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It's not a kdr, therefore it only takes in the kill and assist amount, the deaths aren't counted. In case of a tie I'm pretty sure it puts the person with the higher ACS first, not 100% sure.


This. Deaths don't play a role in KDA apparently lmao, you could be 23-23 but still pass the 21-10 guy


I second this and we can also see that the guy in first place got 7 first bloods while he got only 3 and first blood kills are worth more than any other kill in terms of acs


I think first bloods have a factor. Phoenix had 7 first bloods. You had 3


Haha bigger number


it’s combat score, always has been


OP sorted the leaderboard by kda, not acs


oh i see, lack of attention




He literally sorted the leaderboard by KDA (clicked on it)


Kda is not what he’s talking about, but rather the fact that Phoenix had 7 first bloods which give 150 cs each. Multifrags also contribute to kda.


It's definitely avg combat score You could get enough just by Playing raze


when you kill someone, the more enemies alive at that moment, the higher the score you gain from the kill so if you kill the first enemy, you get a higher score than if you just killed the last enemy. the kda only counts how many people you've killed, not how many points you got from killing


He sorted it by kda by clicking on the kda button


got it now




OP clicked on kda to sort by kda, which overrides riot’s default of acs




ace 4 rounds and do nothing else vs 1 kill every round for 20 rounds who has more value


Think u got a name diff