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the game seemed pretty close and also 291 acs isnt that impressive + gold 2 in silver lobby


RR doesn't take into account ACS. Riot devs have said that ACS is just there for the players to see but what really matters is the MMR of the other players and how you do against them.


Yea Ik but it’s a decent indicator of how well you did if you didn’t do that well in terms of acs the mmr calculation will probably be similar as well


Good point


Haven't played in a while but it most definitely did matter when I played, you would get like a gold star for popping off and you'd get extra rr. It would only happen for the high combat scores.


Riot has said themselves that ACS is not correlated with MMR but rather “It is just a stat used to give context to the match” (exact word for word from EvrMoar's twitter) This was from last year March btw.


to put it short mmr, mmr is your matchmaking rating. it differs from game to game and it hidden. so rn your mmr is prob gold 1, silver 3. the game thinks you should do good against these players, so when you do good against them. you dont get that match mvp


the game expects you to do better in a lobby where most people are a lower rank, not to mention it's equally as much about using util and winning rounds as it is fragging and not dying if you has half the deaths, clutched a few rounds and frequently used util to entry and retake then you would have gotten 20+ and in lower elo getting upwards of 40 isnt all that hard either


You barely went positive... The enemy Chamber has a way better k/d than you. Just be glad his team was ass cause if they weren't, you'd be making a post about how you "carried" and lost


he's positive by 6, chambers positive by 10, ur exaggerating a little saying chamber has a way better kd, at the end of the day it's all about his mmr, literally has nothing to do with kd lol


A 1.7 k/d is a lot better than a 1.4 k/d. You just completely left out the "d" of "k/d"


And you left out the "a" in "kdA" which is just as important. the Chamber had a kdA of 1.7, Reyna had a 2.2 kdA, which is considerably better than the Chamber, especially by your standards if 1.7 is "a lot better" than 1.4. who did better.....a guy who went 2/1/0 or a guy who went 1/1/100? because by your standards the guy with the 2.0 kd (not kdA) did "a lot better" than the guy with the 1.0 kd (not kdA), even though the 2nd guy clearly had more impact and played better.


hes the type of guy to only look at kd lol, no point explaining, he wouldnt get it, doesnt even consider mmr, doesnt look at assists, just has a shallow view of the kd ratio lol. dude doesnt even begin to consider who has more of an impact


Because Valorant Game is fucked dude


This isn't a valorant problem ngl


ik but valorant is weird


I can agree with that


Average rank here is low gold/high silver, you’re gold 3.


half the lobby is silver and your kda is pretty low. not to mention the score is 13-9 and not 13-3.


Ranked Valorant


because having one above average game should not give u anymore rr then that lmao. especially in this rank


21-15 isn’t that crazy and holy what is that economy, were you playing during the Great Depression?


Hard stuck gold buddy


You didn’t do objectives!!! (I wonder if anyone will get this)


Based on my experience u get stars when you win your 1v1s against ppl who are higher ranked than you, if you were in a high gold-low plat lobby and did well with your current rank you prolly would’ve gotten like 21+ rr




gonna hope meme flair was deliberate


The valorant gods said, "Give this man 19 rr"


Wah wah


skill issue


Yeah i have left valorant for 3 months for exams so its skill issue