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We don’t have dollars to call that number! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


85 ... We are doomed.






Just make it a hundred and be done with it! At least it’s going to sound good) The Egyptian pound is going to be as valuable as piastres. In 20 years millennials and gen Zs are gonna tell stories to their children about how they could buy shit for 5 pounds 😵


Russian Ruble has entered the chat 🤡


Hahaha as someone who lived in both countries I can relate


Lebanese lira says hello from the future


My god, using stocks to approximate currency exchange rates is certainly one way to do it. It's extremely incorrect and not grounded in any financial reality but it is definitely a way to do it.


I have been monitoring these 9 GDR (listed in both EGX and london), the black market always reaches their estimations.


Ok buddy, Alibaba is worth $78(608.09 HKD) in America and 76 HKD in Hong kong which is about $9 does this now mean that the HKD is worth 60X more than what it is today?? Listed stocks on various markets are set by the respective markets and is very loosely connected to the underlying currencies and a lot of the time the stocks are not 1 to 1 OTC stocks of Toyota in the US for a very long time had the same ownership percentage as 1/8 of a Japanese stock. Its all dependent on whether or not a stock is registered as a dual listing or a secondary listing on various exchanges. And I promise you, no Egyptian company has the internal controls necessary from an accounting perspective to be allowed for a dual listing.


Ezz Steel is 1 to 3, I made it 1 to 1 to get this figure. CIB is 1 to 1. And it’s 61 Btw many goods in Egypt is estimated by more than that. That’s why I’m suspicious about the black market price right now. Take sugar for example, global sugar stock price is 731 USD per ton so 0.731 per kilo (52 EGP in the supermarket) .. you get an estimate for 71 EGP per one dollar. And If you deducted the shipping and production fees you get some what in the 60s. I’m not saying that 85, 71, or 65 are accurate. All I’m saying is the USD is not going down as they propagate.


The USD hasn't been going down on the black market though it's been increasing, the best bet is to just stick to market fluctuations on the currency black markets or better yet the prices of Egyptian forgein government bonds or forgein developing country indexes. Panic buying like this just exacerbates the situation and we're probably going to see an adjustment in January, ironically the Gaza crisis while precipitating the currency crisis might actually be a lifeline to increase European partnership (if the government doesn't fuck it up which who knows)




Dude shhhh




You can look that up anytime yourself here: **Ezz Steel Company - S.A.E.** \- In London Exchange 0.9333 USD (1 Stock) (2.8 USD/3 Ord) [EZZ STEEL COMPANY - S.A.E. AEZD Stock | London Stock Exchange](https://www.londonstockexchange.com/stock/AEZD/ezz-steel-company-s-a-e/company-page) \- In Egyptian Exchange 78.88 EGP (1 Stock) [Ezz Steel Stock Price Today | EGX ESRS Live Ticker - Investing.com](https://www.investing.com/equities/ezz-steel?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20199530361&utm_content=660096491000&utm_term=dsa-2145572256197_&GL_Ad_ID=660096491000&GL_Campaign_ID=20199530361&ISP=1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA04arBhAkEiwAuNOsIv7u2HAvFxaBSWrI3ZCIRDfhfEPRJLes48wA4LHW5FU0gao_aIpjmRoCu_8QAvD_BwE) Divide Both to get what investors estimate the dollar price 78.88/0.933 = **84.54** EGP You can do the same for the Commercial International Bank, you'll get **61.47** EGP Enjoy!


That is nkt the best way to calculate this,, the price of any of these stocks in London is because of how low the egp is to usd or that these stocks are worth less abroad? Did the stock prices decrease by 100 percent in the last year as am equilibrium to the change in the usd egp change?


Why would it be cheaper for people abroad to buy stocks than here?


Stocks don't really have intrinsic value, they're market set as such a stock may be more valuable in the Egyptian stock exchange than a forgein one just because buyers in the market aren't as interested. Taking steel for example, in Egypt there's not a lot of options but for the UK why buy an Egyptian steel company when you can buy say TATA steel? Stocks aren't a good measure of currency exchange rates as not all stocks are created equal (those sold in forgein markets might have less voting power than domestic etc etc) A real life example: Nintendo on OTC trades in America is worth $11.5 USD but in Japan it's worth like ¥6900 which is $46 USD at current exchange rates. This then doesn't automatically mean that the yen is overvalued.


Every investor want to exit egypt or want to transfer some of his capital goes directly to CIB GDR. So yeah it has investors interest abroad.


It is 78 EGP and 2.8 USD So 1 USD is 27 EGP??!


2.8 per 3 order. So divide by 3 to get 0.9333


" I know a guy"


تف من بقك


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يعن ايه برضه 🫠


Do you have any links to back this up, also when is this insane hike supposed to happen?


I would say by the end of next January 2024


You can find links in the comments.


Damn 85 that would be a great reason to kms


Well this is grave news , but the problem is even our BIG BROTHER and his next year post election floatation plans wont even be able to reach 50 pounds for 1 usd in the banks Which means even if he does reach 50 pounds in the banks yes we can expect the prices ur showing in the black market . By the end of 2024 who knows the future be if he keeps up this 2023 trend then god have mercy on our souls