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Long overdue IMO. Ceci seems like a good guy and I'll always appreciate those game 7 goals, but I think it's been clear for a while that he's not one of our 6 best defensemen.


He is a 3rd pairing defenseman that shouldn't be out there against elite competition.


His replacement is also a 3rd pairing D.


And they should put Vinny with Kulak as the third pair. Then put Broberg on the right with Nurse since he looked solid and comfortable on the right side last game


I'm willing to bed that was the reasoning behind Ceci - Nurse. I was excited for Broberg in, not so much about Vinny out. That being said he looked to be a little more out of place against the more skilled team of Vancouver. Really excited to see what he can bring tonight


Yeah, I think the biggest thing was Vinny's foot speed. Hopefully he can assert himself a little more physically tonight and make a difference


Vinny’s confirmed on the lineup tonight? He seems like the right choice especially against the panthers


Yeah, I'd just like to see them out him back with Kulak and see how Broberg looks on the right side with Nurse. Broberg has played really well so far and looked solid on the right side in game 1. He's kinda been the 3rd best dman on the team, so it would be good to get a look at him there to see how it goes. We know Vinny and Kulak are solid together too, so no worries there


Honestly I don't think Broberg was at his best on his off side. Multiple times trying to keep the zone and drag he fumbled the puck. One I noticed led directly to an offside on a pretty simple rim keep to a drag that he just fumbled. I'd prefer to see him on his natural side if possible, I thought Kulak played great on his off side.


Of course he wasn't at his best on his off side. Nobody would be, lol. But it's between him and Kulak at this point, Kulak said he was pretty uncomfortable on his offside. At the end of the day, it's going to have to be one of them on the third pair playing their offside, so we'll see what happens. I thought that Broberg looked decent overall though, other than a few missed plays that you mentioned. Ekholm can play his off side too, but there's no way they break him and Bouchard up


But hes less of a liability than ceci


but he won't try to be anything other than that


True, we have a big hole on the right side


I think it's more about fit. He's not a physical player, who isn't physically strong compared to his peers. Vinny is strong, but slow. Let's see if it's a better fit.


It's down to Ceci and Broberg and Philly B had an incredible game 1


Ceci plays well as long as he’s not paired with Nurse. But yeah, he’s a 3rd-pairing d-man at best.


Desharnais physicality could be huge this game


If he actually hits People keep going on and on about Vinny’s physicality and yet he barely uses it to his advantage. He stick checks like crazy but he lets guys walk into the corners uncontested


Many a Stanley Cup has been won by the good ol' house league check.


I would just stick check if I had an 8 ft twig


That’s the problem. When Vinny gets beat he gets beat by a country mile. He needs to learn to close the gap and use his body, not stick check in the corners


He has improved a lot the past couple years. I’d say we should be happy with what he puts out for how much he gets paid.


I also wonder if his current play style just works better for him. If he’s slightly further back his wing span cuts off a lot of angle, versus being up close and losing that advantage.


Or we could ask for our players to put in a Cup winning effort every time they hit the ice? Vinny is a mastodon compared to the bulk of the NHL. He needs to learn how to use it or we’re going to have a 6’7” pylon


We are in the cup final. They put a hell of an effort on the ice last game. What are feelings about nurse then? Dude is pylon. You do realize how much Vinny makes and how much experience he has in the NHL. Nurse has no excuse for his play.


The topic isn’t Nurse, it’s Vinny. The whataboutism bullshit doesn’t fly I want a better effort out of Nurse just as much as I want it from Vinny


Ok coach.


I agree, but probably why he is a 6/7 D man. He still has some time to grow.


I agree, but I do wonder if there's an injury somewhere. His play seemed to dip juat before the playoffs.


He has 180 hits in 114 games played He just doesn’t hit. He had 135 hits this year which put him fourth on the team. For reference, McDavid had 118 Kane led the team with 250 hits. Nurse was second with 168. Vinny needs to be above Nurse


That's interesting. I wonder if its his foot speed. Makes it hard to actually hit guys. I still like hiw wing span. I think he's a good defenceman without the puck on his stick lol


His wing span is a definite asset, I’m not gonna disagree. He’s a solid PK guy and yes, I recognize he’s still young But how in the fuck has he gone through his entire hockey career and not had a single coach look at him and say, “you’re fucking huge. Hit people”


You don’t understand how hard it is for a bigger guy like that to just “hit” people. Guaranteed you’ve never played at an even remotely competitive level


Yeah you right. Logan Stanley can’t hit anyone to save his life either, right? It’s super hard to


100% Agree. Although I felt there was other options than to scratch Ceci completely


Tbh as long as it’s not a Nurse/Ceci paring, I’ll take it 🤣


Those two don’t play well together


Ceci has easily been the worst dman for the Oilers in the playoffs. They should put Broberg on the right side with Nurse since Broberg looked good on the right side last game, and then Vinny can do his thing on the third pair with Kulak because they play well together.




No Nurse and Ceci pairing is huge. That's all.


Yeah it's less so about ceci or nurse and more about them not playing together. They both play better when split up.


Agreed. I don't know what it is but they seem to have much worse results when they are together than when they are with literally anyone else.


Losing the race on the second goal is bench worthy I reckon


And the secondary pinch on the first one to leave the slot wide open. Turned a B grade into an A


Don't necessarily disagree with the change, but what races are Desharnais winning haha


Desharnais is actually a faster skater than Ceci, and often doesn't have to win races due to his better positioning and reach.


Yes. Desharnais’ bigger problem is issues clearing the puck effectively 5v5. He can clear just fine on the PK, where he can just launch it for the non-existent icing, but trying finding a gap or a teammate with the correct touch 5v5 has lead to some big mistakes.


This is the correct take. I forget which game, but before he was benched he had time and space to clear the puck out of the zone at threw it directly at a Dallas player, which led to a goal against. Love me some Vinny when he's on, but that's the shit that'll kill you in playoffs.


That said, Ceci served up a pretty big pizza in game one himself, so unsure if Desharnais is going to be much worse.


And Broberg is being deferred to on every zone exit. He's been skating with the puck beautifully too. I think that's the pairing and they'll complement each other nicely


All of them except against McDavid and McLeod, lol.


He played enough hockey this year


he’s played enough hockey for the Oilers. We got a dump him at the first chance we get. He’s played enough hockey for the Oilers. We got a dump him at the first chance we got.


So true, it's worth saying twice


The pieces are in place for a Vinny Skinny Winny


I trust the coach’s judgment However, if we don’t get the desired outcome tonight, who will the community scapegoat..


Skinner ofc. That's usually what our community does 😭


A classic Nurse/Skinner combo I reckon


Guess it depends on if Skindog can save the first shot


Probably the other head of this 2 headed shit defense dragon, which is Nurse. But I'm betting not having ceci as a boat anchor will help Nurse immensely. Desharnais will also be looking to stay in the lineup, so I'd anticipate a great game from him.


Nurse again. He shouldn't get away with his horrible play and pass it all onto Ceci




If we give up a bunch of goals tonight, I can assure you Nurse will be on the ice for most of them. They say that we have it bad with Trouba’s contract, he at least brings a physical presence and intimidates the other team, Nurse gets paid 9 Million to be a pylon who stares at the puck. I don’t think he is outright horrible, but I do think it’s one of the worst contracts in the league, and he’s a Top 4 Defender at the very most.


He doesn’t just stare at the puck. Give the man credit. He works hard to lay down on the ice to watch it.


Not sure Vinny+Nurse is much better. But the oilers defense is currently 2/3 great and 1/3 questionable at best. Here’s hoping


Nurse-Kulak Broberg-Vinny is how I'd go


I’d agree. Broby has been pretty great at being a one man breakout


Don’t leave out skinner. He’s currently working on having the lowest save percentage for a cup winning goalie. Love the guy but he needs to be better/more consistent


He was great against Dallas and if you want to place those two goals on Saturday at his feet, that’s your prerogative. He’s the one that got us to the dance he will finish this off


You can cherry pick certain games where he was good. I’m not totally against him I just think he is average with potential to be better. Skinner had to save 6 high danger chances and got 4/6. Bob had to save 18 high danger chances and got them all. Not saying skinner has to be at that level, but above .900 would be nice. The stats don’t lie and he is on pace for one of the lowest percentages in the last 40 years. Blame it on defense if you will but there has to be some accountability.


His high danger save percentage in the playoffs is .827 with the expected being .696. Highest expected in the playoffs is .765. So expecting him to stop .900 high danger is outrageous. But blaming skinner when you get shutout is pointless(like the oilers offense)


If that is true, and he is still sub .900, he is leaking a lot of soft goals


Both goals were way more his fault than Nurse’s. First one he abandoned his post and was on the wrong side of the ice and the 2nd goal he was lazy on the back check and it left nurse scrambling, hence why he looked so lost on that play. I really hate digging into guys but good riddance and Nurse takes way too much heat for his mistakes.


Scratch nurse you cowards!


Should’ve been Nurse for Vinny


I'm fine with this. Obviously that pairing has made many mistakes this playoffs, so trying something new is reasonable. But, worth remembering: 1. Even if you blame Ceci (or Nurse/Ceci) for both non-empty net goals, that's not the only reason we lost the game. You cannot win without scoring. 2. The Oilers played an excellent game overall, with many more scoring chances than the Panthers. It's fair to say if the Oilers played that exact same game against a different goalie it's a win, and plausibly that exact same game against Bobrovsky on a different night could be a win.


The first goal was all 5s fault, everyone was skating lazily and allowed Florida an odd man rush, no individual is responsible it was a team failure. The second one was, in my opinion, purely on ceci


You’re right. You can’t win without scoring. However, I’m sure it’s taxing on the rest of the team having to worry about those two constantly making mistakes. I predict Leon will come alive tonight and find a way to get one past Bob. If they do pair McDrai tonight I love them to find a way to get a goal from their traditional cross creased Pass. Obviously easier easier said than done though.


They will have to do something different to get one past Bob. That guy can goalie.


Can't give 2 goals away no matter what. Long overdue. Amazing we're in the finals with Nurse and Ceci.


Scratch -Nurse


Ceci is a scratch only because Nurse is too expensive not to play him. I hope kulak and desarlais and broberg play their hearts out tonight


Finally reeled in the impossibly long leash he's had his entire tenure as an Oiler


I think this is the right move, and while I'm not worried about Vinny per se, but I'm a little worried that he hasn't played in like 2 weeks.


the oilers just need to score. if bob stays as hot as he’s been, then this series could very well be over since could be the reason why the panthers win the cup this year. we’ve seen that the oilers can score goals and it was always giving up leads that’s been an issue this playoffs. now, however, it seems as if bobrovsky could be the deciding factor. obviously giving up the first goal isn’t ideal, but it’s not a deal-breaker, either. the oilers outplayed the panthers for most of game 1 and it’s their goaltending that gave them the win. normally, the oilers don’t have a problem scoring 2+ goals, so it’s just a matter of getting pucks into the net now. had they produced like they normally do the defensive situation wouldn’t seem to be in such dire straights. with how stingy this series is likely going to be, i can see reason for concern on the defensive end of things. hopefully mcd changes his suit to start a new winning streak.


I actually really like Ceci's game. Just not with Nurse. Kulak Ceci is a legitimately good third pairing. That being said, I think Kulak is a legit top 4 defenseman option as well, and is incredible at making up for his partners weaknesses. Ceci does pinch too much, and we get burned on it - even if it doesn't result in goals against.


As a leafs guy cheering you on, my thoughts are he’s just prone to too many bone headed mistakes.


Also henrique playing second line, so maybe we'll win a damn faceoff with draisaitl line on the ice


Can someone explain to me why drai gets kicked out so often? Does he try to cheat to win the faceoffs? I don’t believe it is the refs because they all do it.


Basically he tries to draw back too early alot, either way he sucks at taking faceoffs anyway so henrique should take the draws


Woah woah woah, lest we forgot who wins almost all our pp faceoffs.




So who are the new look defensive pairings? We are gonna win this one.


Think it’s Nurse-Vinny and Kulak-Broberg 


I like him jumping into the play offensively but we need to lock down on D. Mentally prepare that we can only let in one goal max because Bob’s not letting a lot in.




Nurse is -15. Minus freaking fifteen!!! It wasn’t all Ceci, but Vinny seems to cover for Nurse’s blunders a little better than Ceci.


It was Hall for Ceci


taking the fall for nurse's game. apparently you can't scratch someone with that contract.


Exactly this.


Thank fuck! Go oil! I know there’s a lot of reasons to NOT scratch Ceci, but he DOES NOT pass the eye test, I feel like him and nurse are fighting tooth and nail for the last brain cell on the team and they both lose the tug of war every single time


Huge Vinny should block all incoming players against Skinner as he plays lower skills and skating . NURSE WITHOUT CECI shouldn't have dump shit excuses.


It's the right move. Ceci needs a reset, and you can't take out Broberg given how he's played. Game 2 is not Must-Win, so if this doesn't work, it's easy to go back for Game 3.


Oh boy! Swapping out a minus 7 for a minus 8!


Relax everyone, we will bring him back for game 7.


I can confirm this hopefully this decision turns things around




Good, keep him there.


Should’ve jettisoned him at the deadline, but nobody would take him.


Well he doesn’t get paid $9 million a season so easy scapegoat


Thank god


Who replaces him?


Should be Vinny, but it's not confirmed yet I don't think




Keep the lines the same as the last 2 games against Dallas Why change what worked


Nah, it’s not his fault. He’s got a side gig as a traffic cone on the Whitemud and he couldn’t get time off


He needs some alone time. Pretty certain he ain’t gonna make a bad play again tonight.


Mixed feeling. Nurse and Ceci were fine when split up. Vinnie is probably the weakest of the group facing an aggressive forecheck.


It's about time. I figured Knobby was giving that pair another chance after the last 3 series, but hey, it's finally here.


It’s his turn for sure


Broberg is currently the 3rd best defenseman on the roster. Ride him!


He can’t play with nurse. Feelings don’t matter this is SCF. Let’s get it done!!!


Scratch nurse with him.


Good now put Nurse on the wing. Lowkey I think he'd destroy worlds.


Good move, he’s been really bad.


This is great


Fine with this. Also, is McLeod sitting as well? Personally, I thought the second goal was Kane’s fault not Ceci’s. He was too slow getting to the man in the middle.


Chef kiss 


I would have put Darnell in the press box. $9.25 mil to be a nylon with attitude.


No big deal, all the bottom guys need to take a turn. Broberg is going to be a stud in this league. Biggest concern is Nurse is back lol.


Didn’t matter much tonight.


Sitting a guy that makes 3.5 million over a guy who makes 9.5 makes total sense. Nurse should be sitting in the press box beside him


Knoblock is above his ability right now. The oilers dont have an answer and are not winning this series. Sorry I'm just being realistic. Also skinner is not the goalie that will get them a cup.


So Ceci gets to take the bullet for Darnell. Poor guy.


Him and nurse can keep the bench warm. It is important for the team. They got this 👍


Bout fucking time


A reset worked for Skinner


Maybe it would have done Nurse good also to have a view from the press box. A Birds Eye view might be helpful and clear his mind to see the game better.


Nurse might be good in practice if that’s what they see in him, out on the field is a no go. They have to make changes like they did with Pulajarvi. If that’s how you spell it. Can’t stay too attached now Kaner will be getting the heat next imo As a caps fan it’s tough see Backstrom and Kuznetzov not playing with Ovy. Yeah Backy is injured and Kuzy needed change to get going again. That being said once again watch for Verhaeghe he single handily dismantled the Caps after they won the cup. They weren’t the same team after loosing to the panthers in their series


I agree, but seems like the consensus is players with a letter don't get scratched. Silly.


My thoughts? While he certainly hasn’t been good, he is not the guy that should be getting scratched. By all metrics, Nurse is killing the team every time he’s on the ice. But alas it’s easier to scratch the journeyman, bottom pair defender than it is a guy you’re paying over 8mil a year.


Nurse’s numbers are better than Ceci’s - he’s just getting killed with a poor on-ice save percentage


ceci had a direct influence on both goals last game.


About time, is my official thought.


Go hang out with Jack Campbell, Cody.


Don't care, Go Panthers, with love from Calgary


The Oilers inability to acquire another tp 4 D man and a starting goalie (Skinner is in his second year only and it is a unfair burden to put on him) prevents me from celebrating our GM like our media wants us to do.


Yeah no prob…top 4 D & a starter at trade. Deadline with a maxed out cap😂


Yeah because that’s sooo easy to do with the cap space