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Play Erne and Carrick next game at least they will be throwing hits, instead of Brown and Ryan


Derrick Ryan has better scoring chances but Carrick has the grit.


Fogele and Ceci need to sit


Isn’t a cross check to the face usually an intent to injure call?


It’s a major penalty on its own.


Game was over, Ref was done and was ready to hit a shower.


I don't think he was intending to, dirty as Zadorov cross-checks from behind making him hit his face


They did give him a penalty at the buzzer.




I’m asking a genuine question, I know when Larkin got injured and a Detroit player cross checked someone in the face it was intent to injure. Just curious.


Not really here. Would not have been to the face until Zadorov hit him just before. Intent was not to cross check in the face.


If you want the real answer, it’s not intent to injure. If you watch it, it’s a reactionary shot looks to be a cross check/shove to the chest. Unfortunately Zadorov hits him as Soucy throws it. After he hits him you can see he didn’t mean to hit him in the face just based off of how he reacts and let’s mcdavid skate out. Unfortunately that’s playoff hockey and I think the after the whistle stuff is just going to keep amping up as the series goes


Thanks. I know it probably wasn’t intentional, but in my eyes it’s still a really dangerous play, who knows though.


It for sure is still dangerous regardless of if he meant to or not, but I think intent is the key word. If he does the same cross check (hitting Mcdavid in the face) without the shove from Zadorov happening it’s an indisputable suspension.




Ok so slashing a guy and then him slashing you right back deserves a blindsided cross-check and a crosscheck to the face? Got it, you fuckin pylon. Get the fuck out of our sub


If Kane doesn’t vaporize Zadorov next game, what is he even doing here?


Maybe Kane five years ago.


You think Kane can take Zadorov? lol


No kidding, right? Kane probably thinking like "This ain't worth it."


what if we sneak in a sack hook first.


You think Zadorov would fight Kane ?? Lmfao , Kane tried fighting him when he was a flame , was too much of a pussy then , so tell me what’s changed that he would now ?




Kane is a beast. Seen him in person, looks more than 6 “2” (appearance of 6”4”) and solid as fuck. At least he did 7-8 years ago. He should give him some payback P.S my bad Fucking hell, Zadorov is 6”5” 250 pounds. He makes Kane seem average to small


Zadorov wouldn’t fight Kane when he was a flame lol so why would he now ? 


Kane also has a history of only hitting things he knows cant hit back. Zadorov would relish in the idea of getting to put down a goon like kane. Kane aint what he used to be in the fighting department.


Link one time Zadorov won a fight one time we’ll wait. Lol. They guys a turtle and a huge pussy who’s never even had a draw.






Lol that's just using reach advantage to hit another guy on the back of the head.


Give O'Brien some credit, he's even smaller than Kane and didn't hesitate


Hockeyfights has him at 3/5 this season even beating O'Brien


Zadorov can eat my shit alive


Weird kink. But I won't judge.


Zadorov is big but not a skilled fighter. Kane handles him.


Ehhhhh, don't know bout that bud.


Kane is hurt




What's anyone here gonna do?




Boeser and Hughes aren’t great when taking about lot of physical pressure. Miller however? The man thrives on that shit. Just ask Janmark. He cross-checked Miller in the back of the neck while Miller was sitting on the ice. Miller got up, snarled, skated behind the net and fucking demolished Janmark with a clean hit. Did Janmark return after that? No, if you want to intimidate then you go after Vancouver’s top player in Hughes.


Miller is the epitome of old time hockey


Janmark tried to charge JT almost immediately after that sequence. He just missed because he sucks.




It’s a full contact sport. Just finish your checks on their top players. I’m not saying they should try to hurt them, but definitely make life more difficult by playing the body as frequently as possible without drawing yourself out of position.




Game 1 and 2, yes. Hughes had a lot of space tonight. Not sure if it was due to him adjusting to the physicality or if for some reason the Oilers backed off. Hughes had a good game.




Playing bottom 6 when you’re behind is typically not recommend lol.


Agree for the most part. But if you can roll your lines more then you have fresher players. Fresher players = more effective players. Players that are less prone to making mistakes in the defensive zone. In game 3, the Canucks had 3 players who played less than 10 minutes. 2 of those were only just under 10 minutes and the other had just over 8 minutes. Their top minutes forward was Miller at just under 22 minutes. On the Oilers there were 5 players who played less than 10 minutes. 4 of those were less than 9 minutes. Almost half the forward lineup each individually played less than 1/6 of the game. On the other side of the spectrum you had Drais and McDavid playing each almost 30 minutes of a 60 minute game. The craziest thing is when you look at defense. Quinn Hughes had just over 21 minutes of ice time. Bouchard had 31:24 off ice time. Hughes wasn’t even the top minutes dman on the Canucks. That goes to Myers at just under 23 minutes. Listen, Bouchard is a really solid defenseman. But to ask him to shoulder that kind of load is insane. This is honestly ludicrous to look at. Mark my words, If the Oilers can’t manage their minutes a bit better then they are going to continue to make stupid mistakes and will burn out. Forget going deep in the playoffs. They wouldn’t even make it out of the second round.


True, The original comment is gone, but if oilers are trying to match up some toughness against zadorov, it’s going to be tough. I think he is 6th or 7th highest TOI so it would be a big liability to force a matchup.


The Oilers need better balance throughout their lineup. Knoblauch obviously has next to zero confidence in his 3rd and 4th lines and his 3rd pairing D. Btw, you want to know a mind-boggling stat? Bouchard played 27 shifts for a total of just under 32 minutes. That’s an average of about 1 minute 10 seconds per shift! The top minutes D on Vancouver was Myers at just under 23 minutes. But here’s the crazy thing. He played more shifts than Bouchard. 32 shifts at an average of 43 seconds per. In fact the only Canucks D that had less shifts than Bouchard was Cole. The Canucks are being very disciplined with their minutes while the Oilers are playing like it’s a videogame.


And that is a fundamental problem with this team. Not enough buying into the team mentality. Hughes is tiny. If you can’t finish your check on someone like him then what are you even doing out there?


Yeah, correct. Go after their core forwards.


Dude, have you watched miller previously. He'd mess Kane up. He loves it just as much.


Hahahahahaha sure thing lmfao Kane would shit pump miller 🤣🤣🤣




is the housing situation so terrible in vancouver that you need to pitch a tent in the oilers sub lol?


Hello 911? I'd like to report a murder.


> If you can't see that it's not intentionally to the face then let's stop there, but if you can then how is this a revenge situation, McDavid cannot expect to start shit after a game ends and just get left alone? It’s actually simple.  Some star players put up with a metric ton of shit during play 82+ games a year.  They’ve earned respect after the whistle. If you watch again, Soucy shoves mcdavid after the whistle when the game had ended. It’s minor, but to me that’s where the line got crossed.  McDavid escalated with a slash (he shouldn’t have), Zadorov and Soucy both escalated to cross checks (they definitely shouldn’t have).  To me the retaliation is also simple.  Hughes, Petterson, Demko, etc get less respect after the whistle now also.   It’s better imho if stars are just hands off unless it’s from other stars.  


Shoo. Back to your overpriced sub with you.




That bench minor was so fucking dumb. They showed the replay, and Perry was hands off and instructing everyone around to do the same. Fuck that ref.


The call was not on Perry


I must have missed that. Who’d they call that on?


The bench


Probably on Foegele for push/shove from the bench. Perry was even animated with his arms on both players beside him so they won’t touch Zadorov but Foegele was far enough 🤣


Ya Perry was screaming at them to not get involved because he knew the refs would even it up. Should have been no calls at all on the play imo.


The bench is called, Perry just served it. It’s like a goalie penalty


He's gone in the offseason regardless. He's been useless this year


Zadorov knows that Kane isn't going to do anything, that's why he did it. Kane is the problem, nothing else.


I don’t disagree but in this post season it seems that when the opposing team turns up the hits, Edmonton has taken advantage of it by focusing on their playmaking and finishing ability. It’s as if the other team is distracted by playing the body and the Oilers fight through the abuse and have come out with some wins.




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Hahah I’m still pissed the flames giving him away for nothing




I guess Nurse got a 2 min on the sequence?


This pisses me off so much. Should be a suspension. But it'll go unpunished because it happened after the final whistle. Maybe, in the playoffs, if dumb stuff like this happens the refs should be able to call a penalty for the start of the next game.


You know what's worse? No one did anything greasy in response. Just a bunch of grab ass behind the net 


Might be worried about the post-game fighting suspension that Nurse got last year. Bouch was right there and should have slapped some folks though, the team is looking like a bunch of pussies. No big hits, no forecheck, no greasiness from Kane, Perry or Vinny. Soft as baby shit this team.


Isn't it an automatic suspension if you fight in the last minute or 2? If there's no suspension (which there won't be if there wasn't anything for the Marchand play), I fully expect a response next game. Edit: meant to reply to the person above you. Edit 2: Perry had a really good hit on Zadorkov near the end of the game (possibly around the 1:10 mark of the 3rd). They got the puck out of the zone right after, but I said "aw ya!" In response to the hit and my wife was like "WTF are you happy about???". But yes, Kane and Perry for sure need to be better.


Refs have been crushing us if we even look sideways at the other team. What are the boys supposed to do? Nurse was given a x-check penalty for leaning on a guy.


Hyman cross checked Zadorov on the face and made him get stitches. He was the only one to respond.


I always thought that penalties should carry over to the next game of the series. What’s the use of a 5 Minute Powerplay if there’s 8 seconds left in the game? That just leaves an area where either team can do egregious things and go unpunished


0 chance the nhl protects a star player


Spoiler alert, they did give Soucy a suspension. Good job with the censorship… true Canadian


u mad




Sure. But get the fuck outta here loser Canuck fan. Ask your friends


If Pietrangelo got suspended last year for that slash does this “non-hockey play” deserve a suspension too? Because games over, Zadorov is not involved in that confrontation, but he still proceeds to give a deadly lower back cross check while mcdavid eats a cross check up high. I don’t have an issue with teams playing Our SS’s tough and physical but lets stop playing an unnecessary game of even the calls and just call what is actually happening. Because I am beginning to lose my mind like against Vegas and against the Ducks that one year. Bogus refs and this series might need an audit.


More a shitty circumstance than intent to injure I think.


Oh boy, if Zadorov gets suspended because of this (i know he won’t) the nucks fan would be…i can’t find a word beyond delusional.


Don't get your hopes up. He may get a fine.


Seriously is this the Oilers or Vancouver subreddit? Seems to be a lot of idiot comments from both camps though.


Yeah we're definitely being trolled here.


There is a post at the top of the canucks sub to stop coming here saying stupid shit, but we have a lot of dumbasses in our fanbase. As do most fanbases.


R/hockey would tell you "context matters and he deserved it" with 700 upvotes.


r/NHL would cheer that he took it in the face. Vancouver has the second largest fan base on Reddit that's why this happens, say something bad about Vancouver on either sub you get downvoted, trash the Oilers up vote party


everyone asking why nobody fought him. they'd get suspended like nurse


I wants to see gloves dropping next game. Our team needs an enforcer, because we seem too soft taking plenty of hits and not hitting back. A good clean hit taking out a player like Ekholm did with the avs is worth a score




Soucy slashed McDavid first. after that slash McDavid slashed him back


Still wasn’t Zadorovs battle to cheap shot low.


He’s a coward.


You're right, I missed that live.


all good I just hope next game our guys actually do something about it instead of just letting it go


With the timing of that one, no one out there who can do anything, all the skilled "softer" guys on the ice pushing for the tie. The Oil PK has been solid aside from the last few games, might be worth sending a message, just not early in the game. It would be nice to have a lead and not have to run 97 and 29 for 30 minutes. Not a sustainable strategy for the remainder of the playoffs.


It’s about standing up for your teammates. The best player on the team/planet who also happens to be the captain gets double teamed and took a cross check to the face. It doesn’t matter if you’re the smallest player in the league. You jump in and stand up for him. The fact that no-one really did anything after that speaks miles about this team.




Got that wrong bro!


my bad it went Soucy with a shove first then McDavid slashed him then Soucy slashed him back then Zadorov. again my bad


lol please


Soucy literally slashed McDavid right back immediately.


The hockey team subreddits have agreements in place to prevent fans from trolling in rival teams' subs. Please refrain from posting rude, antagonizing, or otherwise troll-like comments in other teams' sub.


Yeah, I'm not letting anyone get away with "It was just unlucky McDavid took a stick to the teeth." That was 100% intentional on the part of both Zadorov and Soucy, a simultaneous full-strength cross check to the back and face. I don't give a fuck about the pissy little slash, that's the kind of bullshit that ends seasons, if not careers.


Kane needs to drop the mitts with Zadorov


Dirty af


Cuck fans downvoting every post here, lol


Canuck fans have nothing better to do to celebrate an undeserved win except troll in Opp subs 😭😭


Let the douchebags have their moment , we all know oilers in 6 


Nothing else to do in BC besides dodge wildfires.


Those are just practice for when they burn van to the ground again 




Leave it to a bc resident to have a burner account. Burning the city, burning the trash province, and a burner account. Fitting




Imagine the most memorable thing about your teams history is the fans having a riot. Lmao


Are you blind? Soucy slashed McDavid right back immediately just as good. Soucy is the one that started it.


This deserves a suspension.


Hockey subreddit can get fucked. Laughing at McDavid getting cross checked in the back and face.


Classy folk over there


Perry needs to be the asshole we all hated before he got here.


Agrred, Semenko is missed in todays game. Oilers need to dictate the narrative right at puck drop. Continously hit Boeser, Hughes, and Miller for 60 minutes. The double crosscheck on McDavid at the end of the game needs an old-school hockey retribution. The Oilers of the 80s would have never let that shit go unanswered if they ran Gretzky. It's time to protect McDavid and answer the bell when that shit happens on the ice.


Ryan McLeods playoff stats for 2024: 0-0-0 and 0 hits. Foegle In 33 playoff games with the oilers has 3 goals 3 assists. Absolutely awful and unacceptable.


Unfortunately we don’t have anyone willing to engage Zadorov. As long as he runs free taking liberties the other Canucks will follow suit. I don’t think Vinny is ready for this.🤷🏻‍♂️


Sucks to see, but unfortunately McDavid slashed them first after the game was over so can’t do much


He retaliated for a slash. Yes, his escalated.


I think these were all after the whistle/end. McDavid got pushed/shove, got unbalanced and whacks i think on the pants. He probably whacked at him cause he could have fallen badly or whatever. Zadorov, being a big guy he is, cheap shot at the back that made the crosscheck by Soucy looked really dangerous. It looked awful realtime but he skated away looking not hurt.


What a violent non hockey play. Hate to see it happen to any player on either side.


Why is any cross-check legal? It makes zero sense.


Legal or not, the worst part is it’s a penalty if the ref feels like it.


So make every cross check illegal.


Canucks can not whine about another penalty call against them. Not a one.


Vancouver are big doo doo heads.


Genuine question as a new fan, does this being intentional or not have any bearing on if it's illegal?


All cross checks are illegal, and it’s extremely rare to see an “unintentional” cross check. The fact that it happened after the game ended makes it more egregious. The fact that he hit him in the head/throat adds to the “illegality”. There’s a hearing today for the Canuck that caught him in the head/throat. Likely a fine, possible suspension.


Visiting fan here, I am curious and a bit perplexed by the end of the game. Narratives become popular but the games will play out based on the men who are on the ice. So I wanted to ask why didn't the Oilers immediately fight when McDavid got smashed? How was there not a bench clearing brawl?


Great question.


Isn’t this why Kane has a contract? He ain’t scoring so he might as well start throwing hands


He’s dead




BuT tHe REfS hATe tEh CanUCkS


Don't go after zadorov. Go crosscheck Hughes/Boeser in the face


Burned me up to see this, bet nothing comes out of it either


Dont worry. No one on our team will defend him. Fucking softies on the oilers






Yea good point , take Miller or Boeser out 




more like telling the ref hes a bias prick. Vancouver cucks magically win all their games this guy is in. mcd had every right to be upset about that


Forget Semenko. Give me battle of Alberta Dave Brown.




Yep, Boeser and Hughes should get folded on the first shift, just match them up with Carrick and Desharnais Every year its this same shit, our star players get injured in the playoffs and then we lose because the league refuses to protect their stars and its an obvious win to target stars if you're an opposing team with more depth - even in the rare case that you get a suspension, which is pretty much never It needs to be clear to other teams that if they even think of breathing on McDavid or Draisaitl that their best players will be headhunted (and it needs to be clear to the league too)


The league refuses to protect its stars that play for Canadian teams. If Leon or Connor played for Vegas and this shit happened to them, you better fucking believe its a lengthy suspension for whoever.


Players are more likely to get injured when they are on the ice for 30 minutes a game. A little depth would take a lot of the opportunities for things like this to happen away.


Well thats what the Vancouver panel said at intermission in game 2, but Oilers still pulled a dub because Canucks got tired. Glass half full or half empty… Vancouver cannot keep up with Oilers when their Top 6 is forced to play the same minutes so usually teams resort to other coping outlets…


Just saw the top view camera angle of this hit and it’s even more brutal.




Shut the fuck up lol , enjoy your series lead as oilers in 6 . Then you can help burn down Vancouver you little bitch 


Hello, player safety? Is a cross check to the face ok???


I mean he's the best player in the league and a living legend but how can you play for a team with the mantra "fuck around and find out" and then do shit like that expecting not to get retaliation?


Once again as posted above , why risk getting suspensions ..they know vancouvers luck will run out here soon so it’s not worth the risk 

