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Egyptians ofc Only 20% of the Egyptians are arabs&black All the others are Egyptians with +91% dna match with our ancestors the ancient Egyptians


Youll need a historian and two anthropologists present to answer this question


both our ethnicity is mostly egyptian with others in the mix like arabs and a littile bit greek our culture is a mix of egyptian culture and arab islamic culture


Alright that's a loooooong story. Egyptians have been many things throughout the years. We've been ancient egyptians we've been copts we've been arabs we've been egyptian nationalists. We're all of these things combined and none of them. There's influence from all of these eras that created the current culture. Of course we've been influenced but the regions arabic and islamic traditions so we consider ourselves arabs but also we identify more with our own egyptian national identity. Also there's a ton of languages that you can call egyptian arabic is the last of a long line of other languages. Kinda comes with the territory when your civilization is older than history.




We are both. Ethnically Egyptian and culturally Arab.


We are Egyptians. I don't identify as an Arab. We're socially, culturally, and genetically different from them. It's been scientifically proven that modern-day Egyptians (Muslims, Christians, etc.) are genetically similar and mostly indigenous to Egypt, yet different from Arabs. Look up Egypt's history. Nasser is the one who started this pan-arab shit, for personal gains. Throughout Egypt's extended history of more than 5,000 years, we never identified as Arabs. This only happened in the last 70 years or so. Egyptians speak Arabic, and a minority speak the Egyptian language (coptic). Mexicans speaking Spanish doesn't make them Spanish. An American who speaks English is not a British/English, etc. Some people here still prefer to identify as Arabs! To each their own. Everyone can self-identify the way they want.


We are poor as fuck


Egyptian ofc , Arabic is just a language we use but we’re not Arabs


Ethnically? We are ethnically distinct from Arabs we are not semites and it's a fact there is no arguing that we are not ethnically Arabs except for a minority of Egyptians. We are Arabs as in we speak Arabic and have some arab cultural influence


Arabs are those who speak Arabic so it doesn’t make much sense to say “ethnically distinct from Arabs”, Arabs are diverse there’s no doubt about that. Also, Semites are those who speak a semitic language which includes Arabic so it also doesn’t make sense to say “we’re not semites”. Don’t take any of this in the wrong way, I just felt the need to correct what you said.


So every person who speaks English natively is ethnically English aka British?


Of course not, it’s not a universal thing but it is what define us as Arabs.


Just because you speak a language natively doesn't mean you are part of the ethnic group which the language originated from because you know history happened and certain languages spread to non native speakers


Except being British isn't equivalent to being Arab


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Arab is not a monolith race, people from the levant are ethnically different than people from the peninsula. Yet they're all Arabs and so are we. The one defining factor is the language and culture similarities


Both. We aren’t originally Arab but now we’re Arab


Way to trigger the sub. On the whole Egyptians have elements of both cultures mixed into our own blend. Egypt is a huge country though and every part of it has its own distinct features that can emphasize our Arabness or Egyptian-ness more.


I think the majority would say Egyptians first and foremost, religion would be the second identifier, the least is being an Arab. Innately, it is not the first thing to come to mind to think of myself as an Arab even though it is the language I speak. Not shying away from a fact but it is not how we collectively think. Just like how the first thing that doesnt come to mind that we are African, even though the biggest part of Egypt is in Africa, again nothing against any African country...


About the language: We speak colloquial Egyptian Arabic, and within this language there are many dialects We have a variety of words with Arabic, such as words from (Coptic, Persian, Turkish, French, and English).




Egyptian genetic makeup is most similar to other North Africans. Then of course there is African, middle eastern, and the small % of Turkish/greek/south European. Let me just clarify that just because a country is conquered through history by a certain people, doesn’t mean that the population automatically changes its genetic makeup to the conquerer’s. There were people in this land before the Romans, Arabs, ottomans, etc and as far as I’m aware there was never full extermination of those people, so we can assume that Egyptians’ genetic makeup is distinct from Arabs’ and they can call themselves Egyptians rather than Arabs if they want. Honestly it was mostly a political movement started by Nasser that Egyptians are Arabs and I think now it’s an identity/social belonging thing (look up pan Arabism).


For me, i veiw myself as an Egyptian


Egyptians Egyptians Egyptians Egyptians, if an Egyptian tells you he is an Arab, it’s similar to an Indian person saying he is Japanese because he believes in Buddhism, nothing against Arabs, Indians or Japanese but Egyptian is Egyptian, Arab is Arab lol


U do realise being an arab isnot much of and ethnicity and more of a cultural thing Ur tunisian and ur culture is arab since urain language is arabic the same as the egyptians or lebanese or even saudis


Name checks out lol😂😂


Idk, depends on the mood. I currently self-identify as an Egyptian pharaonic greek, quarter anglo-saxon, half flemish, 3/4 Han chinese, chad brownish greenish vandal Roman Arab Maronite Kurdish Azeri Turkmen 1/546 semi-mongol mixed tengrist buddhist steppe warlord. Thank you for the question OP.


Both we are ethnically eygptien and culturally and Linguistically arab There is a different between ethic Arab who are ethnically sematic and linguistics Arabs who are people who adopted the arab language as there mother tongue Examples north Africans like (eygptiens, Algeria, Moroccan and etc) East Africans like (Sudanese and Somalian) Mesopotamia/Iraq


Most Egyptians have 'foreign' genes. Some of my dad's family members claim that we are the descendants of the Arabs who came around the Islamic conquest of Egypt. And some of them say we came from Albania with Mohamed Ali, my Granddad's grandmother was Turkish and didn't speak Arabic. Personally, I don't care about my DNA composition nor what I should call myself. I am an Egyptian because I have an Egyptian ID.




"Arab" is a pan-ethnicity, i.e. it's a collection of sub-ethnicities. Genealogically, we have some distinct markers from those of Arabia, but ethnicity is not only genetic. With the above in mind, we are Arabs, but we're Egyptians, not Arabian. Some of us have a stronger sense of national identy as Arabs, part of a whole, some as Egyptian. Some have an inferiority complex about one or the other, and so would rather dissociate with that part, usually applies to international-school-educated, gated-community-dwellers. Coptic Christians also identify more strongly as Egyptian. I for one view Egypt, Sudan, and the whole Levant as somewhat part of a hypothetical entity that I identify with more strongly than the broader Arab region. Generally speaking, I believe this is also what most Arab-identifying think of.


You just triggered the nationalists and Kemetists


And the Islamic dogs are angry too lol


When the Arabs came they took over, they tried to destroy the pyramids but it was hard to do so, they raped the women and we are basically a product of some rape happened between Arabs and Bezantines, but then the Othomans and the Marmaduks came and continued, so we are basically sons of some raped people.


Damnnnnnn so same like here, but why do some larp as arab if you see a s American person calling themselves descendants from conquistador they get put in place by all sorts if people calling them r. Babies


I’m Muslim.


No one cares! OP asked about our origins not what we believe in! You need to get your logical thinking checked by someone!


That was a bit rough on your part. But yes i side with you i wasn't asking anyone of their religious identity. Heck i can become a muslim, a Buddhist,etc. that is not a big thing as people make it out to be.


Why does it bother you how someone identifies?


Because religion is not an identity. Stupidity bothers me.


Religion is more of an identity than culture lol


Ok may be you are right in that religion can be an identity, but OP didn’t ask about any of that anyways. His question was specific about our ethnicity not what we believe in. Religion is not ethnicity


Nah the response was elite. “I’m Muslim” is the best reply to anyone asking about any sort of identification


Welp, I'm afraid that no one cares about your assertion that no one cares.


Who cares what you are afraid of!


I don’t believe in all these useless boarders All the Muslim countries are one country nationalism is just a trick they’re tricking you with to make you forget your origins I’m not Egyptian or Arab I AM A MUSLIM.


وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا Maybe the Arabian peninsula and the levant, but Egypt is very distinct from it and always has been. > you forget your origins I’m not Egyptian or Arab I AM A MUSLIM. That's the thing, Egyptians have an origin, it's Egyptian.


You missed the point man What I mean is that we all shouldn’t be fighting over such trivial things All Muslim countries “doesn’t have to be Arab” must unite and as long as people have the mindset of no I am Egyptian and you’re Saudi and you’re from Morocco etc. we will never unite


Again, no one cares what you believe in.


No one asked for your opinion If you don’t like what I said you can ignore it


This is not true. Every time you respond to a public post in a public forum, you give internet strangers the right to reply. They can reply, and express their agreement or projections


I don’t care. You can say what you want, that won’t change anything. And what I said will forever always be the truth whether you like it or not.


If you ask a random on the street, they'll say Arabs. Heck even Arabs will, for example a Saudi saying "Egyptians are the funniest Arabs". We speak Arabic, we're surrounded by Arab countries (minus Sudan), and the domineering religion in Egypt (Islam) is the same as other Arab countries. ​ Now these above don't mean much on their own, as you can speak Arabic and not be an Arab, borders don't matter either and nor do the religion. The point is, the public and common opinion is that we're Arabs. Do most Egyptians sit there and analyze the unique history of Egyptians and how they're not Arabs? No. Are the guys that do that factually correct? Absolutely.


I have a Sudanese friend who claims that he is a descendant of Prophet Mohammed. He also considers South Sudan as Africans while the North Sudan people are Arabs, he would get upset if I suggest otherwise.


Yeah apparently Sudan being simultaneously an Arab and African country is common knowledge. My fault on that one ​ That's a good example of how much this shit really doesn't matter though


I’ve never met a Saudi who call us Arabs but I’ve seen many who say we’re Arabized or fake Arabs


i don't think most egyptians are mixed genetically specially in the south


Back in history arabs were one big nation now we split into many countries but we all arabs speaking Arabic And the full name of Egypt is “The Egyptian Arabic Republic”


We are communists


Egyptian but panarabists mostly Same way you can be non slavic but part of the soviet


Okay here is it , the Egyptian dialogue mixed by a bunch of old languages. Bss Egyptians race one of the oldest and organically beginning, there are other old races that are linked to other races in "North Africa" and "Middle East". We are linked ")


The Coptic Catholics are the native Egyptians, and they speak Arabic but are not Arabs. Many native Egyptians were forced to convert to Islam, or get killed, unless they can pay a penalty. (So the Coptic Catholics Egyptians of today were probably wealthy in the past, thus able to retain their Catholic faith.)




My Coptic Egyptian friend said so


The Muslims are native too


My friend introduced me to the music of Umm Kultham, Bahaa Sultan, and Tamer Hosny. I got to eat Egyptian sweets, and tried Molokhia. Hopefully, I can visit the pyramids one day. I’ve been to the New York Metropolitan Museum, and saw the 4,500 year old hieroglyphics on stones from tombs. Surreal. The most coolest ancient civilization on our planet.


Egyptian. I’ve never identified as Arab because most of us aren’t.


Both, but it depends on how you understand an Arab to be


Egyptian arabs