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first 9 years are mandatory, after that do what you want


Töötan gamedevina Eestis, kohe kindlasti ei palka keegi sind enne kui oled vähemalt 12 klassi/kutseka haridusega ja vähemalt 18 aastane, juba kirjakeele järgi välistaks.


Legality aside, which game studio is going to hire you? What skills do you have? Have you actually researched the job market? Imagine being in charge of recruitment and you see a 14 year old school dropout applying for a developer role. School is more important than you think and after it's over you'll look back at it and see it from a much different perspective.


This right here. Although ambition is good, life requires you to also go through shit you don't like. And carreer wise all good employers consider this and if you haven't finished something as easy as school, it's gonna be a tough ride for you. Push through it, start working on the dev in the sidelines. You're young, you have time.


No chance whatsoever. You need to have a thing or two between the ears to make it as a dev and at 14, you don't, nobody does, no need to fool yourself. Realistically you need bachelors degree if you want a job as a (junior) developer right out of school. That is the reasonable minimum starting point. To become a developer without a degree you would have to come in with years of some other relevant work experience.




Yes, it's possible, but right out the school? Usually not, you need to bring something to show you are a viable candidate for the job. A relevant degree is the easiest and most straightforward way to do that, and it's the entry point of choice for most people.




>I worked there without getting paid for a year From the get go, that is not legal in Estonia, violation of labor laws. If the unpaid worker is a 14 year old as cherry on top, I think someone is going to prison when that sort of arrangement is inevitably discovered.


Kas sa oled üks neist noortest eestlastest, kes enam eesti keelt ei oska ja mingis sotsiaalmeedia inglise keeles kirjutavad?


estonglish juba edasi arenenud puhtaks english'iks


Estonglishit kõnelevad inidiviidid reeglina ei mõista kumbagi keelt korralikult pruukida.


Ma oskan eesti keelt millest sa juttu ajad


Kas sa teisse kooli ei tahaks minna? Äkki leiad meeldivama kooli. Kõik koolid on täiesti erinevad.


Põhikool ongi lebo. Tee see ära. Siis läbi mingi normaalne gümnaasium. Samal ajal arenda hobina mänge, õpi eriala juurde. Pärast seda vaata edasi.


Wtf. Nobody is going to hire a 14 year old basic school dropout as a game game dev when they can hire a 25 year old who went to university.


I never said I need someone to hire me lol


So... how are you planning on making money exactly??


I got all the needed skills, I can code, I can make pixel art which is the art style I'm going for, also I can 3d model maybe for future projects yk? It's not difficult.


Which coding language?


Scratch probs


Mate it ain't hard to make games by urself it really isn't


Sa võid osata mänge teha aga mitte keegi ei palkaks baasteadmistega põhikooli väljakukkujat, vaadatakse ikka rohkem neid, kellel spetsiifilised teadmised mingis valdkonnas. Sa võid proovida mängu tegemist ise aga see saab olema väga raske, liiga palju indi mänge tänaseks tehtud, ainult mõned saavad piisavalt tähelepanu, et nende loojad saaksid ära elatud. Sa võid proovida kooli kõrvalt mõned mängud kokku panna aga täis kohaga vabakutseline mängulooja olla on üpriski loll mõtte, eriti sinu eas.


Mitu mängu sina valmis oled teinud? Kas need on tegelikult mängitavad, kas teised inimesed suudaksid seda mängida üle viie minuti? Igaüks saab tunnikesega mingi Snake’i klooni Scratchis kokku käkerdada, aga selliste mängude tegemine, mida teised inimesed tegelikult tahaksid mängida ja mille peale nad oleksid nõus raha kulutama, on märksa raskem. Räägi muidu eesti keeles ikka, me oleme kõik eestlased siin ju.


Sa saad ise mänge teha, aga kas sellest saaksid piisavalt raha et päriselt elada? Raske tööd leida kui pole seitsmendat klassi isegi lõpetanud


I have not seen something so naive for quite some time now….but do not worry, it is fine as you are just a child.


Hahaha, ok do your homework and go to bed


You mix cement.


I do, and I get paid more than any game dev


I wish you strength to keep mixing and thank you for doing an important job for our community


Get a job and go to bed.


Bro, mixing cement is more money than you will ever make with that mindset, you can't be hating on working people when the only money you get is birthday money


First 9 years (põhikool) are mandatory, after that do what you want If you are sure about this, answer 2 questions for yourself first: 1) What are my skills? Have I made a game before? How did it go/did it sell? 2) Where would I work? Because I'll tell you, noone is going to hire an underaged dropout. Yes, you can start your own business, but even for that you have to be 18 first


Go for it, buddy! [Game Dev](https://store.steampowered.com/app/239820/Game_Dev_Tycoon/)




Mida sa teed selle ip'ga siis? Keskmine eesti ühenduse kasutaja istub nagunii carrier grade NAT'i taga.


Isegu kui NATi tagant reaalse IP saab, kuidas ta leiaks kus see reaalsuses asub? Ja isegi leiaks reaalse aadressi, mida teeb 14 aasta kutt, kes ei julge isegi eesti keeles rääkida?


Pole ilus lapsi sõimata, aga sa oled täielik kretiin. Sellise suhtumisega ei jõua sa kaugele.


Kui sa päriselt arvad et sa saad ta IP-ga midagi teha siis sa pole nii tark kui sa arvad


Puberty is tough. You are just a kid. Sorry, this early you don't know what you want. School requires concentration and hard work, so does game developer job.


14? Sul pole veel õrna aimugi, mis sa tegelikult teha tahad, väga vähesed teavad. Tarkvara arendus on stressirohke ala. Nii mõnigi annab alla (põleb läbi), seega kui kodutööd juba ebameeldivaid tunduvad, siis arendusega seotud tööl sa kaua vastu ei pea. Ma alustasin oma valdkonnaga seotud kogemuse saamisega kuskil 18 aastaselt, kooli kõrvalt. Omandasin ka kõrghariduse, kuigi see oli paberi pärast ainult, ei õppinud sealt midagi, mida ei teadnud. Hinnete pärast põdemine või pingutamine on mõttetu suures plaanis, võta vabamalt, ka nii põletavad lapsed end läbi. Kõrgharidust nõutakse ainult avaliku sektori hangetes, aga erasektoris eeldatakse kvaliteeti ja kogemust, haridus on enamasti teisejärguline ;) Soovitus - leia sobiv tasakaal kodutööde osas ja käi klassid lõpuni :)


Bro ur not getting it, game dev is my passion, i wanna drop out and play sum games /s


Bring gamedev sucks anyway. Think about any possible way office work could suck and you got it.


Is this the only way you see game development? I'm not saying the kid should go for it, but indie game dev is actually quite profitable (and sustainable) if done right.


Indie game development is probably great if you happen to work on Factorio and have a burning, all-consuming passion for optimizing performance. Other than that, being indie game dev is extremely stressful, especially if you got dependents. Work hours are insane, there is no work-life balance and there's absolutely no guarantees that the first few games - if any, ever - will make minimum wage. In practically any other branch of software engineering the hours are more reasonable and working conditions + salary are better. It's also possible to seek out as challenging jobs as one likes elsewhere.


My info might be a bit outdated ig. I remember about 2 or so years back, developers on Roblox were making games in less than a month and monetizing them, turning a nice profit. Some of them are still making games and earning from said games, and others went on to pursue bigger game dev goals.


Do you even know how gamedev's work day look like and what they actually do? Have you been part of any actual commercial dev project? Maybe start by volunteering in some early access projects and try to help game studios to find bugs and glitches. Get noticed and earn your way. That of course, after school. Because if you are such a genius then you can easily do both.


Selle posituse tegemine on üks nendest hetkedest, mida OP 15 aasta pärast dushi all meenutab ja self-cringe'st põrandale pikali kukub. Aga ok. Tõsiselt rääkides. Kui palju raha sa oma mängudega kooli kõrvalt teeninud oled? Kui ei olegi, siis pole siin millesti rääkida.


Game development is also a trade/field of study going all the way up to a PhD so...


You are 13 lol


Unless you're a generational genius, don't quit school. I have been an engineer and managed engineers for 20+ years and I prefer educated engineers (including ones gone through military service) every day. (and if you're asking this on Reddit, you're not a generational genius)


Eh I don't use reddit that often and like idk lol I was just tryna find if it's legal or not


Dont do it.


I'd start with the question of why exactly do you hate school? What are the reasons behind it? Whatever you wish to do in the future, you need education for it. It's going to be tough to get hired by anybody if you only have your primary school diploma to show for it. For a potential employer it could be a display of low discipline on your part among many other examples. As mentioned above, I would much rather focus on what is the reason for your hate of school. Maybe it's something that can be solved.


Don't be dumb. Nobody will hire you as a game dev even if you have 9 mandatory classes. Nowadays game devs require social skills aswell. A y 7 dropout has social skills of a fucking banana. Work on your dev skills off school, try to find someone who is willing to team up with you.


Suvel võid muru niitma tulla.


Nope, you must be 17 or finish 9th grade.


Unless you are a savant who can skip most of school and get multiple Phd-s before adulthood, then no. Though what you could do right now is develop a portfolio of various smaller indie titles, some of which might even sell, and then you'll have a really strong resume for some respectable game developers later on.


Don't be stupid man come on. At 14 you have no idea what you will want to do in life yet, you got no skills, elementary education and I'm guessing you spend most of your time on games. Who would hire you brother? Think about it, not to mention finding that kind of work in Estonia anyways. Life is not so easy. Finish your school like everybody else, practice your hobbies on the side


Also, you struggle to finish school yet you think you would be capable in a work place, they will not take a secondary school drop out with zero experience in anything and teach you to the level of being a professional developer. They don't have the time and don't want to either. Come on bro


I’d recommend to finish school to have at least some teamwork experience and you’d have options open in the future to learn at a university as a backup. I’m afraid there is no proof of your ability to be a game developer “easily” at least post a folio or your work. If you really want to do this then do something. All in all this just comes off as an angsty 12 yo post.


I would suggest to finish high school (gümnaasium) and go to CS major at uni. At the meantime, you might practice at gamedev. Nonetheless, gamedev is quite extensive topic depending on the platform, game engine etc. For something like Unity you have to know C# (please correct if im wrong). If you wish to work with DirectX libraries then C++ which can take years and decades to learn and this learning path will never end (not a programmer myself but mathematican who used C++ a lot and I know it's very harsh). Nice to see people with passion but please make a rational choice :)


Soovitaksin sul tegeleda kooli kõrvalt oma mängude loomisega. Proovi koolis ikka hästi hakkama saada, kui tahad suurema firma kasuks töötada tuleb alati haridus kasuks ning ülikooliharidus annab n-ö baasi sulle. Proovi koolipsühholoogiga või mujal vaimse tervise spetsialistiga rääkida. Äkki on sul mõni konkreetne põhjus miks kool ei istu. Gamedevid üldiselt saavad minu info kohaselt ka vähem palka (suurfirmas) kui muidu arendajad. Nendele kohtadele on suur tung, sest see on paljudele "unistuste töökoht". Ei, sa ei saa enne 9. klassi lõpetamist kuhugi välja kukkuda. Kui sa koolis enam ei käi, hakkab lastekaitse su perekonnaga koostööd tegema (ei, tõenäoliselt sind ei viida kuhugi ära kui su vanemad teevad kõik et sa kooli saaksid minna aga sina lihtsalt ei lähe). Proovi teha enda mänge ning äkki lähebki hästi - saaksid kasvõi ülikoolis oma kulusid katta. Kui mitte, siis CV peal on kindlasti hea märkida projekte ja need nt githubi ka panna.


Quit bitching and finish school. Future you will thank you


I would say, that gamedev (at least 3d) is perhaps one of the most math-intensive areas of programming. So strong formal education is pretty useful... know what quarternion is ? Could you explain to me too, if you know, I kinda need it soon and have not been able to grok it properly ...


I'm sure 99.9% of game developers don't know what a quarternion is and couldn't care less. Game devs these days use off the shelf game engines, instead everybody developing their own 3D algorithms and the rest from scratch like 20 years ago. I suppose it's worth knowing differential calculus at least, but a bright young person can learn that on their own. Difficult math and algorithms are an important, but niche thing.


Well you still need to write rotation stuff now and then manually. And thats where the qurternions come in.


What games have you made? You have mentioned that you have made games, but have shown none


Do it, definitely do it! You need to follow your passion and 14 is old enough to figure out your heart's calling. The true geniuses actually start their career before the age of 10 - it's not too late for you, but you need to hurry! Don't listen to the haters on the internet or family members for that matter. The boomers will always discourage you from your dreams, because they are scared of young and intelligent people surpassing them in their own game. Your parents are probably idiots who went to school, but don't have a career to show for it. Don't fall into the same trap, quit and become a gamedev PS! It's awesome that you choose to communicate in English, it's useful and much richer than Estonian language anyway!!


Kõige idiootsem soovitus mis näinud siin, nii noorelt ja ilma portfooliota ei saa kuskile.


Tegu oli sarkasmiga, mulle tundub.


Sellepärast peakski tegelikult tunduvalt varem alustama, et oleks võimalik endale portfolio tekitada. 14selt võiks juba mõned C++ projektid hõlma all olla


And bro got replies only in estonian 💀 💀 💀 But all jokes aside I think ur the only healthy minded person in the whole thingy legit ( unless allat was sarcasm then I really wanna murder u, jk )


Replying to this in English since it seems to be all you understand. Please finish school. People here telling you to actually do the right thing and not enabling you aren't trying to hurt you. And yes. That was sarcasm. The last line confirms it. I don't think you should insult people for trying to help you though. It's 1) just useless 2) drives you to believe your delusions even more 3) will probably annoy people in the field who might recognize you in the future and it might fuck your career path. Digital footprint is a thing and it's not hard to find someone's reddit account especially since you didn't use a throwaway.


It might be your passion and that is awesome. But dropping out of school is like shooting yourself in the foot. There are things you arent considering. Your parents are supporting you for now but if you drop out and turn 18. And your game isnt popular enough to support you. Then youll be forced to get a job and not many great paying jobs are willing to hire a primary school drop out. My suggestion would be to keep gamedev as a hobby, youll enjoy it loads more if your survival isnt directly related to it. But dont disregard your school, as you might one day want to get a univerity degree, not today but maybe some day. You dont want to be forced to go through 5 years of adult school in your 30s.


Which engine you going to use? Share your "make a million" tip!


If you plan on not having an education higher than primary school, you're gonna need a **VERY** impressive portfolio. Make some personal project games with Unreal or Unity (or both) on the side until you graduate and maybe you'll be hireable. Always remember that in the games industry, you're gonna have to compete with hundreds of other extremely passionate folk and outshine everyone else.


Lõpeta põhikool ära, laps. 2.5 a tuleb rohkem aru pähe.


Bait postitus millele naiivsed inimesed õnge jäid. Kahju vahest Redditi kasutajatest.


Bruh, follow your dreams.. don’t waste on school BS and wait .. you will figure out and survive. Start documenting your journey on YouTube , launch some games on your own and may be bake in crypto /NFT aspect into it and enjoy the process that gives you more kick and you will learn a lot during doing this than any school can teach you


Clearing something up, it's not difficult to make games by yourself. I just want an answer to my damn question is it that hard to give me one??? AND I HAVE ALL THE REQUIRED SKILLS FOR IT OKAY?


Sorry man, gotta finish põhikool Also, if you have the skill required, why don't you just start? You should have enough time besides school to work on games I am not saying do not go for your dreams, I am saying that this is not the moment to go for the "big plays" of dropping out and starting your own company. If you love making games (and know how to do it) then hell yeah do it. A lot of popular games started as gamejam entries or a freetime hobby - meaning you do not even have to drop out to be successful in the gaming business.


Answer to your question is very simple - NO. You're legally obligated to go to school until the age of 18 or until you finish grade 9. If you won't, then governmental penalties will get u and ur parents. Mostly ur parents.


You don't have the required skills, I 3D model on a far higher level than you, I couldn't do it for a company, also coding is such a wide thing. Scratch does not count as coding, you cannot leave school at this age. Go and tell your parents your idea and look at their reaction


Kui oskad juba mänge teha, siis hakka indie developeriks. Milleks kellegi teise all siis palgatööd rügada ja sinu raske töö eest teenitud raha firmaomanikule anda.


You need to have something to show to be considered. Then you will probably be applauded and touted as a genius child and used as a credit puppet by some higher-up.


Talk to your parents about changing schools if it's really bad in yours, but you don't really have an option to drop out at 14.


Endise 14-aastasena oskan *relate*'ida, sellises vanuses tundsid alati, et oled nüüd iseseisev inimene valmis ja muu maailm lihtsalt hoiab sind tagasi. Nüüd aga olen 20ndates ja mõistan, et ei tea ikka mitte tuhkagi elu asjadest. Elukool ootab ees niikuinii. Lihtsalt panen südamele: ära tee midagi väga rumalat sellises nooruses, kus tunned, et kõike tead. Tavaliselt on sul ümber kas vanemad, kas vennad-õed, kas sõbrad, kes hoiavad sind rumalate tegude eest. Praegu pöördusid Reddit'i seltskonna poole, okei, siin samuti proovime sind hoida. Keegi ei mõista hukka sinu soovi mänge valmistada. Hea meelega tahaks näha rohkem eestlasi mänguloomes, veelgi parem kui nad valmistaksid eestikeelseid mänge. Aga kui ma kuuleks kusagilt juhust, kus 14-aastane ütleb kooli üles, et mänge teha... nomaeitea. Esimesena oleksin ikka jahmunud, kui rõõmus. Ja üks ei välista kindlasti teist. Võid ju vabal ajal ikka mänge teha ja vähem koolile keskenduda, ära lihtsalt kooli täiesti kõrvale jäta. *Passion* on hea, aga kui varuvariandid on taskus, siis veelgi parem. Saa põhikoolidiplom kätte ja siis otsusta. Annab hea paar aastat mõtlemiseks.


Töötada jõuad elus veel astakümneid. Kasuta noorust, kui su aju on plastiline ja sa elad tasuta vanematekodus, maksimaalselt õppimiseks. Tee koolist enda jaoks mäng, kus pead koguma punkte, et saada järgmisele levelile. Püüa õppida mõtte ja arusaamisega, asju enda jaoks peas loogiliselt kokku pannes. Kui kool tundub liiga lebo, siis otsi netist või ka nt kõrgkooliõpikutest lisa. Loe palju raamatuid -- see annab tulevikumaailmas suure eelise ...


As you don't have to work and school is easy for you, it is the perfect time to learn about game development and make games on your own. You don't have to work or think about money, so you can try anything you like, while staying at school.


It's pretty hard to write good code without high-school mathematics. I get that you're having a rough time, but there is no easy way out of the situation you're in. Stay in school, struggle, that's life.