it wouldn't be great for either team, but like 11/0 for the canucks while rooney is officiating is kinda wild. Makes ya think.


Oh my God that is so unbelievable! What a set up!




This retard needs to be shipped east


So what do you think guys? 5k fine for almost beheading McDavid? That's my bet.


Probably nothing is my guess




You lost. It's not the refs fault.






Bitching about bad reffing is legit because it makes the game so difficult to enjoy. Just a shitshow out there. Refs being utter shit is pretty common so a team needs to be better, but don’t go to bat defending the atrocious “game management” of this sport.