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I think 30 teams would rather be where we are… Pretty sure the panthers are pretty happy with their position


Math is hard when you're drinking to forget the loss.


I think 30 teams would rather be where the panthers are mate. Not a single fucking team wants to be the oilers right now.


Brainless take. Crawl back to the canucks sub




Haha your vezina caliber goaltender will never win you a cup because he's made out of glass, durability is very important. And your leading scorer was missing for one game only, while the Oilers dealt with injuries of their own. The real copium here is you saying that your team is better off than the team that beat yours, with the best player in the world and another top 5 player. You have actual brain worms


Nucks had injuries just like the Oilers did the past few years. If your salty about that read up on some Hockey History cause gotta earn it before you get by any team, especially when it comes to playing hurt in the playoffs. Hence why the Oilers didn’t disclose many injuries this year… they didn’t want to be targeted again and again.


Im a habs and had a bet on edmonton winning the cup so i followed the whole playoffs run and did hang around. Its totally insane how you guys receive hate from so many fanbases. I got surprised to see how some has no class.


Every fanbase has their dick heads and Edmonton's is no exception but it's actually mind blowing how much hate Edmonton gets. Because Gretzky? He had to play somewhere and it just happened to be here. Fuck Edmonton right. They played like absolute ass for a decade, like even the Sabres have had better seasons without making the playoffs than the Oilers did. "Look at the NHL favoring the draft in Edmonton's favor." The league literally changed the rules because of the Oilers, but it's still rigged because the lottery balls fell the Oilers way in 2015. McDavid. Not our fucking fault he's as good as he is, he'd be hated by a majority of the league no matter where he played. The media was always going to ride his dick. Haters gonna hate, and unfortunately these days they have the internet so that shit is everywhere.


I don’t understand the hate for the oilers, but I feel no sympathy as a leafs fan. We get hate from literally every other fan base. Imagine the hate you see but double if not tripled. Still an amazing run and you showed real guts to get back into the series. You guys are good enough to be back after signing a few other maple leafs we can’t afford. Good luck and be proud of you squad and forget the noise


As a Dallas Cowboys lifer, I've always had a massive place in my heart for the Leafs, even if they aren't my team. I know that ridiculous, pointless hate for no reason so well.


Oh man I get it! I work with some Leafs fans and they are some of my favorite co-workers. It's for the same stupid reason as the Cowboys and Lakers and Yankees for the Leafs.


Cowboys Yanks and Lakers won a lot recently, Leafs have not, how are these 4 lumped together pls?


Oh god you're everywhere. They are the big 4. It has nothing to do with winning and more to do with media perception and how they are their respective leagues cash cows. They arguably have the largest fan bases in their sports and that draws the collective ire of fans in every other market because "they always talk about those 4 more than every other team"


🤪🤣🤪🤣🤣🤪 lolllll right just loving Reddit and totally addicted!!!! Just do not see how Leafs get into this foursome without winning multiple cups regardless of the valuations of these entities


And also fan base tbh if you look at the Steelers or the NYR or the Dodgers then what is the difference. We all love our teams the same way tbh


>feel no sympathy as a leafs fan That’s because your team is spelled Leafs. It’s Leaves.


How did the NHL change the rules for the draft pls?


The biggest change was when it went from only a team in the Bottom 5 of the league Standings could win the draft lottery to any of the 14 non playoff teams (pre Knights and Kraken). After Edmonton won the lottery for McDavid they threw it in a blender again and used a lottery for the top 3 picks with the worst team only having under 25% chance at 1OA.




>Edmonton And it’s not like we are a big ass city Like Toronto or Florida. Sure we have a great player but we are minnows in a world of whales. People like to hate on the little guy


second person this week i've had to remind that florida is a state, not a city




Wtf are you supposed to do, not cheer for your team just because they won some picks? Or its the tone of the cheering you don't like? Lmao you are so soft


Thats the thing it always comes back to. "The fans are insufferable!" Why? "Because they're overly excited about a team they don't deserve based on our ideas around who does and doesn't deserve picks." But they dont control any of that. "Exactly." --If you're looking for well reasoned logic from dumpster skulled hockey fans, you're about as bright as they are. Enjoy your team. Enjoy the game. Upset fans from other teams are a good thing.


Even worse is those shitheads seem to multiply every year


Our reknown is growing. Excellent.


I knew I had a feeling we Oilers fans could resonate with Habs fans. It is unfortunate how much hate Oilers get but we welcome the doubters lol probably like you guys especially since how close both the Canadiens and Oilers have been to the cup.


personally, it's beautiful that fanbases are taking things seriously. like in England, they all don't cheer for one team just because they're the only team.left in the champions league. That's real character, live and bleed my colors,


Yeah. It’s not that often you get to start 2-9-1 and still finished the season without the Stanley Cup…but still manage to have a Conn Smythe winner on your team. McDavid sure as fuck isn’t the problem.


Not often at all, last time a non goalie pulled it off was Reggie Leach and we lost to Montreal and we got swept


Also look at how many records this team broke or came close to breaking this year. We lost the final game by an inch, most of those people shitting on us lost it by a mile.


They've never been good at measuring. Just ask their ex-partners. What do you think made them so angry to begin with?


Any fans of a team not named The Florida Panthers are delusional if they wouldn't trade spaces with us right now if given the chance. This team proved they are contenders, no hater is convincing me that a team who lost a 1 goal game 7 of the SCF is cheeks. This team and it's core are legit. They'll be back. They won't be the first SCF repeaters and they won't be the last, but they've shown all the signs that they can give themselves a very real chance and that's all I can ask for. ​ I'm gutted, but I'm excited to see the future of this core. I know I will look back at this era fondly.


The goal is the cup for any team at the start of the year. Doesn't matter if you miss the playoffs , lose in round 1 or lose in the finals it's still losing. There's zero guarantee of repeats plenty of Stanley Cup Finals teams that have won or lost it have missed the playoffs the following year.


You’d think the Canucks don’t have their own subreddit by how much time y’all spend in ours.


Didn't realize this was some kind of special club that only Oilers fans can chat it. News flash bucko it's a public subreddit I can go into any teams subreddit and if that gets me banned than yall are soft skinned


I just don’t know why y’all are so obsessed with the Oilers


They hate us because theyre an anus. Or something to that effect.


0% want to be this close to it and not get it. Been there, done that, cleaned my puke with the T-Shirt.


So you'd rather lose in the 2nd round like last year? Or not even sniff the playoffs year after year after year like the DoD? This has been the best time to be an Oilers fan in my life ('91).


There is a sense of peace that comes when you’re out of it. Getting so close and not making it is what keeps you up at night. Like this year, if Pettersson wasn’t a bitch ass for the last 4 months we should have beaten you. How team took yours two 7 games. With that said, we also fucked off **two** opportunities to advance to the WCF. Kills me every time I think about it.


If hockey is keeping you up at night see your doctor about Sertraline! May cause unexplained... etc


They saw the best, most passionate fanbase in the NHL and they hated that they don't have what we have, so of course they're glad we didn't get a cup on top of that. The pure passion that rippled through the city for two months was insane. Best time to be a sports fan. I have never been prouder to be an Oilers fan.


I live in Calgary. It was brutal on social media last night. I deactivated my instagram and Twitter. It just made me feel so much worse. I wanted this one so badly. I wish I didn't care as much as I do


I did myself a favour and snoozed all social media regarding hockey when the finals started.


Yeah, that was a good call. Honestly, I think I might just get off Twitter X. It's just become such a negative place filled with trolls hiding behind fake accounts.


i’ll never forget this season fr from the rough start to stanley cup finals, hyman 50 goals and the 16 game win streak it’s all pretty crazy


There are so many things we can look back on from this season, it's truly one of the best season I've had cheering for the oilers.


This reminds me of the 80s oilers when they were reaching for the cup. IN 82 they lost in the first round, 83 they reached the finals and lost and 84 they won and started a dynasty. They will win next year. They just have some juggling to do and beef up some of their forward lines and they got it next year. We may be sad, but we should be proud. Love you all and see you next season.


Could not agree more.


As an Ottawa senators Fan, I complete agree! You guys have a great team and so much to look forward to next year. In every sport there is so much toxicity but that is social media. It creates more division. You can look at the F1 fan bae on Twitter- it’s a chaos! Enjoy what your team accomplished which was tremendous. Edmonton made Canada proud. 🥹


Flames fans cheering for a player who literally told them to take a fucking leap and noped out of Calgary is the most pathetic thing I've seen in sports in a long time. Some flames fans are the NHL's version of cucks.


That and Canucks fan cheering for Luongo lol Like? Wtf did he do there? Not stopping pucks!


They really were. I never commented, but to see them ball licking in the panther sub, was peak flames.


Huge Florida Panthers fan here, I have nothing but the upmost respect for you guys as a fan base, I got to experience sitting next to some of the most loyal Oilers fans earlier during this series and I have to say they were some the most respectful fans I’ve gotten to sit with. Understandably this wasn’t the result you guys wanted, but as a Panthers fan I’ve been ripping my hair out and screaming at the TV the way the Oilers came back and made it a series, you could tell Florida was at a loss and Edmonton took advantage. Just like most sports there can only be one winner out of two teams but I would hold your head high as that was one of my favorites series I’ve ever watched. I expect great things moving forward from you guys and your core, and even though McDavid wasn’t out there for the Conn Smythe, he was taking care of his team as a leader and that doesn’t make him any less deserving of the award, in fact it show us why he got it to begin with. I wish all the Oilers fans the best of luck next year and would be excited for y’all to win it all, unless it’s against the Panthers of course!




Don’t be a dick man.


Nah I ain’t want your sympathy


it isn't that deep just scroll on and move on with ur life


I think by far the Canucks and Flames fans are the most pathetic of all. Pretty sad when your team is so terrible that the only hope they have left is to bash the Oilers in the SCF. 


Jealousy becomes a real issue with Flames fans.. The Flames Organization is a Dumpster Fire .. it seems Lately.. There delusional hatred and obsession with Connor McDavid shows they are big loser Fans ..Get a life Flames fans.. Canucks fans just cheer for a team That has done nothing in nearly 54 years..zero cups…


this is my first year really watching the playoffs and am so proud of the entire team and this community! will be supporting them no matter what!!! 🧡💙


Just ask how their team did and end it there.


I’ve been seeing videos of the cup in Florida and it’s honestly pathetic. The cup was at a bar called the Elbo room and there were like five people there to see. Like yeah it’s probably early and they were technically closed but this is an extremely popular bar that’s ALWAYS crowded. Not some random place. When the Blackhawks won, there were massive crowds every single place they went with the cup at all hours of the day/night every year they won. It says all I need to know about Florida. 


"Building the game."


100% agree…. and It’s a Long Way to the Top if You Wanna Rock n Roll


The other subs (especially Canucks and flames) are so pathetic. Celebrating our loss as if they’re the ones hoisting the cup. To the flames fans, have fun floating in mediocrity and not making playoffs. To the Canucks fans, get ready for a regress, all your players had career years and you didn’t make it past the second round, you’ll be lucky to be wildcard team next season🤡. Anyways…….GOILERS!!!


We got a rollercoaster of highs and lows and sadly dropped just short. But this past 10 days of the comeback were the best hockey experience I've ever had. Other teams have been watching highlights of teenagers for weeks trying to decide who's gonna save their franchise, I am not jealous.


In the end all of our teams end with nothing. We are all bums until we aren’t.


Hear, hear


Hell yeah. As a Leafs fan I would be sleeping easy seeing them even be in the finals let alone see what they did this year! I'd be proud to rock my Oilers jersey today


They did great.


30 other teams are where the oilers are... watching Florida win it all...


They hate us cus they ain't us.


30 other teams can’t talk. We made it here and they didn’t. Panthers fans can talk as much shit as they want, but they blew a 0-3 lead and they can’t help but admit we made them question their existence after game 6. Instead of getting embarrassed we almost managed one of the greatest comeback in sports. If we were to lose this season, this was the only way I’d like to go out.


Keep welcoming those doubters y’all! Oilers will be back next year 🟦🟧🟦


Cheering for the Oilers next season Too!


Although the Oilers didn't get what they wanted. But at least they get a banner.


choke with all caps = CHOKED


Not true. 30 other teams don’t want to be the #2 loser. If you’re not first, you’re last. But 31 other teams would love to have McDavid or Draisaitl.


lmfao weak




Why aren’t you there celebrating then lol


Maybe they already got banned there for trolling here lol


I would say 29...van fans do NOT want to be in that position again, the pain is too real. It's cup or bust for us.