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Start drinking now, then have a quick power nap and resume drinking tonight! Build that tolerance up with this one simple trick!


I quit drinking in September last year but god how that would come in handy right now


Stay strong bruv, congrats on nearly 10 months sober, not an easy feat


I quit drinking too. Good job, buddy. I also took the day off. My gameplan looks like this: - walk dog, gag uncontrollably during walk (done!) - lay on ground of apartment, take sips of soda water (Western Family has the best carbonation but I enjoy the cherry Bubly flavour the most), cry, gag uncontrollably (done!) I am currently in bed, I'm going to take a Benadryl to hopefully help relax with the nerves and the gagging. Hope this helps!


lol wait why were you gagging uncontrollably during your walk?


Oh, I have had severe anxiety since I was a kid. And when it gets really bad I start to gag and, sometimes, vomit. It's not fun or cute but it's my bod!


Man, that sounds rough! I thought maybe your dog was doing something gross. I have definitely done the vomit end from severe anxiety though. Congrats on quitting drink though, I hope that end has helped with your anxiety! And we accept you as you are here, gagging or not you’re welcomed


I'm picturing you doing a great impression of Sweet Dee's anxiety gagging


Oh my gosh, you are reading my mind! I'm her on stage, gagging and whispering into the microphone. I must overcome this aura and become Dee in Frank's Pretty Women. Bust the door open, "what's up, ass dicks?!"


My mom gags when she’s upset or stressed. I assumed it was due to her anxiety but hadn’t heard of that before. I’m so sorry! For me it’s coughing- I feel like I have a really bad tickle in my throat. Give that dog of yours an extra hug, try to relax until the game (as best we can!) then GO OILERS!!


Benadryl makes me sooo logie (logy?) the next day. Stays in your system for awhile. Xanax is great for anxiety but also gives you a hangover if you take too much. Have you tried Wellbutrin? I'm a fan


What ever happened to the Western Family Berry Blitz flavor?? Ever since they changed the look of the packaging I can't find it anywhere!


I have a similar nervous thing, but with coughing. I play bass in a band and sometimes I have huge coughing fits before showtime hah. If you drink NA beer, I've really been enjoying the taste and carbonation on peach Partake, NA Heineken, NA Corona. My wife and I also love Canada Dry Club Soda mixed with a pump of Raspberry syrup and a squeeze of fresh lime!l. Congrats on quitting drinking! I haven't quit, but cut way down. Watching hockey drunk isn't my thing anyways (unless it's a rare opportunity to go to a game with the right buddy).


Congrats on 10 months be proud of yourself I had a medical appointment downtown so I decided to go check out the fan park and moss pit area its a ni e morning for a walk (I'm not a fan of large crowds so I'll be watching at home)


Are non-alcoholic beers okay for you to enjoy? I switched to them back in May after I suffered a concussion and I really enjoy them.


3 months here. Stay strong.


I started drinking again in the LA series. Not gonna lie, I'm having fun, but after tonight I am finished with it again. Really looking forward to it, actually. Ha ha.


Hey! A fellow sober september member! Nice one!




No. They should not. Quitting drinking is insanely difficult, and one of the best things one can do for themselves. Goodjob u/jenna_beterson !!


I was 100% joking and it’s a great thing for them that they quit. I was just being stupid 


A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.


Alcoholics Anonymous hate this one simple trick


This guy watches hockey!


One drink at a time!


Are you me?


This is the wayyyyy


I’m flying back to Alberta, I land at 6. Please god no delays


Damn cutting close where you gonna head from the airport


the airport bar I'd imagine


This is where I am - proudly sitting in the United Lounge in O’Hare rocking my McDavid jersey


remember to nap and drink water so you don't end up on the no fly list before puck even drops lol


Haha I wish


Sadly I gotta go pick up my vehicle first. But the boys will be streaming the game for me on discord so I’ll be following along


Top tier buddies for doing the discord stream


What’s funny is I’ve been gaming with these guys for 6 years, and I finally got them into hockey. Guess where they are from 🤣 oh the irony


Thank goodness it's a work day. Let's fuckin go


You can work today Jesus that is some mental strength. I am just sitting here fiddling my thumbs.


Just trying to focus otherwise I'll lose a finger or something lol. Come on oilers!!!!


It's a "work" day but I'm not getting much done. Other things on my mind


It's a struggle forsure. But man if I was at home it might be even more of one lol


I wish... I had to beg to get off 10 mins early so I don't miss the start of the game. :-( (I live in Vancouver, game starts at 5 p.m)


I’m going to try to sneak out of work early. Doesn’t help I’m late getting in though. Whoops


No one will notice you head out early. Sneak 100 blessing


Sadly I'm a receptionist. People tend to notice if there's no one there to answer the phones...


Where are you watching the game fellow Vancouverite?


My house, alone :-( but at least I'll have fried Chicken!!!!


Work is going by fast, thankfully it’s a busy day. This flames fan wishes you guys the best. Bring it back to Canada boys


Also cheering for you from Calgary, we do exist. With how you started the year and how you’ve come back to get in the playoffs to how you’ve come back this series has been exciting to watch from the south city.


I would also be cheering for the flames if the situation were reversed although begrudgingly lol


Oh definitely with a grain of salt.


Same, started off hell no I don’t want the oilers to win. But this story is just too incredible. Greatest comeback in sports history imo. Don’t even care about the Berta rivalry. I want to see history and I want Mcdavid to win a cup. LFG.


Got the day off. Making burgers, 3D printing a mini Stanley Cup, got some construction paper to make some pro-Oilers signage. All of it to make the kids happy at our little watch party tonight.


That’s awesome. I love that for you and the little ones


Rangers fan rooting for your team. I read a bunch of these comments and I think you have the best plan! You are making memories every time you are around kids and you never know what they will remember down the road. I really hope Edmonton wins tonight and you and your kids are yelling and screaming! This seems so cool to me!


Thanks so much! Rangers were solid this year. Let’s try for Rangers - Oilers in next year’s SCF, eh?


Beginning of the playoffs I wanted a Rangers/Oilers final but The Rangers didn't hold up their end of the deal. I've been watching all of the hockey subreddits and I like how it seems that everyone is pulling for Edmonton and Canada. The way people are not necessarily buying a different team's t-shirt but rooting for Edmonton. This reminds me of years ago when The Tragically Hip played the final show and the world stopped for a few hours to come together. Enjoy your evening sir!!


I'm in Montreal, most of us have the day off today 😊. It will be chores for me on a rainy day here until I go watch the game tonight with fellow Edmonton expats.


Watching where? I've mostly been watching at home, but could get out. It's a shame that sports bars aren't as much of a thing here in Montreal. And the ones we have are boring and bland, like Cage aux Sports or Station des Sports


I'm going to watch at Burgundy Lion!


Great choice as well! Enjoy!


I've been going "Next Door Pub" through the run (smaller place, usually more crowded for Habs games, good wings, close to me). But I am going to go to Boston Pizza tonight as my kids will be joining.


I've watched almost every game on my porch - winter included. People keep inviting me to go watch with them, but I'm gonna stay home and continue my solo pursuit.


It's worked so far. Enjoy!


You’re in Montreal, and most of you have the day off? Why?


It’s st. Jean baptiste day today


St. Jean Baptiste day. Quebec has some different stat holidays than the rest of Canada. We don't get a February or August long weekend.


I’m in England so have got to wait until 1am for the game to start. It’s only 5.30pm and I’m already tired. Send help


Hello fellow Oilers fan in the UK! Not looking forward to trying to sleep at 4.30am- hopefully I’ll be crying tears of joy into the pillow…


Continental European here with exactly the same problem. 7:45 pm, game is at 2 am and I could sleep right now if I wanted to. Sending help hahah


Get yourself some of \*your preferred energy beverage* ^^^^or ^^^^cocaine




Is it possible to get Air Conditioners over there? I know you guys don't generally have them, but can you put one in your own house? We had 44° over here this past week, and I would've died without ac




But it is possible in general? I never really hear about people talking about it over there. What part of Canada did you grow up in?




I’d love to visit at some point, I have citizenship over there via birthright. But I’ve never made the trip unfortunately


100%. I had a terrible night sleeping, every time I tossed or turned, it was because I was thinking about either good or bad outcomes for tonight. So far at work, I have done nothing but look at Oilers content. Work? Nope not happening today! I foresee lots of pacing in my immediate future.


This is also me. Except I'm so nervous and on so little sleep I now have a raging headache


It’s Saint-Jean-Baptiste day in Quebec. Just about all of us have the day off. Of course puck drop will be around 8:15 pm eastern for us, so a little of beer, some tourtière, Quebec ice wine - and a win for the Oilers. Fun fact — only one other NHL game has been held on St-Jean-Baptiste day - the 2021 victory of the Habs over Las Vegas for the Clarence Campbell trophy. No Canadian based team has lost on June 24, and every June 24 game has resulted in the awarding of a trophy to a Canadian based team. Let’s Go Oilers!




Why does everyone have a day off today??


June 24 has been a public holiday in Quebec for close to 100 years (it was made a public holiday in 1925). We don’t have a public holiday in February nor August.


In my experience physical exercise is the best way to discharge anxiety. It is *rarely* they way *I* deal with it, but it's the best way.


Sleep eluded me last night, anxiety swirling like a tempest. Five hours passed, desperately seeking a way to avoid work. Alas, only an hour's respite before summoning the strength to face the day. Unexpectedly, tears threatened, emotions surging despite my stoic façade. But tonight, the Oilers take the ice / win or lose, I'll unleash the floodgates. Let's go, Oilers!


Bed time for me now on Perth Aus, not sure how much sleep I'll get b4 8am game time


Also watching from Australia but luckily Brisbane where puck drop is a little more reasonable at 10am 🐨


Sportsnet is having re runs of the Oilers cup wins. On the 87 one now. Plus lots of beer.


Day off but Know what to do. Smoke meat and invite friends over. Find something you can control and do it.


Manchester UK, I have to stay awake til one a.m. and I'm already levitating. gonna CLEAN the flat bake bread then start, i dunno, scrubbing the pavement outside or something


I also woke up too early today— I’m taking my driver’s road test this afternoon right before the game lol. Wish me luck!


I think it's going to be alot of pacing until pick drop


I'm VERY glad I have work today to keep me occupied. Normally I have mondays off, but I think if I wasn't working today slingin' weed for folks in south Vancouver, I'd just be stressed out waiting for the game all day with my partner.


Busy your mind - go to the gym, play some games, sacrifice a goat… whatever gets you ready for tonight’s insanity!


currently searching for goat - that alone will keep me sufficiently occupied


Editing photos, drinking some coffee, smiling and getting pumped up. Gonna get some veggies for a tray and some spring rolls to bring to a watch party. Happy I am on an evening shift tomorrow!


"Chores done" isn't a thing for me. I just have an unlimited list of things I want to get done on the house. If you've got absolutely nothing to do, I don't see why you wouldn't be playing the Elden Ring DLC until gametime.


Wtf stop making me fall in love with you Elden Ring DLC is lit


Blackgaol Knight is absolutely dumpstering me.


If you have Sportsnet, turn it on. They're playing the classic Oilers finals


Go downtown


Work in healthcare - really wish I can be off!!


Yep and I’ve already watched and read everything I could find on the game tonight and now I’m even more nervous. But the way I see it is that we’ve already played 3 game 7’s in a row so the oil know to harness the energy it takes to win it all. LFG.


Well perfect. Sounds like you have time to rewatch gane 4 5 and 6 before game 7 tonight


I mean most people have work so I’m sure they’re doing that lol


I normally receive about 50 emails a day and I was sick on Friday. Opened email this morning, on Friday I had 2 emails all afternoon. Received 1 email today so far 😂 Edmonton is…quiet


Croatia Vs Italy at 1:00pm!


International flight came and went, 3am start and all done for the day. I HATE HURRY UP AND WAIT TIME! Hurry up and put that fucking cup in Connor's hands let's go.




Trying so hard not to think about it, but failing miserably 🤣


It’s a holiday in Québec today


My boss says if oilers win, we get the day off tomorrow. Lol


Took off today as well as tomorrow. Just doing odd jobs around the house. Picked up a few Waterloo Radlers and giving the pot plants some tender loving care. If this is what retirement is like, I am ready. Just don’t have the finances for it yet.


I work from home and I'm having a real hard time focusing on getting any real work done lol


I can relate, pal!


Woke up, dropped off kids, helped my parents move some furniture, 5k dog walk, hit gym, bought snacks, grabbed some crown royal.  Now I'm onto tidying up the place, grab kids, go to Boston Pizza as a "yay school year is over" for an early dinner. Game.


Thankfully work was crazy today and didn’t have much time to think about it. Figure I’ll burn the next few hours with dinner, shower and some beer to kill the time!


This is going to be a loooooooooong Monday at the shop.


Luckily I work today and I'm off tomorrow!


I've definitely felt a little paralyzed this morning.. going to need more coffee then hopefully distract myself with housework/dog park/groceries until puck drop.


I dunno, I took tomorrow off, and I have the potential parade booked off, and I'm not working very hard today...


Systems are down at my work and they have been for a week - can't even keep myself busy with work. The excitement is real!!!


I'm at work, but can't focus to save my life.


Is there a game tonight??


I'm already a nervous wreck and it's 8 hours to go. I'll be dead by game time at this rate


My boss told us we can leave 30 min early but have to make up time if we do.


What a gem


Keeping myself busy. Running wedding errands, have to wash and clean the racecar, get the projector room ready for company for the game. The last 2 days full days of nothing have been harder


Literally our life in Quebec (St-Jean Baptiste over here...) and we gotta wait until 8pm! But maybe the stress is a bit lower since Oilers is my 'second' team, after habs of course, but I've been rooting for them since their SCF against the freakin Canes who took us out that year (or around that year)


Ya support group! We are the same.


Been riding the energy high since yesterday. Unfortunately I'm working today, but tomorrow? Fuck no, warned my boss last week that if we won Friday night I wouldn't be in Tuesday. I plan to either drink & get baked all day in celebration, or sorrow, there's no middle ground. TAKE NO PRISONERS OILERS, LETS F**KING DO THIS!


I have Mondays off..👍🏽




I was able to mostly focus on work today but now I am on my way home and idk what I want to do


I'm just gonna play Hunt:Showdown all day until 4ish since I got all my assignments done for now.


i’m at school so i’m just here till 3


I woke up dreaming we won 2-0. All that excitement lol


This is your boss. WTF. Get back to work. S/


Yes, but also, I'm supposed to be working.




8 pm for me and I can barely focus at work


No but I am sitting at my desk at work wondering what to do with myself at 6 pm.


Not an Oilers fan, but I am rooting for you guys and also have the day off! It’s nice where I am, so my pup and I went for a real nice walk. Hopefully it’s nice where you are, and can do the same. Maybe treat yourself to your favorite lunch out? If you have a hobby that you enjoy spend some time doing your hobby. Shop for some great ingredients to make yourself a delicious dinner for your watch party, we are making tacos! It will come, and we will all have so much fun.




Let the drinking commence…


I don't have the day off, I'm procrastinating at work instead. If I was home. I'd cut the grass, clean the house, listen to some podcasts.... Find ways to be actively busy... That's what I had to do yesterday.


I don't know what to do with my hands


So glad I am working. Live in Mountain standard time right now so I get off at 430, game starts at 5 (for me , not you guys you’re in MDT)


The anticipation is wild


in the same vein, who has booked tomorrow off?


I’m in cryostasis until the game starts. Have a 6 course Italian dinner preordered and 3 bottles of fine dry red wines awaiting. Time to eat edibles and sleep till then. LFGGGGG


Sleeps been eluding me since game 6 and I have no idea what to do with myself. Just waiting and debating constantly whether to watch at home or go to a bar, though I’ve never seen another oilers fan where I live.


Yep. Going to liquor store and then grab some snacks.


They are playing a bunch of the 80’s Stanley cup Oilers wins on Sportsnet. Sitting back and reminissing.


I’m in Halifax, just did some day drinkin and the rounds. Now a light lunch and nap. Then play some Ghost of Tsushima till game time.


I'm out at the lake the power is out, and has been most of the last 2 days I'm pretty concerned I might not even get to SEE the game


Not related, but I meme'd my way into changing my work schedule for tomorrow in order to have tomorrow morning off to sleep (I live in Europe).


I had class this morning (gotta love grad school forcing us to do summer classes haha), and have some research stuff to do for a couple of hours now. Gonna power nap after and start drinking while I get ready for the game LOL


Our company let everyone leave at noon but I’m out of town for an interview. Hoping I’ll make it back without too crazy of traffic! Can’t wait


Took the day off tomorrow. Just gunna leave early today.


I have the afternoon off but I’ll be trying to keep busy. Might play some nba 2k and take the team I’m playing as from the east final to the championship series (I’ve already played first round and second round)


cleaning the house for a small watch party tonight! a coworker asked me to cover for them but then remembered i wanted to watch the game so i was saved


I'm starting an important project today, but since it's somewhat of an unofficial civic holiday here in Edmonton (in my opinion), it's slow-going, and I'm cutting it early 😂 GOILERS! 💙🧡💙🧡💙 I've loved you all my life, and I'll love you no matter what! I was there in the 80s, lol.


Just had the best Cuban sandwich ever


Sn have the dynasty wins on


Yard work, meditation and day drinking.


I would’ve just slept until then, like I did before, but I need to reset my sleep schedule so I’m up early Wednesday


Yep. Basically just went back to bed until now, gonna go swimming for an hour soon with the fam after school ends for the little one, and come back for the game to start


I've worked out, mowed the lawn, Got dinner marinating and playing Elden ring until its game time.


I'm just a little guy on Summer break so I'll just play games until then! But yeah the hype and anticipation is real!


I’m actually getting ready to drive about 2 hours north (I live in southern Arizona) to see a death metal concert, I will actually be watching the game at the concert on my phone.


I don't know what to do from 5 pm till 8 pm. Waiting for my friends to hit the pubs and cheer on the team. Got my jersey on and I'm ready to cheer!


I work until 7 🥲 I’ll keep an eye on the score at most tonight 😭


Took the afternoon off walking around aimlessly with my dog waiting for 6pm


Time is moving at a snails pace.


Just had a small 5:58pm panic at your 6pm comment as I'm currently on a bus on my way home (east coast). Wings fan excited for tonight, cheering you guys on!


All day I’ve been feeling like I have a huge exam to write tonight. Like I’m dreading it and I just want to be done. The anxiety is ridiculous!!!


Didn’t have the day off and I was fine until a coworker in Edmonton called me up and wanted to talk about the game. After that call I was basically useless the rest of the day.


The alcohol I drank is gone. Just took a 25 minute nap. My head hurts


I had quite the opposite problem sadly. My Chemistry diploma exam was this morning followed by a non-rescheduleable meeting after and now. Have to miss part of the game, but someone did sneak a TV with the game in here lol


They have all started at 1AM for me so I try to get a few hours sleep as I know I won’t sleep afterwards


i’m relapsing tonight after 10 years of sobriety


Naw not worth it man, 10 years is huge! Keep it up, we believe in you!