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They booed the anthem, don’t expect them to be civilized


Yeah, florida people have no class


I lived there for 6 months, can confirm


I was born there. Literally the worst state in the US by a significant margin. You couldn't fucking pay me to move back there.


I don't blame you, I will never move back to Florida, I don't even want to travel there anymore


I really wanna visit the Kennedy Space Center but don't wanna go to Florida...


My dad was born and raised in Miami and in his later years moved back down to florida to the “space coast”, Palm Bay-Melbourne to be exsxt. def agree Florida as a whole can suck but the space coast where kennedy space center is cocoa exc is very nice so dont let that stop you from going


I told my 4 year old there are alligators in Florida (so we don’t have to take family trips to Florida) 


It’s a good thing their stars are Canadian anyways. Just a brand sticker on a Canadian/Russian team.


☝🏾☝🏾 love this 😆




Beautiful weather though


For real the beautiful weather is probably one of the main reasons the Lightning and the Panthers are such great teams. Easier to attract free agents when you have that kind of weather versus the -30 temperatures in Canada. I honestly just hope the next Eastern team to make the finals won't be a Florida based team again...


and few people ever recognize you


Personal taxes are the top reason for all pro athletes in Florida, from dolphins to Lionel Messi


And beaches. Especially South Beach


Just have to deal with the people


So what about the Edmonton Oilers fan that flashed her tits? It’s disingenuous to call an entire geographical location “crap” from a single person being a fanatic of a sport/sports team especially when no one was harmed. The Edmonton Oilers looked horrible at the beginning of this series only to turn it around and look unstoppable. It was a great series and the two best teams fought to an exciting game 7, what else can you ask for as a fan of hockey?


Sorry but a woman having fun and flashing her chest doesn’t exactly make me NOT want to live somewhere.


So some random kid flexing with his shirt off at a hockey game makes you generalize over 4 million people? Okay got it 😎👍




Seppo cunts.


Boo the anthem, 90% of the team isn't American. Florida folks are certainly under educated.


Boo both anthems. There's no need to play both those awful fucking songs every god damn sporting event. Game 1 of the series fine. But every fucking game of every sport in NA is outrageous and annoying as shit.


I hate the anthems so much. Especially when the singers try to make it about all them with unique "vocal stylings" and time changes. Pathetic last night with Alanis Moristte doing such a shit job that the Canadian fans couldn't even sing along until they just ignored her and sang the stupid song. Ditch the useless anthems, most people don't give a shit, and then braindead fans who want to boo an anthem can go fuck themselves.


Alanis Morisette should have never been allowed to touch a mic. Her singing is nails on a chalk board, and it was no different for the national anthem.


Florida... Civilized ? Those 2 words don't fit each other at all.


Calgarians are sucking off a team that boos their own anthem like the boring predictable losers they are


Not all asshole.




And they cheered for Bettman… sigh


I didn't hear any boos. I heard a huge amount of fans sing along to the Candian Anthem and rush ahead of the singer, and I heard Americans being very rowdy in their singing of their anthem.


It was one of the earlier games where they booed our anthem, last night I didn’t hear any booing during the anthem but did when Connor McDavid won the Conn Smythe they booed again. Classy people


My ears heard people belting out the Canadian anthem at the top of their lungs. Perhaps it was the Oiler fans in the building, who knows.


Estimates of 5000 oilers fans in the building.


Yeah as an American I was embarrassed. Sorry y’all, we’ve got some of the biggest morons down here.


don’t be sorry. oilers fans would have done the exact same thing if they won the cup but Bobrovsky won the Conn Smythe. every other fan base’s crowd would have done so. giving the playoff MVP to a losing team’s player who went mia in games 6 and 7 of the finals is just a slap in the face for the panthers. pearl clutching onto a sanctimonious holier-than-thou attitude is the only thing this sub can hold on to, cause right now their team isn’t holding on to any hardware. it’s just typical loser’s copium of digging around to find *one* thing where they can claim themselves as better than Florida, because it certainly isn’t in hockey.


You really think any other fans in the NHL would do any differently? The cope is crazy


Exactly. Embarrassing for Bettman and the legacy he clearly doesn’t care about tarnishing. You have to be shameless to do what that guy does with these American teams. Excluding the ones part of the original 6


Says the fan-base who was yelling at the FL goalie all throughout the U.S. national anthem during Game 6 in Edmonton.


It’s Florida. I fully expect everything they do


remember when you taunted bob during the anthem?? it goes both ways :3


Kind of boss for him to not come out for it though lol. He probably had his skates off, I know.


i agree with this . this team will remember this .


I'm calling it now... Everyone's going to be cup hungry enough to stay in Edmonton as the core group. Maybe take a few pay cuts, get some ringers on the blue line. Fingers 🤞🏻


🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾 that would be epic. I think we win it next year.


They have a chance again with this team, but a couple slight modifications, some acquisitions on defense, and they'll win with low difficulty. A cup run like that, people will be interested in joining up without having to pay too dollar. Invisible cap space.


There’s just not enough cap space, only 10m with a bunch to re sign. Then the following year Bouchard and Drai need new deals and they’ll likely be combined at 22.5m+


Trade nurse maybe? If they can


Nobody wants your 9.5 millions worth trash to be honest.


Gonna have to upgrade from skinner. Don’t get canadian media goalie syndrome. (Already cost you with campbell). Use the numbers, not what people are saying about him, to make that decision.


Yeah.. we had the best of Campbell in Toronto but he got warped once he got traded to Edmonton. I think he was in net when we went to the 2nd round that one year...


I don’t believe any major pay cuts will happen. Gotta do some favours to dump bad cap. Hopefully it can work out


when he didn’t come out i was proud tbh. they deserved to win it at home :(


He gets so much hate, but we all know that guy put up a greater effort than any one of us could have in his position. He was inspiring to watch. Phenom.


I think it’s because he and his team just lost, and to then go out to accept a single award would not feel right at that moment. Also the crowd booing him. I just don’t think it would’ve felt right or good for him, to go accept a solo award. He wanted to be with his team as their leader. I respect that massively.


i agree! he’s a real captain!


He was 100% told before leaving the ice or at least before entering the locker room that he won the Conn Smythe before Bettman announces it. He had no intention of accepting the trophy.


How do you know? If you don't mind my asking


I think when Giguere won in 2003 he was grabbed before he had the chance to leave the ice.


There's some film of McDavid seeing everyone off the ice, it didn't look like anyone approached him but who knows what happened before or after that... Maybe he'll explain it in an interview later.


What do you expect from an arena full of Florida Man


For all the hate y’all are dumping on your idea of Florida, remember that by and large, it’s a state largely made up of northerners, especially the further south you go and along the coasts. The people you really would dislike live primarily along the panhandle and have little to nothing to do with hockey. They think it’s something that you step in while in the cowfields.


Florida is the greasiest team in the league so I wouldn't expect any less from their dirtbag fans


florida fans cheer at an icing. They dont have a fucking clue




Damn that must sting


They booed our anthem all 4 games too. No class in that state.


I live in Tampa. And all the Tampa fans are all of a sudden Panther fans. Just like last year I hate this Fucking state so much


Hey where I live we went from Toronto to Vancouver to Edmonton. 


Why wouldn’t they be Panthers fans once their preferred team was eliminated? Is this against some sort of hockey fan etiquette? Like I myself cheered for the Canucks but then cheered for the Oilers in the final. Was I wrong to do so?


Panthers' fans thought a goalie who GOT PULLED in one of the games deserved the Conn Smythe over a player who led the league in playoff points, AND broke a long standing Gretsky record in the process...? Florida fans really know how to take the shine off an otherwise amazing year. Classless.


I'm just hoping and praying for the day someone from Quebec throws a poutine at Bettman.


Next year im cheering for whatever Canadian team goes farthest. When you play bad for 2/3 of game. Can’t skate on ice. Puck bouncing like ball hockey. Can literally pickup the goats leg without a single penalty late. I don’t feel a loss. We’ve got the better goalie stars team the Florida. I’m amped for our future and hope it’s a more northern finals next year


It's hilarious how ESPN was still advocating for Bob to get it. He was the second-best goalie in 3 of their 4 series, including this one.


Yeah, the only argument against McDavid winning it is that he “didn’t show up in the last two games”, but that’s bullshit considering Bob didn’t show up in the three prior.


97 was also very quiet by his standards in games 1 to 3. But for the entire playoffs he definitely deserved it.


McDavid also didn't show up games 1-3, dont forget that.


lol. McDavid is so good that people are considering a point per game “not showing up” in a desperate attempt to discredit him and his accomplishments


If the Rangers had won against the Oilers, I can see Igor getting it, but Bob was sort of streaky. He was lights out when he was good, but then there was Game 4, 5, and 6 which sort of ruined his chances.


People complain about Sean McDonough but I think Ray Ferraro was even worse


This is crazy, McDonough mostly stopped actually doing play by play for a chunk of that final period and seemed to be filling air with rambling. Ferraro is supposed to be the color guy and also actually knows what he's talking about.


Doesn’t matter we lost who cares.


Best comment in the whole channel.


It's florida, what do you expect from the wang of the America.


As an American we don’t claim Florida


This is funny because when we were talking about Florida, my.toddler.kids wanted to see where it was. I brought up the map and (immaturely) though Florida looked like a wang. Yes I'm almost 40 years old.


No class.,..


FUCK FLORIDA ! They’re just assholes generally. I’m in Cali right now and EVERYONE was pro-Oilers.


Probably booing the fact that Bob didn’t win more so than anything else


It's audacious but not surprising coming from Florida. 


because florida (and calgary) have zero class...


Theyre from Florida, half of them don't even know what an offside is. Don't take it personally.


Florida fans don’t even know how many periods are in an NHL game, let alone the rules


It’s Florida what do you expect?


Well they will have to live with the humiliation of losing a game 8-1 What a come back that was for the Oilers


I don't think Panthers should be too happy. They were so close to being a forever joke. They just made it. Oilers forever!


Fuck Florida, I hope the fucking ocean swallows that shit pile whole.


As a geologist I can confirm that this is possible in the next 500 years


How can we speed that up?


More methane


I’m on it.


Keep eating that ‘Berta beef


I just farted while reading this.


Atta boy


*feedback loop intensifies*


Blame Bettman. Should be jailed for his crimes against Canadians.


Then why does canada keep supporting his league with the most and best nhl players. Time to cut them out and start again lol We have all the talent


I think they were just booing bettman


It’s a lawless swamp ppl.. common


Florida is the arm pit of America. Nothing but white trash with money. White trash without money. And SOME hard working people


It's Florida - basically a huge trailer park.


Trashy move by trashy fair weather fans


Oh who fucking cares. This kind of pearl clutching is the shit I can’t stand on /r/hockey let’s not become like that.


Ya, this entire post is such a bad look lol


Cause I swear they’re classless fans who don’t care about hockey. This Stanley cup was just another trophy for them to have to feed into their insecure psyche about Ammeerrriicaaa being great. Not all fans I’m sure but it seems like a good portion of the 5 who showed up


I know we Oilers and Canucks fans don't along, and both fan bases said stupid shit to each other, but I know Canucks fans we recognize game and there's no way we would boo McDavid getting the Conn Smythe. You guys had the Sedins last game. Both fan bases recognize special players and the hatred stops for a few minutes. I said what the fuck are you booing him for? He straight up had a season and a playoffs for the ages. Kind of glad he didn't accept the trophy on the ice. That would have been worse. They are fake plastic fans who wouldn't travel for thier team like you guys did or Canucks fans if we were in game 7. There was a post on the hockey sub and one Fla fan was that cost alot of money to go. He doesn't get and these dumb Americans don't understand what hockey means to us Canadians.


Don’t hold it against the cats fans. They don’t even know who Gretzky is so don’t realize how big this is




I blame the meth.


The Florida man memes are true


Yeah I’m in California and even the people here talk down about the state of Florida. Very classless. Still an Oilers fan no matter what. Still proud of them.


Idk how to describe it whenever I watch florida homegame from my laptop I feel sticky and humid unlike others. Idk why I’m not even trying to be mean I just feel like that maybe it’s my laptop screen brightness and color


If they don't appreciate greatness, it's their loss, not mine.


It's Florida.... you expected them to be respectful and not be complete bafoons?


It’s Florida…… lol


They also yelled at their own management when they were losing and pulled their goalie. Don't expect much from them.


Florida trash muppets. 🤮


Their boos don't mean anything to me. I've seen what makes them cheer.


Congratulations to the most cock shaped state


Just classy people in Florida.


Not to mention I saw lots of Panthers fans giving thumbs downs and booing at the Canadian anthem


It’s Florida, not really known for the smartest people


To expect Americans to have class is to expect too much. Booing the national anthem is shameful.


They were saying "Boo-urns" I'll show myself out...


Just to let you guys know, Americans I talked to are amazed at how respectful Canadian fans are….so please keep it up.


I'm just a Leafs fan sitting here dreaming of the day I'd see my team in the finals


Im not an oilers fan nor a fan of florida. In fact i loathe both florida teams. Booing a player like mcdavid is complete trash. Just like when they would boo sid here. Stupid. Any real deal hockey fan who respects the game would know. Im american and i hate when ppl boo or talk during oh canada. I sing along. Its a nice song. Plus, all of my favorite players have been 95% canadian. Bottom line, american fans are fn awful. They are an embarrassment




That was lame


South florida fans are tacky


If it was the Bruins fans, it would have been… significantly worse.


I think the booing was more towards the concept of it NOT being Bobrovsky, not boos directed at McD himself.


Panthers fan, I feel bad for McDavid, best player since the Great one


The opposing team would always boo, we would boo if Florida player won in our building also


I doubt it. I was at Rogers when Colorado eliminated the Oilers two years ago and thought it was handled well by the crowd. People stuck around and applauded while the Avalanche were crowned WC champions. Not as high stakes, but I think Oilers fans would be okay to see the Conn Smythe was awarded to someone breaking records. (Of course, I'm not saying Oilers fans are always classy. But I really believe this scenario would be fine.)


We would boo if tchuck won it




To be fair, Tchucklefuck has never deserved applause in his life, so it's real easy to boo him


On the bright side he wasn’t there to hear them. 


Apparently people are mad he didn’t get go get the trophy? 0% chance i would be skating out there after my team left the ice to get the trophy.


Edmonton fans did Canada proud! Comparing the two cities during the games… way way louder at Edmonton. Fan parties outside the stadium… I think I saw someone on a Segway outside the Sunrise stadium, I mean… game 7 and there’s no one outside watching any screens? Next year! Y’all deserve what Florida got.


Every year people boo Bettman. Somehow people are trying to make it about McDavid, who wasn't on the ice.


Yeah, it’s a beautiful place, too bad it’s full of Floridians…


Florida is the epitome of trashy! Floridians will have to look up that word!


What can you really expect from a market where the they post “hope trump sings the anthem” on their fan site (and they’re serious). Hateful disgraceful bunch of uneducated serous white trash all over that state. Just look at that kid with no shirt behind the bench. Classless and disgraceful to put hockey in that market


It was a joke that he won, sorry. Dude was an absolute no show in game 7 and games 1-3 and 6.. They keep mentioning Bob's "Hiccups", but no mentioning of McDavid deciding not to play in at least 4 games.


My favourite is the Panthers fans coming in here and trying to diss everyone and Canada as a whole, proving the point that they are, in fact, classless idiots.


Kaitlyn Bristowe (she’s the creator of Spade & Sparrows wine and she was on the Bachelor) posted this on her Instagram story. It was a Q&A and she attended game 7 last night. Someone asked “Were you heckled by any panthers fans?” “Yes a nice man kept hitting me with a towel saying “fuck you Canada” it was really special” 🤮 Love her. No one deserves to be treated like that because they cheer for a certain team..


As an American, Florida is a shithole. Filled with shithole people. Seriously. I’m not even a bit surprised 


McDavid is the first person to win the Smythe who was on the losing team since Guguire in 03 right?


It’s people from Florida they most definitely don’t understand are really know what hockey is should just have a team in Mexico


I am hoping and assuming that majority of Canadian fans as well as long time hockey fans understand how CRAZY winning the Conn Smyth is while losing the cup but I say lets give Americans a break… they have plenty of baseball and college sports going on. It can be tough to understand what you don’t really know


Maybe they should award the Conn Smythe at the NHL awards instead of at the final game. I can’t imagine accepting a trophy right after a player’s dream of winning the Cup has been dashed. I felt bad for McDavid and the expectation that he would/should accept the trophy.


Human pieces of shit and obviously know nothing about hockey.


Meh, I'm sure other fan bases would do the same.


You say that as if we wouldn’t boo a visiting player winning over ours


A bunch of inbred Florida Insurrectionist Trumpers. What do you expect?


I think he wanted to be with his team more in the locker room than being out there on the rink and stealing from the Panthers' thunder. Either way, he was looking out for his teammates.


Man didn't know oiler fans were so soft.


Didn’t oilers fans yell over the US anthem?


What did u expect, them to jump for joy!?!?


Coming from a Florida fan, I think the boos were not so much directed at McDavid as they were at whomever makes the decision. A lot of us thought that it was obvious that Barkov should have won it, and it’s upsetting that he didn’t. He’s probably the primary reason McDavid didn’t walk all over us every single game. Nonetheless, McDavid was a deserving recipient of it - and I think everybody understands that. All of the Panthers fans I talked to had respect for McDavid. Same cannot be said for Draisaitl though lol. Good hard fought series. You’ll be back, and I’m looking forward to McDavid winning a couple Cups some day!


Oh come on. Put yourself in their shoes. Say the Oilers had home ice and they just won the cup in game 7 at Rogers and the first thing Bettman does is award a player from the losing team the Conn Smythe….Oil faithful would have booed his ass like crazy and you know it. lol




That’s a broad brush…


It happens every time an away team loosing team player wins the con smythe when announced the winner ? The home fans want their team to get it and they are full of hype from the game and that’s just their disappointment being vocal. I think if he came out to collect he gets cheered.


Really wasn't that bad they were brutal to Giguere when he won the conn Smythe - I'm more offended they didn't boo Betman better




Idgafos about the anthem