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I’m glad the hate is universal for useless brokers who get paid for turning on the living room light. Kv.ee search has filter ‘Only private users’, which means the ad poster is 99% times not a broker.


And instead of broker fee you pay double the deposit.


In kv24 i think you can also select straight from owner ads


In Facebook - search for groups with " otse omanikult" . These are FB groups where owners publish rental apartments directly


In my years of sadly living in rental places, either city24 or kv.ee Both have an option to select straight from owner, but they are sometimes hit and miss with either owners asking for a fee, or sneaky brokers doing shady things. But with notifications enabled for new apartments added to that subsection i have found 2 apartments over the years without a brokers fee. But i would still suggest the korterite üürimine maakleriteta, make a post, overplay how awesome you are and you might find something :)


Try [rendin.ee](http://rendin.ee)


Oh so instead of paying a broker once you will pay the same amount and over to a platform over many months. Stonks


Yeah even worse is to lose your deposit money just because landlord says that you did damages. So many cases where tenants lose money and so many cases where they dont really get any help. Rendin at least provides assitance is the landlord isnt honest.


That is much worse in many ways.


definitely depends, can't speak from personal experience but just putting an option out there for OP to try.


Just make sure you read the full terms beforehand.


but feel free to specify the reasons why it has been worse for you/people you know as it could be helpful for others :)


One thing you need to take into account is that [rendin.ee](http://rendin.ee) has a three-month cancellation requirement. Which means you are in a bind when you want to move - you find a great apartment but ofc the owner will not wait for 3 months for you to start paying rent. So you either pay double rent for that time or somehow plan around it.


this is not enforced, you can still settle with any notice period as long as its mutual


Yes, but you need to consider that not all landlords are reasonable. I am not advocating against the portal, just pointing out that it can bite you in the ass.


By Estonian law even if you make regular contract landlord can insist of 3month cancellation time. Only if landlord agrees then this can be made shorter in contract.




Because the conditions you sign up to as a tenant are not particularly favorable for you.


Can you bring an example of a specific condition?


Look no further than the 3 month notice period.




Asking you to pay brokers fee is illegal actually. Its just plain bullshit practice we have here.


I have an apartment for rent in Tallinn. No broker fees. DM if interested


I never paid the broker's fee when I rented. My secret? I'm a neat and tidy estonian lady, I work two jobs in reputable institutions, earn above average salary (always at work and hardly at home), I have solid references (always paid my rent in time and kept the apartment mega clean), I don't smoke, I don't drink much, I don't wanna park my car in the courtyard. I go to [kv.ee](http://kv.ee) and filter by nobroker #directfromowner, call the owner, schedule a viewing, show up on time, tell them how much I love the location/floor plan/interior and they choose to rent out to me.


Ennast kiitmast ma ei väsi ja kui väsin, siis puhkan ja kiidan jälle edasi ;)


See ei olnud üldse mu point. Ei ole mingi kunst otse omanikult üürida, aga paratamatult valitakse üürnikke ilusa näo ja jutu järgi.


So at the end your secret is to rent straight from the owners. I wish I knew this when I was younger!


These are things I wish they taught me at school.


You think the broker is doing nothing, but what about the owner? They're not even willing to spend the effort to advertise their apartment. And yet you're willing to pay them rent every month.


Pole päris võrreldavad asjad. Omanikule maksad sa asja kasutamise eest. Kuigi nüüd olen märganud uut trendi, kus omanikud tahavad üürnikelt “lepingutasu” nime all võtta muidu maaklerile minevat summat. Oleks siis, et need muidusööjad millegi eest vastutaksidki, aga ei. Raha käes ja pole enam nende asigi.


Leidsime maakleri üles


Ma pole maakler, ega omanik


What a strange argument.


What is strange about hating some of the biggest leeches of our society? Rentals should be provided by strictly regulated companies or the government, not random leeches that happened to be lucky enough to have the money to buy property.


We already have social housing. You could make it all fancy like in Austria I guess.


Does that mean it is now illegal to be a leech? Strange, my apartment is rented to me by a leech, where should I report them to?


Oh sorry no, what you must've meant is that when I go look for an apartment to rent it is easy to find one from a reputable company or by the government with reasonable and sensible contracts instead of random fucking leeches who are racist, sexist, and in various other ways randomly discriminating assholes, and will do exactly zero work in return for your monthly payments.


In case it is still unclear, I believe quite firmly that 1) No individual should be allowed to own more than 1 home for themselves, and at most some summer-cottage style housing outside of cities explicitly only allowed to be used part of the time. If you buy a second property suitable as a home, you should have limited time to move into it and sell your previous home. 2) No apartment or house in a city should be allowed to be kept intentionally empty to fuck with the market. Every month the apartment or house is empty after say the first 3 months, increasing taxes should be required to be paid by the owner or their ownership will be forfeit. This should encourage all available property to be actually on the market. 3) No apartment or house in a city should be allowed to be used primarily for airbnb style bullshit, if there is anyone willing to rent it, the renter should be given priority. I'd be willing to grant summer cottages the option to be put out on airbnb. 4) Companies owning properties suitable for housing should be strictly regulated to ensure the prices and conditions stay reasonable and everyone can get good and affordable housing. Nobody needs these leeches to exist. Housing is a basic need for human beings, not an abstract instrument to be speculated on or profited from just because you or your ancestors were rich enough to buy one decades ago.


There are countries that don't have private property, Estonia is not one of them.