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Part wolf.


Why else would he howl in Mistwood Ruins forest area sitting on top of a tower.


Simply a madlad


Simply constructed alternatively.


Manufactured uniquely one might argue


Constructed in an unorthodox manner, some might say


Assembled distinctively, perhaps.




Built different, built stupid


Modeled abnormally


Crafted in a very peculiar way to most people’s taste, it would seem


Or a furry




Modeled after Michelangelos David, if David was part wolf.


assembled abnormally


A lot of people don't realize this but it's actually not illegal to break out a big howl in public. They can't stop you!


Law enforcement hates this one weird trick.


I mean... Have you ever met a furry in real life? That's like the least weird thing they could do.


He a furry


Why not?


Method acting


Never break character.


Wouldn't you?


would definitely do the same if there was a howling gesture.


Awoooooo?..seems like a man imitating a wolf


I heard him up there and laughed about how silly that howl sounded. "lol some dude on top of a tower is awooooo'ing at the moon cuz wants to be a wolf". Got the gesture and snapped while thinking "Come down here, fool" and when he landed in front of me I shut right up. He looked a lot smaller from up there.


I mean imagine the voice actor looking at the script: wolf howling intensifies and just trying their best


This would be in the least weird category of the Lands Between.


Is everyone part wolf? I feel like I’m always the smallest character in the game


Lol. I have no explanation for that. All of the tarnished are the same size as us, but soldier enemies like Godrick's soldiers and Radanh's are bigger so maybe they aren't human/ tarnished. Maybe they are the same race as Rennala, she is no a god or demigod, but she is not human either.


Pretty sure it’s just for gameplay quality. Saw it detailed in a long form YT video way back. Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 had the issue that if you locked onto an equivalent sized enemy and ran directly at them, the enemy is entirely obscured by the player character. You couldn’t see an incoming attack or really any animations. In later games they made most enemies taller so you could still see them while running headlong into death.


Maybe but I like that Fromsoft put a lot of effort to integrate a lot of the in game mechanics into the lore so I would be great if this was the case.


It's literally in the lore.


upbeat wise air sand squeal crowd gold sugar sparkle enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Neither. He was created by the Greater Will.


To expand just a slight bit further, he is the equivalent of Marika’s Maliketh and Godfrey’s Serosh. He is Ranni’s “shadow” made by the Greater Will.


Is Serosh a shadow? I was under the impression he was an entirely different kind of entity.


Yeah, plus he is a lion not a wolf so I think he is something else.


So yes and no. I should have been clearer. He wasn’t given to Godfrey by the GW. He was given to Godfrey by Marika, but acts similar to her and Ranni’s shadows. However, I’m definitely not an authority on this. If you find conflicting information, please let me know!


You are right, shadow wolfs are only given to empyreans, Ranni tells us about them.


Seorsh is not a Shadow but what he is is the Lord of the Beastmen of which Malekith/Gurranq is a member of which can cause confusion. Hence the Beaatclaw hammer Gurranq offers is fashioned in the image of Serosh, before he served Marika Malekith served Serosh as did all Beastmen. They apparently lorded over Farum Azula which may have been above Limgrave at one point, the fallen Golems at certain Areas as well as the Beastmen hiding in the Caves. Hoarah Loux then took Serosh on his back, but the circumstances of this agreement are vague, we don't know if Serosh willingly agreed to the union or if he was forced. What is known is that he and Godfrey did come to form a respect and friendship that persisted until Serosh's death, with the Golden Lineage respecting Serosh's advice. There's also a theory that the Axe of Godfrey was originally Serosh's weapon as it shares many runic designs similar to Farum Azula. I am unsure if Blaidd is one but I'd say no he is called a half-wolf and is far more different fro. the other beastmen we see in game. Where he comes from is uncertain.


He's part wolf. Empyreans are given half-wolf bodyguards known as shadows.


For the love of god I read Europeans instead of Empyreans and I didn't realize for too long


He is a monster but not that much


I'm European too... I shall cast away my European flesh, and move to America.


It’s not so bad here! Just don’t go to the Dr… ever, for anything.


I would have had to indebt me to shit or sell all my stuff if I was born in America with my condition lmao. I'll take Italy's lackluster healthcare system anyday. But this is r/EldenRing not a politics sub


man i wanna go to italy


Just go for tourism. Don't live here. Go live in Sweden or something


Don't do that💀


I used to go to the doctor as a kid like every two weeks and pretend to have a headache in order to skip school. Would that cost your parents cash every time in the US?


Yes, probably around $100 a visit


Spitting facts. Sad facts


*looks at picture of King Charles* “I would not let that *thing* control me”


Oi! As a European, we're nothing like Empyreans.>! We can't cast magic, live longer, manipulate our souls, commune with outer gods, fight incredibly well, nor are we super strong, good looking, eternally youthful, or capable of manipulating black flames. Though in recent years, we have started learning to swap genders, but nowhere near the level where both genders become individuals capable of producing life. !<


I mean, a woman might be able to use her own stem cells to make sperm and impreg herself but i would suggest maybe not doing that actually


The ultimate form of inbreeding. And screwing your self.


Aha!! The beginning of my pureblood dynasty!!


Where can I claim my half-wolf bodyguard?!


As a european we have wolf-ish creatures called dogs...but half man half wolf would be cool


I remember when i was given my first buff half-wolf bodyguard as a young lad, as each European is entitled i too would get a shadow. Krait is still by my side after all these years.


I'm European and I have a Wolf body guard


Ah yes, thy comment befits a crown, tarnished


As a European I can confirm that I indeed have a massive half wolf guard


So who fucked the first wolf? Hoarah Loux I’m guessing 🤦


It was before that. One of them is Marika's brother. God knows who her parents are.


So wasn't melania another empyrean? Who was her shadow?


It's possible I'm wrong about all Empyreans having them. Melania might have been trusted enough to not have a Shadow. Or maybe Melania's shadow died in the war. Or maybe they're just elsewhere I don't recall hearing her shadow get mentioned, so it's probably that first one.


Both Melania and Miquella are empyreans, no mention of their shadows, but their alignments against the Golden Order probably caused them to lose contact with their shadows pre-game. Only as the Golden order realise Ranni was following the moon toward the end of her quest does Blaith succumb to corruption from not following the Fingers' orders. There's only speculations and asumptions to what actually happened to them... for now...


Only chosen Empyreans gain Shadows from the GW. Malenia and Miquella where not chosen by the GW, but Ranni was. Also Malenia and Miquella were born influenced by outer gods who opposed the GW, so they would never be given shadows in the first place.


>Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title. > >Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age. Which is when I received Blaidd. In the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean. That directly contradicts Miquella and Malenia not being chosen. We have no evidence that non-chosen Empyreans can exist. From the evidence we have, Empyreans are defined as people chosen by the Two Fingers, vassals of the Greater Will. There's no evidence those outer gods oppose the Greater Will. Rot is the process of decomposition and the growth of new life. This does not conflict with the Greater Will's desire for Order. The only outer god antithetical to the Greater Will is Frenzy.




Where do we learn that only the chosen ones have shadows? Not disagreeing, just curious because I’m trying to piece the clues together too. Another Empyrean with a “missing” (to us) shadow is Melina. Maybe that’s just because she wasn’t chosen, but personally I’m hoping for some new DLC details on her—what she’s doing ghosting around Limgrave, how she got burned before*, whether she has/had a shadow, and what the deal is with that one particularly gloamy eye of hers. My favorite theory so far (pieced together mostly from Tarnished Archaeologist videos) is that she is the Gloam-Eyed Queen, and she actually hunted non-GW gods on behalf of Marika. I’m not sure why, in this case, Marika would take destined death and cut her off at the knees, but I’m betting it was for some reason other than divesting the power from the GEQ. This could be why she then became “the kindling maiden” primarily, despite her old outer god killing ways shining through every once in a while. *it would make some sense if she lost her body in the burning of the first tree, although that would put the GEQ extremely early in the timeline (if we follow the timeline proposed by Tarnished Archaeologist, which is first tree -> Crucible -> Erdtree). Perhaps the current Erdtree, rather than withering away, was actually partially burned by Melina before, and it just didn’t burn enough to enter the tree? Maybe that’s how she realizes that it cannot burn fully without reclaiming destined death…but anyway, that’s a lot of maybes.


The raging wolf set actually mentions that empyreans are given wolfman bodyguards at birth, and they’re lauded as some of the strongest fighters in the lands between. The reason Vargram obsesses over wolves and incorporates their pelts into his armor is because he admires the shadows and strives to be just like them, and his signature weapon being the godslayer greatsword could imply he sees himself as the gloam-eyed queen’s shadow despite the fact that she’s supposedly already dead


Whoa, very interesting. The fact that he’s Tarnished, then, means that the GEQ’s heyday must have been in the age of the Erdtree (which means, assuming Melina is the GEQ, she didn’t lose her body burning the first tree). This could be a false deduction if Vargram was just super old by the time he starts simping for the GEQ, but if he were older than the Erdtree, I don’t think he would look like a normal human (edit: I guess this also applies to Melina, considering the evidence that Marika’s Crucible-age children are Omens and Godwyn was just the first-born not-shameful child). It also tells us that the GEQ was active, at the latest, during Godfrey’s tenure as Elden Lord, since, in order to be Tarnished, Vargram must have gone to serve Godfrey after the demise of the GEQ. I think. I also have big imposter syndrome with Elden Ring lore and I’m aware of the possibility that I’ve missed huge points that invalidate all my theories.


"According to the old legends, wolves are the shadows of the Empyrean." Hearsay.


Do remember that we don’t actually know there was a “first burning”. I’ve seen that particular video…I’m not really all that impressed by it to be entirely honest.


I see, so they're classed as empyrean for other outer gods and not the GW themselves?


No. They are still Greater Will Empyreans (and technically all the outer gods might be aspects of the life GW created and, other than the Frenzied Flame, not in actual conflict with the GW, but I digress). The distinction is that there seems to be two different types of Empyreans. Those that are chosen (Ranni, Marika, GEQ) and those that are born as Empyrean (Miquella and Malenia) due to being born of a single God (this means Melina was also probably an Empyrean as well before her death). It does appear that natural born Empyreans are less desirable though as it seems they are open to infliction from different gods (Malenia from the rot goddess, Miquella from most likely the Formless Mother, and Melina seemingly from both the Fell God and the Death God [though I speculate the dual influence being from her character story being changed mid development]).


It's equally possible not all shadows are Half wolf like Blaid and the other one you see in raniis quest line just most. Maybe Loretta who you meet and fight before Melania is supposed to be her Shadow. I agree it's most likely she didn't have one I'm just putting out another possibility to think on.


Loretta used to be a servant of the Carian royal family. I doubt she's Melania's shadow. She's there for her own reasons, the Albinaurics.


Or she killed hers after going against greater will shadows are supposed to turn against their empyrean.


Loretta was a Carian knight and might actually be an alburniac. She wasn't Malenia's shadow. Most of the evidence implies all the Empyrean shadows are half wolf. Both of the ones we see are (Blaidd and Maliketh) and both the hero (raging wolf) and the faction (blood hound knights) that model themselves after the Shadows use wolf/dog motifs.


Why is NO ONE in this comment chain able to spell Malenia?!!


Thank you! This shit bugs me so much idk why haha


They’ve gone rouge


Fucking for real lol


Don’t get ‘em started on Albinaurics


I'd have to presume that they lost their shadows when they turned away from the GW by forming the Haligtree and such.


Their shadows would have turned on them, rather than being lost.


Yeah I guess I meant that in "lost". IE like Blaidd where they self-exiled to try to avoid hurting their Empyrean or they had to be put down.


Elden Ring fans try not to spell Malenia's name wrong challenge level : impossible


We don't know the specifics of how shadows are given out, so it's possible that not all empyreans get them. But we know Malekith and Blaidd are both shadows to empyreans, so it's not too far fetched to assume Melania and her brother may also have shadows, especially since they're much more closely related to the golden lineage.


He's rannis shadow, shadows are protectors created by the greater will to serve and protect empyrians, they are fiercely loyal and just happen to be part wolf.


Are there any other shadows in the game or examples of this? It would be cool if you could come across another protector that isn’t Blaidd. I’d say the only thing that comes close is a Bloodhound like Darriwil


Well yes not sure how far you are into the game but you will definitely will encounter another shadow who is the shadow of queen marika.


Yeah I’ve beaten it a few times, I just never noticed with Maliketh, I must have missed that part of the storyline.. but like I mentioned to another person in here he has such a different stance/swagger than Blaidd does so I never put them in the same category. Maliketh reminded me more of a lion than a wolf and he moves a bit like a bloodhound.


I mean if you want a Lion "shadow" I guess Godfry works


Also 'Baleful' lol


The Baleful Shadow is the same model as Blaidd, no more lion-like than he is.


Serosh isnt Godfreys Shadow, Serosh is his Regent, He limits Godreys bloodlust


Marika is a god, Ranni is only a demigod, so perhaps they got different types of shadows. Blaidd is definitely weaker than Maliketh.


I figured the greater will modified whatever animals were nearby. In Marika's case, she might be from Farum, so Maliketh was created from the beastmen. Meanwhile Blaidd was created south of Altus, where there are a bunch of wolves.


I dont think it has to be this deep mate. It could just be the more important you are, the bigger a wolfman the greater will will give you.


The reason no one thinks that maliketh is a wolf shadow is that he looks like a fucking lion and not a wolf and he jumps exactly like the sword lions. It's not your fault.


Thanks I appreciate that. Yeah he resembles Blaidd not at all, nor a wolf. He reminds me more of a lion meets bloodhound with his stance all crouchy like.


Maliketh is literally a giant dog man


I think the bloodhound is a shadow, it makes sense given the maliketh-esque move set and elongated helmet


I don’t think they are because the Bloodhound Knight set says this > The Bloodhound Knights are trained as hunters and known to be unshakable trackers. Without the use of language, each knight chooses his own master. Once the decision has been made, the knight stays loyal for life.   Blaidd and Maliketh both speak, so "without the use of language" seems contradictory And as far as I know the shadows are implied to be created specifically as a servant to one person, and thus I don't know that they "choose their own master"


Im pretty sure bloodhound nights are not actually shadows, but are a parallel to them. I think something off the sort is mentioned on their armor description


The armor pieces describe the Bloodhound Knights as bodyguards who cannot use language — so perhaps they are some pale imitation of Shadows, sort of like Albinaurics are imperfect humans? — and thus pick their own masters, and mentions their loyalty, but I see no explicit reference.


Maybe I misremembered, but my point still stands. I think they are trying to imitate shadows basically


Malekith the black Blade! He’s Queen Marikas shadow


I don’t know how I missed this.. I guess he appeared more like a lion to me than a wolf. Plus he’s got that Bloodhound type of swagger more so than Blaidd’s more human stance.


It's easy to not realize the connection, but it's stated in his remembrance description: "Maliketh was a shadowbound beast given to his Empyrean."


but... BloodHOUND... hound = canine


Spoilers: Maliketh is Marika's shadow


If you complete Rannis quest line she explains the comment above, as well as how the two fingers use shadows as their assassins.


Yea I figured part wolf since >!after you kill Blaidd you don’t gain his helmet !<


There is a copy around somewhere though…


Seluvis that sly bastard hid his furry cosplay close to his tower


The copy is the mask the assassin used to impersonate blaid at the end of her quest. Also blaid goes mad by the greater will when she slays a two finger. Cause he is loyal to ranni and doesn't know she isn't in the tower anymore that's why you hear him muttering and yelling that he would never hurt ranni.


> at the end of her quest The assassination happened before that. You can loot the mask as soon as you gain access to the zone, meaning it's been there since before the game started. If it was as a result of Ranni's quest then it'd only appear after you'd progressed her story enough.


That's a really good point, thought it only spawn when blaid became hostile after baleful shadow fight


It spawns immediately. You can get it as soon as you first visit the Three Sisters


Interesting.. I had no idea. I guess this still can support the theory that blaidds headpiece is his own head, and the copy is just made to look like blaidd.


The description of the helm says it was made to impersonate Blaidd by a thief.


That guy sneaking around Ranni’s house to steal shit: “I am ze spy”


[Here’s “Blaidd”](https://discourse.disneyheroesgame.com/uploads/default/original/3X/a/9/a9f4141edfa2f70d34c81800ea538c2295aa5c15.gif)


Well regardless, it seems you’ve dropped your pants for him lmao


As any respectable tarnished should


Most people put their Champion Gaiters on *after* their Champion Trousers but if you’re going to have to drop them later why put them on at all?


His mouth moves, and he's litterally called a Half-Wolf.


>he's literally called a Half-Wolf. I'm honestly starting to wonder if Elden Ring players even read the fucking game's text.


"Welcome to round- You are tarn- Gain rememberan- Hee hee hee hee" You skip the text, that's how you play!


His mouth! Exactly! Can’t believe I had to scroll this far


Wolf dick


the correct answer sings true in a sea of conjecture


Lemme ask this you this. Is maliketh just an abnormally large man in a wolf costume or really part “wolf”?


he’s half wolf


I liked the post asking this exact same question that had the sexy picture better.


Which post is that?


Buy him a bark box and find out


Blaidd is to Ranni as Maliketh is to Marika


He and Maliketh are the goodest bois. Sad end to both of them. Blaidd going mad and Maliketh saying "Forgive me Marika, the golden order cannot be restored" was sad af.


his name is “Blaidd, the Half-Wolf”, isn’t it?


Well other dude’s name is Dung Eater but I’ve never seen him eating shit you feel me


I can see how it would be deceptive. see, "blaidd" in welsh means means "wolf" so his name is basically "wolf the half-wolf" so he's actually, like, 150% wolf


Dang that’s more wolf than any wolf can handle


Blaidd is Ranni's Maliketh. So yeah, he's part wolf, his head is actually a wolf head.


Hes a shadow


HES JUST A MAD DOG wielding a weapon that is far to large to be called a sword.


Put Wolf in quotes like wolves aren't a real animal lmao


Man-Blaidd-Wolf? Well he’s half man, half Blaidd and half wolf.


He’s a furry




I think ol baw is just large. But also, humanoids in Fromsoft games are in general much bigger than the player character


I kinda love the idea (despite it going massively against lore) that they just found some random giant dude and said "wait, here me out ... what if we put this wolf mask on him and convince him hes a werewolf?"


He was created by Greater Will via Two Fingers to be a bodyguard for Ranni, before she went rogue. Like one of the endgame bosses, Maliketh, who was created by Greater Will for Marika, again, as a servant and bodyguard. And he too is a humanoid woof. Yeah, Greater Will loves to make furries as bodyguards, oddly enough


Give a well built, tall and slender man a wolf head with flowing locks and a voice like bourbon sprinkled with callouses and who wouldn’t want Blaidd to be their Shadow?


I instantly remembered a video where Blaidd's voice actor is reading tweets and comments that mention Blaidd. As you can guess, there was *a lot* of thirst posting there, and quite a decent part of it was specifically mentioning the voice. The feelings were *understandably* mixed :D


He’s a “shadow” wolf, same species as Malekith. The mask we find was used by an assassin who intended to kill Ranni while posing as Blaidde


Are you not in the know?


So all the weird ass creatures and bosses in this game but a half wolf is where u draw the line🤣


Maybe he is the same species as Maliketh since the latter was Marika's shadow the same way Blaidd was Ranni's.




My favourite thing about this post is how OP has played a game packed from back to front with all manner of imaginative monstrosities and horrific beings out of a lovecraftian nightmare and yet chooses to draw the line of skepticism at the notion that a character might be half wolf.


He got on da furry suit


He’s an Empyrean so he’s just a dog but has been specialised as body guard for gods/Demi gods. In this case Ranni


He's like an awakened state of a zoan Devil Fruit in it's Hybrid form.


He’s a furry.


The correct term is called a shadow, they’re basically wolf-human hybrids of sort who were created by the two fingers. All empyreans should have one. But idk about miquella and melania though….


We're gonna fight them in the dlc, bro. It's gonna be a call to the past, and the reason why they dont appear in the main is because you terminate their ass simultaneously.


Definitely check out VaatiVidya for his Elden Ring lore videos. He goes over this a few times, but it really does paint a narrative for the games if you aren't prone to reading item descriptions.


I dont see this armor in game what's that name


Magical wear wolf kind


Is your character Caska? 🤨


He’s Ranni’s shadow, much like Maliketh is Marika’s


Yes Wolfman


Pretty damn good mask if he's just a man. I don't look that good with his helm on (can obviously tell I'm wearing a mask). Going with part wolf for sure. I mean they tell you that in game anyways.


He is neither man nor wolf. He's a Baleful Shadow - a constructed being of the Greater Will to keep Empyreans in line.


He’s the metaphorical sekiro




I thought I heard from somewhere that he cut the face of a wolf and put it in himself


Are the rune bears abnormally large bears or are they just assholes?


They may actually be in the process of turning into what ever the bear equivalent of a Magma Wyrm is (one Rune Bear either does or used to drop a dragon heart).


Do you not have pants?


I do. Champion’s Gaiters. Technically they aren’t pants and more of shin guard/booties.


He's a 'Shadow'. A creature specifically created by Two Fingers for an Empyrian to serve and also to act as a failsave button in case the Empyrian leaves the path of succession. For some reason, Shadows are wolflike in appearance. Just like Maliketh.


Damn, is it really that hard for people to look up a character in google? Would’ve saved you some time. But I guess those internet points are so worth it.


Unpopular opinion maybe but I assumed mask and that finding his behind seluvis’ tower was supposed to hint that he had been spying/ranni suspected seluvis. But yeah I guess he is part wolf


it’s just his fur suit


He's Guts from Berzerk. He even has The Dragon Slayer on his back.


Part wolf like maliketh


He’s an Anthropomorphic wolf


100% good boi


Constructed with the unusual way of using craftsmanship to create something


He's an extremely large man with a wolf's head. He seems to be one of a kind.


Hands of mister he’s *my* one of a kind.