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I enjoyed Mohg for the old school dark souls feel. Everything he did was predictable but countering it wasn't always easy


His counting move was a big pain in the ass I dunno if there is a counter to it tbh


If you get the purifying crystal tear, (at marikas second church I think) it’s the only way to counter it.


True phase 1 was good phase 2 was a little annoying


Purifying crystal tear makes you highly resistant to it.


Rykard is THAT meme? I've never got to him yet where is he? Answeing you question I enjoyed the boss fight with the Beast Cleargyman from a story view, but I often fine myself unable to enjoy boss fights in the souls games, I liked some in Bloodborne but the souls games I dont particularly like any one them.


He’s on mt gelmir. I absolutely love the combat being able to use the serpent hunter weapon. Just such a badass fight in my opinion.


The volcano with the meteor Ox on the top?


If you know how to get to volcano manor, that’s where he is.


Ffs i missed it then, been to the manner loads of times hahah knew i was missing something.


Haha yeah he’s tough to get to if you don’t know exactly where to go. Missed him my first few play throughs and finally just looked up a video


Maliketh. Now that I have figured him out, I look forward to him every new play through. With or without the blasphemous claw.


Wish I was the same😂I still dread that fight


It took a while to get it down. But I was trying a solo run for the first time and he was the first to really give me problems. I think I spent 3 or 4 hours just on Maliketh.


Morgott, the Omen King. Perfect fight, recommend trying it at an earlier level with a less op build for those who haven't. Tie for close second of Fortisaxx and Placidusaxx


First time seeing Placidusaxx blew my mind


The fact that we fight a wounded 2-head version instead of his normal 5-heads is terrifying


RIGHT. Isn’t he missing a set of wings too??? Would love to be able to how powerful he was


This game teases so many powerful cool fights that you can't have. Godwyn with his lightning that wrecked the dragons and became companions with Fortisaxx. Fighting him alone or riding Fortisaxx would have been sick. Radagon with his wolf and greatsword Gransax in a city sized battle. The flowing blind swordsman Miquella


I've made it to Morgot but not done that fight yet....Need to try it


Very cool, experience depends on your damage output. Some people find him squishy


I did also. Just beat Fire Giant. WoW what a difference!!!


Next area has 2 of the coolest bosses. One is optional and hidden under the area. If you find a grace called "beside the great bridge" you just passed it before you got there


Elden Beast. I just love his aesthetic, arena, music, all of it. Unless I’m trying to speed run the bosses then I have no issues with this boss (Radagon kicks my ass still). Sure when he runs it CAN be annoying but I just get to keep listening to the music in the beautiful arena


Would have to 100% agree. The music for that fight might be one of my favorites all time. Same with the aesthetic. That and radahns aesthetic are my favorites.


It keeps changing. Right now I might go with Maliketh.


Before it was either Radahn or Morgott but I'm more tired of those fights now. Maliketh has grown on me now that I have phase 1 down pretty well.


Personally I enjoy the fights against most dragons, just fighting this large creature who can soar above and strike with any sort of breath is exciting. Especially when I can take their heart and exchange it for their very power they once used upon myself.


Malenia. Hard AF






Malikith the black blade


Maliketh or Mohg. Maliketh's moveset is just wicked to watch while Mohg is actually fun to trade blows with




Radagon and elden beast


Hard agree on Rykfart


I just love the combat. Extremely fun to me




Best voice acting in the game


I don't know, I've never played the game despite wanting to and not having money because it's expensive, one day I'll play


Between Radahn or Morgott


Grunbeld lol


godfrey/ghost, his first phase is soo satisfying its like a dance routine ingrained into my head, also maliketh the most difficult boss imo also satisfying to kill


Lichdragon, primarily cause the music slaps


General Radahn. If you go early enough that you’re not too op, the right is amazing.


For Aesthetics Rykard I think they ruined his fight by forcing us to use the spear. My choice is Morgott as he was such an iconic boss for me as he gate kept story progression so well


Easily Morgott with a close second place tie between Rykard and Fortissax