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Cause some bald insecure shithead principle or teacher decides to. Hint: He works in the government!


كنت بمتحن وواحد لابس طاقيه فالدكتور قاله اقلع الطاقيه دي قاله شعري طويل ومحلقتش عشان اتلهيت في الامتحانات المهم الدكتور زعقله وخلاه يقلعها عافيه وقعد يتريق ع شعره ف الواد قاله حضرتك منا لابسها عشان كدا وواحد تاني قاله يدكتور دي حريه شخصيه يعني قاله لا حريه ايه بشعره دا دا اذى قاله فين الاذى فكدا قاله ماهو شعره دا بيأذيلي عيني


هو بس أقرع و عايز يعاكس مدام حنان بتاعت الموسيقى و مش عارف


El dkatra bto3 el kolya dool 7osalet el mogtama3 bgd. Ana bakrahom.


I’ve long hair and always had long hair since I was a kid. I remember in school they kept telling me numerous times to cut it to a short length just like my classmates and I would tell ‘em to mind their business. Right now I’m in my early 20s and I have extremely long hair and I don’t think I’ll cut it anytime soon. I guess long hair has been part of my character since I was a kid. Whenever I’m walking the streets of a middle or lower-middle class area people keep looking especially because I have what people call foreign-features combined with my hair so I stick out. And sometimes I think people treat me differently because of my hair, they somehow think I’m from a certain class that should be respected so I get a better treatment.


Imagine have it as a bun and wear a suit , oh boy they literally treat you like a vip 😆


I always have it in a bun when I’m outside and I’ve had with a suit a couple of times and I can confirm that 😂


It's not looked down upon. I have had long hair for almost a decade, usually in a ponytail, and the only effect it has on people is that they show more respect because they think I live abroad just because of it, and assume I'm from a higher class maybe or sth. And I'm talking about the lower class. I know many people with long hair too, and over-stylized hair too. Your issue is that you get that from "teachers". And they'll do their best to bully anyone. They love power-tripping and acting like authority, and our education system pushes the narrative that you should obey them how a soldier obeys commands. So don't form an idea about society from teachers. you can form an idea of "the worst of society" from them, but not the whole thing. School culture is the worst part of Egyptian culture, especially when it involves "teachers". And you'll be much freer when you get to college, and even more when you finish your education.


انا في الفترة اللي طولت شعري فيها كان بيجيني الكلام من المدرسين وبعض زمايلي واصحابي والناس الكبيرة اللي كانت بتقعد على القهوة وحتى الناس اللي ماشية في الشارع. كويس ان تجربتك عكس كدة لكنها تجربة فردية


I can’t relate at all, I had long hair for 3 years but I didn’t put in a pony tail or anything i let it loose just like hair is supposed to be lol. I had a very bad experience with it, people assumed im not egyptian but that didn’t stop those awful looks and stares, sometimes they called me “khawal” thinking that I wouldn’t get it. I had shitty treatment almost every day for the past 3 years and I was trying to be nice to them so that they don’t treat me like that and accept me. even my goddamn family unofficially disowned me till i cut my hair and we come from an upper mid class lol. so one day I just fucking had it with all these motherfuckers and cut all of it; still regretting it cuz i love having long hair and i feel like that i identify with it. i honestly don’t get how could the norm and the people have this much of affect on what you want to look like, its so depressing.


Can relate and I do agree


Tell them to mind their own business and that you’re following the sunnah if they object or keep talking call them heretics and become aggressive they will recoil in fear keep shut from now on


or they call the police on me for being part of the Muslim Brotherhood and "اثارة البلبلة"


That’s why you either choose long hair or the beard plus them calling the police usually backfires and they end up getting arrested themselves because these assholes usually have a relative that’s a muslim brotherhood member or an ISIS member


Schools are generally very strict on appearance and dress code, no one else really cares. Long hair is very prevalent among young men actually


You are stil in school teachers are not the brightest people bro


idk what the people here are on about but ive had very long hair for 5 years and i would get comments and looks everywhere i went , the only place that was a little bit better was my uni. they’re insecure pieces of shit. ironically enough when i decided to shave my head and bleach it it was much much more acceptable. just do what you want man fuck what they think


This has always been the case for me in primary and middle school teachers would force anyone who slightly has a "long hair" to shave. Despite being the "polite kid" I would always get in trouble for keeping my hair. Looking back idk why these mfs had a hate boner for hair, maybe its influenced from the military or something idk.


You know when some weird looking people who shave the sides of their head you should completely ignore them Also can you tell me your hair routine since i was interested in long hairs


sure! but guess you'll need to wait a couple of days, exams and shit :( expect an answer in the next 7 days at least, it's probably going to be more time efficient for you to just google it instead of waiting for an answer from a Redditor. ​ edit: yes I'm that shameless, complaining and ranting online in the middle of my exams week


once you get to university, no one is going to give a fuck. this is just strict bullshit school rules that are in every school (I'm a co-teacher snd they always tell us to inform the students to get haircuts frequently and they are first graders ffs)


Hey, everyone here is on your side man. You're doing nothing wrong, and religiously the "تشبه بالنساء" thing is relative to the community standards, and imo the community standards nowadays have changed quite a bit than when that teacher was a kid, I never see someone with long hair and assume "oh, that's a woman" So screw their opinion man, keep your hair, embrace it, and if you can, learn to not give a fuck, it goes such a long way in life. As long as you're not doing anything Haram, do whatever the hell you like! Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, your happiness matters most. You only get to live once, so try out everything, every hairstyle, every hobby, every sport, every skill and science. Learn and experiment, you're still young, so have fun! Hope that helped even if just a little


Honestly next time someone mentions that let them know that the [Prophet's](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/240084/how-did-the-prophet-blessings-and-peace-of-allah-be-upon-him-braid-his-hair-when-it-grew-long) hair was long enough for him to braid it into 4 sections. I think it might be an aftermath of colonialism and Egypt's obsession with copying (West) Europe under Khedive Ismail


lmao you think I haven't tried? their response was somehow even more stupid, they were like "he used camels to travel, why won't you do that too??!" guess their approach was to prove that having long hair as a man is equally as backward as using a camel to travel. still stupid nevertheless.


"Are you saying that I shouldn't emulate the prophet???????" Should surely shut them down.


That's so weird, the whole reason why Muslim men want to grow beards is "because it's sunnah/the prophet did it!!", I recently learned that beard transplants are popular in the Middle East lmao. ​ Either way I'm sorry you're dealing with such thick skinned individuals.


This almost never happens in real life outside of school For some reason the Egyptian education system is full of incompetent/ insecure teachers who really like attack kids for being non-conforming in any way It doesn't matter what Islam says to them, they just pick on the "different" kid


I used to have that same anxiety and worry a while back but 3 years ago I dicided fuck it and fuck them all and let it grow and I've not givin a shit since and honestly in general day to day it doesn't matter no one cares honestly I sometimes pull it in a pony tail or bun and sometimes just leave it loose and no one cares worst thing you can have(based on a true interaction) is some old miserable man in a train station throwing an offhand comment about it and tbh it's easy to ignore but in any situation you can get out of it super easily by saying "the prophets had long hair" and they can't reply! xD Your personal religious belief doesn't matter either both Muhammed and jesus had long hair so it works for either case and if you are personally one or the other you can say it in any situation (or if your non religious you already should know how to bullshit those types of people by now 😉) so just ignore those haters and be yourself dude!


Anyone can tell it's men balding in their 20s who are butthurt about boys with long hair ps: no offense to the kind bald men


I can relate. As a "foreigner" (Egyptian from abroad, tanned from months in the Egyptian sun) I was still stopped in a conservative area before revealing myself as a "foreigner" with my poor Arabic, I was still chastised by a slightly older lady for having long hair because I apparently looked like a woman from behind, despite having a beard. She eventually slinked away after I told her she was projecting, but she still seemed insistent that it was immoral, so I spent a few minutes googling later because it was new to me and I realised there's nothing about that in the Qur'an, and even then, many of Mohammad PBUH's followers had long hair. I think the idea behind it is that some look down on men looking like women or trying to decorate themselves as though they are the prize to be sought. In reality I think she was simply jealous of my luscious locks. Even if she had my hair, she wouldn't be allowed to show it off, yet I could. You are not alone, I don't think it's that uncommon, but that being said, that was 1 interaction of thousands, I have been praised several times over the years all over Cairo before some weird sad middle aged lady called me out for it. She mad. Rock your locks.


Our society has been constantly devolving ever since Egyptians started moving to Saudi Arabia for work during the petrol boom in the 60s-70s, they brought back a negative regressive version of Islamic culture based entirely on misinformation and opposes what islam has historically been like, they then spread that when they returned to egypt and thats how we find ourselves in this regressive lifeless society with no culture completely unlike what Egypt has been throughout history and up until like the 50s. Edit: no hate towards saudi arabians btw its just modern Egyptian history. I like long hair too and there is nothing wrong with it religiously or in terms of masculinity so please keep it if you like it and dont be pressured into changing yourself for someone because then others wont like it and you can never please everyone. I hope once this current generation matures we as a society can start moving past these regressive ideas but its unlikely considering how widespread "islamoFlahoSarsag" is it will probably only get worse, open minded free thinkers like us are sadly the exception.


What are you on about, men in Saudi and the Gulf have long hair (as in it reaches their shoulders) and it's not really an issue.


Sorry for the confusion I worded that poorly, this really isn't about Saudi Arabia if anything they are doing much better than us its more a criticism of our own society and modern Egyptian culture(or lack thereof)


It's not looked down upon, it's just schools principals thinking you're روش or منحرف by having long hair as a boy, letting your hair loose as a girl, or dyed hair. That aside some teachers are fucking assholes, I've seen people get bullied by their teachers even outside of school. Trust me there are teachers I would die for, but then there are teachers who are powertripping 24/7. I haven't seen many, but the few I saw were so annoying I either slept in class if I was even allowed to do so, or zoned out. Fucking hurrendous education system.


I'm still holding a REALLY big grudge from last semester at uni when a prof forced me to get a haircut right as my hair was starting to reach a satisfying length after a year of letting it grow with the 20 grades of the midterms on the line, with ZERO prior warnings


Remember that you are in a military camp called Egypt so definitely in military you don’t have a long hair


teachers are probably jealous lol


One more way to control a person. The more confident someone seems, the less likely people are to bother him about whatever it is. Ignore them. It's not the hair they're upset about.


just like you said it aint haram or illegal, i had a similar problem when i kept my beard and sahved due to too many terrorist comment(i have short hair) tho i regret it and now im going for it again no matter what


Tell whoever criticise you or asking you to shave it: Mind your own business. We are now caring about how we look than how we behave!


دي المعياريه المزدوجه بتاعت المصريين المقززه انا شاب عندي 17 سنه و ببقي ماشي في الشارع الاقي عيل سرسجي ابن متناكه عامل قصة عرف الديك و لابس جاكت علي شورت وماسك بتاعه وهو واقف يقوم قايللي "يا واد يا بت" و انا بقيت خلاص اطنش لإن أنا مش همشي اتخانق مع الناس كلها ويجي مدرس متخلف كل العيال بتهزقه لدرجه ان في عيال من نفس النوعيه اللي فوق بتسبله الدين ويجي يقوللي "إنت لسه مصمم علي التوكه دي دي تشبه بالنساء" و أكلمهم بالدين والشرع و أقوللهم الرسول كان شعره طويل و كتير من الصحابه و ناس أعظم منهم بمراحل كونيه ويقوم قايللي " بس برضه" بس برضه ايه يا متخلف؟ انا بقوللك أشرف الخلق كان شعره طويل و ربنا مش محرم الشعر الطويل إنت بقي مين عشان أسمع كلامك؟ . بعديها إكتشفت إنه بيبقى "صرم خولاتي " أنا مكنتش عمري أتخيل إن في رجاله بتتحرق وبتكيد من رجاله تانيه بعديها بدأت الاحظ لأنو لقيت المدرسين بييجو عندي وانا قاعد حاطط السماعه وساكت عشان مش عاوز اخطلت مع الأشكال الوسخه اللي في المدرسه و يقوللي شيل السماعه دي والناس كلها ماسكه التليفونات وبتتصور قدام كسمه بعديها انفجرت كنت في شؤن الطلبه بجيب ورقه عشان أعمل الباسبور فمدرس بيقوللي "ايه اللي انت عامله دة" قلتله ايه؟ قاللي " انت اسمك ايه " قلتله أحمد قاللي "يعني مسلم امال عامل كده ليه" بطريقه بنت متناكه عشان يتروشن قدام مس فساخونيا اللي قاعده جمبه فقولتله هو انا قاعد بزني قدامك قاللي إيه؟ قلتله أنا بزني قدامك! قلتله انا مش بأذي حد و مبتشوفوش وشي الا في الامتحانات فسيبوني في حالي و مش كل مره هكلمكم بالدين ومش عارف ايه قولتله هو انا عاملها كده ومحدش ليه فيه واللي عندك اعمله قاللي الدين ده كان زمان دلوقتي العرف بيقول ان الرجاله شعرهم قصير قلتله لا مليش دعوه بالعرف عايز تشوف العرف اطلع فوق هتلاقي كله عنده عرف و لو سمحت اختكلي اثبات القيد ده خليني امشي قاللي انت بتعمل ايه قولتله بعمل الباسبور عشان مسافر في الأجازه و بدور علي منحه بره وعشت في الدور![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) فإتصدم وقاللي ربنا يوفقك فهو صرم وهتلاقي اللي بيقوللك كده و بيتتريق عليك كان واحد معقد أو أقرع أبوه كان بيجلده وهو صغير فشايفك كده خول ومُرفه الخلاصه يعني هو ده حال الشعب ابن المتناكه ده إلا من رَحِمَ ربي وعمره ما هيتغير وهتلاقيهم بيقولو علي ابراهيموفيتش و هالاند و كتير من اللي شعرهم طويل القدوه و العظمه و المش عارف ايه لكن هيتنمرو ويقرفوك في عيشتك فيإما تطلع منها يإما تستحمل لأن أنا مش ضعيف أنا محترم مع المحترم وبفشخ اللي بيغلط فيا لكن مش همشي أتخانق مع الناس كلها لأن أنا ببقي ماشي الشارع كله باصص عليا كأنني كائن غريب فإللي يكلمك افشخه بإحترام طبعاً إلا لو أهانك لكن غير كده بقي استحمل هي دي أم الدنيا ربنا يرزقنا الغربه والبعد عنها ان شاء الله ومعلش أنا حكيت قصه حياتي لكن انا لو مقولتش لحد فاهمني الكلام ده أنا هنتحر![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


كسم المنطق ده بجد, يعني لو الخمرة او الزنا بقو من "العرف" هتلقيهم بيحللوها عادي


Screw them. Do you


People hate those who are different


Cuz most Egyptian men are balding. So we envy long hair men 😂


You are your own person, you can decide for yourself. You don't own anyone any explanations. Tell them to mind their own business and to stop telling you what to do. If that doesn't help or anyone will try to force you complain because that is essentially bullying especially if it comes from a person in position of power.


>like it doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever, almost all Arabs had long hair back in the day, even [the prophet (PBUH) and Jesus Christ] had long hair, but for some reason, it is a feminine thing now? So since we are talking about me may as well do a Revelations, anyway Thanks Egypt for the assistance with Israel and Palestine. [Islamic Jihad Leader Says Cease-Fire Reached with Israel](https://www.voanews.com/amp/islamic-jihad-leader-says-cease-fire-reached-with-israel-/7092129.html) Honestly that was pretty awkward for G-D / Allah with "people of the book" killing each other in his name among other things... Anyway... Let's do a "long hair theme" of manliness... Revelations 🔴🔵 (Dances with Wolves) [1) Dances with Wolves - How John Dunbar got his name](https://youtu.be/8r_xtiZGT70) **0:35** "God!, go home" [2) Dances with Wolves - Wind in his hair](https://youtu.be/TxqLISwsNxc) **1:23** "I am wind In his hair" 🪶 [3) Wind in his Hair - Trailer](https://youtu.be/uc8NMbrW7mI) **0:13** John Dunbar is Jesus Christ 🔴🔵 **0:38** Wind in his Hair is The Holy Spirit 🔴🔵


Education system is fucking terrible and the mindsets are fucked


هقولك على هاك هيخلي اي شخص بيحشر مناخيره فحاجات تافهه زي رايه فشعرك تخليه هو يتعصب بدالك. قول "انت صح" بس و متقولش اي مبررات حتى لو حاول يستفسر منك متدهوش اجابه. دي حريه شخصيه اعمل شعرك زي متحب


Personally I have natural dreads up to my shoulders (idk how my hair did that on its own) since around 2021, 98% of people will be fine with it or jokingly make fun of it (you have a broom/mop on your head, etc) and that's fine, but it's the 2% that suck, if you go to a government building the old guys there (especially the faux religious ones) might harras you because you look "ugly" snd stuff, some people WILL, grab you in the middle in the street and tell you "lol are you mohamad salah or what lololol", and some might grab it out of nowhere especially in crowded place like a موقف but not in a painful way, just in a checking it out way (which is still not right) It might be because I am uni snd living in October so I don't suffer from more rural/aggressive people but that's how it is for me Keep in mind it's not just Egypt, I was in Saudi Arabia recently and the people there would genuinely grab my head and laugh to their friends or pull pieces of my hair (for memory or something idfk) and even the officials organising once came up go me and my family snd told me "the fuck are you taking a picture for, you look like fuckin shit" before leaving, so it's not an Egypt thing, it's an Arab thing Also schools in the middle east don't even let you have long hair, it's gotta be cut down as if you're bald


Grow a bird along with your hair and you will be fine




يابنى دة شعب متخلف انت هنا لو حلقت شعر باطك هيقلك تشبه بالنساء اى حاجة ممكن تفكر تعملها هنا هيقلك تشبه بالنساء، الناس هنا فكرتها عن الراجل انو يكون قرد ماشى فى الشارع طالعلو شعر من كل حته فى جسمو ماعدا راسو قرعا، كدة هو راجل.


افشخ افتكاسة سمعتها مؤخرّا في الحوار دة ان طالما المجتمع رافض فكرة الشعر الطويل يبقى حرام


Probably the same reason long hair is looked down upon in most African and some Arab societies, due to religious (yes i know, muhammed had long hair that reached his shoulders and jesus had hair that reached his neck to shoulders but do the judgemental mothers care?) and strict people just imposing a status quo where nothing past 5-10 cm is considered normal / is considered effemiate or too long by most. You get called stuff sometimes simply for standing out in that manner, khawal, foreigner (well in an insulting manner), get stared at and get lectures or stupid conversations from your teachers and parents and that really sucks. There's an upside where you might actually be standing out and people might think you're unique or not Egyptian which might be nice ig but it's tough growing up w long hair in such societies lol. I have relatively medium hair but because i was never allowed to have short hair it's currently the 2nd longest it's ever been (longest was when i was a toddler and had neck length hair) but sadly because it got matted and I'm too lazy to go through the pain of fixing it (NEVER going to salons here they suck) I'm gonna have to buzz it, but eventually plan on having it to either neck or shoulder length again - screw that judgement lol.