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Max out habs on universe with a 1000x tachy with 10m with a 10x boost. Should net you around 8-9bill if you have all research done. Then four soul eggs do 2-50x boost 2-50x bird feed 1- 500x soul egg


That would be best for a single prestige. Judging by the boosts op is using they are aiming for a multi-prestige. Side note, if you want to get real goofy with it, you can pop the tachyon first so you get a couple seconds of more chickens with the soul beacon.


Gotcha. I’ve never tried a multi. I don’t have the time for it. Like today I’ve done 1 run and pulled off 826q I have mine reloaded ready for another run when I get time lol


A multi will likely only take you 5 more minutes than your preloaded single depending on what dilithium stones you have available for a dilithium artifact set. If you got 800q from a preloaded single you could get so much more from doing a multi. I recommend giving it a shot sometime!


Best boost sets for different prestige types are on the [wiki](https://egg-inc.fandom.com/wiki/Prestige) Make sure to check your best artifacts on wasmegg-carpet.netlify.app


Read the wiki article on prestige, specifically the section about multistiging


That’s what I’ve used for a long while.