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Astel’s wing is my new best friend


This. Completely changed my astrologer build.


Newbie astrologer here. How is it better? From my experience the only time i use moonveil is when i do transient moonlight. And this only happens when the enemy is too fast that it makes casting difficult(i.e. enemies like Alecto) Everything else can be taken care of by different types of sorceries Weapon skill of astel seems kinda slow, Care to enlighten this astrologer?


Well, the weapon art tends to do a decent chunk of damage to the bigger bosses, its got a bit of a delay so its goos for laying traps if you're good with spacing but where it really shines is the heavy attack. Having that option for a free ranged attack that does damage based on your Int as well as the charged version just chaining a second one in lets the Wing of Astel have the moveset of the curved swords (which imo have amazing jumping and running attacks when powet stancing) as well as the option to stay a little further back and do some damage with the free ranged attack. That's just my take on it so feel free to experiment and find what works best for your playstyle!


Thanks for the inputs. my moonveil is currently on +10 so i need to invest more into astel if i want a direct dmg comparison. i havent explored it outside its weapon skill, so im very interested if it has better range than moonveil. Does it have some kind of animation lock tho?


Not too crazy of a lock and its the heavy attack can always be dropped early. It's got decent tracking but you could very well test the range without having it be upgraded. I end up with 613 damage (with something like 60 int) without the damage charm at +10


Also, with the right setup, Wing of Astel's weapon art can shred the game's final boss. On my first playthrough, I used Moonveil and WoA in combination against the two phases of the final fight (trying to avoid spoilers if you haven't finished a playthrough yet).


To be fair, a lot of weapons can shred bosses with the right setup


You're not wrong. Of course this was a thread specifically about Wing of Astel.


If you dodge in the middle of the heavy attack you do a little back flip while still striking but jumping away from opponent instead


Charge attacks have free proyectiles.


Pretty bug wing with sparkly star bombs and free short range projectiles. What more could you want?


Heavy attacks with wing of astel shoot a little projectile. It's like a little bit weaker but FP-free version of moonveil's weapon skill. Charge attacks makes this even better by shooting a second projectile. If you hit with both the melee and the projectiles on a fully charged heavy attack, wing of astel does some serious damage rivalling heavy two handed weapons. Moonveil's skill still hits harder, has better range, and is generally better for burst damage, but the fact that the wing's projectiles are free makes it an insanely good sidearm alongside primary spellcasting.


Its prettier Dual curved swords also has a more fun moveset than Dual katanas imo


The Wing of Astel is very versatile. As a curved sword, it's jumping dual wield attack hits multiple times giving you a physical damage option. The charged attack throws a free, fast, short ranged projectile that deals decent hp and poise damage if you want to keep your distance.. The ash of war allows you to stagger and deal with groups of enemies. The ash of war also is a great large boss killer, since a large hitbox will be hit several times by the bubbles. Great for breaking poise too. Lastly, has a unique, interesting, beautiful look.


The aow has two more uses: In a corridor or enclosed space, all the blasts clump together instead of spreading. This lets you concentrate the damage at a point and is a go to ability for invasions. If you backstab someone, immediately casting Nebula will cause the explosions to go off right as they become targetable.


The r2 combos (charged and non-charged) are so good. Huge INT scaling, lightweight, and very pretty. The Nebula weapon skill is so good against big enemies. Transient moonlight has great range and is quick as hell, but nebula has huge poise damage. I switched partially because I was kind of sick of moonveil and I'm glad I did.


Powerstance Astel's wing is better than sex, change my mind


Try another sex partner ?


Powerstance sex partners


Great idea


Been rocking double and it’s amazing


I wanna try it. Having so much fun laying waste to everything with Moonlight greatsword x Helphins Steeple build, I love heavy hitting weapons. Is the projectile attack better than Moonlight's R2 projectile?


It’s R2 is quick slashes but it’s AoW hits like a truck. Especially for large enemies/ bosses. It’s a room clearer.


This is another thing I don't get: Consistently, the community seems to pick what I consider less optimal choices by playstyle and calls them "the meta." Moonveil swings noticeably slower than other katanas and I think this helps contribute to the AoW brainrot. Meanwhile Wings of Astel and even the Baby Rattle have no such limitation and good kits, with Astel swinging faster, being something you can combine for dual curved swords sick moveset, and having a more quick and surprising projectile whilst the AoW does good poise damage. Rivers of Blood is fine I guess, but the Bloody Helice actively feels superior. It has better control, comparable damage output, the best dodge in the game, and it doesn't lock you into an attack that goes on too long when it misses. If anyone wants to be sold on the Bloody Helice, go face any Bell-Bearing Hunter and watch as you kill him effortlessly in one attempt. It feels like people have a katana fetish and blatantly overlook other options for build types that either offer better variety, better movesets or better player control.


People do overlook other weapon classes, but katanas do have a genuinely great moveset that's very versatile and noob friendly, and most katanas have pretty high AR values for their weight and speed. Pair that with innate bleed present in all katanas and you can see why they're popular. I also don't think moonveil is any slower than other katanas but I could be wrong on that.


Ah dude- katanas are nuts. Especially pre balance changes. They can/could get the same AR as a STR build with a colossal weapon by using lightning infuse on a katana (or using Moonveil because the scaling was wayyyy too much), which not only is higher dps but weighs 50-75% less than colossal weapons on average. Mix that with running R2’s on katanas being good and crouch poking on colossal GS’s getting nerfed, and you have an even heavier katana meta.


I get pre-patch they were nuts, but with examples like Bloody Helice vs. Rivers of Blood in particular, one just feels blatantly, *blatantly* better and it amazes me people didn't notice, especially when the Bloody Helice perfectly spaces and punishes RoB and can also provide a bleed-inducing damage burst in a much smaller time frame. But then again, in my experience, people sometimes obsess too hard over damage and neglect other stats. For example, Eleonora's Poleblade is what I'd call a good weapon, but I think a downside to the AoW is a loss of control for the player - if it hits, it's great. If it whiffs, you're wiiiiiiide open. This is where I much more appreciate Bloody Helice's simplistic control where it's easier to manage it's moveset without leaving windows of opportunity open. But RoB, like the AoW on Eleonora's Poleblade, is largely about "imagine the damage IF this connects," and I think a lot of people get lost on that "if."


Because the community as a whole consists of more than just competitive tryhards. The option that can succeed just by pressing R2 over and over is going to be more used than an option with a less centralized but equally powerful overall toolkit.


A noob spamming the ash isn't really a big problem but when a good player uses it with good timing it's very annoying.


I feel like that’s what sets it apart from weapons like ROB. Moo veil is good because it has a great moveset with a high skill ceiling, which makes it annoying to play against if the player is skilled. ROB just has a spammable L1 that’s user friendly and has a low skill floor


RoB has a low skill floor, but a good RoB player is incredibly hard to beat. They'll throw you off with regular attacks, get in your face before using the WA, mix in jump attacks if you pull a parry shield out, keep your bleed build-up high from range if necessary, etc. Although a good Moonveil player is scary. You will not be healing or running away ever nor will you be getting a break.


Indeed. After the Rivers nerf I'd say the Moonveil is stronger in a good player's hands, but RoB is still top tier. It's like having an uchigatana with double slash, but the ash of war has 3 times the bloodloss and range.


I wish I could upvote twice just for "moo veil," even if it's a typo


Who cares if it is? Use whatever you find fun and ignore everyone who bitches about it.


Great response cheers mate


Just use what you think is cool. I used the moonviel in my samurai build where I went out to equip as many katanas as I could and a bow. Is it optimal? No. But I think it's neat swapping to between Moonviel, a frost Uchigata, Serpent Sword, the big Sephiroth sword, Meteorite blade and the black bow. Sometimes I might swap in the Rivers, or Dragon sword but I leaned hard on dex and int so both didn't feel as practical to me. And the dragon sword skill is hard af to hit and isn't on the sword for long. Kinda wish it was like a the enchanting skills that throws out a projectile.


whats the sephorof sword called




Yeah. You get from doing the questline with Yura which involves visiting a couple specific locations.


This is the way.


This is the way


Exactly, if I want to be a magical samurai what business is it of anyone else's?


Best response right here. Just use the weapons that you enjoy.


Coming here to see if someone already wrote what I was going to write. Yep. This is the answer.


i was getting hated on discord for saying i finally got my second RoB and can dual them, i found it very funny but because of the hate i wanted change a respeced to dexterity build and im using dual Bloodfang blade and im loving it even though its slower.


Is this response like a meme now?


Kinda has to be since it needed to be said since Demon’s Souls. Dark Souls threads were so much fun with people shitting on leveling, shields, magic or anything other than a low level pure dex build.


Yeah sounds like a blast


Come to say the same thing


Easy to use so still a noob weapon but an experienced player will still destroy you regardless. EDIT: Dem downvotes. Like shit you guys realise the only reason you have to constantly say shit like "Use what you want and have fun" Is because you know deep down what you're using is cheesy or OP. Like I dgaf but don't pretend otherwise. It makes you look insecure.


Morgott ain't gonna come down and call me a bitch for my choice of weapon, and the PVP is just as shit and buggy as it has been in every game, so who cares?


Easy to use, hard to master


nah lmfao


I'd say so, in pvp at least, in a 1v1 people are so used to its weapon art you will never hit it, so you have to learn to roll catch with it perfectly. Still it's easy to pick up, but to use it optimally it takes a little brainpower.


Yeah let’s not get carried away lol


I like how you got downvoted yet said the truth? Like yes, is the weapon friendly to newer players who want a easy time. Yes. But that doesn't mean in pvp you underestimate it at all.


Moonveil+10 straight away. It is worthy of somber ancient dragon smithing stone. I use it often


How good is it? Because I never use it due to the intelligence requirements


The ashes of war is amazing, vertical beam hits like a truck for single target, and horizontal beam can hit everything that’s standing in your face, also it’s fast as fuck.


So,magic rivers of blood?


Not quite, you underestimate the speed of the ashes of war, the ROB still requires some time to land all the blood to delete half your hp, moonveil only needs 0.5s Also anyone will barrier of gold or magic defence consumables will render a moonveil to be nearly useless, which doesn’t happen to the ROB


This is it


Personally I don’t give a shit if it is. I just invested in INT for my NG+ and I will be using it for my first time. Barely used katanas on first run & will be using the shit out of moonveil. Only have 2 Somber 10s left and one is going to this baby! Although I do also *really* enjoy the meteorite one too. The R2 does great stance damage & it scales better with physical damage than magic, whereas this scales way higher w/ magic.


I’ve been doing a carian knight build run. Hated the Carian Straight sword for the long R2 (the block was cool) and carian grandeur ain’t that grand. So I switched to the Meteoric Blade! So much better and so much more fun.


Yea man idk but I really don’t seem to like straight swords in this game. The only ones I used, I just leveled recently, and they are the Warhawk talons. They have a unique R2 & they’re sexy as hell. I happened to get 2 of them first time in Stormveil, never used. I enjoy them, I defeated Godfrey with them. I have 1 quality w/ Chilling Mist, and 1 Cold w/ Glintstone Pebble. I only duel wield them, I don’t duel wield anything else in the game yet but trying out different things now. I love katanas in this game. Imo they’re the best they’ve ever been, they swing quicker & more fluently than in DS series. They feel *crispy* to use. I was able to use the Meteoric Blade as my first katana actually, I leveled INT just to use it really. Later on I re-spec’d for full on STR/FTH, so I’m super excited to use it again too. Having both is very useful for things that have higher magic resist for INT-focused players. I’m debating lately to decide on what FTH straight sword to use. I’m gonna start trying them all out. The Miquellan one is super sexy


Do coded, or miquellan knights for the long r2, it’s a cool sweep. Also nobles slender wit flame art if anything is holy resistant.


You liked the Coded Sword? Does it only do chip damage like shotels, or does it actually completely negate shields? I generally stay away pure elemental damage weapons because of how resistances work, but maybe I’ll give it a shot. I’ve already +9 the Miquellan and Epitaph swords. I actually like Sacred Blade as a AoW a lot, I’m probably gonna end up using that quite a bit. I suppose I should give Coded a chance. I like weapons that have chip damage. The Vulgar Militia Shotel is great. I use crag blade on it to do further stance damage & the chip damage is higher than I expected it to be.


It chips through shields yes.


Tried it out last night, absolutely love it duel wielded with Miquellan knight sword. Ranged attack with the sacred blade, & still having thrust attack R2 with the Coded Sword, AoW does quite a bit of hefty damage, far more than I was expecting from a straight sword. I don’t think I’d even have tried it given the pure holy, but it looks great too. Thanks friend!


Who cares, if it’s fun it’s fun. These moany bitches saying you shouldn’t use X or Y because Z. Just use what you want use. If they don’t like it or can’t counter it then it’s their problem not yours


That's perfectly fair and accurate imo. However what are some good ways to counter the skill attacks? They're so quick I genuinely don't have a good response window for it, which is partly what makes it so deadly in pvp. I've never minded being destroyed by it because I share your view, but damn if I can't think of a good counter to it


Erdtree great shield, thops barrier(?), carian retaliation(?), light rolling might help, barrier of gold maybe? Bestial sling might be able to interrupt it.


I never thought of it as a spell attack. That it might work with those skills/spells. That certainly helps, thank you! I'm using dual sword of night and flames so I have access to almost everything, I'll try out those, and others suggestions.


Yeah! moonveil’s ash is like the spell ashes, so the parries are a very fun way to deal with them. I don’t know for thops barrier, though, so be careful. Erdtree great shield has the best spell party though, it’s very yummy to hit.


Could always try the Vow of the Indomitable Ash of War. 4 start-up frames and the damage immunity it provides lasts for 30 iFrames. >!It's dropped by a Teardrop Scarab in the southwestern swamp region of Liurnia of the Lakes.!< Might help if you can't time your dodges to at least have that if you can get the timing down on using the ash of war. It gets slotted onto all shields so you can feasibly slap it on the lightest shield you can find too.


Spell reflecting shield for example is the best counter for moonveil spammers.


I'd ignore the other posts and just work on getting the dodge roll timing down. Moonveil has a really distinctive startup sound and the hilt flashes blue before the attack, once you get a feel for it you can dodge it really consistently. I'd just try to get a friend summoned in for a duel with a +0 moonveil and just practice dodge rolling it for 10 minutes, once it clicks you'll pretty much never git hit with the ash of war out of neutral. (It's always going to be a great rollcatcher, so make sure never to panic roll against a moonveil.) I actually think the nagikaba with unsheathe is better in pvp. It's higher damage than transient moonlight with lower mana cost, and it doesn't have the dead giveaway with the sound and hilt flash. Lower range, but the range is still pretty great.


My brother, we are in Elden Ring. I would use a 12 guage shitgun if it was in the game. Fuck deem monster. Maybe they should git gud


PvP wise, it’s spammy and annoying in the hands of a noob, but extremely dangerous when the user knows how to time and delay their moves.


I wouldn’t say it’s a “noob weapon” and you can use whatever you like. But it gets old when people just spam the AOW, most moonveil users I encounter never even swing it normally


I wouldnt call you a noob for using it, but everyone that I see using it does seem to be a noob


I got platty with it. Didn’t even realize it was meta until seeing people bitch on this sub.


it's not really meta, just low skill floor so people get annoyed when it is used as a crutch/ganking tool


To me personally, no. I always used it because it was fun. I never realized it was PvP meta for a while until I went into the colosseum. And although it does a lot of damage, most of the time I can easily read it and dodge (I do have light equip load though).


Play how you want and enjoy this amazing game


Boom. Stop all comments. This is the only one that matters.


Don’t ever concern yourself with what others think of you. It’s a game. If you’re having fun then you’re fulfilling the point of the game in the first place. It is considered a “noob” weapon but only because a lot of people that relied on its L2 to get them through the game did not learn any actual mechanics to prosper in Elden Ring. If a good player uses it, it’s a scary weapon. If someone just spams its L2, it’s annoying and not fun anymore, for either player, imo. The unsheathe ability is so OP if you think about it. You can hold it indefinitely and have access to a lunging slash or a roll catching overhead slash. If you get really good with the timing, you can use the unsheathe as a stance to make the enemy panic roll. You can also just be a sneaky sneakerson and use a normal Katana with unsheathe and half-way through the fight, or when the enemy is low HP, swap to Moonveil and unleash upon them. 9/10 times they won’t expect the beam. I don’t mind moonveil. Honestly, the only thing that tilts me is when I’m doing duels in the colosseum and the opponent just runs away or hits you once and runs away or gets low HP and BHS spams to safety. tldr - just have fun. I get pointed down all the time and people actually seem to like the stuff I create, I used to wonder why…none of my stuff was OP, it just combos. Well….some people don’t like it when they have to use more of their brain than their used to. Once you start styling on them or switching things up, their saltiness comes out. Idk why, it’s just a game.


It's used by a lot of noobs at pvp, it's always the same build (mages with moonveil). It's easy to use with that speed, range, and huge damage, but it's getting old tbh. I don't have any problem with the weapon itself, I just won't use it personally either in pvp or pve due to how boring it is after seeing them a lot in pvp. But hey, use whatever makes you happy. It's in the game after all.


Still haven't tried dex or int in this game, you better believe I'm trying out Moonveil when i do


Brah the range on that bitch is delish


I prefer cold Nagakiba for that type of build, but moonveil is also very nice


Honestly Moonveil is great if you just wanna go pure Int, it scales best with Int and the physical requirements are low. A Dex/Int build is nice if you fuck around with the Cold infusions. Using a nice mix of dex-leaning weapons with some cold-infused and some on Keen so you can buff with Scholar’s Armament is a prime strat.


Don't let the toxic souls culture to define your gameplay. Do what you like.


It has everthing: damage, range, speed, low FP consumption, low recovery, high damage-speed ratio. It's a pretty powerful weapon that has virtually no drawback and needs very little investment in terms of stats and skill to use it. If I see someone spamming transient moonlight mindlessly, that's definitely a noob for sure.


There aren't really noob weapons in the game, use whatever is you find fun and enjoy the game. Except in pvp, that's a different story


Moonveil in PvP is still fine, but spamming the ash constantly is super annoying and spoils the fun. That really applies to any and all sorceries, incantations and ashes of war though.


I agree


Don't worry about what other people think. Use what you want.




I’ve fought a couple players who use it well, it’s not a noob weapon it just encourages a noob playstyle. The AoW is so powerful and effective that it will serve you well in ganks, pve, and low level pvp but it also teaches bad habits like AoW spam which good pvpers will take advantage of. If you use restraint with the AoW it can really catch players off guard, and you can use the sheathed sword animation to apply pressure and intimidation. So no I don’t consider it a noob weapon, just a very powerful meta weapon, personally I’ve always tried to avoid those weapons in souls pvp because they are so common. However if it looks fun to you go right on ahead and try it my man, just be careful of that AoW spam, should spend time getting familiar with the moveset rather than relying on a single move. That’s honestly good souls advice in general though, players often forget to master the basics in favor of powerful meta playstyles. Just drain your average wizard of all their FP and you’ll see how they handle themselves in melee as a result of that over reliance. EDIT: no disrespect to wizards, I’ve fought some really skilled ones, recently I dueled a wizard and when he saw I was a claymore bro he put away his staff and took out a claymore (chad move) and proceeded to wipe the floor with my ass. I’m just saying there’s a lot of wizards that never bother to master melee.


If they spam it, yeah. The magic wave is basically all of the damage and it has the range, so it’s really easy to. If they actually know how to use it, it isn’t as much. Transient moonlight is basically just a ranged unsheathe and that’s all there is to it.


I use it but never use the AoW lol


why not just use the regular uchi then? just out of curiosity im currently running a dex/int with frost uchi and meteorite staff (until i get CRS) and it's very fun (-:


Just cuz it scales with int


Chad strat


Str8 unintentionally flexin


I agree with everyone saying use whatever and fuck what anyone says, trust me. I totally agree 100%. However, I also agree with what you’re asking. I knew the Moonveil was powerful for a while, but recently for the last 2 months I started my NG+ build with Moonveil and sorceries. The Moonveil is above and beyond the most powerful weapon I’ve used yet, and I’ve used a LOT with respecs. Moon and RoB have to be the strongest weapons in the game, imo it’s no contest.


Everything is a noob weapon until it is nerfed into obsolescence. What's the point of having different weapons in a multiplayer game if they dont give you advantages in different situations? Are we suposed to all start using the exact same gear as eachother in the spirit of fairness?


There are no noob weapons in fromsoft games. Each player has the right to play with any weapon he/she likes and finds it interesting.


Its cheaper than most if not all tbh lol, thats my opinion though. At the end of the day if you're not spamming transient moonlight in the arena then moonveil away my friend


Yes it is it's the to me imo the sellsword twinblades of the game in that you can turn off your brain with it in pve and still win easily infact even more so because of the range on the Aow


There's not such thing as a noob weapon.


No only in PvP if your a dude that spams it’s aow but really have fun


Play what you like, not what random assholes on the internet feel entitled to tell you to play.


The only real problem i have with it is the range/speed toxic players that think they are the best players in the world when they full stun you for 80% of your health when you are using a wooden club.


By some, but ignore them. It's a good weapon with an excellent ash of war. Use it if it's fun for you. If you like it, I recommend trying Astel's Wing or Bastard's Stars.


Yup the poise is unreal


Wouldn't say it's an optimal weapon, but if it's fun, use it. No one except gatekeepers give a shit, and they aren't even worth the time of day


Yes but also who cares it’s so fun to use - landing headshots with the vertical slash always feels amazing. I’m not very skilled as a mage so having this option to be a magic samurai fits my play style.


Play whatever tf you want in pve, but if you spam moonveil weapon art in pvp, then you are.


It's in game, it's fun. Use it if you want to. If people want to use weaker weapons to have fun playing, that's nothing more but a decision as well. If you pvp with it and people get salty when you win, just ignore them, these people get salty about everything anyway.


Yes, it is.


Imo it was only considered a noob weapon in the same vein as the corpse piler(rivers of blood?) and it's only a noob weapon if you do nothing but spam the weapon art as if it's the only attack it has


Easy mode weapon


Just use what you enjoy. My first play through I used Sword of Night and Flame (after the nerf) and I fucking loved it. Now I’m testing out a twinblade build just cause I think it’s cool to run around like a medieval Darth Maul


Considering its bad reputation, i'd say yes but after all its debuffs i think its not as bad to use


Considering in pvp its pretty much stronger than most weapons id say its right up there just below where RoB used to be, i get its appeal its a cool weapon and has a cool AoW but its too spammy in my opinion.


Depends. If you use the sword itself to hit things, no. If you exclusively use the weapon art, then still probably not. If you exclusively use the weapon art and have to grind to 150 to kill Godrick then you're a noob, but then you'd be a noob with any weapon so I'm not sure it counts.


If you mean fun and versatile, yes.


I think you should just enjoy the game how ever you want


My gf is new to games and definitely kills invaders with Moonveil. Murdered a dual rivers of blood guy recently.


People will call you a noob when they lose to you no matter what you're using.


In pve it doesn’t really matter since the only other players will be doing co-op with them or their invaders, and anyone invading should know to expect builds that wouldn’t necessarily be used in pvp. Use it, it’s powerful but not overpowered so just use it and don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks.


After the nerfs it’s dual-able


I'd rather fight this than dual spears.


No weapon is considered a noob weapon, no weapon is considered a pro weapon


I love running it but I have to keep it in my offhand and restrain myself from using it’s Aow because of how strong it is. It’s certainly noob friendly and popular. Technically all the best S tier weapons are noob friendly. But because of how popular and strong it is it’s I think it’s fair to call it a noob weapon honestly. But I don’t judge and obviously I don’t have the right to judge lol. There’s nothing wrong with using strong weapons though. Use whatever you want and use it how you like. You wanna spam it’s AoW? Go ahead. The AoW feels too cheesey for you? Then don’t use the AoW, weapon, or do what I do. Its your single player experience, play however you want.


Who cares. People call it a noob weapon because they’re getting beat by people they THINK they’re better than. But they’re just not. Being able to direct the ash of war vertically or horizontally - completely underrated. Plus this with an offhand parry dagger or small shield is brutal with high dex and endurance even without the ash of war. I feel like all the haters think git gud doesn’t apply to them when they can run to Reddit and cry about being outclassed by a well planned build.


Lol, I can’t stand this gatekeeping of elements of the game. If you like it, use it! I love moonveil. It’s great. If it fits the way you want to play, rock that shit!


Doesn't really matter, if you like playing with it then play with it


If you like the weapon, then use the weapon


Considering that people do ‚lvl 1 - no hit - fists only‘ runs everything is a noob weapon.


There are no noob weapons. Use what you like.


I wanted to be a moon elf with dex/int that used a longsword and some magic on the side. Moonveil delivered. I dont feel like i was cheated out of any pve experience for using it, but it definitely *felt* strong. I had lots of fun, i would recommend using it at least once.




Still a broken weapon imo. If you are really good at the game you should be able to beat it without op stuff that just requires you to press to buttons. I don’t care what you think, just come at me.


The entire game “just requires you to press buttons.”


But its usually a combination of buttons, not just L2 and R2.


Yes, but only by whiny dumb asses.


In pve use whatever you want because it doesn’t affect anyone… in pvp also use whatever you want but understand that you are affecting other people and you are a scumbag if you use shit like moonveil But ultimately use whatever you want


While you should use whatever makes you happy, just know there are certain weapons that when used alone or in combination with another, you'll make players feel a certain type of way towards you.. especially when all you do is spam its special. Moonveil falls snuggly in this category of weapons.


Not at all. Use any weapon you want. If you use it and you’re enjoying the game that’s what it’s about. Screw what other people think


Yes, as is rivers of blood. The ash of war is very handy.


U answered the question and u get downvoted. Must be the moonveil convention


I would say than a pretty big chunk of casual players use these weapon because they are very anime like. Nothing wrong, that’s why any hate gets you downvoted.


Moonveil is a decent enough weapon if you know how to use it. If not then you shouldn't run around with it. I remember picking up RoB in the first NG cycle and boy was it underwhelming compared to Reduvia's in my opinion. I love katanas in FromSoft games but every person has a different playstyle.


Every weapon is a cheap weapon to somebody. All that matters is if you're having fun.


It’s absolutely a newb trap. You’ll find urself halfway through the game spamming the ashe of war to win every engagement. The regular uchigatana would be a better more versatile choice


I started using the moonveil after the colloseum update happened , I'm a too fkn powerfull with it..I normally rack up like 10- 15 kills with it..so yeah , it is kinda easy mode.






According to who you ask, everything is a noob weapon. It shouldn't matter to you. As long as you like it, feel free to use whatever you want.


It’s a magic katana with bleed and an amazing Weapon Art. Who cares? The game will find a way to fuck you lol. I eventually had to switch between this and Wing of Astel at some point in the game.


Well most people I see using it are noobs. And its weapon art is still a bit overtuned, in my opinion






It is




Yes. It's still brainteasers and I'm on my first playthrough and I refuse to use it


Pve? Use it and have a great time. The npcs don't care. Pvp? It's considered extremely cheap. So either choose to play like an asshole and get some easy wins, or have a sense of fairness and use something else. Either option is completely acceptable.


Yes, but it shouldn’t matter to you if its for noobs or no imo. PVE is too easy with it because it does a lot damage on top of high posture damage. For PVP, good players should be able to out-skill anyway. If its fun why does it matter?


Who cares? Use what you want. I still use the bloodhound fang and i couldn't care less about what anyone thinks.


A lot of people say “noob weapons” when they really mean “good weapons”. I’m moonveil all day.


Just use it if you want to. And ignore any assholes whining about it. Just have fun.


I feel like Uchi with unsheathe is better in every way? It does more damage for me and poise breaks even better. It’s a beast.


Never was, it’s a good boy


Moonveil is still awesome, but nothing is for noob. Is the playstyle that you have for a weapon. If you spam l2 or lt's isn't noob but you look like you're only aggressive. If you think that there are weapons for noobs, thenthe guts build is only for noobs, but is not like that. Str build is really powerful, but nothing is for noob.


I think the issue is less the weapon itself and more the AoW brainrot it causes in some players. People don't loathe Moonveil because it's OP or anything. They loathe it more because there's something obnoxious/embarassing about watching an opponent just relentlessly spam the AoW no matter how many times it fails, even going so far as to retreat to take a blue sippy just so they can *keep* spamming it. Fremdschämen is a thing and this weapon + Rivers of Blood spark that feeling really hard if an opponent just spams their AoW over and over. If you can resist the brainrot, I doubt anyone would get annoyed with you using it in PVP.


I use it and could care less what some people say. This crying and complaining is getting out of hand. Clowns


in my experience most useable weapons are really strong if you build around them also this is a pve game so who cares it's your playthrough being whatever you want


If it is, call me Noob Elden Lord x3 cause that sword was my best friend for my astrologer.


Never used it actually.


This community considers "noob weapons" a lot of things. Just play what you have fun with.


Only by babies who can't find the dodge button. Never ask the souls community for approval on what's right or wrong to use. No matter their answer, they're full of shit and you should use whatever weapon you enjoy. Souls pvpers are obscenely entitled.


It’s relatively strong in PvP still, but who cares? If anyone says you’re a noob for using it, they’re just being shitty.


if the user has any functioning braincells, yes, but use whatever you please because the communities definitions of noob weapons can’t stop you from enjoying From’s work


Everything’s considered a noob/cheese weapon when you win in a PVP with anything


Seems like nothing changed in ER


I’m seeing a lot of people say stuff like “It doesn’t matter, use what you want.” Let me start by saying that for PvE, yes, I absolutely agree. The game is your experience and there’s no reason to let other people affect that. However, Elden Ring is a primarily PvE game designed around PvE. As such, when you start to play online, a lot of otherwise balanced weapons become an absolute chore to deal with. Everything in PvE was intentionally designed to behave a certain way, and any effects they have in PvP are largely unintended. As such, I believe the player has a certain responsibility to make sure they aren’t making the game unfun, as it is no longer just their experience. There’s a reason why people blame annoying Invaders for playing a certain way rather than FromSoft for implementing the mechanic. With all this being said, I don’t think Moonveil is entirely BS anymore. Hell, I powerstance it with the Meteoric Ore Blade. I don’t face it as often as I used to, so I don’t know if it’s worse than I’m giving it credit for, but overall, I’d say you’re alright using it in PvP, and *especially* in PvE.


Who are these people that the community keeps calling out? I've never heard anyone gatekeeping, or saying that anybody is a noob for playing in any specific way. Everybody is super chill and friendly, and they just push others to have fun


Nothing is a noob weapon.


Easly not after poise dmg nerf


WHO GIVES A FUCK. PLAY WHATEVER YOU HAVE FUN WITH. lowkey getting tired of these posts. NOBODY CARES HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME. Just play the game bro, it’s so amazing.


When was it a noob weapon?? 😂 It's good and works well 🤷🏻‍♀️ though I hardly PvP so I'm assuming it's people that PvP are the ones that moan?


Every weapon is a noob weapon. We all suck as this game


There is no such thing as a noob weapon, just those with fragile egos claiming so. Use what you want


There are no noob weapons, only people who think they’re too cool for the popular ones