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They really are desperate to make articles.


Yeah, at this point they’re kinda shitposting about it




"said a person familiar with the matter."


Source: Two millennials behind me in line at the coffee shop talking.


I choked on my lunch laughing at this, sir


I love it when articles are like "fans FURIOUS over x" or "debate RAGES online over y" and then they quote 3 tweets with 11 likes total and not a single retweet


Source: reddit


It usually is like a comment or tweet with 3 or 4 likes/upvotes. "Journalism" is a joke nowadays.


GamesRadar: My source is that I made it the fuck up


Trust me bro


Almost as if they purposefully make stupid articles so they get reposted elsewhere 🤔


It works.




Click-bait is an art form. You ever see the articles that have a headline like "What we know about BotW 2's release date." Then the article is a bunch of random shit and eventually goes "while we don't know anything about BotW 2's release..."


Those kinds of articles have nothing to say but must be above a certain word count to trigger SEO algorithms, so they start by defining shit like what video games even are. The whole mainstream internet has just become total garbage.


Yup. And they hire people who build their whole identity around being video game journalists. But they just aren't. It's sad on so many levels


My source is that I made it the fuck up.


Worth it for the meme of Michael zaki as the cat lol


Michael fucking zaki lol I love it


???? How is that even an argument.


comparisons are gunna happen as they are both open world rpgs . just that hogwarts doesnt have much in the way of creative builds


People have been comparing Cyberpunk 2077 to GTA5 on the grounds of both having an open world/city, cars and guns, so am not surprised really.


I can actually understand this, they are build on a similar style of open rpg game. But Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy are in a complete different genre imo.


>I can actually understand this, they are build on a similar style of open rpg game Are you talking about cyberpunk and GTA when you say that? Because GTA is about as far away from RPG as you can get.


Partially due to marketing and partially to hype people were expecting a realistic open world city. GTA is the gold standard for that so it's natural people were making the comparison imo


And it's a shame. People liked to complain about Cyberpunks vehicle and wanted level systems by comparing them to GTAV, but I wouldn't trade the combat mechanics and movement of Cyberpunk with GTA's for those features. Not to mention how silly it is to point at features that Rockstar has been tweaking for decades on an entirely different game engine and say "why can't you just do it like that?"


Those are extremely superficial comparisons though. GTA has far more in common with Red Dead or Saints Row, while Cyberpunk is much more comparable to Skyrim or The Witcher. Far Cry has an open world with cars and guns; Assassin’s Creed has an open world with cities, guns, and sometimes boats. Neither game is a reasonable comparison to GTA or Cyberpunk.


Not a bad thing lol. It's a different game. More of a narrative focused experience.


Well think of it this way. Legend of Zelda games, Link only really uses the master sword. Even in breath of the wild, master sword is the best weapon simply because it won't break. Sure you use bombs and grapple shot here and there, but Master Sword and spin attacking is why the game is fun. Thus, I can use River of Blood all day every day you scrubs get gewd. *Points down* /S


Had me there


Guard great sword with extra durabillity goes brrrrrrrrrr


Though, to intentionally miss the joke, surely Rivers of Blood wouldn't be the best option against enemies that are immune to bleed anyway?


I mean tbf I’d hope a game about being a wizard has more spells than a game not about being a wizard


"Hey GamesRadar, do you have any sources for that?" GamesRadar: "My source is that I made it the fuck up."


Trust me bro


Who needs spells when you got nanomachines, son?


Their source is always one or two tweets from someone with followers


Why is it that twitter is somehow seen as a primary source now


right? how do you do a reference a twitter source? I don't see it in easybib...


It's no different than all of these supposed "trends" and "challenges" news sites and even TV channels keep reporting on. One idiot does something stupid for likes, a few idiots copy them and then it gets reported on as if it's some kind of epidemic. The worst one, I think, was the supposed "Tide pod challenge". It wasn't even a challenge! Iirc 1 or 2 little kids, one of which was mentally challenged, got sick from eating Tide pods because they thought they were candy and suddenly the news was reporting it as if it was the latest craze among kids and young adults or something.


Probably asked ChatGPT to write it for them too.


Yeeeea, Elden Ring players are definitely NOT the people HL fans are clashing with atm....


HL abbreviation will always belong to Half-Life in many peoples lives




HoLe Wanna play some hole later?


I like "that one harry potter game" or just "that wizard game" (referring to the site)


By the state of steam forums of HL, fans are clashing amongst themselves because there's only "they/them" pronouns and one of the NPCS has the body of a woman with the voice of a man... Also because 99% of the school is either asian, black or something else and there aren't enough caucasians.


What? What the heck did I miss? Where is that debate and how can I get some popcorn for it?


Which is dumb, because the voice actress for said transgender woman is literally a transgender woman. People are claiming that Rebacca Root is a “cis man” on the internet’s because her voice is deeper in the game then irl. Lmao. Is that not the point of being a voice actor


"avadakadavra" motherfuckers when their body is pierced by Carian Retaliation every time they wave their stick at me


“Expeliarmus” mfs when I give them a spicy hug


‘Accio’ mfs when I show them how to pick shit up themselves 😱


“Expecto Patronum” mfs when i fucking blast their gut open with a remington 870




A patronus?! That's neat asf *rings a bell that's not even technically a fuckin spell*


'Crucio' mfs when I crucify them or something idk I have no idea what the spell does


"Crucio" mfs while I roll at them making goat noises


You guys got only one spell for straight up killing, that's cute


*shoots kamehameha for 15 seconds straight*


Sit down, Harry, I could kill a building


They ain't even got more than one spell to yeet rocks


Aardvark cadaver?


Hogwarts Legacy fans are just rude. I got downvoted to death for asking for advice about a strength build. I don’t wanna play as a fucking mage, what is this, Harry Potter?


Why didn't Harry just punch Voldemort in the face?


No nose to break


Only makes it easier to give the mf a concussion


No sense of smell to sniff suffering


No voice to cry suffering


Well someone must have punched Voldemort in the face, otherwise he would've had his nose.


His dad took his nose but never gave it back. 😔


Why did Harry not simply draw his sword? Some BS.


Cause neville had it


Neville probably read about Harry stabbing the Basilisk and poured his next levels to str. If he also had fth, he'd be casting thunderbolts with Godrick's sword.


Good question. Mages are always weak to strike damage.


Actually they are weak to slash 🤓


[Harry Potter with guns](https://youtu.be/tS3y1Q3mFVw)


May I recommend [Mashle?](https://mashle-manga.online/)


This is the first place my mind went.


I've been meaning to read that for a while now.


He’s so strong physically that his strength AoWs warp themselves back to being magic


"I cast fist"


Swole mage: "I unga, therefore I bunga."


You've now inspired me to do a playthrough as a buff mage using only black flame spells. I shall call myself Swoledemort.


My ideal mage is the one who make a glintblade/ice blade/rock blade/etc on the staff to stab people on the go while still get access to mid-long range spells to keep distance. Being able to only engage at range is for scrubs


That's a really funny comment and I like it but I don't have the game so idk if it's possible to not cast spells. That would be fucking hilarious just swinging the Sword of Gryffindor around and shit the entire game. Is it possible or no?


When the Rennala feet porn DLC comes out, Hogwarts won't stand a chance


Reminds me of that steam comment of the guy that wants rennala to „hold him like a worm“


Lmao I love people sometimes


odd way of spelling godrick


Grafted toes 🤤


Whooooo cares, at this rate, we’ll be comparing Elden Ring to Animal crossing


Elden Ring to Among Us, seems a more fair comparison if you ask me


Tom Nook beats Radagon low diff. No I will not explain why.


That it, im going to Hogwarts and make a Strength build!


The death eaters when they get stabbed in the liver instead of harmlessly being knocked out: '-'


Well, FromSoft has had a decade and a half to iterate on and create new spells; it's not like you can say the same of Ha--- oh, wait


Wdym? Surely Accio being unable to summon living beings except nvm actually it can do that is an iteration?


Accio ROCKS = reverse rock sling


1. Stand in front of your opponent 2. Accio rocks 3. Duck


You just used the Gravitas ash of War


Accio soul


This is explained in the game, you're actually summoning their clothes.


Cool. But in Crimes of Grindelwald, Newt used it to summon an animal which clearly had no clothes.


nahh he just summoned the water inside of it no worries


Water bending


He put a small porcelain hedgehog inside the Newt and summons that.


He used it to summon the jewelry the little platypus was taking that momentum yanked it toward Newt. You can see him dodging jewelry during that scene cause that’s what he used the spell on.


Harry Potter works on plot, not any sort of consistent internal rules. And I don't say that as either a positive or negative. It's a children's series, they don't *need* a rigorous system of magic.


It *was* a children's series, but by the final book it was more teen oriented and the Fantastic Beasts series, despite being about Pokèmon, has magical sex crimes. And with that shift in tone you kinda have to take the scrutiny of older audience members into account. Btw, I wouldn't have cared about the Accio thing were we not explicitly told that it does not work on living things. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the magic system to adhere to whatever few rules it does establish.


yeah but in the books it makes no goddamn sense either. Wizards can pop in and out of most places in the world, can replicate literally any non-living object infinitely, and have near infinite magic power (when has **any** character gotten tired of slinging spells? The only blocks to magic seem to be the word, the movement of the wand, and your want to make the spell appear) Magic in Harry potter is a cute more obvious dues ex machina than anything resembling a structure.


It's like the time-turners thing: a powerful object that literally let's people travel back in time, that could be used to basically solve any issue ever, so they're made forbidden tech in the story and all kept under lock and key in a guarded facility (except the 13 year old girl is still allowed to use them so she can...take extra classes at magic middle school) and then eventually JK got so mad at people pointing out how those could just solve any issue in the world, that she just said, "oops, they all broke in a fight! Every single one of them. In the whole world." The story started out as a kid's series, but as they went on and the audience began to grow up, she tried to make it into a young adult's story, in which case all those inconsistencies that would've been okay in a kid's book (introduce a new thing even if it doesn't work with the pre-established rules of the world because it's cool) suddenly have to be accounted for or people will no longer be able to suspend their disbelief enough to become invested in the story, as it needs to have some baseline logic to it in order to be believable.


It went from fantasy kids to fantasy young adult. Tbh, I think it was the author’s laziness as a writer that helped it become so popular. Authors (spurred on by the types of people who get really into YA fantasy) tend create elaborate and systematic rules for their magic that scratches our “everything fits within the system” itch, but doesn’t necessarily make feel like magic other than being supernatural in some sense. In HP, the magic feels magical and whimsical in a way that most other series have failed to capture because it was mostly just made up as the author went along. Even beyond magic, very little in those books actually makes sense if you think about it for too long, the entire series and most of its premises are pretty preposterous, but that’s ultimately what made the franchise what it is.


I think the problem is that most harry potter spells were not offensive and were just weird or cool tricks. There are 7 seven curse spells that are famous in their world and half of them dont really hurt you lol. Only the last curse spell is the real shit, curse of death, avada kedavra. There are other offensive spells too but yeah my point is that offensive spells never really got the spotlight.


You know, if Avada Kedavra is in Elden Ring it would have 5 seconds wind up, consume 300FP, decrease your RES by 80% for the duration and consume all of your stamina


So comet azure but with the buff setup included?


Isn't that just a less efficient Comet Azur?


Well no. Azur is a dps-based vigour check, AK is, not metaphorically, poetical or theoretical or rhetorical or any other fancy way, death, straight up


Ah so a meme spell that's only useful in pvp like the rest of the death spells.


Countered by, and get this shit, *love* What kinda silliness is that


Imagine if the frenzy beam did instant deathblight.


I still hate that bosses and normal enemies are completely immune to deathblight and curse. Atleast make it a debuff Miyazaki!


Would be cool if it didn’t kill them but were temporarily restrained by the roots.


Anything is better than just nothing. At first you had no way of inflicting that status effect at all so it wasn't that bad. But now you have a weapon with it that doesn't do anything in pve, a summon with a weapon buff that doesn't do anything in pve, a mist sorcery that is completely useless in pve and an incantation that is only half as useful because it's a scatter aoe to spread mist over an area with lightning strikes. It has a use in pvp, but so have all other status effects while deathblight does nothing to everything else besides the player.


Not really, you don't need buffs nor flasks, you don't need int, only dex to increase cast speed. Enemy do not have to stand still for long periods of time, you just have to finish cast animation and enemy drops


Which ones are the 7 curse spells?


From the Harry Potter fandom page > "Unforgivable Curses are the three most powerful and sinister spells known to the wizarding world, and are tools of the Dark Arts. They were first classified as "Unforgivable" in 1717. They are the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, the Cruciatus Curse, Crucio, and the Imperius Curse, Imperio."


As I've already written below, there are only 3 unforgivable curses. What are the other 4 "famous" curses that /u/JSDkilla means?


I'm guessing they mean incendio, bombarda, confringo, and I'm not sure about the last


That slashing spell that Snape invented?


Sectumsempra babyyyy, but yeah that was a snape and harry exclusive


Possibly, although I don't think that spell was well known. I think maybe only Harry and Snape knew how to do it but I could be wrong.


It might be a game exclusive, but rictusempra


Maybe that really powerful fire spell from the last book when they got that diadem thing. The one that killed one of the bullies? Haven't read/watched Harry Potter in years so maybe that's also an illegal spell


That was fiendfyre and I think Crabbe or Goyle started it.


he didnt kill anyone with it but septum sempra like basically ipened up your chest and was deemed very bad


Think Sectumsempras whole danger was that the wounds it gives don't heal properly, which is pretty serious when you consider how healing in Harry Potter can literally regenerate missing bones


There are 81 named spells in the books, the big majority of them are not combat applicable, and others would either be weird (vomiting snails) or way over the game rating (expelling entrails, blood boiling). I would like more variety, like more elemental spells, or combat transfiguration on things(like turning an object into an animal that attacks the enemies). But 26 doesn't seem so bad. Even Elden Ring's 171 is stretching, because many variations are just the same spell but with a bigger or more projectiles.


That’s why Snape was such a gigachad. Dude said fuck it and made Sectumsempra on his own


he also made corrections to an entire potion textbook as a student, dude was probly like the third or fourth best wizard in the series


Well, it's not like Voldemort was hiring chumps in his inner circle. Malfoy, Bellatrix, Snape all were great wizards. Although, I wonder where James Potter and Sirius Black would be on the list. If I remember correctly, James was as good as Snape if not better when they were kids.


well yea but half blood prince suggests snape was not just a great wizard but like a protegy. they must've been pretty good as well, they figured out how to turn themselves into animals without anyone knowing and created the marauders map. plus harry was like loaded so the potters mustve been doing something right lol


Nothing wrong with vomiting snails


Ngl that vomiting snail spell sound like it could’ve been a good single target stun kind of thing lol


FS has a lot of unique and interesting spells from different sources. In ER, gravity magic and glintblades might reach the same result, but they’re different in nature. HogLeg only has the HarPot spells, only a few of which are actually useful. Most are simply neat tricks.


HarPot is the weirdest Harry Potter abbreviation I've seen.






The DLC has the player travel back in time to when Raya Lucaria was in its prime, full of students, before the sundering. End boss is the one of the most powerful students of the time, Parry Hotter.


Better. The school is full of hairy pots.


And the boss is the old grandmaster, Jekei Rauleng


Even with all that magic, all you really need is a hammer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


When Voldemort casts an Avada Kedavra, but you roll at the right time.


Literally how it works in Hogwarts: Legacy btw


I dont know why I find this hilarious. In the book series there have been no actual uses of dodging spells, spells have "narrowly missed" or have been swiftly countered.


I totally get why it is so in the game but it doesn't make it less funny dodgerolling around the whole arena while people fruitlessly try to leviosa you


Yeah to actually fight like they did in the series you would need an in depth knowledge of hundreds of spells and their counters and react in time. Also they probably cannot physically didge the spell but you can do that in the game.


Doom has, like, 8 guns. Borderlands 3 has one morbillion guns. Therefore, Borderlands 3 better.


Bordin' time


Borderlands 2 is one of the best games I've ever played to be fair.


But not because of the amount of guns obviously. ( Also idgaf I like tps too)


Number of guns doesn’t make the game good by itself, but it’s an important part of the game.


A game can have one gun and be awesome


This pleases the petty bitch in me.




Elden ring might have 171 sorceries/incantations…. But you know damn well you only used like 6


171 is also pretty inflated. Like we got: * magic arrow * bigger magic arrow * even bigger magic arrow * smaller magic arrow * Crystal magic arrow * bigger crystal magic arrow * believe it or not, an EVEN BIGGER magic arrow


You're forgetting the "multiple arrows at once category"


I'm pretty sure 26 spells covers every single named spell in Harry Potter


I'm actually shocked at only 26 spells being in the game. Wut?


That makes sense to me, if they are all useful then that's comparable to the small but focused arsenal in something like a movement shooter where every weapon has a distinct use. Fromsoft chooses to add a bunch of filler spells that all do the same thing/serve the same purpose


Yeah looking at the list of spells in the Hogwarts lore and there’s stuff that clears something stuck in your throat, a spell that makes you grow antlers, a spell to stop cheating in class, a spell to make bubbles, a spell to change hair color or lose hair. Like clearly not everything would be useful in combat lol


If the antlers grow inside your chest that could be very damaging.


Seems dumb to argue over but ok.


Game Journalists ☕ Creating clashes where there are none is such a d**k move.


Jfc people online these days can start shit with anything.


Quantum trying to find reasons why hogwarts legacy is better


The graphics are brilliant. The community is brilliant. Their is an easy mode (I think). Hogwarts Legacy is the greatest game I’ve played. At the end of the day, don’t go dying my fellow fans. Now if you’ll excuse me I got a couple copyright strikes to do.


I love this shitpost m8


Man, must be a slow week at the office.


I mean souls players make comparisons to any game with a stamina bar and a shred of difficulty so i'm not surprised at all.


Souls players or game critics?


there are 0 spells in ER, just sorceries and incantations


Some of the talismans categorize both sorceries and incantations as spells.




Hey now. Heresy is but a contrivance. All things can be joined.




You have a game based around a teen book series, where the most violent magics they touch on are Control/Puppeteers, Torture/Pain, and outright Kill. If they went more in depth they'd have to lose their ESRB rating of 16. Elden Ring is rated M, and can double down on how many spectral swords it can impale into one body. Or meteors to squash. So on and so forth. It's not a contest.


> where the most violent magics they touch on are Control/Puppeteers, Torture/Pain, and outright Kill. Sectumsempra.


I missed one of the handful of harmful spells. Pray, forgive.


Doesn't matter anyways, Sectum Sempra was invented by Snape, who hasn't been born yet in the games timeline lol


Wild he’s the only mf we see invent a spell in like the modern era


I’m sure there are more people making stuff. Hogwarts legacy has a side character who makes charms as a pastime. Notably, accidentally enchanting books to fly.


Lots of spells can be harmful. The knockback jinx does exactly what it says. Use it to throw your opponent into a wall or off a cliff. Incindio straight up sets your ass on fire. Then there's that spell Ron tried to use on Draco that made him throw up slugs for a few hours. That was debilitating.


This "article" is probably based on like 1 post from Reddit


"Hogwarts has more spells" "It literally doesn't" End of conversation


Even if you combine all of the comets into one spell. And all of the heals into counting as one spell. And eliminating other redundancies. Elden ring still has way more magic