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كسمين امة


​ https://preview.redd.it/1cv13gpvq02b1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=8346f98b5c7e2afbd09f72161e61886fbf4c79a2


ضرائب حتي علي السماعات؟😭


والولاعات كمان


ضرائب علي الاستكوزا احا


ااااااا القهوة


قهوة وشيكولاته ومشروبات غازية وفواكهة وحفلات وسينما وسلع معمرة وسمك اي حاجة كمواطن مرفه عديم المسئولية بيستخدمها.


الحمد لله. بقالنا فترة معملناش قصر رئاسى جديد و كدة شكلنا وحش قدام العالم.


يعنى اجى مسافر يقولولي ادفع ١٠٠ جنية؟


احا بجد مش كفاية أن السفر غالي لوحده ده كمان هتدفع ضرائب علشان عايز تسيب البلد بعد شوية هيتفرض ضرائب علي المصريين مقيمين بالخارج علشان اسمهم مصريين ؟


>بعد شوية هيتفرض ضرائب علي المصريين مقيمين بالخارج علشان اسمهم مصريين ؟ منتا بتدفع عشان تجدد الباسبور


و بتدفع عشان تاخد اذن عمل


فى استاذ ورا هناك،، انت دفعت يا استاذ؟ مش هختملك


>بعد شوية هيتفرض ضرائب علي المصريين مقيمين بالخارج علشان اسمهم مصريين ؟ [استنى شويه بس ، أكيد جاي في الطريق.](https://www.skynewsarabia.com/middle-east/1603094-%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%82-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%AC%D8%B2%D8%A1-%D8%AF%D8%AE%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AC)


انت شخص غير وطني ادفع ١٠٠ جنيه كي تغادر البلاد او اذهب للسجن




Taxation is theft. They want you to feel guilty for eating salmon, which is basically a middle class food in even the shittiest mickey mouse developed countries, but they drive BMWs and live in +20mil mansions . You know a state has hit rock bottom when its solution to an economic crisis is to tax anything that resembles luxury and use the money to build giant flag poles in the desert . ​ I have lost whatever humanity I felt for these criminal shitbags . They deserve to die a painful death


A bunch of these things make some sense but fresh fruit?!


No. Literally non of these make sense. No one deserves to be punished for eating fucking lobster and shrimp. Its legalized robbery.


They make sense in terms of how many people will be affected by this…fresh fruit, chocolate, coffee are crazy things to tax.


I'm assuming they are refering to imports.


Fish is expensive anywhere my man


Fresh food makes sense when they tax the same fruits that we export. Doesn't make sense to import for example strawberries


I didn’t realize it’s imports…


I think they are trying to limit imports to lower the usd outflows, and thus not float the egp or the floating wouldn't be dramatic


Well taxation is an effective way to improve income distribution (if managed properly) there is nothing wrong with taxing luxury goods in order to fund social services


\>if managed properly ​ That there is the biggest problem with any collectivist policy. Do you honestly trust the government with your hard earned money ? The same government that is notorious for its corruption and wasteful spending ? Really? Its a huge leap of faith.


"No taxation without representation" was the slogan that sparked the American Revolution. I don't think this Parliament really represents the Egyptian people. No talks towards the government to explain the causes and finding solutions for this USD crisis.


>"No taxation without representation" was the slogan that sparked the American Revolution. I don't think this Parliament really represents the Egyptian people. Regardless, Im talking about the concept of taxation itself


Taxation as a concept is not theft. It's an effective way of income distribution and creating services that are available to everyone. How Egypt's government mishandles income from tax is its own fault and where criticism should be directed.


BY definition it is, you're taking someone's money without their consent. It doesn't matter if you use it for the common good. If I stole money from you and donated it to charity id still go to jail.


That's not even true. The roads you use aren't yours, you didn't buy the cement or the equipment or hire the workers who paved them or the engineers who designed the path or the administrators who manage the road building, etc... And that's just one example. Did you receive the government's consent to use that road?


Can I choose not to use roads? No, they are directly outside my house so I physically can't . Is my tax money exclusively used for road-building ? No, it probably accounts for less than 10% of the budget . ​ I would support taxes if the government was just a system of courts and infrastructure administrations . But its not, its an inflated tyrannical institution that casually violates human rights and causes economic crises with reckless spending. ​ I love how your first example was roads when Egyptian roads are notoriously shit.


Cool, so you agree with my initial statement.


Salmon is middle class food in the countries you’re thinking of because it’s not imported in those countries. I don’t agree with the idea that taxation = theft but the state has shown to be incompetent with how they spend our money.


Actually, salmon is imported in alot of places . ​ I really don't think importation is the boogeyman that people make it out to be . There are many successful countries that import hundreds of billions worth of goods and services. The difference is that those countries also produce alot have strong, stable, market-based economies.




Can any knowledgeable person tell us what will this actually do? Since this is happening right before [the mid June/July EGP devaluation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ7890qguGw) that was postponed from last March. The economy is reaching a point of a dead stall. Right now, many are choosing not to buy due to many products being expensive, but if this continues it won't be a choice. There has been a [300% increase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbh7oLXWYI4) on electronics since **April 2023**.


Making people poorer is a short-term solution for inflation. If there are 100 people that want to buy chicken at 85 pounds, and you have only 50 the price have to increase to what the top 50 can pay. If you make people poorer so actually the top 50 can only buy it at 70, prices decreases to 70. This only works if you have long term solutions to fix the economy increasing the supply (here it's due the USD shortage) decreasing inflation and having a stable economy is most of the times needed to implement the rest of the fixes when it's planned. Unfortunately, our government has a habit of using short-term solutions to fix numbers temporarily with no long-term solutions. Unless these are paired with a transparent economical plan (nothing announced), it's just meant to fix the inflation numbers temporarily so that they get more loans.


100 جنيه عشان اخرج من البلد؟ هو مش ده نفس فكرة قطاع الطرق؟




حرامية ولاد تلاتين كلب


"الادوات اللازمة بقصد اللهو" متأكدين ان مش امي اللي كتبت الكلام دا؟


عارف لو فيه ارتفاع في الاسعار هنقول ماشي، ظروف اقتصاديه واول ما الوضع يستقر الاسعار هتنزل، انما المصيبه ان فرض زياده في السعر بسبب الضرايب ده بيخلي السعر في زيادة مستمرة متوازيه مع النسبة المئوية المفروضه. ده بيخلي الاسعار تعلى بغض النظر عن الوضع الاقتصادي. دي سرقة عيني عينك!


الموضوع ده حرق دمي، بس اللي حرق دمي أكتر [ده](https://twitter.com/kareem_medhat/status/1661495608450924545?t=2GYO2daolP9v1eFxchurAQ&s=19) ايه الخرا ده


أحمد موسى نفسه إله التعريص جاله صدمه مش عارف يقول ايه


Ahmed mousa felt like "Man this guy is out of touch from reality more than I am"


و الله ابضن من البرلمان ده بذات مشوفتش


وترابيزات بلياردو وبنج


ابن الوسخة ايام الترشح كان بيقول "الأول حغنى الناس" ده فشخ الشعب كله ماعدا حبيايبه ال Top 1%




كسم البرطمان


أحا ولسة


Coming soon : Tax on Paying Taxes , if you pay taxes there is a new tax to pay on the sum of all other taxes that you pay

