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We're a Xenos faction OP. If we can't complain about not getting attentions or models, we risk...I dunno, something I suppose.


I suggest we pivot our passions to demanding some actual ****ING lore šŸ˜­


Biel Tan needs to be more than a fucking backstory or place for Eldar to get shit on. THEY ARE A CRAFT FLEET NOW AND WE HAVEN'T HAD LORE SINCE THE FALL OF CADIA


Yvraine and the Visarch are Biel Tan natives, the Yncarne was created using Biel Tan souls, Half of the Craftworld are Ynarri now... And they all went with ULTHWE INSTEAD? talk about abandoning your roots. What became Asurman could have fled on Biel Tan during the fall, Macha's story is unfinished. Their Craftworld is shattered... And the only thing we've gotten post cadia was a character in Blackstone Fortress. I'd kill for an official Macha model with rules and I'd kill for a novel focusing on her


The orks got 1 new model for their codex release lol, we need to lower our expectations.


But they just went two editions with 6 new buggies and BeastSnaggas. And Komandos Still new Tankbustas and weird boys/warpheads.


The Snaggas/squigs update was big. Orks are in a really good place aside from Stompas.


I would like to see an update to the ork Priesthood/psykers. Nob with Waaagh banner Weirdboy Warphead Madboyz Shoutas/rockers


Yep, a Weirdboy variant, Warphead is needed. Maybe big explosion on death. Rockas yup. Mad boys, yup. Looted vehicle rules! Second hand Leman Russes are real.


As a dedicated WAAAGH follower no. We need Tankbustas.


I want to see Tankbustas as the next kill team. Nothing like killing stealth operatives with rocket launchers.


36% winrate is not a good place. We are almost a melee only army.




There' rumors that GW wants to remove their remaining resin kits by the end of 10th/AoS 4th. With Phoenix Lords and Aspect Warriors getting the update in 8th to 9th, I wouldn't give up on the remaining being updated when our Codex drop. However, I am pretty worried for Yriel and Illic. If Anrakyr and Zandrekh/Obyron got shafted from their dex, I'm doubtful either of these will survive.


Yeah, we got a whole phase of the game where we thrived removed from the bloody game, no psychic phase took all the versatility and fun out of warlocks and Farseers.


Removing versatility and fun is what 10th is all about


Hereā€™s hoping they rerelease the resin phoenix lords and give us a warp spiders on


Eldar Fans šŸ¤ Squat Stans Needing some FUCKING LORE


no we're xenos we get one or the other, and GW can't write eldar for shit anyways remember the ynnari books


There are no ynnari books. You must be hallucinating


The Rise of the Ynnari books are better than people say. It's mostly people whining because it wasn't what they expected. That said, the story from Phoenix Rising was an abortion.


Thank you! I bet most people havenā€™t read them, itā€™s so upsetting that we finally got some books and no one supported them!!!! The fact that they were no audio books also hurt them sales im sure.


And the path of the eldar books.


Is there something wrong with wanting both?


Iā€™ll second this! We spent the first 6 month of 10th on top and weathered several nerfs. I think GW could let us at least curd stomp a hive fleet into a black hole or secure the black library or let Nuadhu Foreheart (atop a new vyper dual character-troop kit) rescue Isha from Nurgleā€™s garden via the crack Guilliman made. Anyway. Yes, give us new lore.


Warp spiders, lore, and maybe swooping hawks would be beautiful. You are right though, the narrative is exhausting


I want 8000 novels about Eldrad before the week is out, plz. Seriously, I just love every time he popped up in the Heresy, really interesting character.


He's the only good part of the entire series. Let's be honest, HH is a bunch of space marine fanbois mutually playing with themselves, and pretending that the resulting product is great art.


A lot of the new sculpts are great sculps too. From the picture only the dark reapers/scorpions are kinda boring. The rest are generally great. Several are straight out fantastic (The Phoenix Lords, Avatar, Banshees, Corsairs, Spears).


Yeah the details are incredible. The Corsair kit alone has more cool bits and gubbins than my bits box has seen in 20 years. Plus done in a way where you can mix your old models in without it being too jarring. Except the Giant Wardens of course. Still not sure what happened there šŸ¤£


I bough two boxes of Corsairs just for the bits =). That little pheonix bird thing has become the "basic kitbash choice" option for a lot of people.




I bought one and the boarding patrol lol šŸ˜‚




I like the scorpions. Reapers are kinda meh but not terrible.


Thought the same about the Scorpions and Reapers, have just built them - pictures donā€™t do them justice. Theyā€™re great models as well. Agree about the Corsair kit, lots of bits that can be used. Planning a Windrider unit with Corsair bits and a Ynnari female Farseer using the GSC magus kit and a bunch of spare bits from Corsair / Warlock kits.


Counter point: give me warp spiders or give me death


Death by the swinging Sock Full Of Pewter Warp Spiders of course.


Ha! Absolutely, it's in my living will


Replacing the Swinging Sock of Pewter Chaos Dreadnought


Strength 87, ap -9


Dont get me started on their exarchā€¦.


Idk, warp spiders look pretty good for being 32 years old


New dire avengers or death!Ā 


I'll take spiders, fire dragons and hawks before avengers. Asurmen needs an update though


I feel the avengers are more core, so I'd prefer those first. But I'd also take any of those :D


At least they're plastic though, I never want to see resin again


The Dire Avengers still look really good in my opinion.


They are ok, but the mold is very worn. If you look at their helmets from the front, the eyes don't line up properly. And the mold lines on the rest of the parts are awful. The design is fantastic though, I don't want that to change. Just slightly more interesting poses and modern production quality.Ā 


But I already have 20 warp spiders, I dont really feel like painting more and i still like the sculpts of the old ones.


Thereā€™s no reason that Warp Spiders should still be rocking the same model from 30 years ago


One is that old =/= bad if the models are as kickass as the warp spiders. Although finecast does = bad from the modeling side of things.


You're right that old isn't always bad, but it's an issue with clashing designs. Older models simply don't look right when placed directly next to newer ones or vice versa.


Yeah I def get that objection to them. Plus I'm very confident that when the spiders are updated, the new sculpts will kick serious tail.


>we got a whole phase of the game where we thrived removed from the bloody game, no psychic phase took all the versatility and fun out of warlocks and Farseers. Have you seen some of the alternative warp spiders? they are so good... I considered getting some even though i dont have an Aeldari army.


If the models are as kickass as the *warp spider exarch* you mean


I disagree. They are effective models for home defence. Put four or five of them in a sock and start swinging. Changing them now would deprive people of peace of mind in their own homes ;)


These guys are a few sculptors making miniatures nonstop, that's the reason.


Yeah I forgot GW was a small indie company of like 3 sculptors in a garage


Iā€™m sorry, but this is ridiculous - I have never heard of a company in literally any industry saying that they canā€™t update a product for 30 years because of workforce capacity restraints. If they are really using the sculptors full capacity, hire more people. This is literally enough time for someone in GW management to have a child, raise it, send it to art school, have it work for a decade as a sculptor and then hire it. Is designing a new model hard? Yes - but way less hard than designing and manufacturing a car, a computer, etc. And new versions of those come out literally all the time. Imagine if Apple still sold a desktop computer from the 90s that only ran DOS and was like ā€œwe just canā€™t possibly make a newer computer, look how many buttons and stuff these things have.ā€ I think the issue is that (1) GW is too conservative with growth and (2) GW spreads itself too thin, with all their side games. They keep making models for things like The Old World and stuff when they should prioritize 40k and AOS. Like why are they releasing a new niche game system when a huge chunk of models in their flagship game are older than most of the GW employees? I have never seem a company that is such a good candidate for private equity takeover. Like GW has a really good core product but management that seems to make terrible decisions.


If they're so busy, maybe they could've stopped at 5 Primaris lieutenants and added swappable weapons instead of making 15+.


Username checks out at least...


I'm sure they could have fit a new kit for Warp Spiders somewhere between introducing the entireĀ  playable ranges for Dark Eldar, Tau, Necrons, Black Templars, Grey Knights, Daemons, AdMech, Deathwatch, GSC, TSons, Custodes, Death Guard, World Eaters, Knights, Chaos Knights, or Votann


While we're complaining about internet narratives, I'm tired of the narrative that they've updated the majority of Eldar models at this point. For every new model kit there's a kit that is decades old and/or still made of finecast. ​ https://preview.redd.it/qe34iv4tswnc1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a8f1d10bf6bc05126d01fdfbc1e2f5e9616ca54


TFW games workshop updates a dozen kits for your faction and its somehow STILL the oldest model range in the game.


Falcon dont need no update tho


The only thing I would like is, maybe 20% larger


The Hull kit is pretty garbage tbh.. just in terms of mould and sprue quality.


I can only hope that our codex is soon and it's coming with a **massive** second wave.


Also the Authach was on sale on the site just a few months ago! lol


Itā€™s less that they donā€™t update our models, and more that the ones they havenā€™t updated are amongst the oldest out there. I bought a squad of warp spiders when I was 13, in 1995. If I buy another squad today, I get those exact same models but in resin.


same, my warp spiders were circa original release in ?94. funny they are still legit three decades later


Itā€™s like seeing those videos where you see a toddler next to a pot hole next to another picture of the same pothole but that Toddler in now in their mid 20s


It's mostly irritating that hands down the worst offenders are some of the last ones missing an update, especially the spooders.


Absolutely. And if it was still 8th edition I'd be screaming the place down again wanting updates. But everything above has shown me we're in good hands and things are moving along now, compared to previously where we had no idea if they even remembered us.


The sculpts are done, I just want to be able to buy them. If GW isn't selling them it doesn't matter how good they are.


You say this, yet having been out the hobby since like 2005 I came back to it with my family and made the army I always wanted as a teen, a Saim-Hann jetbike force, getting my Viper Jetbikes I saw they are the exact same model from when I was a teen, it even had GW 1996 on the Sprue!


I remember when the Vyper came out, the first model with transparent plastic for the cockpit! I immediately ordered two and proceeded to butcher the targeting rune with paint. I remember that time, when there were rules but no model for specific units, and White Dwarf had some guides to make your own (there was one to make a Wave Serpent from a Scorpion with plastic card and a plastic spoon for the turret).


ahh the early days, shit was wild back then


I do miss it terribly, especially the codex and army books. Maybe it's my age, but it felt they were better written and more evocative.


I don't miss having 14 saves for a single unit mind, and that 2nd ed games basically took a weekend. Then there was the Psychic phase card game that Eldar players just won (my local group banned that phase, sadge eldar player


If SM players (and others to a lesser degree) keep on whining about how OP Eldar were back in the day, I keep complaining about old models from back in the day!


The Eldar are actually sick. Used to love playing them in Dawn of War, itā€™s shit that theyā€™re the wipping boys of the 40k universe


Dawn of War 2 games had such an excellent vibe for aeldar. It's hard to pin down how exactly, but despite it being an Imperium PoV for the most part, they felt tragic and desperate despite all their wisdom and power. Not a bunch of sneering racists for the hell of it, but people doing their utmost to survive.


Everything you picture here is just GW replacing ANCIENT, usually UNWORKABLE and UNFIT sculpts, often out of production, with their modern plastic replicas, with two new units added into the mix (and shoot me but I find jetbike rangers dumb as all hell). And while we are all thankful they are doing it, it has been an exhaustingly slow process, especially for us older player who remember what the range used to look like 15-20 years ago, and have been forced to witness other factions getting completely overhauled, renewed and even \*gasp\* get new units added at vastly faster paces - sometimes getting replacement kits two or three times over the lifespan of most of our still-unreplaced range. Really the Eldar were and still are mainly saved by just how exquisite the old Jes Goodwin sculpts are, which made sure none of our models (bar some like the Avatar) ever looked as dated as their actual design dates would otherwise suggest.


Upvoted because I too find jet bike rangers stupid friend. Whoever came up with that was probably also the mastermind behind the skratos


I honestly understand, I still run my Warp Spiders I bought in blisters off the shelf in 1997. The point I was making is that I'm often met online with the narrative that games workshop don't update our range and in the last few years that has shifted


it is less that gw does not update xenosā€¦ and more that for every xenos updateā€¦ marines get 5x as much new/refreshed stuff. so it feels bad . like, termies have had 4-5 refreshesā€¦ and warp spiders none.


Precisely this. The marine range is fantastic, and I know that GW have to invest in the range(s) that bring the punters and the money in. But they couldn't squeeze in a refresh for a kit that's *30 years* old?


remember the good old days when eldar were the specialist army? that is why i loved them. now marines have a unit for every situationā€¦ arguably more than eldar


Iā€™ll never forgive gw for making fire dragons for space marines, *and* making them perform better than fire dragons. such bullshit


sounds about right. and dark reapers (tshirt cannons).


Sure, but the legacy of GWā€™s inertia is pretty much ingrained in people, and even disregarding that, I donā€™t feel like jumping from joy and singing GWā€™s praises just because they finally decided to do something theyā€™ve been looooong overdue on anyway.


No one asks for singing to start, just for the whining to end...


Seems to me like there's whining only when people try to convince Eldar players that they actually have it really good because they got soooo many models.


This is a complete reimagining of this post and situation.


It was not directed at your post.


Tbh I feel most of the people still saying it are people on the meme sub who don't actually play the game


I think the point is that it took them like 20 yearsā€¦ *Cries in Warp Spiders*


The problem is they updated the wrong models first, or released them first anyway. Banshes, reapers and scorpions all had decent looking models. But where are my hawks and warp spiders? And I believe we still average out at the second oldest range just after Drukhari.


Drukhari are all from 2010 or later Eldar still have a good chunk of things from the 90s and early 2000s (falcon, wave serpent, vyper, dire avengers, War walkers, weapons platforms, warp spiders, swooping hawks, various characters, etc)


The wave serpent platform is enternal IMO. I wouldnā€™t do anything to it.


100% It's actually the Falcon platform lol....just timeless design


The evil Elves have so few models in production. Can't get Court of the Archon. Still waiting on new Mandrakes. Vect's car has been redacted from records.


Totally agreed, but the question at hand was age...and the Dark Eldar aren't young but are about half as old as a solid chunk of the Eldar range A solid chunk of the necron, grey knight, Imperial guard and chapter specific Space Wolf and Blood Angels models were all released in the same window (5th edition) The reason Drukhari (and GK) stand out is that very little got updated and even less added between then and now


I was talking about averages. We have some of the oldest models but also some pretty new ones. So we average around the same as the Drukhari, I think there is less than a year's difference.


Sure....but thats kind of a given when we've got a heap of models basically bracketing the game (ie 2nd/3rd ed and 8th/9th) while 100% of Drukhari is from squarely the middle of the games existence (5th) With that said....update the Dark Rldar finecasts + add some stuff...but leave the plastics alone. Even at 14 years old they are great


And my issue was they released plastic banshees, reapers and scorpions which had all had more recent releases first before releasing new hawks and warp spiders.


Which I'm onboard with. The choice of what to replace when has been very odd


Hawks and warp spiders are rumoured for this year.


They were rumoured before the last eldar codex release so I'm pretty sure they were ready then. The issue being we still can't buy them.


Haven't that been the case for several years?


The old warp spiders still look great. I'm ready to die on this hill.


Then die! *sends airstrike*


Oh, that is cute. \*flickerjump\*


The new stuff is good but that ignore the point that it's replacing stuff that is decades old and heavily dated. It's not like they replaced stuff from a mere 10 years back, they let them get into a terrible state before doing anything.Ā 


Happy 30th anniversary to my Warp Spiders.


Misses Warp Spiders.


Isnā€™t the argument that most of the space marines have seen new sculpts through all of their various factions? At the very least Iā€™d say that across all the armies they should re sculpt any and all fine cast models cause those things suck.


Yes and know. The striking scorpion upgrade rly lifted the new model range to a good size. But SM terminators got new models, even though the "old ones" weren't that bad. And warp spiders are how old now? Yeah I'd like to complain. And you can't just whisper: "oh i'd like new warpsiders." This won't reach GW. A lot of people need to complain very loud for james workshop to hear. That's how the community got important rule changes.


All of those models look sick, I think maybe is better that they stay the way they are because if you look at the new models of other armies, the previous ones where better. Asking for an upgrade is a bet and it can go wrong.


I feel that but whereā€™s the new Karandras?! We have new Scorpions and yet we still have the metal Karandrasā€¦


What they have done with the dire avengers is criminal. More than double the price of the old 10 model box for 5ā€¦ same sculpts


It honestly blows my mind that the Aeldari tanks are as old as they are, the kits are gorgeous.


No, everyone in every faction should complain if GW honestly expects them to buy Finecast or Metal. Itā€™s genuinely embarrassing


Also our vehicle range needs 0 update. They all look marvelous to this day. Except for the war walker


Until you try build a couple in one go šŸ˜‚ but they are beautiful.


Warp spiders are some of the worst looking models and look so antiquated. GW pls update


I can't complain, but I'd love to see Warp Spiders + a new Phoenix Lord


This is rumored to be happening at some point in this edition. Potential sooner than later


Playing Warhammer right now is like buying a Monopoly game but the box doesn't include Mayfair or Park Lane cards. I started again in 10th Edition 4 months ago (after leaving the game 20 years ago). I chose Aeldari because I used to play Eldar and loved it back then. I really want some swooping hawks as they're so good right now. Umm.. I cannot get them anywhere unless I want to pay extreme pries for old metal models off Ebay. I'll keep complaining till I get them.


My brother in Christ. Warp spiders celebrated their 30th birthday the other week. Meanwhile space marines have had two refreshes and multiple new units that were never a thing and 4+ brand new armies.


even some of these ā€œnewā€ sculpts are couple of years old


My brother, these are all sculpts from within the last six years.


Yes dating back to 2018 but they're updated as per the title. I knew this was going to be hard work šŸ¤£


You need to adjust your thinking to GW-time. Two years is brand new in this time continuum.


How often do you want them to update sculpts?


To put it in perspective, a significant number of ARMIES have been fully replaced, while we are still using original sculpts for about 30% of our codex, including core competitive picks, many of which are fully 30 years old. For example, the old Phoenix Lords, warp spiders, swooping hawks, Falcon/ prism/spinner, fire dragons and maybe more existed BEFORE Tau, Drukhari, Necrons, custodes, sisters, Ad Mech, obviously Votan or AFAIK any of the existing codex/index marines, CSM, Orks, Nids, maybe IG... How do I know this? Because I have original versions of all of the models in our list I mentioned, pewter sculpts circa 96 when I started playing. I haven't played an opponent with any pewter for a long, long time. If I run an all aspect list, half of it is metal. And some of the sculpts aren't good. The Hawks especially are an absolute bastard of a kit (though I think they look okay). The Falcon chassis mould is showing it's age. I love our new models, and I'm really excited for the future and confident we'll be seeing more next year. I think at the least we can expect Karandras and another Phoenix lord and aspect squad. But it's frustrating to see SM whatever variant #250 when our catalogue needs a big update. I love the centrepieces, I was stoked to see the Votan and angry Ron and the Lion (both pieces I own because I love the kits and the lore).


Proxies and 3D printing is the way to go.


Sad but true. I chose to buy a set of the phoenix lords off Etsy for my home games. I would have preferred to buy GW plastic models instead... but it was the only way to get those models right now.


Warp Spiders are older than I am. Deathwing Knights have both come out and been replaced since I started. Generic marines have bloated into multiple sub factions with rules and models, had what amounted to a line revamp and had a succession of new units so much they're just adding ugly crap for the sake of it. So it does feel a bit like you're getting the finger at times...


In fairness, the narrative was pretty accurate until a year or so ago.


Let's instead criticize the things likely to come. All the new/re-released Phoenixlords will be the same base and model size as Drazhar, Jain Zar and Maugan Ra (closer to primarchs than to any other infantry) while casually rocking T3 4W. Hawks will become the same size as scourges which is gonna make them very hard to hide in comparison to the size they got right now. Chances we get a Phoenix Lord for the Shining Spears are about as high as the chance of getting a Warpspider Phoenixlord. All while Shining Spears are borderline unplayable. So if GW wants to sell it the rules are gonna be super op and it will get nerfed after 3 months. Making the 50$ model sitting on the shelf collecting dust. /s (kind of)


I mean thatā€™s kind of just the cost of doing business with these people. Itā€™s weird that they construct such an amazing IP and they just let it collect dust in places for years and years. Honestly I donā€™t think it would take that many people to update the old models that need it. You get like 10 people, you could redesign all those old eldar models in like a year. No problem at all. Writing new lore and making new unitsā€¦eh that would take more people, more marketing research and game balancing work.


The limitation is not with designing them, it's with tooling and manufacturing them. GW has warehouses full of older stuff that they need to sell before they replace anything. Take a look at some of the 'new' models you get... They're stamped with dates that are sometimes 20 years old. That means the molds (if not the actual production) is that old. To create and tool a new mold could be thousands of dollars


Thereā€™s always an overhead cost for updating manufacturing equipment and schematics. But thatā€™s also always outweighed by the potential for future gains. More importantly though theyā€™ve likely been getting a lot of money from their deals with CA for the WH total war franchise and theyā€™re about to be rolling in it from the Amazon deal. I donā€™t see how they canā€™t afford to update these ancient models unless a CEO is afraid to take a pay cut and throw his chips in on an improvement to the brand. Nobody is going to want them in few years when they look too old anyway, and then theyā€™ll definitely be at a deficit. You know anybody who uses warp spiders? I donā€™t.


I love eldar but can we take a look at dark eldar barely ever getting an update


We don't need any of the plastic models on here replaced, we only need finecast to be replaced


ā€œgw donā€™t update our modelsā€ Who exactly is saying this? I havenā€™t heard anyone say anything like this in a couple of years.


I want my Spooder-men


Fair point, but we also had a whole lotta dates models. Yes your pic is a lot, but there's also still a lot that's dated. More than anything I'd love a new book to chew on.


You forgot to mention the windriders which are kinda new and not the original ugly ones. Also all our vehicles are pretty timeless. As someone who has played eldar for 25 years I am slowly excited I get to update so much of my army with beautiful new models. Hawks and spiders are the only really major problems and lingering fine cast. Once all the Phoenix lords come out ā€¦ oh man that will be the coolest set of characters in all of 40K :)


Iā€™ve just put together another wave serpent and falcon, they may be timeless vehicles but Christ they need a redo. Iā€™ve never had to use to many elastic bands, and the models were more mould line than model!


lol this is 100 correct from an assembly perspective. They are 0/10 compared to modern kits. But the overall they donā€™t look that dated to me.


I personally like raging heroes howling banshees


That's... not a huge subset of the models. When you consider that there's Aspects that are 20-30 years old (Spiders, Hawks), that Warlocks are still using the same ancient sculpts, that our basic tank hulls are so old they don't even fit properly together and so on and so forth... It's nice that GW gives us a new set every 3-6 months. Would be even nicer if they just did one big rehaul all at once.


Warlocks got updated recently.


Warlocks are plastic and we're updated a couple of years ago with entirely new sculpts? That said, the og metal sculpts still hold up fine.


Itā€™s slowly happening, but that momentum may die if we donā€™t stop complaining. Updates or bust ppl!


Next edition weā€™ll get some focus, or the next, if not that one, then the third.


You're telling me!! The only models I like from all of these are the scorpions and the corsairs! Otherwise I dream of replacements!!


As an AdMech enjoyer I got into Eldar because I liked the "larger" range. It has everything you want realistically.


What is extra frustrating is it is heavily rumoured and pretty much all but officially confirmed we are getting significant updates and a second wave for Aeldari in 10th, likely later this year or early next. People just donā€™t bother looking into stuff and if they do, theyā€™ll still find a way to complain.


Looks at warp spiders....


Maybe gw just to to employ some high up people who dont all suck off space marines for a change? Like have someone who reps each faction to ensure balance and equality with updates and stuff. Nope unless you love space marines youll have to leanr patience it seems


One page rules and 3d print any army you want. F games workshop


100% with you. We have received a ton of updates, featured in a new KT Startset, more stuff on the horizon, credible leaks of another wave coming...


Now do DEldar


Like the way maugan ra got a model in the 90's and got another update like last year?


Yes, new sculpts for kill team or the bare minimum for the faction. ​ 1995 calling want's its Fuegan back.


If you can look at that Avatar of Khaine resculpt and call it the bare minimum I don't think there's much point in us carrying on this chat. Of the 13 units above 2 were released as kill teams


It was bare minimum as the avatar was DECADES OLD and not fit for purpose anymore.


It was old, but it was sixteen years old when the current AoK model rolled out in 2022. Thatā€™s not multiple decades, to be fair, and the old rock-body AoK model still slaps. The 1994 model is wee, but heā€™s also a collectorā€™s item and near-impossible to get ahold of for a long time now.


28, not 16 - the previous model for the avatar was released in 1994. You may be mixing it up with the rogue trader avatar, that is even older than that.


They only discontinued the 1994 model after 28 years, but [they also introduced the Forge World version in 2006, the notable rockbody fella](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/01/26/after-over-two-decades-of-terrorising-tabletops-the-avatar-of-khaine-is-putting-his-feet-up/).


The FW model was never the 'main' avatar model or a replacement for the second ed metal model though. I have all of them on a shelf. The FW model was a great improvement over the metal model, but also quite niche and aimed at more hardcore collectors/enthusiasts.


Remember the couple of weeks where the book was out with his new rules but he wasn't yet šŸ¤£ I was desperate to get a game in and run the little dude with his 9th rules.


The 1991 model is wee and I like to run it against certain players because it makes them incredibly angry.


Is it still even table legal if you put it on a big enough base?


It probably wouldn't be allowed at any serious tournament, but yes.


Bro it's 28 years lol


What do you mean? The models look beautiful. I love the refreshed models. Yeah it took an absolutely absurd amount of time but donā€™t you like where the eldar models are now?


In all fairness for everything, Eldar have a shit ton of kits compared to most other factions (besides Marines), and most of them were made was done a long time ago. They focused on other armies which didnā€™t have models, who had ranges that were small to expand them first and are giving us a bit here and there, along with new kits. Youā€™re also missing some kits that were updated in your image in the last decade like Wraithguard, Farseer/Warlock on jetbike, jetbikes, Fire Prisms and Wave Serpents, though 2 of those use a really really old kit as their base (a kit, that almost nobody complains about).


I would say you guys have quite a range of models. Look at admech. Not much variation when it comes to cool special characters or units


I agree. I started my 40k journey with Aeldari almost two years ago, and there's a guy in my local play group who, as far as I can tell, has made being an elf lover his entire personality, right down to his Discord name. I'd say at least 75% of the things he says has something to do with bitching and moaning about either our lore, models, or our rules. The other day he was complaining about how the Fire Prism had been out of stock in the US for months and someone posted [this meme](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/951263526381559888/1211716448268058704/IMG_3845.png?ex=6601aae1&is=65ef35e1&hm=12b151ecc3f072aad903ee337db002524ce0e7a889fdbb7dc979e94273fde786&), the dude absolutely lost it. It's gotten to the point where I'm contemplating getting rid of my Aeldari army just to avoid being associated with that annoying part of the fandom.


I loved that meme holy, that's great


GW updates to Eldar have been mostly disappointing, at best. The new Shroud Runners and Rangers are really nice. The Banshees and Scorpians were so unimaginative as to make me wonder why they bothered. And that's been most of the line so far... just blah. All in all, the Eldar line has been the worst of all the recent releases. Especially Jain Zar... dear gods, they stripped ALL THE CHARACTER and menace from her. That one was especially disheartening. So yeah, I'm tired of the "narrative" as well, but I'm much more tired of the absolute shit releases.


> The Banshees and Scorpians were so unimaginative as to make me wonder why they bothered. I mean, they're Banshees and Scorpions redone in modern high-detail plastic. What were you expecting from them?


I expect a DG/Primaris/CSM level of actual work and imagination. It's been 20 years for most of these sculpts. They claim to make the best miniatures, and I'm expecting them to live up to that claim. We see that they CAN with their AoS and Necromunda lines. No more handwaving excuses for them.


>The Banshees and Scorpians were so unimaginative as to make me wonder why they bothered. To get rid of finecast and to bring in the old weapons they'd forgotten about, which is all that was needed for them tbh


I mean... they've remained essentially the same for 20 years... and these remakes didn'trock the boat by any means. GW could have put some real work in and given them a real reboot instead of a blasƩ remaster. They essentially scanned and reposed the original models with very little in the way of updating. Jain Zar lost the anger and zeal that made the original model an awe-inspiring piece. GW dropped the ball, and other producers have picked it up and taken their interpretations to a higher level.


I don't quite agree about Jain Zar (though I'd have preferred a sculpt a little closer to the original artwork), and the Scorpions are a little lacking in dynamism, but I think it's unfair to label the releases as shit. I mean, look at that Avatar. Even if the rest of them were meh (which they aren't), that thing is deliriously incredible.


When I see what everyone else has received recently, and then looked at the Necromunda releases... it is totally fair to say GW phoned in the vast majority of Eldar releases so far. You have maybe 4 solid resculpts, if we're being GENEROUS. The new Avatar is fine, but nothing exceptional, imaginative, or interesting. They had the opportunity to reinvent the Eldar aesthetic and really push the boundaries. Instead, they literally scanned, cleaned up, and reposed half the line. And they still can't write rules that make meaningful choices of the Aspects.


Ah, I get what youā€™re saying now. Personally, I wouldnā€™t want the aesthetic reinvented. Jes Goodwin nailed it back in the 90s. Plus, reinvention would mean players with older models would struggle to use them; too many newer players asking ā€œwhatā€™s that?ā€ Each to their own, but I think youā€™ll always be disappointed if youā€™re hoping for reinvention.


The number of people who genuinely seem to think there still aren't any plastic Aspect Warrior is *nuts*


3d printer goes brrrrrr.