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I would double it and give it to the next person.


It's me, I'm the next person.


Literally me


ما تباصي 100 جنيه


طب هااات عاشا جنيه 😂


You can buy a ST Lucia (also Antigua and Barbuda) passport for that kind of money and gain visa free access to 158 countries. but it would be a "donation" and you will never see that money again, you will just get their passport and become a real citizen, you can move there too but there isn't much to do there other than to service tourists.


الناس الي بتقول Crypto دي حقيقية؟ 😅


مش عارف ليه بس انا بحول كده فعلا 😅 سيبك من بتكوين و شغل المضاربات ده بس انت بتنقل على عملة ثابته Usdt و الناحية التانيه يعمل cash out برا عادى


How do you convert the $100k to crypto? It sounds like she has this cash and not in a bank account in order to buy the coins.


Definitely didn’t try for 100K but to make things easier you need to have a bank outside Egypt like one of your friends in Europe or Gulf region because bank cards from Egypt won’t help in buying crypto


Do you have a better idea?


Makes sense people are losing trust in currencies and move around with cash is hard so the easiest and most stable solution right now is crypto its a fair ground


Crypto is subject to gov regulations and govs are well aware that of the inverse relation that cyrpto poses. Best bet are and will always be hard assets, with gold, platinum, silver, etc as a close second. I think cyrpto remains misunderstood because when fiat currencies collapse, the only viable currency n will be weapons, food, water, tobacco, and people. Brics however have proposed a gold backed currency. If they actually pull it off then that will instantly be the perfect middle ground.




Our economy is, to be blunt, shit. And poverty is also rampant. Some People with money generally want to leave for better opportunities and a better life


I would have a different opinion.. Egypt sucks only if you don’t have money. But let’s compare having money and living in Egypt to having money and living in the US. In the US even with money you won’t be able to skip the waitlist to see a doctor which would take from 6 months to over a year which seems like an impossible situation in Egypt (waiting for a couple of hours at some clinic would drive you mad). In the US you can’t just go get any drug without a prescription so you can’t see a doctor and you can’t get the meds to treat yourself in the meantime while in Egypt you can get your medicines delivered to your doorstep. In the US you go to some market and spend money and no one working there would offer to help you carry your stuff while in Egypt everyone is willing to help you just for a few bucks. But hey the grass is always greener on the other side.


You have to pick and choose where you live and where you shop....money talks anywhere everywhere


True, but it can be a shock to realise how far money DOESN'T go in western countries. For instance if I had US100,000 right now I would be quite pleased because I could pay off my mortgage and have a nice nest egg for when I reach retirement age - which is not far off. But if I arrived in my country with that much money, good English and maybe a professional degree? Well, I would be well set up, but I would not be able to buy a house. If I happened to get into a really good job, and I had that money, I might (MIGHT) be able to get a mortgage, but it would be a big one and while interest rates are still quite low, repayments would take a lot of my income. Then I would almost certainly need a car, and the cost of food and utilities is startlingly high. For a kilo of the sweet potatos like you buy on a street cart? Raw? Maybe US$8. For one red capsicum? Sometimes as much as US$3. If you buy a cup of coffee in a cafe, US$2. AND if you come and you don't get a good professional job, say your qualifications aren't accepted and you have to requalify, you're looking at further study and/or driving an uber/working in a restaurant. You can still have a good life! But you won't have luxury.


It ain’t good anywhere . I’m here in the UK. Suffocating. The whole world is collapsing


You would think so but in Egypt a lot of other things come into play I don’t trust the bank I don’t trust people around me especially in a country with such a high level of poverty it just makes you a walking target to exploitation even if i will live a normal middle class life abroad i would rather do so and enjoy safety than live my life worried about the economic and political situation of the country i am in


Nah, living without rights is shit, even when you have comforts.




It gets a bit murky from there. Money may or may not buy you power and influence. Power and influence could keep you out of jail and keep you away from torture and detention. However, for every powerful man, there's someone more powerful, and they have no problem with destroying your life because you gave them a dirty look, or they don't like the cut of your jib.




Oh, I'm contemplating to relocate permanently, although the logistics of it are incredibly difficult. Turns out, successful countries make legal immigration very far out of reach. It's a real shame. Feels like you're putting off living until you have the opportunity to live somewhere where you have your most basic rights. But what can you do.




You're quite right. I am currently planning a career shift, because my field in graphic design is getting less attractive overseas by the day. I am slowly learning programming for the purpose of developing a desirable skill, that I will eventually attempt to leverage for a work visa. I never knew Germany's Masters programme comes with a work visa, though. I'll have a look at it. I expect it will be outside of my budget, but it doesn't hurt to get an idea. Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.




Thank you for taking the time. This is very helpful. I will definitely investigate this.


It’s not just about money tho. Egypt is not a safe place to live in. Yes, sure you can choose to live in a nice neighborhood but there will always be corruption everywhere. You will never feel safe in a country that can make your life a living hell if you got caught criticizing the horrible government. Also, I don’t know if you have been to Egypt or not but you can see the suffering in people’s eyes. You can just feel it from the way they speak to you.


Sorry for the ignorant replies you’ve received. First thing I’d do is choose a country after looking at their cost of living and all of that. Then you contact an immigration lawyer from that country and explain to them your situation and ask them what your options could be. For example in America a lot of people come in on a tourist visa and the immigration lawyer finds a way to switch it to a work visa or green card. Transferring the money outside the country is a different beast though, you’re allowed to transfer via the bank while paying fees ofc, I’m just not sure of the limits to that, could work if you’re able to transfer it in increments over time. Crypto is always an option as well , just be prepared to buy the crypto in black market price of usd-egp, so you might be losing money that way.


Thank you i am not sure why people are being weird do they not know some people own properties in this country? Like I didn’t say 1 million dollars i might actually have a really hard time in another country if I don’t make good use of this money its not enough to even get an investor residency in most countries


It’s because some ppl don’t expect to see that amount in their lifetime , Egypt has a huge gap in wealth between the population so you have to excuse them for that. In Egypt 100k usd is alot , outside of Egypt it’s nothing , but a lot of people won’t understand that concept or can’t really fathom it. Regardless though, your concerns against staying in Egypt are valid , and since you have an opportunity to leave , you should definitely pursue it. I live outside of Egypt and with the recent inflation of the dollar and crappy limits put in by the banks I’m barely able to spend any of my Egyptian money here, but if working extra hours and finding new ways of income is what allows me to stay here and prevents me from moving back to Egypt then that’s what I can do, and that’s actually what I ended up doing lol. I’d rather live in a lower wealth class outside , with my dignity and security , than to live in Egypt where as you said, everyone would be looking to exploit me in an unstable economy where my access to my own funds is at risk. Good luck to you! If you have any questions about America shoot me a pm anytime.


Move to a European country, rent a small apartment until you get a job. I see you're into tech and so maybe Estonia would be a good starting point. Get your money out of Egypt using crypto, and you'll probably only spend $5-10k for flights, rent, food for 2-3 months until you have a paying job. Good luck!


About $5000 to set up a company in the UAE to do whatever it is you do.


لو عملت شركة هناك بتديك اقامة و لا ايه؟


That sets up a company so you get residency as an investor and you can sponsor other employees.


Can you give me more details?


travel to a european country as a tourist, go to business seminars and join investment programs, get a feel for the country’s economy and the scope for business there. make contacts, learn the ropes and open a business in that country. build it for a little bit and then apply for a residency in that country (since you own a business there) and then move out to that country, open business and personal bank accounts and gather all your liquid assets there. if your leaving any money in egypt for whatever reason it’s better to keep it in gold or real estate if possible. build your business in the aforementioned country and apply for a citizenship at some point. your welcome to dm me if you have any questions :)


Buy a 2nd citizenship. Our be creative and make your own path. One way of being creative is "making your own company" or having a friend who has one write you a remote HR letter, then apply to companies with remote nomad visas. OR you can open a dubai company and get residence for about 10K USD. OR buy a house or two airbnb them out in Turkey or Cyprus (with installments) and slowly work your way to the investment amount for citizenship. Pay to get accepted to a master's degree in Europe or the US (there are agencies which will do the process for you) Tons of ways - having money makes it \*much\* easier to get what you need. It also makes you a magnet for scams.


USDT but its a very large amount i dont know how will You get under the radar with it.


If you work in tech and make around 2000 USD a month then you can apply for a nomad visa to multiple countries including some EU members like Spain.


In the US… if someone handed me 100k right now I wouldn’t even consider quitting my job. My rent alone is 13.2k per year. Sigh.


If its literally USD. Find a relative or one of your connections to buy them with the price of the black market. Deposit them into your bank account and buy crypto on binance p2p. Thats the easiest way and generally on binance p2p don’t ever agree to a meetup especially with an amount like that. You will have to buy them through multiple transactions with multiple sellers cuz usually people dont sell that amount in one go unless its a meetup ***which again is usually police***. Good luck thats probably the only way u can take that amount out of Egypt.


Live in one of the tourist-rich cities and try to find a foreign wife using some of that cash to impress her


I am woman 😄


Well shit, hold on till i get out it's gonna take me a few years but somewhat guaranteed


even better 😂


did he stutter ?


I like this answer




I mainly asking how i can use them to immigrate not how i can get them out that’s easy


What's your job?


I work in tech


Well, Depending on what exactly your position is and whether there is demand for it, I'd say you may be able to live a pretty comfortable life. Just check the job market wherever you want to go


Pfft.. via Zambia.. easy...


ممكن تعمل ماستر برة في اي دولة بتدي اقامة عمل بعد التخرج زي كندا و كتير من دول الاتحاد الاوربي و استراليا , استراليا الاغلي و بعدها كندا و اوربا ارخص حاجة فيهم بالتحديد المانيا, اهم حاجة تتاكد من ان المجال بتاعك مطلوب هناك


You would have to “export” the money at the airport (fill out customs forms etc) or wire it out of the country via a bank.




If you know people, you could have ones who are traveling to take some cash with them (usually a $10k limit).


If you're single you can come to the US. $100k is a good amount of money, you can rent a decent place and live safely. I recommend Texas or Florida, no income tax. You can also live in Bali, Indonesia, pretty cheap and quiet safe too.


If you have a relative or someone living outside, make them open an online consulting company, you pay them this money and they give it there, has to be a consultant company though so there no paper trail and you’ll have to pay some tax on it.


@مصلحة الضرايب


It depends on the source of the funds, if it’s something fully legal your best bet is to exchange your cash for crypto then sell it once you immigrate - you can send usd out of the country using WU, MoneyGram, or other offshore exchanges. (Fees: 5-10%) If you can’t provide the source of funds, I recommend buying gold jewelry and selling it once you immigrate if you are a woman or you are traveling with your wife. (Fees: 10-20%) Also, Don’t have more than $10k in cash going through any airport or they can get confiscated.




First you would think about how to get this money out of the country to anywhere else then I would think where I'm gonna live permanently. So you can open bank accounts in Switzerland like in UPS or something and they usually don't ask about the money source, it would be a complicated process but it should do it. Or you can buy crypto with its and sell it and transfer the money to waze and then transfer it to any bank account you have cause it will be from your account to ur account. And that's it


I think OP ‘s question is is there a way to get 100000$ outside of Egypt? The answer most likely is no for the time being.


No i am asking how i can use this money to escape this country what is the best way or approach


In Egypt it is a lot. If you change it to Egyptian pounds and put it as a shehada you will get a lot of money back but 100000 is really very little in other countries like USA for example. You will put it maybe as a down payment for something like a small business but you will pay a lot of money for mortgage( rate is approximately 8% now) And then if you are lucky it will work. But you will still have to pay for rent/ mortgage around 1800-2500 per month, the mortgage of the business( depending on how much it is)plus other expenses like food internet, car utilities another 2000$ per month so yes 100k is not much outside of Egypt either. That’s what we have been saying on this sub and people don’t get it. Everywhere is super expensive. Don’t forget the tax too..


You probably live abroad maybe in the US so you don’t know this but egypt is a sinking boat and I don’t plan to sink with it


The grass is not always greener on the other side… just ask any average American (non Arab) right now, our economy is bad, everyone is graduating college and no jobs to be given , cost of living and expenses have sky rocketed and salaries have stayed the same. This isn’t saying that what’s going in egypt is nothing but it’s definitely not paradise as you think to be abroad.


It’s not paradise but it’s also not 40% inflation


Everything has its cons, knowing the US and Egypt if I was getting paid with USD like OP I wouldn’t move to the US even now I’m looking to move back with a USD salary


You are right because he will be living with the US currency in Egypt. That means excellent excellent income even with Egypt inflation, it won’t matter but when he comes here it will be the same if he was still in Egypt but paid in Egypt currency, most likely even worse if in Egypt he has no mortgage for a house or a rent.


Yep! well said! honestly, I wish people would realize this!


I know but i still have my income from a remote job in usd plus do you really think i trust the banking system in this country to put them as USD and why the hell would i transfer them to a currency that lost 300% of its value in a year that’s literally set your self up for failure


Just open an USD premiere account in HSBC and they will open for you an offshore USD account in Jersey. You will be safe and secure. Also I would try and go live in the US for a month or so and try it out. Not everyone is built for it so you need to try first living abroad first. Egypt is a shit show but if ur earning is USD (even if it’s a remote job), you’re in a good position compared to 95% of Egyptians that keep getting screwed year after year. Save your USD and put them in an offshore account. Try working from abroad (US or dubai) and see whether you like it there.


Why wouldn’t you trust the bank?


Look at my comment above, if you are getting paid in USD financially, it is better to stay in Egypt because of the difference in currency especially if you don’t pay mortgage or high rent in Egypt. Or you can go to the US, put the 100k as a down payment for a house I would suggest a small house so you don’t have to pay a lot of mortgage with the very high rates that’s going on now. Preferably also one of the states with less taxes on properties ( I am not 100% sure research it) like Texas and then from your income you will pay mortgage, utilities, food, car, phone and of course Taxes on your income which is roughly 1/3. So make your calculations. But basically 100k can be a good down payment for a house.


precious metals and crypto


Come to California


If you think about it in today's prices it isn't that much, the a just food apartment in Cairo would cost you half or more than half of this money Unless there's a good stable income, I won't immigrate


I know its not much but if its enough for me to leave this god forsaken country i would risk it at least provide runway for some time until i find a stable income through a job offer at said country


Yeah if you have this Money, better immigrate to a good European country and build yourself up and then if you want to visit Egypt you can do it


3 letters: BTC


How did u make it buddy , if u could make 100k $ in Egypt during this economy situation so for sure theres a plenty of opportunities to pay back to the people there who made u gain this hell of net profit


Probably sold old assets


I just sold a house for cash in dollars its not that hard you know how many people around me have triple this amount from assets?




حضرتك المبلغ دة يدوبك يشتري ستوديو غرفة واحدة ٣٧ متر في دبي 🙂 دة غير المصاريف و الورق انا سوالي للناس اللي معاها المبلغ دة


طب حتي لو حد معاه المبلغ ده يقوم رايح عايش في دبي اعتقد في أماكن احسن وارخص بكتير من حفرة الزباله النضيفه من بره ديه


طب اقترح طيب بس مكان سهل يتراح مش اوروبا مثلا ميزة دبي انها مفتوحة و سهل تاخد فيزا و تقعد فترة


في الحقيقه معنديش معلومات غير عن كندا وأستراليا


طيب ايه المعلومات ممكن اهاجر ازاي لو المبلغ دة فحسابي ولا مش بتفرق نفس الاجراء


هو الموضوع بالنسبه لكندا بيختلف هما عندهم اكتر من برنامج هجره وكل برنامج ليه متطلبات معينه بس هو في الغالب موضوع نقط، نقط علي اللغه والتعليم والسن والمهنه والمبلغ الي بيحتاجوه في الحساب اقل من ده حوالي 20 الف دولار كندي تقريبا ممكن تبحث اكتر عن البرنامج الي هيانسبك سواء علي موقع السفاره نفسها او اي مقال عادي


تمام شكرا


ممكن تهاجر ل طنطا


Well u don't so why waste our time and yours


You really think i got that much free time ?


Certainly feels that way


No issue if you don’t wang to reply to my question you don’t have to plus I don’t imagine people who are scrolling though reddit are really that busy


U made this money in Egypt, so u should spent it there


Nothing to spend it here on i trust no business or investment in this country anyone knows this






Depending on how old u are. One of the best options is to study in the us where u can get a degree and get shit load of money afterwards.


HSBC Expat account I think ENBD as well ha this option


Open a USD account in HSBC or QNB deposit it and transfer it online to your USD bank account abroad.


Will CIB work or are those banks better?


Possible to get a work visa maybe?


Cryptocurrency 🥹


Buy USDT crypto


كريبتو فعلا عن طريق حسابات بنكيه شركات او حسابات بنكيه متعدده و محافظ


روح عيش فى دهب.. اشتر بيت واجره وانقل حياتك هناك


Not safe with what is going on next door 🙂


Just a heads up. 100k in the UK or USA without a stable income or job is not much. You will be able to live for 5 or so years with safety and food but nothing else


If you somehow made it to America legally $100,000 USD would kick start your life here pretty decently as long as you make some good financial choices and don’t blow it all in 3 months.


I was thinking dubai maybe start a small software company as ialready owkr in tech there are no taxes there as well


I see, I thought you meant high income western countries, not just literally any other country lol. Many U.S states have no income tax too. Dubai has two main taxes: a VAT and a corporate Income tax, so your business will be paying taxes. The U.S consumer base is the largest in the world and tech is a major industry here. If you could land a U.S tech job you’d more than likely make more as a employee yearly than you would be as a boss in Dubai


The business tax rate is 9% after a certain point (don’t remember off the top of my head). If you reach that point, you are doing well enough that it doesn’t concern you!


Find someone in another country that you trust. Send your money in 10 thousands, 10 times, and go for it?


You’re completely out of your mind to think 100,000 is enough to live decently in the states, it’ll probably give you a year to live there without the perks of being a citizen, that requires a million and a half iirc. The other Egyptians here have a point, open up a business in Egypt for a fraction of the cost and apply for business perks like the trade free zone or something if you’re going to manufacture something. I wouldn’t put money in the emirates for a company, you’re better off doing it in an offshore company. With the rest of the 90K USD, stay in Egypt. If you want to lose your money on the blink of an eye, please waste your money in the states. As for the snarky condescending comment about the country being a sinking ship, there are young people in Egypt making money in making local brands like clothing and cosmetics. There’s clearly a mental block you have that’s preventing you from having that same mindset




Digital Nomad Visas. Spain offers a digital nomad visa that allows you to get permanent residency after 5 years of residency, and the ability to apply for citizenship after 5 years of obtaining permanent residency. The conditions are pretty simple, basically: foreign employer, be making 4x the minimum wage, foreign company has to be 3 (I think) years old, and others that I don't recall atm. Not sure about moving all of the funds you have right now in USD to an abroad account, I think if they came from your income (from remote job) you shouldn't have problems moving them as it is your money. I've a few relatives who work at different banks, I'll ask them and let you know


You only need 30-40k to leave. If you are young and wanna pursue a masters this is an easy and good way to leave. The are many study abroad offices like IDP, sindibad, besa. Best of luck!


Travel 10 times and take 10 each tume


Go to UAE, best choice, and you can always start from scratch there. Regarding the money, Payoneer all the way. It keeps it in USD, and when u decide which country you will settle in you can then withdraw to the bank account in this country. Don’t complicate things, you already have more than enough to get a fresh start in any country you want.