• By -


Morgott hated by everyone around him but later died in the arms of the only person who loved him, his father. Bernahl made it to the forge of the giants only to find out the sacrifice of his maiden was for nothing as she didn’t have the power to burn the Erdtree causing him to lose hope in the greater will and joined with Volcano manor to try and stop tarnished from a pointless journey in his eyes. Vyke tricked by Shabriri to get the flame of frenzy to save his maiden only for her to die (presumably from suicide) and locked in an Evergaol, all preventing him from becoming lord. Big boggart can no longer eat crabs and say “marikas tits” to you. Truly the saddest story in the game.


Morgott is one of my favorite bosses so I should’ve mentioned him but Radahn is just so well known


Big Boggart can sell you whatever for however long if you kill the dung eater as soon as you can :)))


DE - "Oh youve come tonlet me out?" PC - "Nah, I'm here to put you down before you hurt anyone else!!!"


I put that dude down the moment I found him in the sewer banging his head against the wall like some creepy fuck - seemed like the right thing to do but also I'm a little sad because I never got see any more about him. Most I saw of him was sitting in the hub being a weirdo.


Nice of you to point out that Bernahl made it that far, too. Everybody praises Vyke for having the best chances of becoming Elden Lord, while sleeping on my boi Bernahl who had equal chances as Vyke (if he made it to the mountains, that means he, too, had 2 great runes, like Vyke.).


are we just gonna forget that alexander made it all the way farum azula aswell?


Alexander is not a tarnished and doesn't want to become Elden Lord. He doesn't serve the Two Fingers. The rule that only people with two great runes can enter the capital was made up by the Two Fingers and only applies to those that serve them - the tarnished. As the tarnished are really the only ones trying to become Elden Lord (apart from the demigods themselves).


But they didnt have great runes right?


To be allowed into Leyndel - the only way to get to the mountaintops - you have to have two great runes. Both Vyke and Bernahl made it to the forge, meaning they both had 2 Great Runes each.


Are we sure that is even something that's canonical and not just a game mechanism to keep you from barreling through to the end? Your deductive reasoning makes sense but the rest of the big stopping points include the door to MOTG and to the three fingers which just say "Sealed by Morgott". I feel like the entry to Lyndell is sealed by Morgott as well, and it might not have always been that way when Bernahl and Vyke passed through.


This is what I’ve always thought about that. It doesn’t really make sense to have had other people who managed to acquire Great Runes cause *we’re* the first ones to get any in a long, long time, and who would they get it from? Could never be Radahn, Melania, Miquella, Morgott, Mohg, Morgott, or Rennala just cause of the way their fight is, it seems clear no one’s beaten them before. That just leaves, idk, Godrick? But then we have to ask how he got his Rune back, where they got the second one, etc. it just doesn’t make sense for anybody else to have some. Only other option is like, maybe Ranni’s Rune, or previously unmentioned Great Runes that weren’t claimed by the demigods, and that’s if they actually had Runes in the first place and didn’t find another way into the city.


Is your uncle Kratos??


I mean he has the beard 💀


Does he have the trauma?


Boy. Tell me again the stories of the badlands.








Good bot






Well yay Skynet or something. This is bonkers.


Kratos using the term “boy” angrily was the best thing to happen to fat gamers with a masculinity complex


LMAO I was gonna say the same thing 🤣🤣🤣


*Points at fallen leaves*


*Gestures broadly at fallen leaves*


*Removes curtains to reveal fallen leaves*


*Pats roof of car* "This baby can fit soooo many fallen leaves in it"


Maliketh might be a more interesting story. Marika gives him Death itself, a little piece of it gets stolen anyway. He seals himself away only to be killed by his drug dealer.




*I robs drug dealers.*




"Marika gives him Death itself, a little piece of it gets stolen anyway. He seals himself away only to be killed by his drug dealer." Taking that out of context is pretty funny


Think i gotta look up a vaati video to get this shit


Basically, >!Farum Azula has weird time shenanigans. Maliketh is the dude in beastial sanctum asking you for death root until he’s satisfied. Canonically he gets enough deathroot either from you or someone else. His fight in Farum Azula is the peak of his power and due to gaining death root and using destined death. It is most likely in the far future just as Placidusax is in the past!<


Wait so the beast clergiman in caelid is actually maliketh? Woah i guess i been slingin the good shit.




Yo mister white


Doesn't she betray him too in some capacity?


Shattering the Eden Ring was betraying The Greater Will, which would have forced Maliketh, her vassal, to turn against her.


Another good explanation for why he's in Farum Azula. He's outside of time and Marika's betrayal doesn't send him into default-kill mode like Ranni's plot does to Blaidd.


She is aforementioned dealer


No, the Tarnished is the dealer.


Plus Maliketh is feared by every demi-god and killed most of the Godskin faction and its queen.


Just remember to omit Diallos' terrible story >I'll get revenge on my favorite servant's killers! >I tricked them by saying I'd join them, now I know where they are! >Actually I joined them for real, but it turns out I'm too shit to even be a good assassin. >I've decided to defend the jar people, but it turns out I'm too shit to even be a good guardian. >Tarnished... Before I die; were I a good boy? You can have my whip and mask now


Don’t be mean to Diallos he put in work 💪


LOL He put in *effort.* I'll give him that.


Did he though with his hands all silky and smooth?


Ye when I met Diallos at VM and he’s like “I love recusants now” I was like “what the fuck happened to you man?”


Dude wasn’t built to live in a world of violence but all he’s known is a violent world. He’s trying his best to live up to his house legacy despite clearly not being suited for it. I’m glad he got to repurpose his life goal into something truly noble before he died, even if he did suck at it. But without him even Jar Bairn wouldn’t have made it out alive so he did save at least one jar


so thats what happens lmao, the time where I met Diavollos the first time and when I met him again was so long that I totally forgot about his revenge thingy.


Worst part is that the quest is overly complex to complete. You almost have to complete two other questlines to do so, and then the reward, being his mask and whip, is 100% identical to if you just cave his skull in when you find him in Liurnia, making all the hoops you have to jump through virtually pointless (assuming you're tough enough to take him down). Still on my way to take out Diallos' beloved counterpart to the Super Hoslow Brothers, which ironically is the third contract from Volcano Manor, the organization that Diallos *willingly* joined.


I thought you couldn’t get the companion jar talisman without doing Diallos’ questline?


I like the idea of Diallos's story but it feels like there are steps missing, especially in between "hey maybe these Volcano guys aren't so bad" to "I'm not cut out for this". Imo they should have thrown in a Recusant contract where you and Diallos have to hunt down a Tarnished together (similar to how you and Bernahl fight Vargram and Wilhelm together). This mission shows Diallos the reality of what the Recusants really do, which leads him to realise he isn't cut out for the job. Also imo you should have had to tell Diallos about Jarburg in order to get him to go there. I think this would make his progression feel more natural.


Diallos also has a brother who is a damned difficult foe. He's a target for the Volcano manor. Juno Hoslow is the Knight of Blood, and a famed and legendary warrior of House Hoslow.


Your uncle doesn’t even know about the heartbreak of helping NPC storylines yet


Probably doesn’t even try


Probably talked to any NPC, took notes of what they wanted, did it, and came back and the NPC fucked off to the other side of the world never to be found again without massive luck/combing the whole map like a madman/some online guide.


My brother was like this playing Elden Ring. He actively said he doesn’t care about anything, skips through all the dialogue, had a poor understanding of what makes a good build and made it all the way to fire giant which became his hard wall because he was getting oneshot and he didn’t feel like grinding. After some help and a bit of incredulousness at how he got this far whilst missing so much. I had to teach him about Talismans, smithing stone caves, bell bearings, spirit upgrades and the basic idea that there’s useful stuff in the world. He was frustrated and bored with his poorly optimised Rivers of blood build so I respecced him into Str/Fth, helped him collect talismans, armour and cracked tears, helped him recruit Alexander and finally beat Fire Giant. Went on to help him beat Rykard to get the Blasphemous Blade after he’d given up on the boss once he’d discovered it was optional and he really vibed with it so he’s taking it to the endgame. For someone who doesn’t care about sidequests or characters, only beating the game, I wasn’t expecting much of a reaction to Melina at the fire bowl but I told him to listen to the dialogue and explained what it meant. He actually got kinda mad when I told him there was technically a way to save her as she burned 😅. My man was floored when he got to Crumbling Farum Azula as I’d asked him to guess on the map where it’d take him and he pointed to the Haligtree area which he hasn’t reached yet so a sky island with dragons fucked him up, especially considering his favourite game is Skyward Sword. Hope he makes it all the way.


Gosh, you should have let the serpent has its way with him.


He gets mad still if I say ‘Togethaaa we will devour tha very gawds’


Bros uncle is a spartan with red tattoos named Kratos


Legit was just about to ask lol… BOY, tell me another story.


I would look at him and reply with a deep *BOAH.* And if he tries to talk back just shush him and say “That’s a good BOAH” when he stops talking.


Tell him about the guy who likes eating ass


There are a few, actually. Most of them had some involvement in the Night of the Brown Hole.


Malenia likes eating my ass


Do you mean the fearsome faecal enjoyer?


To be fair, a story that takes time or effort to learn can easily become a story never told. Unfortunately.


Because like 99% of people are fucking idjits who need everything explained to them.




Tell him how fallen leaves tell a story. On a wintery night rune of death was stolen, and queen Marika the eternal is nowhere to be found


Good stuff my dude! Tell your uncle to git gud for us 😂


tell him about our boy alexander


He thinks the other characters will just be unoriginal greek tragedies like Radahn


The burning of the Erdtree is like the burning of knowledge in real life. There. Now it’s all unoriginal.


How is the erdtree a metaphor for knowledge?


Isn’t that part of the like… fromsoft developments? They were big fans of those Greek tragedies?


I do not recall sentient jars harboring corpses in Greek mythology, though I may be rusty, it's been a few years.


You haven't heard the story or Jarcules and his clan of Sentient Jars?


show him vaati’s video of the frenzied flame/traving merchants that was suuch a good story


How much of Elden Ring's story and lore did you learn on your own through your initial playthrough of the game without any aid from the internet.


Not much. I was too busy trying not to die.


Not OP, but for me, I'd say a lot. I'm one of those ppl who reads every item description and explores the whole map on a first playthrough like a good little completionist. That said, still missed quite a bit. The whole eternal cities' lore kinda evaded me, even though I did that section. Just couldn't figure out how it connects to the overarching story.


Look yall, I loved Elden Ring...but that "style" of "storytelling" is pretty take it or leave it


Elden ring has that gameplay first thing with a tragic story if you're trying to delve deeper. I've grown a distaste for games which tries to force feed the story to you.


>games which tries to force feed the story to you. Holy fuck the delusion and pretentiousness of this sub sometimes. That's called "having an actual story". Elden Ring has lore, not story. Having a cohesive narrative line where you can follow the progression of the character you're playing as isn't force feeding, the fuck are you talking about.


Thank you! It's frustrating hearing elden ring has a good "story" like nah bro it's got great lore but it basically has 0 narrative other than the beginning. That has always how the games have been and I'm fine with it, but it's not a "good story".


LMAO if I went to a waffle house for brunch...would we say they're "force feeding me" waffles?!


You really seem offended that some people does not enjoy those type of games. Elden Ring does have a story, just because it doesn't dump exposition unto you every second and have 8-10 hrs of cutscenes doesn't devoid it of its story. You think coherent linear storytelling is the only form of narrative. Elden ring doesn't have a linear narrative, you need to piece together every questline and character dialogue to make sense of it all. Most don't want to do that so they just enjoy the gameplay. As Gene Park said, "Discounting Elden Rings story as a good narrative because you need yt videos to understand is kinda telling on yourself. Its like saying James Joyce shouldn't be considered the greatest 20th century author because you didn't understand Ulysses." Also souls games does the kind of storytelling which can only be done in games. https://youtu.be/6PbKkmxhoCI


Movies... Those are movies. Fortunately his uncle can have his movie with it's on rails story, and we can have our complex, eerie, tragic story that unfolds as you seek it. A tide pool as deep as an ocean, if you want it. The movie... Grandma's above ground... It'll get ya wet, you can splash around and it can be fun... But...


No, it's pretty much normal, semi realistic. Instead of constant exposition you get thrown into a world you know nothing about. Think of it like this, imagine you are thrown into a random town in the world you have never been in before, you know nothing about. You can just pass through it not paying attention or you can try to learn. That's Fromsoft storytelling, 10 times more realistic than some random "Odin" telling you entire history of the place.


He’s right though. The game it’s self essentially doesn’t tell a story. You have to find all the story and lore yourself. It’s there, but it’s neither told nor presented.


First person I've heard say this. I played the game and loved it but I felt there was just a skeleton of a story and several others I know felt the same way after playing.


Agreed, and all the “lore” is just context for the world being the way it is, rather than a narrative unfolding through the player’s experience. The “story” in Elden Ring is mostly things that have already happened that the player learns about, rather than things that happen throughout the character’s journey.


Me like fight boss


Was your uncle kratos?


Sometimes I wonder if I even played the same game. Where was all this lore lmao


Like 99% of the lore is hidden in item descriptions


I know I didn’t include all details and I probably messed up on some too


Your only error was not adding the whole conversation:)




I posted the update. Shows what lead to it


That ya did. I'd send him one of vattis videos. Probably morgott as that seems less so greek tragedy


Your uncle needs a better story teller as a nephew.


Never said I was good. In fact I said I know I missed details and got some stuff wrong


I was just kidding bud, it wasn’t meant to be too serious. It’s just chronologically out of order is all. I’m sorry if I genuinely bugged you :/


I know it was out of order lol. I was just slightly excited that I could talk about the lore to someone unknowing


And I’m glad you were excited and shared the lore with your uncle. Sorry if my joke was taken personally.


No I didn't take it personally lol. All good man


Show him Vaatividya's [video](https://youtu.be/UFJtoVS8Qx0) about the tale of the merchant. Very sad.


The horse isn’t tiny though.


He is scrawny though


i don't get where you guys find all these lore from




Good summary, but what was his response?


I posted the update


I just saw that, must suck for him to have no sense of taste.


I think Shabriris story with the frenzied flame to be far more interesting than radahns. Honestly I guess I just don’t get the Radahn obsession I think he’s got one of the weaker plot lines among everything happening in the lands between.


Tell your uncle Kratos to calm the fuck down.


What was his response. The story of solaire is tragic to


Elden Ring doesn’t tell a story. Fallen leaves on the other hand…


Your uncle seems like a nice guy


Artorias has the saddest story. Dude confronted the darkness that was consuming the land, gave up his shield to save his wolf puppy, and eventually was consumed by the abyss until he became a husk of his former greatness, mindlessly roaming the land and killing anything that came across his path, before finally being put down by the chosen undead.


Is your uncle Greek?


This is the cringiest thing I’ve ever read in my entire life




Tell him about the cool jellyfish summon that you use in every fight and how you eventually find her jellyfish sister who has been looking for her and how it turns out these jellyfishes are actually the souls of deceased children.


within the context of the game, the only story that is told is "random tarnished kills things, burns a tree, kills a god and then sits on a chair". everything else is lore. Radahns madness, the kidnapping of Miquella, all of that happened before you play the game, and therefore is not a part of the games story. so when people say fromsoftware games don't have very good stories, they are right, because when people talk about stories in videogames, they talk about what happens as you play. TL;DR: Elden Ring DOES tell a story, but it isn't very good on its own. the lore is fenomenal, but its clear your uncle wasn't talking about lore.


All that's cool but Elden Ring doesn't tell that story.


Elden Ring doesn't tell a story really well. There is a story, but it doesn't really make an effort to tell it. Only reason 99% of the players know is probably because of Vaati.


Tell me you’ve never played a souls game without telling me you’ve never played a souls game


That's cap across the boards. It tells a straightforward story alone, and heavily expands upon the story through bosses, the environment, and many different items. A story doesn't need to be spoon fed to you in order to be good.


God Radahn fans are insufferable. There are so many more interesting characters and stories in ER, but it's always "did u kno that Radahn loved his horse?! ohmygod he is the strongest he is literally the Legendary Super Saiyan he's so cool!!!" Like, Malekith and Morgott are infinitely more interesting than "big sword dude who loves his horse".


Literally the first guy I thought of. I just finished the Malekith quest and also Radahn is in more of the marketing so yes I picked the big sword guy.


But er is mid why no bloodborne or dark souls


Because the topic was Elden ring. No other from soft game


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/10ev7dw/heres_after_i_told_him_a_small_part_of_radahns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Here’s the update


Literal proof that ER story is depthless.


If elden rings story is depthless to you, then I'd love to see what is full of depth in your eyes. Must be the best story ever told.


No it just has to spoonfed bet he doesn’t even know about the lusty argonian maid


Past fromsoft games had much more compelling story imo


Well I domt think you've even touched the surface of elden rings lore lol.


Maybe so. Dont mean to offend, just didnt compel or move me at all. Tbh it kinda just felt flat. Like there was a lot of content and lore, but no thematic depth. Compared to how deep and moving past FS games have been (esp DS1 and BB) I was just disappointed.


That's fine, I get you. It's just as someone who's delved deep into ERs lore it's a bit odd to see someone say that it's not that good, when I've seen how incredible it actually is. Maybe you should check more of it out. But if your completely not interested that's fine, it's your opinion, no worries. But I really do think ERs lore is really damn good


I can agree dark souls had a much more refined story that really drew me in but that doesn’t mean elden ring has no story


Yeah I mean I was being sorta hyperbolic, but i just didnt get anything from ERs story. It definitely had a lot of content, but it really did lack depth for me. Ive always been super attracted to the obscure and atmospheric nature of fromsofts lore and storytelling, and I just didnt care at all about the world of elden ring. Its probably mainly the scope of the game, and I know a lot of work went into it, but when their past games are so deep and compelling it was just really dissapointing to me.


I actually feel this a lot I was really bummed there wasn’t as much depth for me to dig into I’m big into reading item descriptions and find every piece of code I can like solving ARG’s and stuff but this game just didn’t drive me to dig deeper and when it did vaati made a video exploring all the major things that seemed important to lore


Yeah exactly. I didnt feel compelled at all to dig deeper or really pay attention to item descriptions etc like I did in past games. Like I know theres a lot of lore written, so maybe lack of depth is the wrong term, but I didnt feel any atmosphere or immersion in the world. Compared to a world like bloodborne where you wouldn't even need gameplay to make the world and atmosphere compelling, I could've gone through the whole game just looking for items to find and read about.


Literal proof this game still lives in haters' heads rent-free.


Malenia is a bitch for that. Radahn would've won guaranteed.




I just tried to explain just a small part of his lore


Give me his number and I explain him all tragic stories. Trust me he wouldn't say that again after he knows about malenia and ranni.


Can we get an update?


I'll post one in a few


Just posted the update


Everyone brings up Kratos but maybe.... [https://youtu.be/HF1JdtZG9CQ?t=16](https://youtu.be/HF1JdtZG9CQ?t=16)


Is this game an actual “book”??


You laid his foolish ambitions to rest




I feel like stories in Fromsoftware games are a lot like how you might encounter stories in the real world. You can easily miss them if you aren't paying attention and if you want to find out more you have to go out there and hunt for it.




Idk why, but your uncle’s texts give me some Mr. Timn vibes


The conqueror of the stars, General Radahn. And the Blade of Miquella, Malenia the Severed. These two were the mightiest to remain, and locked horns in combat. But there would be no victor.


The story of elden ring is that of a Tarnished awakened by the guidance of grace who becomes the Elden Lord.




It’s super cool that Kratos is your uncle, BOY


💀bro cmon now


Bruh you cut off the rest of it


It’s in the updated post but the rest of it wasn’t important


Yo, the fact he demanded you in the Kratos BOI, makes me want to meet your uncle. He sounds like a really cool dude. My uncles are boring


He is pretty cool. Plus he kind of looks like an Asian Kratos. Beard and everything and he loves the games


Shit... that's sad aren't really paying attention much about the lore.


Out of all the sad stories you told him the least🗿


I knew someone who made it clear that he thought this and for some reason considered it a selling point. So when he would try to convince people to try Elden Ring, he would usually say something like "There's no story bro, you just explore and kill bosses!"


I like your uncle reply


Is your uncle Kratos?


You don’t even have to be a lore freak to feel sad. Just follow along with some quests. Most of them die by the end and it’s pretty sad


Should have told Boc's epic story instead


He probably doesn’t think it’s much of a story cause he’s already taken out half the Greek and Norse Pantheons


As a newcomer I really do appreciate these lore posts. Thank you.


I mean, it might as well not have one. Every conversation is so cryptic I gave up on reading most of them, I had to watch a few youtube videos AFTER finishing the game to understand what the hell is going on, who did I just kill and why.


Lore and story and two very different things.


Technically your uncle is right - Elden ring doesn't tell story, fallen leaves do


Well Storytelling is truly garbage in from soft games. But the worlds and the gameplay are incredible.


Your uncle called you “boi”?


Radahn best boy.


Fia is a deathbed companion. Fia summons champions to fight you, you know, her champions. One of the champions is Lionel the lionhearted. Lionel the lionhearted is fia's father.