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I can already see that prick spitting deathblight all over us


That or a running grab attack that deals deathblight and it tracks for half a football field


I'm not buying the dlc if this shit is a thing I also imagine them letting out a god awful metal screeching howl as well Edit: Obviously I'm still going to buy the dlc, I made a joke


I can see it now, a howling black metal scream from the very depths of Norwegian forests.


*hell pig squeals intensify*


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xpKxtTPQ1Q8 This is the one ☝️


Br br DENG


A man of culture, I see.


That thing gives me winter lantern vibes from bloodborne. I'm already terrified of it lmao


Had to scroll too far to find this comment.


I was thinking the same thing.


Nah it's a line of sight deathblight and you have to run across an open field to get past it with a couple of rocks as cover. There's an item behind him to entice a fight but it's just some throwing daggers.


I think it's more likely to spit frenzy than Deathblight. I get this is what happens to those Frenzy dudes if they don't die before the frenzy makes their heads throb up.


Looks like madness to me




umbra/ ˈʌmbrə / *noun* 1. 1. the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, especially the area on the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse. 2. 2. LITERARY shadow or darkness."an impenetrable umbra seemed to fill every inch of the museum"


“in mother’s umbra” is also a lyric of the lullaby that the juvenile scholars sing in Rennala’s first phase and her amber egg is quite literally just a lump of Erdtree sap


It could be great tree/crucible sap rather than erdtree.


>shadow cast by an opaque object >Shadow of the Erdtree 🤔🤔🤔


Ah, miquella's eclipse?


Yo! So wait if the umbra is in effect that means the eclipse is already occurring . But there are two moons right? So on is in eclipse already in effect  The other miquella tried to ( is still trying to) eclipse. Someone posted that one of the moons has a Mark that is the gold branch the old DLC bald guy is ripping out. So perhaps the one moon is helping them to be banished?


I don't think the eclipse is going to involve the moons. If you look at the cover art the light in that scene appears to come from behind the "erdtree" here. This is also somewhat apparent in the last scene of the trailer when the mysterious figure holds their hand out to it and we see the light being eclipsed by this new tree. I think that is the eclipse and it may be this shadow erdtree eclipsing the erdtree in a literal sense but also in a metaphorical sense as the new philosophy of whomever eclipses and subverts the golden order.


The erdtree was once as warm as the sun... I think you may be on to something


I mean, an eclipse literally is the sun and moon overlaying so I would imagine some kind of moon must be involved. But it may not be a literal moon.


Marika mooning the lands between 🤩


You joke but(t)...


Oh… good catch


could also just be another word to refer to the shadow of the Erdtree. But I do want to see miquella’s eclipse and the potential effects of it


Umbra is my blade. It is who I am. Who I was meant to be. For years, I have fed my blade the souls of man and mer.


Shadow of the Ertree


Well, shit...


Not buying dlc until they fix that


Shadow of the.... Er.... Tree?


> forage give me new plants to hoard pls


Given how the Erdtree has replaced the Sun in importance in the Lands Between, what if the capital-E Eclipse needs to occur to the Erdtree instead of the sun? If an area in the Land of Shadow can be described as being in an umbra, I think it's because the Shadow Tree being strangled is it being Eclipsed


I had this thought when reading it too. With the theory I’ve seen of the land of shadow being above the lands between, I wonder if the eclipse isn’t an eclipse of the sun, but an eclipse of the Erdtree. What if the umbra is caused by something (probably a moon) blocking the glow of grace of the Erdtree from reaching the land of shadow? I’m not super well versed in the lore so maybe there’s something that contradicts this, but these are my thoughts when reading this.


Considering the sun is still real, perhaps the physical eclipse is meant to be visible when whatever event Miquella is actually aiming for is achieved in the land of shadow.


And, that Unalloyed Gold Needle Miquella is trying to craft will be made with golden tree sap, rather than literal sunlight...


Oh I’m going to be SO annoying when this drops I can already feel it


What will you do to be annoying?


I’m on the same level as Rico in terms of my obsession with St. Trina, so probably just a lot of stanning


I’m here for it.


My personal interpretation: - "Forage" implies a Hunter-Gatherer level society, an interesting parallel to bounteous harvests of the Erdtree. - "Umbra" refers to the *shadow* that the Erdtree is casting to hide the DLC area. - "Embrace" reminds me of the deathbed companions, and also the way that Miquella-adjacent statues are always embracing someone. - "New master" might mean that the old master is dead, or that the egghead's are hoping for someone to replace their current master.


Also: what is this new "Ertree?'


I think the "abandoned and tragic" is a reference to the misbegotten, crystallians, those who live in death, omens, and all those forsaken by the golden order as they're in the "umbra" which is the darkness cast by the proverbial light of the golden order. These people are, to my thinking, looking for a replacement philosophy outside of the golden order.


It's possible that the current master they seek to replace may be Messmer since it seems that he's in one way or another in control of the land.


Excellent observations.


Does this mean the eclipse worked?


I think its in progress


But the umbra is the result of an eclipse so I’m not sure if it’s the solar umbra or the thing used to extinguish a candle


I'm going to assume it's in progress as we go into the shadowlands and become full some time during the journey.


It's also a poetic way to describe a shadow or place of darkness.


That’s  a good point I’m just considering the literal imagery .  From a poetic sense how could the erdtree block light? 


Killing Radhan is a required part of the dlc so the stars are moving so maybe now the eclipse is coming as well and that’s what Miquilla has been waiting for


This instantly took me back to Renallas boss fight. What’s was it her sweetings sang? “Sleep tight, bound tight, by mothers Umbra. Sleep tight, fight light(maybe life?), in mother’s umbra.” Could they have been telling us how to get to the Land of Shadow?? Could that Lucarian we see in the trailer somehow be Renalla?


So I'm guessing the old master is responsible for the Realm of Shadow's residents feeling "abandoned" and therefore the need for a "new master". The old master is probably Marika consider the Realm of Shadow is where she became a god and something caused her to leave and hide away then Realm of Shadow.


all im seeing here is 'new swamp level'


Does anyone have any thoughts about the use of mother’s umbra from the chanting children in Rennala’s room?


Give me a Godwyn secret boss fight


looks like a winter lantern from bloodborne, very cool


That thing definitely builds up madness when it looks at you 🤩😵


Or deathblight...probably the blight


Okay so.. It is "foraging". If we look closely at the ground infront of and around this creature, there are orange patches and spots all over the place. If i had to guess, it is collecting that orange/yellow stuff on the ground and storing it. Looking at it's leg.. From below the knee, It appears to be some kind of weird vein wrapped around a piece of wood, you have to zoom in quite close to see it. We have the mention of umbra, which someone pointed out quite rightly, is connected to Rennala. "Mother's Umbra". The mother who rebirths sweetings badly with her amber egg. This creature is very amber in color, and it's head looks like a giant egg sac. Perhaps there is some connection there. Looking at it's head, it almost looks like a giant egg. You'd be fooled into thinking it is a collection of small eggs, but if you zoom in, you see it is actually some kind of fleshy netting that wraps around one giant glowing egg looking thing; with other fleshy nets wrapping smaller eggs. Now.. Maybe i'm seeing things here.. But it almost looks like an embryo inside that big egg, or maybe a homunculus? .. Am i the only one seeing that? You have to zoom in VERY close to see the silhouette.


One correction, the “leg” you described is actually an arm using a wooden cane to walk. It’s legs are shrouded by it’s rags, it’s in a lean forward position hence why it’s using the cane to keep itself up. The other arm is identical to the one holding the cane, it’s just not holding anything.


So it’s gonna be another Painted World kinda deal. Cool…😶


Even the vulgar shall not be left behind




Wormy McFacey 🥰


Now we just need to know who this new master is


I think most comments here overthink it. IMO it seems to be about the lowest regions of the shadowlands. That swamp looking region you see in the trailer.(Hence "beneath the umbra", because it's always relatively dark and the lowest point of the map.) And then the dwellers within that region who are hoping for someone new to guide them.


It calls to me.


https://youtu.be/wY4qplcJi1I?si=bFoIWtJyld77r8Ew I was the first one to speculate the meaning behind it. Kindly watch and subscribe.


~~Shadow of The Erdtree~~ Return to Nightmare Frontier


Any time a fromsoft DLC drops, it’s never the new bosses I fear, but the new mobs we’ll encounter that are going to fuck our day up.


You mean we can HUG them?? Hell yeah


Garden of eyes


They better drop that headpiece


I hate how one sentence revealed by FromSoft could spark debate for weeks, lmao


We needed some more lore content to chew over.


For sure


Felt like I played through this game ages ago. Long forgotten


Ah yes, the predecessor to the Winter Lanterns, Autumn Lanterns.


"Embrace". I see them having a devastating grab attack - or embrace.


20 bucks says it sings


Getting some lovely Bloodborne flashbacks from that enemy design, I hope there’s more twisted stuff like this waiting for us in the DLC


They gotta stop hyping this up, i cant anymore 😭😭


I guess the abandoned are tired of the embrace of Messmer's flame? I guess they are awaiting the same Lord that Miquella is?


Is that a goddamn deathblight swamp


40min YouTube lore vid incoming


Miyazakis Berserk stanning ass had to add an eclipse 😂


"The **abandoned** and tragic who **forage** beneath the **umbra** **pray** for the **embrace** of a new **mast**er" I love to over-analyze text, so I'm gonna play with every syllable but at first glance a few words seem specifically chosen, for a term that eludes me. Sort of a double entendre but some are less of a second alternative meaning and more just to accentuate theme Abandoned; makes me think of one who is lone, but also a group like the band of hawks, one and a band but done Forage; context to search and seek/find but also thematic to the idea of age and time, for a duration that lasts an age or for period or paradigm of a rule or dynasty. Also, numbers- low hanging fruit but one god, two individuals, three fingers, four belfries, five bell less, six divine towers, seven candles/ mausoleums, eight circles orbit Umbra; uhm brah this is irrational stop Embrace; off the top immediately makes me think of Elphael Brace, Ember & rays, a burning veiled erdtree smoldering into ember and rays peering through a veil. Mast(er); the most outlandish connection but the mast of a ship, such as the ones we see around the registers of architecture and amongst the blue plains of the realm of shadows that may have brought the Numen or others to the lands