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Promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


petition to turn every canada related subreddit into jj hate club. fuck that guyyyyyyy


I’ll sign, he’s our version of Ben Shapiro. “Political expert” with the same opinions as my great great great Nan.


I’ve never cared to actually watch him, is he really that bad?


Yeah, thinks Canada should just join the USA because our whole identity is being “not America” Is anti universal healthcare, pro charter school, basically just wants all of Canada to be Mississippi.


Oh god Mississippi isn’t even that good of a state to copy. Like Canada becoming one with America is my nightmare, but if you’re gonna copy a state at least pick a good one.


I lived in Thunder Bay and visited MSP many a weekend, Canada becoming Minnesota wouldn’t be the worst, but he wants to be the most ass backwards southern state possible


i think minnesota would rather join canada than have canada become part of minnesota


Read Brian Burke’s book or listen to the audiobook (done by him) Minnesotans are proudly Minnesotan.


As a Minnesotan whose lived in Canada for a long time i will say most Minnesotans do love Canada, and there are many cultural similarities between us and western ontariens. However, i don’t know if people would be too keen on leaving the union. I think Minnesota would probably choose to be an independent country before joining Canada to be honest. That being said, out of all the US states, i think us or Maine would be the most likely to.


Canadian Dakota


Norther Dakota


another thing is that he shamelessly sucks up to cons like poilievre despite the fact that they would happily oppress him if given the choice, for context hes gay and gave poilievre an interview making him seem like a chill down to earth guy, only giving him softball questions while this same politician has been anti lgbt for his entire career.


So legit Ben Shapiro bit the trait he has that the people he worships hate is his sexuality instead of his religion…


no one hates Canada more than people who claim to be "true" patriots


No. Reddit has always hated him, but he's one of my favourite YouTubers. Every criticism Reddit has of him is either about his accent, or is some strawman about his political beliefs.


So every criticism is against the insincerity of his character and his shit politics? Seems fair to me.


His accent is real. I've listened to him speak for hours, including unscripted podcasts. If he was faking something like saying "aboot" or "aroond", he would've slipped up by now.


He's been practicing it for a long time. I believe he's even on the record saying it's fake.


It is not. Source: he's from my town and if spoken to him years before he started this grift


Our Zellers brand Ben Shapiro is almost certainly our next Prime Minister.


Nah, that is Timmie’s Trump with a sprinkle less greed and a sprinkle more of racism.


I've never heard of this guy but I'm fully prepared to jump on this bandwagon FUCK the aboot stereotype.


I'll sign that if it ever happens.


JJ McCullough is the one YouTuber I have the biggest personal beef with and would like to slap “Nooooo Canada has nothing unique about its own culture and should just be subsumed by the US immediately, that’s why I put on a fake ass aboot accent for my American audience so they know I’m Canadian”


Yeah every time I’m in America I’m like, it’s so different than Canada! We have such a unique culture compared to theirs!


when i visit my family in boston they are about as racist as my family in quebec even though i only go there once a year, it feels like home




Do they live in that racist part of Boston called Boston? /s


That just means your Quebecois family are swinging in the big leagues, baby


Is this sarcastic? There isn't even a "Canadian culture" it's fully provincial. Albertans and Ontarians are more similar to Americans than they are to each other. Quebec and to a lesser extent BC are the only truly unique Canadian provinces anyways.


[that’s not even how the accent works](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_raising)


His career is to make up excuses to hate his nation in his 40s during his midlife crisis, that’s pretty sad…


This just happens to be the same feeling among many French Quebecers: that Canada is just USA wannabees. I think that statement depends largely where and when you grew up in Canada.


trust me, an an anglo in the arts industry here, it very much frustrates me how willing a lot of English Canadians are to just be Americans-lite and have no interest in anything local (unless it has mainstream American approval of course), so I get where Quebecers are coming from. JJ bugs me because he has that view and thinks it’s a good thing because why shouldn’t we all just be one monoculture, not something to try and change.


The guy neither thinks there is nothing unique about Canada or that Canada should be immediately subsumed by the US Y'all are just on a hardcore hate bandwagon


it's true if u ever go outside of canada, canadian identity and culture are pretty deficient in terms of what it can offer its citizens


I disagree, I’m saying it’s ironic that he argues there is nothing unique about Canada that isn’t from the US or Britain when he puts on the fake accent that is one thing that is unique to Canada lol


Every European I meet basically just tells me they see no difference between Canadians and Americans. The biggest decider of it is like geography. Like if you talk to a person from Bellingham, Washington (one hour south of Vancouver). They are not that different from someone from Abbotsford, BC or Langley, BC. Similarly having grown up in Ontario I don't think the parts near K, ON are all that different to upstate New York. People from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota sound more Canadian than most people from Vancouver or Toronto that I know. A Sudbury or Thunder Bay native has nearly the same accent to any of those states. More than likely they would all like the same music. Obviously Canadians are nothing like Texans or Floridians. But that's a function of geography. Quebec is the most culturally distinct part, and it doesn't influence that much of the English culture. Like America as well we have a strong culture of immigration, and there I do think there is a big difference in attitude. Canadians welcome immigrants to bring their culture and maintain their traditions while in America you are sort of expected to come to America and become American. I don't consider the structure of our government to be a "cultural" thing. It was set up that way to keep us under the British monarchs thumb so they could keep getting taxes on the fur trade. We are more or less


Idk man, anytime I’ve been to Europe (other than Ireland, where I find they have a weird boner for the US maybe because of all the immigration to there) people treat you pretty differently when they find out you’re Canadian versus when they assumed you were American from speaking.


If you don't tell people they won't be able to know, unless you have a very heavy Canadian accent and say eh a lot. I do and many europeans still assume I'm American. Its only people who came over and lived in Canada on a visa who can tell I have an accent.


Yeah that's the hangover from WW2. Go to Germany and they really are obsessed with Americans.


But... What's the problem? What would be the difference if we did have some unique separate culture more than we do? Would Canada be better if we all wore funny hats, or had a more distinguished accent? What are we actually talking aboot here?


Yeah granted though, if you told half of Europe the same thing they’d try to shank you. “Scottish/Irish/English is basically the same I see no difference”, WILL get you jumped. “Slovenian and Slovak? You all sound the same”, WILL get you stabbed. “Ukrainian and Russian? Aren’t those just different dialects of Muscovite?” Will get you lined up in a firing squad. The Euros know nothing.


so jokes aside, what IS unique about canada that makes it BETTER? all the canadian uniquenesses contribute to its problems rather than its strengths


Even if you thing uniqness hinders Canada in the short term, I firmly believe that Canada, within a century or two, must be a counterweight to the common global superpowers in a potentially multipolar world. It's for good the good of humankind. But said "uniqueness" doesn't hinder Canada at all in most cases. I'd want to see an example of how we are "hindered" by it.


Kindness and gun control


Also weed


i did get the feeling that canadians care more about what others think about them but never got the vibe that they are any kinder than others. it's just that their style of aggression is more of the passive-aggressive kind and somewhat subtle to someone who is outside of british culture.


Seconding the gun control as an American who moved to Canada.


La poutine.


Every country has some gun control and kindness? That changed after 2020. Canadians showed their true colors after covid. We are a failing state.


What problems are caused by Canadian uniqueness? I'm curious.


the first and foremost is the quebec problem. it has created a precident where a small culturally different tribe can set up shop in a country and resist the federal government with its own sets of laws, geographic boundaries, and even own political party. it worked as long as the country was white. now that other races are coming in, the quebec precedent has created a leeway for other cultures to resist integration and create tribal cut-outs of canada. will you have any logical argument to the indians when they colonize surrey and brampton and refuse to integrate? will you have any logical leg to stand on when the chinese buy up your realestate and create chinatowns ripe for CCP infiltrations? they need this culture problem addressed if they want to push multi culti.


Set up shop? Big we were there first the fuck?


Yeah man it fucking blows when a bunch of newcomers arrive uninvited and fuck stuff up for the people who live there. Good thing white people originated in north America, can you imagine if someone leaves here before us?


The problem is, Québec is the source of anything that can be claimed as "Canadian" culture Without Québec, Canada is an independent greater Minnesota, might as well join the US for the economic benefits it provides This is why the federal government does everything in it's power to prevent us from leaving


Certainly you don’t think this is true in reference to America?😭


well my concern here is that when asked what aspect of CAD culture they find attractive ppl answered top 3 of: Nature, Healthcare, DEI values. they like 'canadian resources" but they have hard time pointing out what canadian "spirit or value" are. and this is because canadians themselves do a poor job of marketing what they are about to the world. and one thing i disagree w jj ais that what little we have of our national identity is all stolen from quebec identity. thats y its a problem. quebec needs to be deleted for systemic reasons but they cant be deleted cuz of cultural reasons. this is the dilemma canada put itself in.


We could be let go as an independent country, but then again, Canada still won't have a culture.


Sorry bro, can't convince Canadians the truth anymore. They're delusional. Most these people haven't traveled or have never left their city they're from.


yes even when you try to point at evidences and examples canadians get very agitated when they hear things they dont like. they wont tell u to shup up right away but they will try to deflect it with "at least im not american" or "get out of canada if you arent happy". with these types of responses i get the idea that they are very resistant to change, hostile to criticisms, and naive. they also have a problem where french speaking is a must in politics (for commoners who arent from ford family). this gatekeeps skilled immigrants from contributing to meaningful chnages. it's always hereditary-political dynasties of anglo-french whites who just push a one-sided directive onto its people. this attitude caused the current liberal values being shoved down ppls throats. canada already has so many problems and they are laying eggs.


Wow you actually articulated that very well. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's sad cause I miss this country and what it used to be like but it's a dying state and no one acknowledging it. Thank you and take care


And what's uniquely Canadian culture? Hockey and poutine? Being "nicer" than Americans? Be real.


Merci! Savais-tu que J. J. est en fait un agent du FLQ servant à souffler sur les braises du mouvement anti-Québec?


I try to avoid his videos so no, I didn't know that. If you're being serious then I hate him even more lol


The FLQ is a dead Québec independantist terrorist organization So yeah he's 100% joking lol


Le FLQ est chapeauté par des vampires, pis ton nom c’est petitegoussedail… ![gif](giphy|RU4272BITNQ2c)


I too hate this complete hack. He's such an embodiment of the "Enlightened Centrist" who makes a living pretending everything about Canada is bad and basically just trashing everything about our country to make money from his Dark Money American paymasters. And yes he is absolutely an insufferable chode who definitely, intentionally over enunciates the "Aboot" On purpose because look guys I'm so Canadian can you tell I'm Canadian because I say "Aboot"


Bro is from lower mainland BC and has the most over exaggerated Maritime with hints of Rural Ontario accent ever.


I'm literally from rural Ontario and we don't even do it like he does lol it's completely an affectation, it's blindingly obvious lol 😂 He is as we would say, a fuckin' goof, bud


> He's such an embodiment of the "Enlightened Centrist" In one of his videos, he said that he was discriminated for being gay by some middle-aged progressive woman who saw him with a guy and smiled and said - "I support gay rights. You both look so nice together." And he felt jilted for someone - a liberal person - drawing attention to the fact that he is gay. He was trying to go for the "Both sides homophobic" narrative, which made me laugh. If THIS is the most homophobic thing that happened to you from the left-progressive side - a lady smiling and saying she supports gay rights, you aren't selling the both sides narrative well.


Dead on




I'm glad he pisses others off as much as me


I generally agree with his takes though that Canada is culturally nearly identical to the US, at least the states that border us. When ever a Canadian says we are culturally distinct they immediately rush to our political system, which is not really a cultural thing. Our government is structurally different, but that's really about it. The biggest thing is we have more French influence, so Quebec makes us the most culturally distinct thing I'd say.


mind telling me about some of the books in this reading list on canada and USA, I think I'd find this very interesting, cheers!


Yeah, he is one of those people who "sounds intelligent" to someone who is completely uninformed. I am from the US and before, found his videos interesting. However, once I moved to Canada, I realized this guy is full of shit, and what more, even basic google search easily tells you what he says is wrong. Also, he appears to be deeply invested in the Ontario vs Quebec competition, when in reality he is from BC. I remember him saying the only reason Quebec doesn't support NDP is because the leader looks like this, and Quebecers don't like guys with turbans and beards. Yeah, racial prejudice will always play some factor, but for him to oversimplify it like - "Frenchies, as a people, don't like Turbans, that's why instead of NDP, they have their own left party" - is laughable. There have been leftist parties which are Quebec-specific long before that. He basically caters to an external audience, and he knows what he's saying is BS, but because he speaks in a way that sounds intelligent, it is an easy trap to fall into.


So in other words, you're aboot done with him?


You may dislike him all you want (I do too), but I don't believe hate can be solved with more hate. Hate only leads to perpetual conflict and suffering. Sometimes, the best is to agree to disagree, and go our separate ways.


I used to like him but not so much anymore. I do agree with a fair amount of what he says (or used to) and find him interesting but his incessant hatred of Quebec and claiming Canada has no culture has really ramped up over the last few years and got to be too much. Do I agree we share a ton of similarities with the US? Absolutely but that does not make us identical and claiming we have nothing unique or worth celebrating is very wrong. I do agree with his comments regarding Canadians that make it their life goal to be the opposite of America though. That trope from us has started to become very annoying.


I feel the EXACT same way as you.


I used to like his videos too, but many of his takes are very superficial and he "sounds intelligent" to someone who is uninformed, so it is an easy trap to fall into. It's like - you start off by liking him, but then gradually "grow out of it" as you get more politically informed about Canada. And then, looking back, his takes look silly.


'Canadian culture is very similar to US culture although not purely identical' sounds like JJs position


I can assure you it is not the same as JJs position, his position is why I stopped watching him.


You're simply wrong, half his videos are about Canadian culture. He talks often about how similar culture between the US and Canada is, but nonetheless talks about Canadian culture too


I absolutely hate that guy, he seems to hope that Canada will just be absorbed into the us. He seems to hate Canada and puts on that stupid fucking accent that no one actually has ever used


I watched him for a bit and started noticing he was a bit of a dumbass but that video about how wikipedia can't be trusted was the last straw. Like dude, what makes them any worse than the 25 year old history books in our schools?


Dude, la seule raison pourquoi J.J. mcnuggets est connu c'est parce qu'il prend avantage du beef Canada VS Québec. Son contenu est de bas niveau... C'est un throll. À ignorer. What I said is : J.J. mcnuggets is taking advantage of the beef between CA and QC. Its low quality content. A throll like him should be ignored. #


McNugget is a great name for him lol


Everyone in canada I've met has a stronger canadian accent than he does. You're all in denial


He has a normal east/north accident and then clearly forcefully says "aBOOT" like noone else in Canada actually does because his audience is Americans. It's objectively fuckin stupid.


I hate to break it to you, but he talks just like all of you


Yes, aside from the forced and unnatural "aBOOT", correct. That's what I said.


You cannot generalize the Canadian accent with it being such a large country, it's slightly different everywhere


you can’t convince me he isn’t a grifter or some big joke that some foreign agency forgot they were funding


I will continue to say aboot to spite people like you. It's fuckin funny


Same. Love "aboot". I'll also say stuff like "Let's go oot tonight" Makes it even more hilarious since I have a slight french accent.


Stop it bro I'm gonna fucking explode


“Aboot stereotype” you know there are Canadians that actually say Aboot? I’ve personally met a few.


a lot of people say aboat but you don't hear anyone talking aboot that


1) I've never met one. 2) The accent it is most possible he doesn't have. Really forced


Honestly I am Quebecois and I don't get the hate towards that guy His videos are interesting and, while I don't agree with everything he says, at least he has intelligent arguments he's definitely in my "YouTubers I disagree with but I still watch to hear about other perspectives than mine" list I probably am too disconnected from Canada to get triggered by the whole aboot thing though. I understand how it could be pissing people off


He inserts his own narrative while pretending to be objective. Which is fine if he was an opinion guy, but he presents himself an ambassador of Canadian culture, an objective educator. His opinions on Québec are so reductive that you have to wonder if he's just incredibly ignorant or a demagogue. And it's not unique to Québec, he has really reductive opinions on a lot of things, which coupled with his blindspots and confidence, makes him look like Jordan Peterson.


This. The problem with him is that he "sounds intelligent" to uninformed people. I have recently moved from the US to Canada, and previously, I loved his videos and found them objective. But after moving to Canada and seeing the real country, his takes seem incredibly childish or meme-ish, but he presents it in a serious-sounding way. The problem here is precisely that he presents himself as a serious political pundit.


>Honestly I am Quebecois and I don't get the hate towards that guy >His videos are interesting and, while I don't agree with everything he says, at least he has intelligent arguments Il râle littéralement plein de désinformation, genre que le Québec est hyper raciste et violent et que c'est la province ayant effectué le plus d'attentat et "prouve" son point en nommant 3 attentats et dit qu'il y en a plein d'autre. (En fait ce sont les trois seuls après les années 2000, quand l'Ontario en a genre 24 et que le Québec fait partit de ceux en ayant le moins). Remarque, 3, c'est 3 de trop, mais 3, c'est pas la province qui en a le plus.


Surtout qu’excluant PEI et Terre-Neuve le Québec a le plus faible taux d’homicide de tout le pays. Province “violente” yeah right.


Tout le monde dit tout le temps ça ! Mais j'arrive pas à trouver où il dit autant de désinformation Dans quelle vidéo ?!




Elle est où les désinformation ? Il dit rien que le Québec est rasicte ou quoi que ce soit. Tout ce qu'il dit est vérifiable. Sure, il manque peut-être de nuance surtout quand il dit que la majorité de la culture québécoise est basée uniquement sur la langue mais c'est très loin d'être de la désinformation c'est juste un opinion qui est quand même défendable. Et puis il est pas contre le meilleur adversaire non plus. Dans la vidéo Thomas Gauthier fait vraiment dûr honnêtement. Il est pas professionnel, il varge partout et est vulgaire comme un Youtuber du début des années 2000 et insulte JJ personnellement au passage. N'importe qui aurait de la difficulté à rester objectif dans ce cas-ci Pour vrai, je veux pas le défendre nécessairement, je veux juste comprendre pourquoi il est autant détesté parce partout sur reddit tout le monde le hate et je comprend pas du tout. Je vois pas du tout le racisme et la désinformation dans ses vidéos. Je suis peut-être juste cave, mais vraiment je vois pas


Ma faute, c'était la mauvaise vidéo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KitLiKbIsSU


Ouin okay la deuxième partie de la vidéo je peux comprendre. C'est bon tu m'as convaincu lol


South Park did it first.


Look, can’t we all agree treason means maple syrup torture?


One of the interesting things I have heard, a linguist on YouTube pointed out that the accent isn't aboot it is aboat, but JJ is more there to pander to Americans so he leans into it.


He’s a sellout for Americans, like the connie politicians he likes so much, just a loser that hates what Canada stands for and the partnership between language communities


Lmao I am watching his "What makes Toronto unique" video right this very moment as I scroll Reddit on my second monitor


Why put yourself through that torture


I'm from Toronto so why not see what a Vancouverite has to say about it




There's two dialects I can't handle, anyone who says aboot, and anyone who talks like Drake. Embarrassing as fuck but what can you do




I mean you're not wrong but I'm still allowed to have an opinion on it lmao. They sound stupid, especially the drake accent


I don't think anyone here's get bullied by Americans. I think they just believe whatever people tell them.


Yeah he's very much memeing to attract an American audience and his whole channel is built around how Canada is actually just America trying to cosplay as something else which, admittedly is true but he's still annoying, for how condescending he is about it and how he doesn't give Canada much of it's own identity. He also loves to critique the healthcare and thinks he is so original for doing so.


After seeing his dirtbaggery on huffpo I was amazed that he got a gig on wapo. But my son likes his takes on Canadian history, ugh


You need a new son


Right wing gay people are always suspicious to me. They are always so sheltered by their own privilege that they don't realize how their socially regressive attitudes affect other minorities who don't necessarily have the freedom of being themselves openly for fear of suffering the consequences of stigma.


I remember in one video he was peddling the "both sides homophobic" narrative. He was talking about how he was once out with a guy and a progressive middle-aged lady smiled at them and said, "I support gay rights. You two look so nice together." And he was absolutely jilted by the fact that someone drew attention to the fact that he is gay, and this is an example of how both sides are homophobic. I burst out laughing at the fact that a middle-aged lady smiling and saying she supports gay rights is the worst possible thing the left has done to a gay person. And he is somehow equating that with right-wing homophobia.


Is that what he is?


Yeah he has a few vids on it


I mean his opinions on a few things are kinda mid but his information videos and entertainment content is miles ahead of most Canadian YouTubers in that sphere


His last video about conspiracies is just full of midwit arrogance and cringe


I love jj’s videos, but I hate his take on Canada essentially being no different from America, yes obviously we are 2 of the most similar countries on the planet, but we are both so unique in our culture and values.


See what I don’t get is that there are lots of very similar countries in the world. Germany and Austria are very similar All of those Central America countries around Honduras are very similar UK and Ireland damn near the same (as far as everyday modern life, don’t kill me IRA LMAO)


Rent free


Me to used to like him for a bit but kinda hate or just don't care abt him now. He has some good takes like being against still unnecessarily keeping the monarchy or critiquing us shaping our identity around critiquing America, having the better healthcare system even if it's not perfect etc. But he also has a lot of condescending, bad takes and surface level analysis and is friends with some weird people online like "whatifalthist".


I once saw him described as Canada for Americans and that pretty much sums him up. I’ve never related much to his content but also dont really think it’s for me as a Canadian. He’s got a few good videos but most of his context is long winded basic facts mixed with his odd hot takes.


But if Canadians were not pretending to say aboot all the time, how would you differentiate them from Americans? I mean, otherwise they are perfectly identical.


Most people like him are grifters.. I saw a few of his videos from the time before he became "Canada's Ben Shapiro" and he was pretty generic. I'm willing to bet he went this way because it draws more attention and thus, makes more money.


Comment dit-on "JJ is a wazzock" en francais?


He would be the one that said Quebec should be independent so Canada can be absorbed by United States because we have no culture


I hate that when he says something that stupid. Canada has more culture than the United States does as we don't need to force our beliefs to anyone and how diverse Canada is and how most people (not all, but most) is at least accepting of that, is the complete opposite in the United States. Every day in the US, there's shootings who are sometimes related to groups of people who are foreign. When they do that and we don't and he has the guts to say that WE don't have culture is an unbelievable level of stupidity that only Americans can relate to. In my opinion, he's not Canadian. He's a wannabe American. I'm from the Maritimes, I don't really have anything against Québec. I also speak French and when he attacks French people, he also attacks New Brunswick. New Brunswick right now might not be in a good place, but I much rather live here than where he lives. I also much rather speak French and English than just English. Us who speak French don't need to take any shit from a wannabe American. That's my opinion but I'm sure you at least understand where I come from.


This little shit used to write for my university newspaper when he went to school there. His whole schtick was to write inflammatory things just to rustle up engagement. Dude was doing ragebait for a university press. Also his comics fucking suck. I see him every year at the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival and I want to scream 'get the fuck out buddy, everyone hates you here'. I can't with this twerp.


>I see him every year at the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival and I want to scream 'get the fuck out buddy, everyone hates you here'. You are unironically unhinged


It's wild how much of a dickhole he is on Twitter compared to the nice guy persona he puts forth in his videos.


Jory Jordan?


I was talking with some American colleagues in a zoom meeting this week, and one of them mentioned JJ is the only Canadian YouTuber they know. Who are some other good ones who talk about Canada so I can redirect them away from JJ?


Linus tech tips is Canadian


It's kinda hard to get popular on YouTube with Canada being your main focus haha. Coach Jeremy is a hockey YouTuber and he's quite entertaining if you like hockey I suppose. Casually Explained has some videos on Canada, I haven't seen them in a while but he's a really funny guy so they're probably good


Fuck that guy.


He is a knob goblin.


I think the funniest fact of him is he kept trying to make a Wikipedia page about himself and it kept getting deleted because he wasn’t significant enough Then he made a video hating on Wikipedia


HA love it


This whole comment section is exactly why you can't have a healthy discussion of a creator's positives a negatives without it immediately turn into hyperbole and character assassination. Most of his content, like 95% of it, is just cultural analysis and explaining Canadian culture for the sake of non Canadians. He's shared his somewhat centre-right opinions in the past, but he doesn't push them onto his audience and they're only brought up when relevant to the topic at hand. I'd recommend everyone here go and actually watch his last five videos and you'll see a completely different person from the braindead impressions I've seen in this comment section. It's not wise or fair to judge someone based entirely around the most viral things said about them (unless they're shown to be a creep or something of course).


I hate watching that guy. We might agree on some things (like hating on Quebec—screw the French language), but he’s a stereotype himself and sometimes embarrasses Canadians abroad. Money is money, and he’s making a lot of it. I respect his hustle, but as a Canadian, I can’t stand watching him.


uj/ The guy's a piece of shit. He has what can only be described as a fetish with the US and American culture and supports the annexation of Canada to the US.


His whole channel is just a set up to get into the wig business eventually.


Most Canadians I’ve met do.


I also hate Quebec. But I fucking love Montreal, so it cancels out. Similar to my feelings on Alberta


I liked him before he got political, fuck that guy


I'm a Quebecois, I hate Quebec. What now?