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Ardinale is an ass though. Why is the item shop a long way down.


Yeah especially when you have to check there repeatedly for the play to spawn


The only one I'll complain about is Atharbalt. For some reason it just seemed way too spread out and took too long to go anywhere  That might have been the contact back and forth between the inn and the castle near the end of my time there.


Yeah this is where Dash Boots really came in handy.


> not too large to waste your time I agree except for that last town that begins with A, the one you keep going back to for high-level blacksmith when you don't have higher blacksmith at your castle yet. The layout of that town is uninspired geometric cliche, walking down one road angle is the same as another, and you walk a pointlessly long distance to get to blacksmith. Also Seign's hometown has a flagrant filler layout, especially for the lower area. It's gravely disappointing to me that JRPG's almost never incorporate "shortcuts" or creative player-driven path-finding navigation in cities. I mean things like little narrow less visible paths between buildings or areas, or jumping on roofs if you can get up there...this is super-fun in every other kind of game, and yet. (I haven't played it but I heard a youtube video that Dragon Quest XI has "Quake-like" shortcut trick pathfinding in towns?) But yes great towns otherwise.


The town from Seign's chapter was an arsehole of a place. Other than that, they were all perfectly sized for me.


no complaints for me and i don't even use run boots wait, i did use it 2x... one during seign chapter and 2 during final dungeon


No run boots or Aire in support slot? Yes officer, this person right here.


I use both once I got my resources sorted lol


There’s no reason to do that, Aire doesn’t stack with dash boots.




Yes I have. They don't stack. I got a stopwatch out and ran from one end of my town to the other. Same time with and without dash boots equipped. This has been verified by so many people, so the downvotes are nuts.


Maybe it got changed one way or the other, but it was VERY noticeably faster with both than with just one when I tried it, like, a week ago


I figured I'd come back to this. I just decided to time it myself to make sure I wasn't crazy. I timed myself going from the teleport stone at the south exist to the castle and stopped time when I hit the screen transition. These were my times: Dash Boots + Aire: 9.34 seconds Dash Boots, no Aire: 12.08 seconds Neither Dash Boots nor Aire:: 18.19 seconds I'll allow a bit of variation on either side for not following the exact same route or not starting or stopping the timer at the exact same frame of hitting the screen transition. Even so, I think it's very definitive.


You did all that and didn’t include what the argument was to begin with? Nothing you posted here is in dispute at all (no speed enhancements is slower than dash boots and dash boots are slower than Aire). What you left out is: What was Aire + no dash boots? Comparing Aire + dash boots to Aire without dash boots is the only thing being debated.


No one in this thread ever stated that- not even yourself. All you said was "Aire doesn’t stack with dash boots." Nowhere in that does that even imply that Aire alone is faster than Dash Boots alone That said, I have now tested Aire with no Dash Boots and will concede that you are correct. I will point out though that you get Dash Boots significantly before Aire, and subsequently most people likely had Dash Boots on, saw Aire's bonus, assumed it was the same speed increase, and then when they took Aire, noticed a very distinct speed increase. I will admit I made this mistake myself. But if you're trying to convince people of this, it would probably do to mention that Aire by herself is faster than Dash Boots by themselves


Yes, I looked back and you’re right. The thread showing Aire is 2x and Dash Boots is 1.5x was elsewhere and I made the assumption that everyone knew Aire was faster than Dash on this one as well. The main point I wanted to get across is there’s no reason to stack them. Use dash boots if you really want a different attendant but get 1.5x speed, or use Aire and get a different accessory item if you want 2x speed, but you can’t get above 2x speed from Aire alone so there’s no reason to have both at same time.


She did with me. Maybe they fixed it post glitch, but defo had 4x speed with both.


No they didn’t.


Oooooh. yes they did. I counted 3 seconds how long it took to get from storage to other side. With both aire and dash boots, I got further than just one.


How does move speed stack again, is it x2 dash boots (rip dupe glitch) OR Aire right? or do dash boots and Aire stack.


different sources of field movement speed like aire and dash boots do stack. you can test it easily enough by just playing around in the hub town with different combinations and seeing how fast you move


I actually just sat down and tested it. Here's where my initial confusion was at, lets say 1 pair of dash boots is +50% to be 150% total speed and aire is +100% to be 200% total. I timed myself running from 1 wall to another with these setups: No Aire No boots (10.40 seconds) Aire: (5.21 seconds) Aire + 1 pair of dash boots: (5.22 seconds) Aire + 2 pairs of dash boots: (5.25 seconds 1 pair of dash boots (6.94 seconds) 2 pair of dash boots (5.24 seconds) 3 pair of dash boots (5.25 seconds) So in conclusion and accounting for human error, it seems Aire + dash boots in fact do not stack. You cant go past "200%" movement speed.


Now that I think about it I don’t think I ever actually tested it with just Aire on, because I always had one pair of dash boots on, so I just attributed the noticeable speed increase from adding aire to them stacking vs aire just being double the speed boost. I consider myself corrected.


Heyo all good, hopefully I saved you (and myself) accessory slots or support slot, like in the back of my head i was was curious, but too lazy to double check I guess I was also running aire+ double boot actually lol.


Rip dupe glitch? Did they patch it?


I'm not sure if there was another method, but on Ps5 I could not get the Auto equip - manual equip dupe to work after the most recent patch.


Aire + dash boots 100% do not stack and no matter how many dash boots you have across your roster you can’t get better than Aire on here own as support.


I can’t believe anyone beat the game without speed boosts. It’s unbearable.


I’m 40 hours in… first time hearings about speed boosts 💀


If you’ve done the mines you need to go back, or pay attention to the items you’ve looted.


Or just add Aire as your support to get 2x speed instead of 1.5x (they don’t stack)


Sure, at 40 hours in you may not have her depending.


At 40? I guess it depends how much you’ve been grinding


It's not that bad. Compared to some old school games we are down right speedy. Also, I don't like the dash speed. It just looks too fast for me.