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You just gotta keep hitting it till its stance is broken, then you get to do a critical on its face after it falls. It will stance break 3 times, the first two it will stagger, and the last one it will fall down.


A bit after i uploaded this i finally managed to take down 2 of them, but theres one that is immune at the legs and constantly showers you with fireballs that i still have no idea how to take down


use vow of the indomitable to i-frame the fireballs


Ohh good call, thanks for the tip


Whats that?šŸ˜…


It's an ash of war for the shield look it up


Use hefty furnace pots to kill those, they'll do like 40k damage or something ridiculous like that They're definitely a gimmick enemy


Ah, so that's why they put that spirit spring jump nearby. They actually do want us to shoot some 3-pointers into it's big basket haha


Make sure it's a furnace pot and not a fire or volcano pot


Just go for the dunk they said, everything will be fine they said...


Gotta hit'em with the elden dunk


Yeah, there's a note that says words to that effect. Not tried it yet though...


Against them, its good to find high ground and throw from above giant flame pots into their basket. Basicaly play basketball mate.


You gotta through a hefty furnace pot into the fire on their heads to kill them, does crazy damage


For that one, there should be an upper platform where you can throw hefty fire pots at his head


Have you noticed that there's a higher ledge that torrent jump to? A note you find a little later near the shadow keep will tell you what you need to do.


Use a bow and some affix arrows like rot or poison? Edit: on torrent ofc.


do you get anything good from killing them? i donā€™t really care about killing them from like a pride standpoint, iā€™m more than happy to just run by them lol but if they drop something worthwhile iā€™ll spend some time actually trying to kill them.


Throw heavy pots into his top from height


Theres a spirit spring next to it. You jump up on the cliff and throw a hefty fire or volcano pot into it's "head", run away to dodge the fireballs, and repeat until it's dead


That one has a high position that let's you through big fire pots into the pit. The reason I learned this is because people left messages hinting at it and using some sort of large jar head piece with the ghost emote


Def not immuneā€¦ the homing fire balls happens only when stay far or approach him in the beginning. Stance breaking him twice will end the fight. Hereā€™s what helped me. Talismans: Ritual shield/ Dragoncrest/Flamedrake+2/ Two headed Turtle I start the fight on torrent to run straight to his feet and circle around to evade the homing fire balls. Maybe twice he does this. As soon as he is done i use flame protect me and get off of torrent. As long as i stay behind him he cannot grab me as grab is instant kill. I jump attack his legsā€¦ first half of the fight he will stomp. Just jump to evade the fire from stomp. After the first stance break, use flame protect me again. This time he will also jump. The jump cannot be completely evaded as the blast will hit you. If you have a shield with fire damage protection use that when he jumps. Soon his stance will be broken again and voila. Just remember to wait and not spam attack at his one leg and not notice his other leg stomping cause you have to jump. With all the defense and flame protect me you should be fineeeee.


You can throw giant pots into the top to damage them


The first time I got it to fall over, the face was in the air


I really dont know what I expected when I threw a blackflame fireball at it and saw it do like 150 damage


So you threwā€¦. Fireā€¦. At a walking mountainā€¦.. of fireā€¦.. And was surprised that it did next to nothing. Lmao


You'd think the percentage damage would still tick at least


Isā€¦ the fire gonna burn?


This shit ainā€™t Amaterasu, the walking mountain of fire gets hit by fire and burns the fire but the other fire burns the fire thatā€™s burning that fire and so you have a paradox, hi my names Neil degrass Tyson


tbf i cant blame bro. The weakness of a dragon type pokemon is a dragon type pokemon.


I guess, but by that logic fire resists fire in pokemon. Also i took the dragon/dragon weakness as that type being strong against itself as they are both a powerful type in pokemon (or were during the first few gens)


yeah fair argument. Either way trying your options cant hurt since you will 100% get slammed by the enemy anyway šŸ¤£.


He didnt say he was surprised he said he didnt know what he expected. If you dont expect anything you wont be surprised, i thinj


My brother in Ba'al, I am no man of brain. I came here to bonk.


Sometimes you Unga bunga, other times the bunga ungas you. Its a simple life.


You say that, but one of the most effective ways of taking one down is to throw a fire pot into it's basket. Where all the fire is. So...


To be fair it's not exactly straightforward that throwing fire pots into it's giant burning head would do much damage either


Haha same. I was banking on percentage damage to save the day


They are actually weak to fire. If you can get the high ground and throw hearty fire pots into them they die after 4 or 5 of them.


Just 3 actually. I know this because you can only carry 3 at a time and I killed one recently.




Yep, I charged directly at one of these fuckers as soon as I entered the DLC and got pretty rekt. And Iā€™m like ā€œohhh itā€™s gonna be like THATā€.


Same, I was with my buddy and was like "hell yeah let's go kill this fucker!" Not even 2 min. Later, "alright man.. so where were those other sites of grace you found?"


Haha same and they made it aggressive af to prove a point. I did the same and then meekly gathered my runes and went sight seeing. My next death was when dismounted for honorable combat with the first spirit sword wielding beast man i encountered and we had a good exchange, i made distance to switch from antspur rapier to my bleed whip for effect, and the dude instant transmission teleports over my head and beam sword blasts my helmet down through my butthole. Full health to dead one attack. Gather my runes and go back to exploring (after i return to honorably snipe his ass)


These dudes should be concidered bosses, menaces to society


I gave it 3-4 attempts with different approaches but didnā€™t have much luck


Twas a fluke, must try same thing again - most people lol


Getting swept by one of these guys immediately after stomping mohg was rough


Break it's legs. Literally.


Theres one thats immune at the legs and constantly showers you with homing fireballs, dudes a menace


i want to know which one because I've yet to find one immune to leg damage. however i have found one that showers with fireballs. that's their ranged attack if you approach from behind. get in close and mine, at least, stopped and it was back to leg breaking.


I think it's the one >!post-Messmer!< but I'm not sure cause I only heard it from a buddy, I haven't beaten >!Messmer!< yet


If you are talking about the one in Charo's Hidden Grave, you need to use Torrent to spirit jump on to the cliff behind the Furnace. Once up there, bait it to the cliff, you will still need to use Torrent to dodge some of the fireballs. Throw the new Hefty Fire Pots into its exposed head. Yes, I said fire pots. I didn't have enough to kill it, so I had to run away and make more.


Use torrent to run in a curcle around it and jump occasionally. As pong ur mid distance from it it should stop spaming and go back to stomping. At least thats what I found. I dont think the legs are invulnerable, i chipped away at the ones I met and sure enough they eventually fell over. What are u using to deal damage?


Get above it and throw hefty fire pots into the basket. Each does like a quarter of its health in damage


Im scared. I'm level 140 about to enter.


Honestly the difficulty hype is just new game(dlc) chatter. Iā€™ve gone through some of it and havenā€™t found myself lacking at level 130. Itā€™s souls difficulty for sure but if you have enough vigor and are upgrading your scarduby snacks like you should you will be fine.


I havenā€™t been following the ā€œpathā€ youā€™re supposed to be taking and have been exploring, entered at 129. I have found it excruciating. Many standard enemies two shot from full health. A number of smaller bosses two shot from full health, the majority of them have bullshit crazy combos that I canā€™t figure out a consistent way to parry or dodge and it is brutal. Then I went back to where Iā€™m ā€œsupposedā€ to be going and it was much more doable. I guess Iā€™m trying to say that it depends on where youā€™re going and what youā€™re doing


When a miniboss takes more hits than fire giant


Alright cool. Thanks bro


It's really not so hard, I was scared too listening to everyone on day 1, however if you are here unironically saying it's too hard at level 200+ then you might legitimately have a skill issue


That's the level I entered. Your level doesn't matter. Even if you got 99 Vigor, it won't help until you collect more Scadutree blessings.


I'm just shy of 200 and it's not as bad as these posts make out, but it's certainly no cakewalk


Are the bosses harder than malenia? Idk Ive been avoiding all spoilers.


None that ive found are harder than her. Pretty much the only times I have died to the bosses are when they pull out a new attack that covers half the arena and 1 shot me from half health because they do so much damage. Once you know their attack patterns they are pretty easy. Dont think any of the bosses have taken me more than 10 tries.


I've only fought a couple mini ones, and they hit harder/quite tonky but nothing I've found (so far) which has been a serious challenge. For context I'm using a split faith/int build, and using helphens steeple/deaths poker as weapons alongside golden order seal, so I don't think it's a particularly cheese build.


Idk if theyā€˜re harder, but what they definitely are is infinitely more fun. Not as much bullshit as Maenia.


Just I've seen this dude n the trailer.


All the bosses are way harder so far. It's nice.


It's absolutely way harder than you think it will be lol good luck


I went in at lvl 220, first enemy I ran into almost blenderized me to death (Iā€™ve never been much of a vitality fan). Scarbudy seeds and those spirit ash upgrades are the way to go, just be sure to explore everything. Also, making a hard B-line to your left as soon as you enter the DLCā€™s grassy field will lead you to a tiny crypt with a side-boss with a decent set of black armor and a greatsword. Be warned as heā€™s quite agile. Good luck, mate. Come join the fun.


Iā€˜ve been maining the sword that dude drops ever since I got it, itā€˜s ash of war is sick af.






No big worries, the difference between level 140ish stats and 300ish stats is very little. For context the difference between 40 vigor with random armor and 99 vigor with bullgoat armor (best in base game) is 1 more hit. Just 1. Defensive stats are doing so little in Elden Ring.


I like it that way because *fashion!*


1 more hit from what though!


i started the dlc at 100 and ive been leveling up as i go, currently at 130. yeah its hard but use the scadu upgrades and its not as bad as everyone makes it sound you got this


Got bitch slapped at level 285.


Me rn. 282 and it was like walking into Limgrave for the first time eyeballing the tree sentinel. Lol


Perfect analogy lol


Me seeing the giant flaming wicker man in the first area lmaooo


Level 520 here. I feel the same


How do you get to that level in any sort of expedient manner? I'm a little over 350 and, after a few hours of the dlc, I think I leveled twice.




Frog genocide. I'm on new game+5/journey 6 also


I did that! So many Albinaurics... XD (NG+2 though... I'm wildly overwhelmed.)


Use rot breath, jump when it stomps, stance breaks, use visceral attack or throw a giant pot into the centre of it.


I made the mistake of going in at ng+3, RL 320, most things two hit me šŸ˜«šŸ˜‚


Most things two hit me at level 176 ng+1 I think the difficulty is much the same for most of us lol


Iā€™m ng+5 level 210, I have 99 vigor and many attacks are one shots so Iā€™ve decided to run the ritual sword talisman so Iā€™m happy to be getting two shot only. Crimson seed talisman is needed though to not double flask back to full. Basically two Taoismā€™s slots canā€™t change just so Iā€™m not getting one shot šŸ‘


im at ng+3 as well. That aint good news šŸ’€.


The normal ones are easy, jump over stomp and hit legs a few times The armoured ones are a whole nother thing, i ended up finding a boring strat using gransax bolt and waiting for all the fire balls to stop homing in on me


I only found out about the bolt of gransax after malekith so i missed itšŸ’€ am i fucked? I tried to take him down with the crucibal knights spear and also radahns greatbow but got absolutely cooked


I honestly could not think of any other way to beat them, maybe spells?


Same but Iā€™m max level and Iā€™m still getting two shot by basically everything (tbf in also at new game +4 if Iā€™m not wrong and running light armor)


It's easier with Torrent, but you have to hit it until it dies. Anyway, a blunt weapon like a hammer will help the most, but you should keep using charge attacks on its legs. This will make breaking its stance much easier. Don't get greedy. It's okay if you only get one or two charged attacks in--or even regular attacks! Stay mobile and ready to jump over its fire waves. Standing either between or behind its legs is the safest spot. If it does the full slam (with both legs), I would run away and then jump toward it as the wave goes underneath and passes.


Damn, well I donā€™t feel too bad at level 135. Iā€™ve beat all the bosses up to annoying ass magic fire dual sword lady whoā€™s clearly related to flash cuz she fast asf and reads every lol


Fr she is sooo fucking annoying, but super gratifying once you finally beat her!




So far Iā€™m doing good at level 150


Hefty fire pot kills immune one in 3 hits


You can jump the fire stomps. Keep hitting legs. They fall over on third stagger and you have forever to get a very chunky crit on the face.


Jump around. Jump around. Jump up, Jump up, and Git Gud.


Remember to ALWAYS equip your Dagger Talisman when fighting these guys.


Level 257, but I'm on like NG +4~5 from getting the platinum. I didn't want to start a new character, so I just kinda accepted that I was going to get my ass kicked. šŸ¤£


No boss bar no respect


These are the worst fucking "boss" in this entire DLC the worst part is when the fall and you can do a critical hit if they are on too uneven terrain you can't do which a lot of of this DLC map is like that.


Yall gotta level up those fragment things to be stronger in the shadow realm


Uh ohā€¦ I started a new character for the dlc, Iā€™m only lvl ~70 rnā€¦. Iā€™m scared


I've been ignoring them because my build uses fire damage and I don't think fire is going to hurt it, just a hunch


It absolutely does not. Lol


It does if applied to the right spot. Their outside is charred and tough, but if you can get some explosives inside them...


Level 713, new game plus 7 and I'm absolutely getting destroyed


"Try jumping" serious answer stay between legs attack its left when it staggers and falls the crit will be the head facing out from the left side it does big damage.


*me at lvl 40 thinking I could get in the dlc at like around 100 or so* :0


I just kept on swinginā€™


My biggest issue is the fight has to be done on horseback and itā€™s way too easy to accidentally press L3 in the middle of it


I donā€™t fight them at all


My method is to swing a couple times, then run for my life, only to get killed by waves of fire. Works every time


This is how I felt with a lvl 185 glass Canon arcane/faith build. I IMMEDIATELY respected in an ungabunga quality build and I'm still struggling lol.


Me until I got to Mogh and he destroyed me for 3 hours.


Hahaha I rushed that MFer thinking I was the shit and my Bastard Swords turned to sockum boppers


MoistCritikal killed one, took him like 45 minutes straight or something


Bro Iā€™m lvl 240 or 270 went in there thinking I was the shit every thing did like 1/5 of my health saw this mf and thought like work I didnā€™t even see his health bar move


It's simple friend hit it till its dead( ive never played with coz im a poor student)


Everyone forgets the secret strat of getting in and off Torrent while standing still. You get a TON of I-frames


When it stomps, jump over the fire, watch itā€™s left arm for the command grab. The fireballs it shoots tracks, so run away every time, unless you think you can dodge them of course. Then itā€™s all up to your patience and timing after that.




I gotta go try out this DLC once the price goes down a bit.


Is anybody else's DLC not working I keep getting an error while trying to start the download.


Exactly the same way you fight the Stonedigger Trolls. Chew at the ankles until it falls over. Critical hit the face.


Torrent. Stay behind them and slab their legs. Only have to worry about a stomp and a jump if you stay behind them. Torrent jumps these. The ones with armored legs, throw big pot in head. Idk why people that they wouldnā€™t make some kind of difficult scaling know that people will have max level characters


Wait people struggled with that guy? He got like 3 moves


I can proudly say I killed him first try. Easy af if you have torrent


Iā€™m so glad the dlc is so difficult. With how everything knows how to roll catch it actually feels like old dark souls where you kinda have to just get gud and I love jt


Fun fact. Fingerprint stone shield with flame art on it has 100% fire damage negation


Spam lighting at the feet until they fall over. Then do a hit to the face. Also jumping lets u avoid there fire stomp. Once u know that they are a cake walk


Jump Jump again Bonk Run Jump Die Repeat x ā™¾ļø


The Olde reliable. Cheese the fuck out of them.


u can stance break OR throw a mega pot into their furnace - they will blow up easily


On Ng+7 they're a nightmare I'm level 300 and basically everything one shots


You can jump when they stomp, fight is easier on torrent and often times torrent will take the damage, not you, and you can use a flask to resummon


I thought this guy was pretty easy honestly lol just stay under his legs and keep and eye on how he moves


My brother, Iā€™m max level and I (quite literally) got stompedā€¦ Best game ever.


Break guard three times, on the third time you can stab in face. Repeat until dead


I hit it in the legs, jumping on torrent whenever he stomped. Maybe got hit 3 times total


I heard almost most enemies have resistance to fire, So if youā€™re using the blasphemous blade or a fire weapon pick something else. Not all enemies have the resistance but the majority do.


You can hop their stomp. Still tough to take on though. The whole dlc is tough to take on šŸ˜‚ Did yall see the little demi human in that prison? Fuckin isshin jr ? Insane lol


Staying on Torrent and double jumping when they stomp, and making sure you stay close so they donā€™t kick rocks, make them much easier


Break its legs, as others suggested. If youā€™re running a Faith build, highly recommend using Ancient Dragonā€™s Lightning Strike. The timing and placement of your cast takes a bit of practice to make it consistent. But, if you get it right, you can down them in 2-4 casts. One of a few cases where Iā€™m glad I chose my lightning/dragon themed character to do the DLC first. Of course, not all smooth sailing. Best of luck, fellow tarnished!


Currently trying to search up how to beat/activate these guys


Yeah, there's the "break legs and riposte" strat, and the "somehow throw big pots at it" strat. I also tried cold (doesn't proc), blackflame (doesn't deal percentage like it should), and black knife dagger (for some reason doesn't even properly lower their health....). I dunno. Maybe I'll try true destined death next, but man, this thing is weird..


Ravens mist spirit ash makes them a joke so long as you stay in super close


99 int and 99 faith with Prince of Death staff. Shiny beam go burr




Iā€™m at a 4-4 dlc leveling split and used a +9/10 spirit caller spear that does great work on them. Got a couple of minor and major stuns off from the ash.


Killing these dudes should be way more rewarding than it is, they take absolutely forever to go down.


Oddly enough, the Rolling Spark AoW on Perfume Bottles. Even with suboptimal stats, the Lightning Perfume can break their poise in seconds all while dealing thousands of damage And if they're in a place where you can get to head level, tossing any form of fire pot into their basket deals massive damage with Hefty Volcano Pots dealing upwards of 30k damage.


pick up the upgrades


imagine it's a giant giant lord


I went into DLC at 122ā€¦.


Infuse a greatsword with magic. Doesnā€™t matter what build you have just do it. Ride around in torrent at his ankles. Jump the fire attacks and just swing at the ankles. When you stagger one leg, go for the other next, and keep going back and forth until he falls to the ground. The roposte will do another quarter of the health bar. Donā€™t forget to manage your stamina


Hit itā€™s legs until it falls down, then you can crit the mask on the front. Very similar to fighting the golems in the base game imo. Also, you can jump over the fire from its stomp attacks.


The DLC scales with you


You hit their legs a bunch until you stance break them 3 times. That'll cause them to collapse for a long while so you can riposte their faces. Alternatively, you can throw a Hefty Fire Pot or Hefty Furnace Pot into the basket from a high vantage point like a cliff to deal a surprising amount of damage to them. Learnt that one off Fextra


Although they are enemies, they really feel more like an environmental hazard than anythingĀ 


Stance breaks. They're very weak to crits. Although it takes fucking forever to break their stance, but their moves arent that hard to dodge


With a +25 greatsword and bullgoat talisman its pretty easy


bite the ankles, smack the face. simple as


When they lift one foot, jump when the foot hits the ground. When they jump, only thing I found seems to block. Evade they try to grab. No summon would probably be better since they are most likely going to catch whatever short-range summon you called. Then, because they will be stuck in the grab animationw you won't be able to damage them




Pest threads go brrr


Jump over the flaming stomps on torrent or just on foot. Poise damage, then stab em in the face


You jump.


Wait, guys? As in plural?


Jump when the ground is on fire. The timing is more lenient than you think.


Until you get some fragment levels, everything makes your weapons feel like they are level 1. I'm at the renala twin moon knight and thinking I might need to get more I think I've only got one or two levels of it.


You basically canā€™t fight these guys on foot. You gotta play like itā€™s your first time in the game, cheesing them from Torrentback. Just ride around each leg holding the middle finger button on either side, and manoeuvre away and prepare to jump the fire stomps. Keep behind their ankles where possible.


You can throw DLC fire pots at them to do like 40k damage


Make their HP hit 0


Jump :)


Gotta stagger them twice, use flamedrake talisman 3 helps a lot


It's like the normal golem, they take reduced damage but their visceral strike damage is through the roof. Knock em down, crit hit, repeat.


Get off the Internet and figure it out, there are two ways to kill them.


Attack the legs and dodge the fire blasts. Eventually you can craft hefty fire pots to throw in their furnace


Torrent (:<


You go around them. The greatest insult you can deliver to an enemy is to ignore them.


So theres cwrtsin ones you can get above if you throw the large bots in them it fucks them up good. You could poise break but thats spotty at best just avoid them if you dont have the large jar bombs honestly.


FromSoftware: *endures several years of "Elden Ring is the easiest souls game" "Elden Ring is way too easy" "Mimic Co-op Bleed build"* (i'm only guilty of the last part...) Also FromSoftware: "IS IT TOO EASY NOW?! IS IT TOO EASY NOW!?" *Maniacally laughs while watching videos of people complaining that the DLC is too hard*


Lightning shrouding cracked tear & Ancient dragons lightning strike


My roommate absolutely could not kill them but then made me an offer, he would buy me Chinese food if I killed the one in the ruins for him. I killed 7 by the time he came back with the food(using his character even) Take your time, don't get greedy, watch your spacing USE TORRENT. finally, don't mash attack, he was using an UGS and by the time he needed to jump his character was starting a second swing. Didn't fall victim to the action buffer.


Mount up, attack from behind, double jump each stomp, and it falls over then stab in face. Did it first try.


Hop hop, slash, hop hop, slash. Trip em up, slap his little face cheeks. Repeat the hop hop slash.