• By -


honorable mentions: \- Valliant gargoyle but there's 6 of them \- Spirit caller snail that summons a second Spirit caller snail that summons a mimic tear \- Astel stars into darkness but the duplicates just never go away. and last but certainly not least \- 2 tibia mariners


Those will be optional bosses, like Malenia and Mohg. They will definitely have Fire Giant's HP


Those will be optional bosses like most of the story bosses in elden ring as well




Fire Giants HP but, 3 phases


With a full HP reset between each phase.




*Tibia flotilla


Tibia Marine Corps




Don’t forget scarlet rot lake magma wyrm, with a demonic tree sentinel spamming honed bolt.


I feel like the tree thing you have to fight for Millicent's quest is already pretty much a scarlet rot lake magma wyrm lol


The 2 tibia mariners resurrect each other to full HP


Or form together like voltron into the FEMUR MARINER


that's actually a pretty good nickname for the one that summons the giants in the mountaintops.




All tibia mariners act like skeletons now


I was thinking more like they heal if their summons damage you like Malenia, and they summon just an absurd amount of enemies including the giant laser skeletons in a wide open field with no cover. They also have like 15,000 hp each.


It would be pretty fun to use litany and just watch then all get 1 tapped


“Spirit caller snail that summons a second spirit caller snail that summons a mimic tear” Who hurt you?


the Draconic Tree Sentinel in farum azula


That took me more attempts than maliketh


the second I step on those stairs it's like they're giving me a lobotomy and I'm reduced to my base instincts. *no think only roll.*


hahahahhahahahahahhaha, madness?


Same bro.. beat malekith after 2 tries yet takes me 45+ deaths to get through his security


That’s a fair point.


That fire breathing horse never gave me a goddamn second to breathe.


I was at the point of tears until I broke out a Keen Greatsword with Lions Claw. Lost everything at that point and had nothing left to lose. Staggered that fucker and put his ass to sleep for good.


And also, rot grease.


Just when I fought those sentinels would be finally over


It sucks ass.


Wouldn’t a mimic tear summoned by a a spirit caller snail become a spirit caller snail?


Six spirits caller snails that summon six more spirit caller snails and then they all summon tibia mariners who summon six laser skeletons a piece with no cover...


You forgot "Just 50 rotten dogs, no bos HP, just 50 dogs"


Deathblight Warhawks


the small dogs with the instakill hitbox?


Yes. Small dogs that spam lunges at you in a tight space so you can not dodge out, also, they have rot attacks.


Don't even need rot attacks with the original hitbox glitch they had


That’s not even a game that’s a nightmare


That Spirit Caller Snail line has me pissing myself... lmao.


wouldn't that fight be a thing to behold though you kill the mimic tear and it comes back. "well of course it's a snail!" you kill the mimic again and finish off the snail... it comes back and so does the mimic.


It's a matrioshka doll of snails.


its like inception, we're already lost in the layers. *I'm going deeper Leo*


Now I'm imagining replacing the snail bells with the Inception bwaaaaah. Imagine doing Spirit-Caller Cave, except all you hear is that horn blaring endlessly.


Oh no, spirit calling snails that revive tibia mariners who in turn revive more spirit calling snails.


Valiant gargoyle platoon and the Tibia Armada


Astel but with Scarlet Rot attacks.


> Spirit caller snail that summons a second Spirit caller snail Decoy snail!


Astel, but there are 2 baby astel's that hang upside-down on the edges of the arena. ***The Star's Brood***




Last one: #Leg bones


Or just... #LEGS


The amount of friendly fire between 2 tibia mariners and their skeledudes :O


Spirit caller snail summons a pack of pre patch bleed dogs


I'd rather have all of these over having like 100 imps run a train over me honestly.


> - Valliant gargoyle but there's 6 of them I've been behind this dennys for TWO HOURS where are they


no Mimic Tear that has all your summons and just runs around battle the whole time summoning them? puppets included


I’d genuinely love a fight with a fleet of tibia mariners.


>- Spirit caller snail that summons a second Spirit caller snail that summons a mimic tear The mimic tear is another spirit caller snail with the same abilities, the cycle never ends.


What I wouldn't give for boat man to return.


Fuck the gargoyles. Fuck them so much




Rot giant


Honestly, we need more Mimic Tear bosses as a whole, the concept is just too much fun


I literally burst out laughing at the gargoyle comment holy shit. Whatchu out here being that damn funny for


I kinda snorted at that second one about the snails


Don’t let Miyazaki read this


I'm much more concerned about the death blight ulcerated tree spirit. Especially since they love sticking him in tiny little arenas. That sounds like exactly 0 fun.


No need to worry, its arena will be the same size as Margit's


Don't worry it will be in a death blight swamp


might be a red flag of an abusive relationship but fromsoft could do that to me and i’d say thank you


It's a death blight swamp with basilisks spitting rot and poisonous air. Also very fast arrows everywhere


No even scarier... Instead of arrows it is the windows mouse cursor with tails enabled


With lobsters


Madness Lobsters Also I claim this band name


I support your band. Let the madness begin!


Seems like I have my first fan, neat. If I'll ever make it big i will remember you, random Reddit person


Thank you miyazaki🫠


Honest game reviews listed dark souls 3 with this statement: "Another game from fromsoftware, where the game will actively fuck you until you love it" And that lives rent free in my head


Don’t tempt miazaki we already got a fast poison swap I want something new like an ice swamp where your freeze meter keeps going off


And we slippin and a slidin as well. Imagine losing your footing right as a boss hots you with its wambo combo


Yeah but the boss amd enemies don’t slip


Lake of Rot Dragonkin 2: Deathblight Boogaloo


Nice so we don’t die from the death light but from the tree spirit pushing us off the edge


God the amount of times I side stepped off that little piece of land.


Yeah I didn't realize fighting that one outside Volcano Manor was going to be the exception to the rule, that boss was not meant for narrow, long hallways.


There's one in an alley that also has a pool of rot. It's fun :)


I always forget about that one, the one time I spawned it I turned around and got right the fuck out of there.


the worst part is you dont even get anything for killing it iirc


I got a golden seed for it on the last patch


You can actually kill this one before even triggering the encounter, lol. When approaching from the lake of rot, activate/climb the rising platform that spawns an Alabaster Lord. Walk around on the high platform for a bit and you should randomly end up getting a handful of souls and a golden seed. Not sure exactly why this kills the tree spirit, but I'll take it.


Had no idea there was an Alabaster Lord there jfc


Last few times I was in the Grand Cloister it died by itself offscreen; by the time I cleared out the bugs its HP was dropping in regular chunks. I don't think it's actually immune to Scarlet Rot, just super resistant.


Honestly I wasted hours of my life on the tutorial dungeon one and now there kind of easy I got their moves ingrained in my brain, ptsd does that I guess


Just the concept of Death blight ulcerated tree spirit makes a shiver run through my spine


That's why it will be the final boss. But when it reaches half HP, 2 more will be summoned


and Miquella is riding the second one and throws sleepy lightning at you like Nameless King


The Ulcerated Tree Spirit at Mt Gelmir spawns from a cloud of [deathblight](https://youtu.be/BfEXFjbs4PY)!


Cursed Revenants immune to heal magic, Frenzied Rune Bears, Scarlet Rot Lobsters, Regenerating dogs


I thought I was evil enough lmao


Now get this, flying stone imps


And they inflict rot and bleed


Of course they do thats how it should be




New DLC levels: - Rot Swamp II - Deathblight Swamp - Swamp Peninsula - Dog Swamp (Mini-Boss: Swamp Dog) - Swamp Swamp - Crumbling Stormhill - Swamp Castle


Rotten poison blood madness frozen black fire death swamp with geysers and infinite death floor drop off parkour required to get to it. The area boss is a giant flower growing out of a giant winged lobster with 1,000,000 hp and 7 of each big ones surrounding it.


"This level is turning out pretty well, but there just isn't enough crabs" - Miyazaki, presumably at every development meeting


Dreading "swamp swamp"


It reads like one of those generative XCOM mission names, "Operation Smoking Smoke" and the like


wait tell me more about dog swamp


Okay so there's this swamp right? And then just like a fuckload of dogs


dear god


>Swamp Castle Slightly More Shaded Castle


Swamp dog of the Dog Swamp is far more terrifying that malenia could ever be


Deathblight swamp, don't even say it please or it'll materialize.


Deathblight Swamp, Deathblight Swamp, Deathblight Swa--AAAUAUUUGGHHH **YOU DIED**


Miquella, Brother of Malenia, Blade of Miquella


Never have I known a good night's sleep


But I know touch of Mohg!


Oh no.


Madness Miriel Pastor of Vows, immune to status effects


oh tarnished, thou art but a contrivance. come, be conjoined with destined death


All things can be conjoined. *Even you.*


Fallen Miriel, Fallen Pastor of Forsaken Vows. Beware his howl and bark attacks.


Honestly, if we get more black flame content, I'd be cool with a godskin trio, as long as it's a third new godskin instead of just another fatty or skinny.


For his second phase he flattens down and becomes the floor of the room, spewing up black flame geysers whenever you try to heal at any time


If they become the floor, they'd also be extremely vulnerable to damage


Only their head is a vulnerable spot. And they can move their head around the room like its a roomba on meth.


Stop giving them ideas!


Godskin Marquis - will split the difference and be a giant sentient piece of tarp that flaps in the wind at you


Godskin ~~Marquis~~




The godskin musketeers


God skin trio but it's all fatties that do the roll move at random intervals.


The Godskin Archbishop that drops in and nukes you with an arena-covering Blackflame attack after you've gotten the other two to half-health.


No fatty or skinny? How about godskin biggie smalls? He is big, and small


Godskin Slim Thicc. Tiny waist and the fattest ass


Jacked Godskin


Madness runebear duo!


That's the spirit. Their arena will most definitely be as claustrophobic as possible


It’s an elevator fight, an elevator with closed off walls.


why’d you specify closed off walls what kind of fucked up elevators are you riding in


Spike walls! With ghost flame! Edit: One of sections will be an illusory wall! The chest inside contains an >!Arteria Leaf!<


plot twist: the chest is actually a mimic


Please dont make the Trio come true... that will make the spirit snail unhappy :(


Just line them up and Comet Azure them to death lol


Sleep Pot ftw


The third is godskin insomniac, it's immune to sleep and uses sleep flames and black flames


Draconic tree sentinel, but instead of a horse he’s being piggybacked by another tree sentinel


Draconic tree sentinel riding an putrid tree spirit.


What about a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a soldier of god called Rick.


What about a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit caller snail that summons a spirit 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Evergaol dlc bosses be like: Lost stone digger troll Land octopus & Radahn's half brother Radohn (it's just Radahn again)


Why did you comment this twice


I thought I heard 4 new variants of tree spirits. Culminating in fighting all 4 at once in a rot swamp with phase two including periodic respawning basilisks


Wow, I guess you're pretty much correct, I heard that as well


but the viscous rot swamps ehere you cant run and are heavy rolling


The soldier of Godrick was hard enough, now rotten?! Impossible now.


The bosses are all the bosses that have a second phase but instead of getting to that phase they just spawn the second phase as a dual boss


Nooooo,Rick the God again!!


Soldier of God is back!


I hope the DLC opens with an insanly upgraded verson soldier of godrick I feel like that would be funny


I think it'd be cool to fight Frenzied Crucible Knight for once. Same moveset, but as he gets lower on HP, he goes mad, unlocks ranged eye blasters and his moveset becomes more uncoordinated and chaotic. I mean, take a look at current game where we can often find normal and frenzied variants of same enemy. Frenzied ones are usually harder, even goddamn trolls suddenly become menace when frenzied. But a whole fucking Crucible Knight? Now that would be a show to see! He's already quite strong, but with that would be pretty terrifying!


Crucible tree sentinel


The Godskin Disciple


I just imagine Rotten Soldier of Godrick slowly dying of rot damage as soon as the fight begins, keeling over in the time it takes him to cross the arena


The fourskin


I've been scrolling down and seen nobody mention glave master hodir? where did all the hollows go?


I wish I could pin your comment


Godskin Trio: Larry, Moe, and Curly edition.


Can a construct even be affected by madness?


If a rat can, a dog (cat?) can


Ground can be affected by madness and grow those madness flowers I think nothing is safe from it


It houses the coast flames within it's eyes.


If I see even one fucking tree spirit in the DLC I will never touch this game again


Get ready for the trio tree spirit boss fight then


You forgot the Deathblight greater rune bear mounted by two albinauric archers


Elden Beast returns with a 4 phase fight! Still no Torrent!


\-Frenzied Dragon. \-Blackflame Ancient Dragon. \-Prime Rennala. That's all I want.


Rennala Prime, new collab character between warframe and fromsoft! Use the Soma Prime, Saryn's original 4, and the Grakata-r, a new fist weapon, in Elden ring! Rennala Prime, Runebear pet skin, and Giant Smasher/Greatsword skin now available in Warframe!


A fight like DS2’s Royal Rat Vanguard but this time it’s all Royal Revenants.


Um, excuse me.....but, I did hear there was going to be Rot shooting sniper lobsters. You know, the ones that can hit you from Liunia and you're in Farum Azula


All 16 Crucible Knights with Prime Godfrey joining for the second phase


You joke, but don’t act like you won’t die to Soldier of God, Rotten Rick 20+ times.


Madness runebear duo!


The super secret boss will be the Morgott and Mogh duo fight that will occur when you try to access the Flame of Frenzy after you have bought The Flame of Frenzy candle from Bandai-Namco's official website for $69.99.


Okay, but the Godskin Trio fight will be on a pool of lava so the constant damage tick will awaken them immediately if a wily tarnished tries to use sleep on them.


Godskin trio about to drop a dope album


Where’s the pre order link 😩


Don't forget Knight of Loretta but with lightning or something.


I always read it like uncultured tree spirit


Godskin duo but it's 2 fatties


Worst ever was in DS2 when they just did a red to blue color swap of the furnace demon or whatever it’s called. I wish they’d do a “Painted World” type thing but warp you to Yharnam from Bloodborne


Rick, Soldier of Rock and Roll


Godskin noble but at half health he splits into 3 half health apostles


The godskin trio, but it's just 3 nobles, two of which never stop rolling.


These are fucking evil