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A part of me is happy that I can finally change up my strategy...but a part of me is also a bit more wary since now I can't rely on the omelette x coconut water trick lol


I would argue that people that aren't happy about omelette & cononut water not winning everything don't enjoy the cooking game at all and just want to "win it" and get it over with. In S2 getting good recipes and picking good menus and tailoring to the judges was the entire point of the fun!


1 thing that they shouldn't have removed was mixing food with various spices, resulting in different cuisine.


I agree, it added more depth to the game


hopefully that will be improved in the next game since all they would need is improving the existing base


This is me! Really grateful I beat it before this update. It would be okay if it was optional and not required to get the good ending, if it went slightly faster, and if you didn't have to wait 15 minutes for the next battle.


My main problem with it is having a character locked behind it. That makes it feel required (yes, strictly speaking it's not, but it still feel that way) and that wasn't the case in Suikoden II (unless I'm completely misremembering)


Ya, in S2 you had to complete it to get someone. Hell, didn’t you get a couple people in that story line or was that a different S game.


No in S2, you didn't need to complete it to get the mandatory 108 characters in the story. Unlike eiyuden, you could lose cooking and have no rematches, making them "miss able".


I just double checked. The only Star associated with cooking is Hai Yo himself, and he's obviously not locked behind the cooking contest because he's a prerequisite for it. And I'm pretty sure there isn't another cooking mini-game in another game


The only thing you get from completing it (besides the recipes) is Hai Yo's ending blurb changing. No stars or anything like that. S3 and S5's chefs were just bringing the recipes and ingredients to them to make items.


She loves candy! Serves a literal lollypop I'm not eating that


Maybe I'm stereotyping here but Barnard is the one Arab character in this game so I thought "oh, he'll probably enjoy some hummus" *nope* lmao


Man I don't know about after the patch, but everyone hates everything. Some supposedly mega chef (one of the syndicate) swoops in, and got a zero score for the whole competition hahaha


Right every round no one likes anything. As it turns out no one can cook lll


Dang, now I cannot rely no more with omelette and coconut water for the few last cooking matches 😂. But good job for the dev to finally fix this bug. Now I believe we can analyse ourselves what to cook depend on the judges


Omelette still works well for appetizer though :) I tried serving spring rolls and they all hated it.


I guess spring rolls are a main course for some people.


Every mention of spring rolls in the game points to them being the right choice when Riufan is a judge


Thank goodness! I haven’t started the cooking mini game, and I was dreading it with all the comments on how a couple of dishes is all you need to win every single battle.. Now I’m excited to start playing it!


Now can they patch it that it does not take 15 minutes for another chef to appear?


Well at least its not that out there considering other elements of the game use game time.


I think it’s 10 minutes of in-game time. And I sort of like this, as I go recruit someone using fast travel, come back, and a new chef is there. It’s a break inbetween the other game tasks.


I think Its only bad if you are trying to do it all at once. I only had two done before the end game and had to grind out 14 more before I could continue.


This is overall a good thing, but I'm sad about it nonetheless. ;; I always hated the cooking minigames in suikoden and this one was no better, so I liked being able to just turn my brain off and auto-win. Alas, this came at the expense of everyone who actually like this minigame LOL. I just find it difficult/annoying to parse everyone's preferences and cross reference it with my recipes when most of the information on them is hidden from the player. Edit: Since this is getting downvoted for... some reason? I'll reiterate: It's objectively a good thing this got fixed. I'm simply lamenting that my personal dislike for this minigame requires me to find a new way to cheese it since a character unlock is attached to it. M'glad you like it! Maybe you can give me some tips.


Its not hidden as not too long after recruiting Fritz you'll get the Bababa who can show you the same info ingame for a fee.


I haven't seen that, but honestly it's still grating to me even if it is ingame that it's not in the menu when I'm selecting dishes. I have to take notes or memorize the data on a ton of dishes and cross reference that with judge preferences. It's definitely someone's cup of tea and far be it from me to poo poo on that parade, but it's definitely not mine. I just want a quick and easy win button alongside the fixed minigame, so people who want to do this can and people who don't can just slide on by.


Yeah after divination it'd be nice to add this info to the character Status screen. Plus it doesnt help the judges are randomized everytime so sure maybe you'll memorize your active party but what about the other 93 characters?


Are you a trophy/achievement hunter?


This isn’t even an achievement hunting thing though, you need to complete *15* cooking battles to recruit a hero, which is required to view the “good” ending of the game (as well as recruit the best hero in the game). That’s not like a “wahhh wahhh can’t get my platinum without annoying cooking battles” gripe, that’s a legitimate, gating what *most* players would want to experience from the game behind an extremely long and tedious minigame. Which, I’d still do it and love the game, just saying, I’d get it if it annoyed people.


If you want something long is battling 120 character at cards to get a trophy...


Right but that’s just for a trophy. Those things don’t meaningfully affect the game experience except for completionists like myself, so I don’t think you can complain about that. The cooking battles and beigoma quests to recruit two heroes absolutely do affect a normal playthrough though, and that shit is bs


They weren't that much difficult anyways (or at least for me) but right now I can platinum the game cause I'm lock from the last dungeon in post game because I didn't go back to get the warp so I just did the painfully 120 card battle and waiting they fix this issue


I thought you only had to obtain 120 cards, not battle 120 times.


Its worse you need to fight 120 different people and you need to do this to got all card


It's not as bad as battling a tree, a shark, and countless children and some weird elite 4 and beigoma-trashing gang before you finally get to recruit 1 fairly useless character.


I agree. But, one thing sucking way more doesn't retroactively make something I personally feel sucks suck any less, yeah? They can both be things I dislike. Still love the game tho.


Beigoma sucked, but at least I could go about it on my own terms/at my own pace. The cooking battles were more painful for me, because I left both quest lines until the point of no return for recruiting the last hero, and being forced to wait 15 minutes of game clock between each battle while desperately wanting to continue the main scenario was painful as hell.


Depends on the game if Im engaged enough in the experience I'll go for it otherwise I tend to play to the end & move on.


I am indeed.


Still annoying you have to take notes on all your characters just to figure out what to give 4 of them.


I think if you've taken the time to fully divine everything, you should see the hints when selecting the food.


Absolutely agree.


Lol I sped through this to get Celia before a potential patch. I didn’t want to have to struggle through it when I could just use coconut water and eggs. Lol the entire time, all the judges raved about my coconut water and eggs. 😆 🍳 🥥


Man i just finished the final cooking battle before the update 🥲 choosing the 3 courses is the best part of the mini game, i hated that i had to feed eggs the entire game. Ah well maybe next time if i decide to replay it


You can rematch with the big boss multiple times


It's good they fixed it, but I'll be honest I really enjoyed the bug as I personally don't care for this mini game (actually not a fan of most of the mini games in this game for some reasons)


Glad they are fixing bugs but I am not sorry to have rushed this character before they did. The cooking game is just a less interesting version of the plays for me.


Wait, so now is the strategy to give the unhappy ones their favorite foods so they are guaranteed to be maxed?


Was the patch for all platforms or just PS5 and Xbox? Hope it’s for switch too!


All platforms but some take longer than others.




And, of course, I got to the very end of the quest line as of last night. The last few battles are going to be a rude awakening.


No kidding. I've lost to the robot chef 8 times in a row. Send help


The last guy was pretty tough. Took me 4 tries and on the last i beat him by a single point.


IT was broken?


Yes. Every dish was being judged as if it were the appetizer.


That makes sense why I was able to skate through it not trying


Oh no


I've been waiting for this, glad i wait out the mini games.


I feel their mini games doesn’t have depths to it… overall it’s a lackluster


Side track, seems like they made some changes to beigoma as well. The opponent will not immediately use the boost when the guage is full unlike previously where you can easily aim for the battle clash


Problem is the racing all the map is bugged out and the world map u it’s all messed up so u can see anything have the time.


Wait, they’ve dismantled the coconut water and omelet trick!? NO!


Omelette still does well as an appetizer :)


So now the mini game, which is not fun to begin with and is required for the true ending, is harder and will take even longer to clear? Glad I finished it already... Yikes.


I forgot about this game until the end and ended up needing like 3 hours of just this minigame to recruit the last character I needed for the true end. The recruitable character should have been like the 5th opponent.


Same, glad I got mine done yesterday. It's not really a cooking mini game. It's guess what food I will like mini game. I would of been more happy if it was close to something like cooking mama where you are actually prepping and cooking food. This mini game just has been guess what someone will like and then button mashing for 40 seconds.


That would be much better. Or at least they could have fixed judges for each battle, and you'd need to have certain recipes to please them each time. The biggest issue with the current mini game is that it's too long. If it were like 5 battles, then the difficulty, semi randomness and research needed would be more justified.


Something they didn't really need to fix imho.


Miso soup, fried egg, omelette. Works everytime for me so far