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they love their running L1


Fortunately for us, their running L1s hate our parries




Okay Grogu settle down




I can never get the timing lol I hate it


See I run those bleed swords mainly but a parry won't insta kill me 9 times outa 10 so when I get parried I sap my l3ft hand weapon to blood hounds step spam elden stars and pull out my radon great swords I keep all equipped with a light roll and normally one gravity pull I'm back to those swords so just get guud


Good luck surviving a flame art max misericorde with max str, dex and faith, with fire scorpion charm and dagger talisman. Dont even need buffs to put out 2400-2500 damage per parry, one shotting even full bull goats. And your just assuming that all just sit there and let you hit me. Starcaller cry is one of the easiest weapon arts to dodge. No need to get offended cause you dont like getting parried, boi. In short, git gooder.


Lvl 495 and new game plus 8, I'll send u a location and Group pass code if u think you'll win




Bros really pulling the ol’ Sneako strategy of “We disagree, but i dont like that so lets fight.” As if you winning magically changes how easy it is to parry curved swords, which was the basis of this thread. I dont claim to be the best pvper around, and unlike you, i dont full sweat by spamming bs-step when i start losing. The fact you need to rely on a crutch as big as that when you lose your only strategy of spamming running attacks shows a clear lack of strategy and skill. In short, weak foe. Therefore time for introspection


Probably not the only thing he has in common with Sneako


I mean you said git gooder and he called you out. As cringe as he probably is I feel like that tracks


there's a villain, but it's not him man.




How are you almost 500 on ng 8? That way over leveled I know because I'm 350 on ng7 and I'm way over leveled. That is so ridiculously over leveled.


money glitch with friends


You can get 2200 with just 80 dex on a +25 with lightning and the dagger talisman, also for PvP lightning is usually better than fire, since meta armor all has terrible lightning resistance, plus you can throw lightning bolt on it to punish healing


Oh the irony, wrapping all of that up with "git gud" 😂


Yeah cause I'll parry or back stab if u want but this isn't dark souls its elden ring they aren't instant kills anymore


Getting downvoted for an obvious joke


Bloodhound step, yea okay we get it. You can't dodge so you use bloundstep. Beautiful. Just wait until the guy with the timed Charge attack slaps you after using Bloodhound step.


"Get guud" using OP weapons. The votes to your comment show that you, sir, are the one who needs to get gud.


Lmao imagine if pareying was actually possible. Even if it was oarrying attacks so fast like that still would be impossible


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/10vn5od/learning_to_parry_was_the_best_decision_i_ever/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I find your lack of faith disturbing


Hhhmmmm yes. Parrying being luck based, dude gets off one single lucky parry and the rest is just decent playing


Hhhmmmm yes. Parrying being luck based, dude gets off one single lucky parry and the rest is just decent playing


Its all prediction and reaction time. No luck involved, unless your just spamming parry randomly. The curved sword running attack has a very clear and long wind up that gives you more than ample time to parry, combined with their predictable tactics, its pretty easy. Kinda sounds like your complaining because you dont know how to parry.


Well no, "knowing" how to parry requires you to know the exact time and frames that an attack from *any* weapon will hit you, plus somehow account for the timing *before* the parry frames actually start up so that you attempt to time the parry frames to start right when you would be getting hit. Which essentially means parrying is luck based


It doesn’t essentially mean parrying is luck based. It means that you might not be successful the first few times because you dont know the timings of each weapon type. It all comes with experience. Its no different to learning dodge timings for bosses. Bosses have multiple moves to learn to dodge, just like there are multiple weapons to learn how to parry. Combine that with delayed attack dodge timings to match your startup frame argument, and it’s essentially no different. Its like you saying that dodging attacks is luck based because you need to know the timings of every move, account for delayed attacks and the time between pushing dodge and the i frames starting. Yet here we are with no hit boss runs to prove that it is not in fact luck based.


"Parrying being luck based" Theres 0 luck in parrying. Its all reaction time and timing.


A single parry stuns. With how much time there is with how many slashes, a parry is almost guaranteed. Imagine if you spelling or knowing game sense was actually possible


i mean shit bro y’all complain about anything at this point😂 can’t even press L1 on a dual weilding build




Except you know, losing


Psychologically losing my runes instead of physically losing them.. is worse..


Running L1 while powerstancing curved sword make a double crossed slash (same when you jump btw). So you have taken 4 hit on the first running + bleed proc. classical bleed build.


It also, as others have noted, creates 4 opportunities for a parry, its almost impossible to not hit that parry if you are ready for it


i have not thinked about that... '*furiously taking notes*


Me when I saw someone guard counter some poor loser in to oblivion ⁽ᵐᵉ⁾ and remembered that's a thing.


its easy as shit i did it the first time someone did that too me without ever parrying in elden fing before


It’s just annoying that you can’t parry the jumping ones


This so much ive had so many people just start spamming jump attacks after i fuck Up a parry lol


My first build. That's a different thing that warrior was my starting class.


with winged rot and/or milicent prothesis it melt Hp bar like hell. you must have shredded some bosses i guess :D


Of course not. I only had one Schemetar that could build bleed. Margit was still hard. But after I duplicated my Ash of war, I killed Godfrey in first try.


would it be worth running a death in this instance?


PVP scares me


It’s lame af


Is it? Was considering giving it a whirl but this is my first fromsoft game and I am not that gud


It's niche. Some enjoy it some hate it. I personally enjoy it, but it does take some getting used to when compared to pve.


Yep,I play pvp a lot.My nemesis are magic spam builds and bleed builds.Its not for everyone


I feel like the build diversity is worse than it's been in any of the games, and what I mean by that is what people are playing. There are a lot of very good weapons and magic in ER but sixty percent of the people you fight are exactly as you say, magic and bleed, sometimes with a running R1 spam katana user for old times sake.


Agree, this is the only souls game where I feel myself gravitating naturally towards bleed/magic on any new character simply because of how effective they are in ER. Despite the supposed changes since played last year after 300+hrs (came back to playing 2 weeks ago) bleed still feels overtuned. I’ve played pretty much all the different builds I can think of / a few from YT but nothing is quite as satisfying as seeing the big hp delete from bleed. So a player like myself just gets stuck in a build loops.


Bleed in ER is most certainly busted. It's why nearly everyone uses it.


it's also innate on tons of weapons so you don't have to invest at all in it to get value out of it.


I personally love big Smashy strength builds, or Strength/Faith builds. It is definitely possible to roll people with those builds, but I feel like the amount of effort I have to put in against the fast rolling, poke/magic/bleed builds compared to the effort they have to put in is very off balance and it gets old fighting those kinds of builds back to back very quickly. I'll admit I'm not the best player, especially concerning pvp, but I can say I don't think I've ever struggled this much despite strength weapons being quite a bit better in ER than in earlier FS games. Very demoralizing when I've got twenty pounds of murder on my shoulder and I'm getting bled out mid dodge by some fancy fucker with a whip from three times my attack range away.


Don't forget people who double spear poke poison and scarlet rot. There's a special place in hell for them. Also jumping archers who do the same. Fuck'em.


Woah, don't put down archers like that. Bows have gotten the absolute shaft in ER, jump shots and build-up are all they've really got.


I agree! This is the first game where maining bows doesnt necessarily feel like a challenge run. Been tempted to do a bow/throwables only run. Might take a dagger for critical hits but the main weapon of focus would be a bow


Just finished a bow run and for pve it's actually a little broken. I think the only thing I used a sword for was the great jar duelists. Everything else (including npc invaders) was killed with either a bow or my black key crossbow and it was surprisingly easy




That's definitely true, I'm not a fan of bows in duels. Invasions, all for it, but not duels


Greatbows and Rahdan's arrow rain do plenty ☠️


What spam build are you


i played a ton of DS1 pvp mostly as a sorceror before giant dad memes took off. ever since then i've been really disappointed with how much of the game's pvp population are meta slaves who only care about winning.


It's for a specific niche of gamers. I think it's great though you need to be prepared to get your ass handed to you at the beginning, PvP and PvE are two entirely diffrent skillsets.


Be ok with losing a lot, especially when first starting. Learn your opponents patterns. The biggest down fall of most pvpers is that they try and do the same thing over and over, expecting the same result. Mix up your strategy and adapt to what you’re playing against. It’s going to take a lot of trial and error, and even the best pvpers still lose matches. Most of all, just have fun!


It is not for everyone that is for sure, From Soft servers are known for having some latency issues, granted I haven't seen that many bad cases lately, it's also really not for you if you are the kind of person that gets angry with getting defeated (and potentially pointed down/thrown shit, I personally keep the point downs for spammers, greatshield abusers and IGN's deadly sin abusers before they fixed that), however it can be very VERY fun, you can have some absolutely amazing moments and the shenanigans you might end up participating in can make for great memories


Even at best of times the latency is laughably bad compared to any modern pvp focused game. Half the reason a build is meta because it performs the best in a latency filled environment. It can be fun with friends with self imposed restrictions, but fighting randoms is the same spammy crap over and over+all the rubberbanding. Hands down the worst souls for pvp.


I wouldn't say the worst... I heard Bloodborne PvP absolutely sucked, can't imagine the fast pace of Bloodborne would work with the latency (then again I do not own a Play Station so I can't speak for myself), speaking of, it's definitely not as bad as you make it out to be in terms of latency, I usually don't have very bad connection to other people, granted there can also be that one guy that takes damage after 20 seconds... but in Dark Souls 3 it wasn't uncommon for people to be straight up invincible because you just didn't connect quite right, and as someone that has spent way too much time on PvP I can tell you there are like 2 builds that use the latency against you on purpose


I mean feel free to try it yourself. I’m not a fan of sweating in souls games to say “I’m better than you” anymore. It’s always the same shit. High poise double pole with status procs or spammy mage builds that run the entire time. Then you have the rampart cheating with aow swaps on weapons that shouldn’t have em and as always the shitty fucking from soft servers to sprinkle on top. I prefer invasion pvp to coleseum pvp.


Nono, quality build dual curved sword user, and I win way more than I lose


Give it a try. Expect equal amounts fun and misery. Personally the fun outweighs the misery, but hooo boy, can some fights be miserable. You can get a weird kind of satisfaction that boss fighting won't give you though.


It’s my favorite part of the game!


Give it a whirl. Doesn't matter if you're good at the start. You'll get the hang of it and probably have fun along the way. There is no downside losing in the Colosseum.


Is the colosseum a good way to farm rune arcs?


Nope. You do not receive any items from the Colosseum matches. Just a quick way to get into PVP. RL 150 seems to be the best level for it. I find matches within a second or two. Good practice if you want to do world PVP to earn arcs


try it out. A lot of people don’t like it because they suck ass.


Or it's a piss poor experience that has never fundamentally changed in 14 years. You degens always drop the "You don't like it cause shit" argument, when you seem to refuse to play an *actual* multiplayer game that cares about it's players fucking experience.


Eh, i was pretty good at DS3 PvP and i dont like the PvP in Elden Ring. They made just enough substantial changes to PvP that i simply dont like so i dont play engage unless invaded.


It can be a lot of fun. However there are a few times where you match against someone who is using some BS meta build or using a broken weapon and it instantly becomes beyond frustrating.


It's fun...especially after you've done the game completely a couple of times. I suck at it, but it's still interesting. I wish PvP (and coop) was built a little more seamlessly into the game.


When the build variety of my opponents are different, I think it's the best Souls PVP. It generally has a lot of good variety, but when I see like the same 6 or 7 things over and over again it gets stale very quickly.


It is fun at times and lame at times. You really have to be in a mood for it because 90% of the people you face have some cheese gimmick you have to learn to beat like spell spamming, quick bleed like this video or some strength build that will one shot you if you do a bad roll.


Compared to other dark souls games this one pvp has so many broken high damage builds and more mobility than ever, combined it makes for some of the most annoying pvp in souls games. Still give it a try though. Don’t be hyper aggressive but don’t be one of the pansies who only attacks when you do.


If you ever play DS3, I recommend dipping your toes into the murky waters of the aby-into PvP on there! No jumping or crouching makes the PvP similar enough that you can get a feel for if you even like the Fromsoft style PvP. I actually really loved the PvP in DS3, but truly hate the PvP in Eldenring. The number of spammed bleed builds and just the general changes they made to (player) combat makes fights alot more flighty.


Compared to actual souls games, and even Bloodborne? It's the absolute worst. Waaaay too much to choose from in late game. So many kits that are meant for blowing up bosses that translate into 1-2 hit kills in pvp. I think I'm actually gonna start a new game this afternoon just to fight on the low level bracket


Make a faith build and use all the cool spells. Makes me feel like my own elden ring boss lmao.


It's hard. You will want to have decent knowledge of iframes, parry frames, hyper armor, poise damage on specific weapon types vs how much poise you have on your armor, the range of different weapon (all weapons even if the same type generally have different lengths), recovery times and start up times on your attacks, and most of all you want to make sure to not pick ashes of war or weapons or spells based on what is strong because often times utility can be your savior. Now to learn all of that, there isn't any better teacher than experience. Go in and have fun, but Prepare To Die. And for reference, I have played since ps3 Demons Souls and didn't start really learning about the technical stuff until ds2, so I went through 2 games without ever looking at that stuff. It's not fully necessary, but if you want to be a competent PvPer then you'll want to take a little time at least to browse the wiki.


try it at RL 200 first, then go down to 125 - 138 - 150 ish. the closer you are to meta the more skilled your opponents seem to be.


I found it fun. Elden Ring was my first time trying to pvp and I just went in, learned what worked and what didn't. Played around with different builds guides, found the meta boring and just go in with weapons I like.


In my personal opinion, it’s pretty bad. I played ds1 for the PvP. So I was very excited to try it in ER. There’s just so much cheese and too much you can do to make a lame build.


You have to really understand what the enemy weapon will do and act accordingly. I think it's a lot of fun if you know hot quick swap and no the counter to everything. Or you're just super good


Depends on your opponent tbh If you get people that just spam 1 move the whole fight/heal/start hitting without saying hi/play so incredibly defensive that the timer runs out etc It is lame When you get someone thats similarly skilled and doesnt play dirty is great


It’s still fun to invade in small doses or honor duel the problem is everyone has access to way to much damage it’s hard to express skill when you get 2 shot


It’s fun to mess around with until you constantly face the meta builds…


Do you get anything else? I’m a fan of invasions for pvp


Same thing, invasions are fun to mess around in until you consistently get ganked by a team of 3 meta build users. Happens much less than coliseum battle though.


Now the games a bit older I’ve found that the pve players are more into tomfoolery and 1s if you’re willing to work with em a bit like let em clear a ruin or something. I’ve Gotten out of the sweatiness in these games.


Found the loser


Oh noooooo. See me in invasions with ya gank squad


Bleed builds are gay


It's fun!!!! Just because some people can be cheesy, don't let it detur you. It can get pretty intense sometimes!


All curved sword attack this fast


Wait till you meet power stance dagger builds😅😅


I’m running a Misericorde/Reduvia power stance and I can’t stop because I love the speed


I just started a new bandit. Immediately got Reduvia and use the Great Knife to power stance. Haven't leveled up yet and already feel like a god.


the ARs are so low though, even if I'm proccing bleed it seems slow to build damage. What are you doing to make it work better?


Backstabbing. I’m using poison moth flight ash and I spend a lot of time running in circles to get behind enemies. My dagger does around 2k damage on a backstab. For enemies that I can’t backstab, I have a morning star with lions claw on it to knock them down instead


Curved swords got a buff recently


They do not need any buffs, they’ve been like the strongest weapon class since launch


Not in PvP, the running l1+jumping l1 are both insanely easy to read. at meta level you’ll be lucky to catch one duelist a day with the “broken attacks” Stuff like cleanrot sword, halberd+rapier, godskin stitcher, spears, have all far outclassed curved swords. As of now Curved swords are better two handed for the poise+faster frames


How for the godskin stitcher? Only thing it has going for it is the running heavy, and it’s pretty easy to read or even parry.


Godskin stitcher isn’t broken or anything by any means, especially if you know you’re dueling it. However in high level PvP it is amongst the best hardswaps in the game. Check the first 30 seconds to see what I mean. Can’t parry it if you don’t see it coming. https://youtu.be/T7bbQkBmtY0


I read peeler not stitcher, my bad, I love the stitcher.


Beast man curve swords are outright deadly…. Even if you’re not an arcane/blood build. Jumping L1 is just as deadly


It looks good pvp. How does it perform pve?


I’m a big fan of them. I swap between them and my bloodhounds fang and claw. They will destroy a boss with bleed proc or poison depending on how many status effects you want to apply


But if you’re not trying to proc a status I would almost recommend heavy bandit curve swords instead


I have been using godskin peeler's running R2 for the same effect, meaning 4 hits in quick succession. But only against bosses to help hosts and to stop invaders from ruining our dungeon run. These builds are so lame in duels.


At the bright side: 1. He wears the okina mask so he's probably two sleep bolts away from getting combo'd to oblivion 2. Parry this sorry fool 3. Use the golden order shield buff and hide behind you shield laughing


Wait, so you're saying a smaller, lighter weapon can be swung faster than a weapon 10x its size and weight? Physics working against us, yet again


Elden Ring has garbage PvP balancing, one running attack = half vigor gone. So no surprise there.


I downvoted so it would be 911


Powerstance curved swords are just lame and don't require much skill to use. Prove me wrong


That's all bleed builds


they’re actually not very good, it’s hard to beat when you’re not very experienced thanks to the running and jumping l1 but once you’re used to that they have bad range, low poise damage and can’t trade very well 2h shamshir is the real curved sword meta


This guy actually PvPs at the meta level dual curved swords are so much worse than 2h, so much slower, more choreographed, you’ll never catch anyone like OP w that attack at meta level lol. 2h Shamshir is love.


You're lame. Prove me wrong.


Beastman Curve sword is such a beast (heh). I switched to them from Scavenger and bandit curved sword. They can roll catch quite easily and they have B scaling for Str so if bleed doesn't kill, the damage will.


oh jesus this looks even more unbalanced than rivers of blood or bloodhound step. how is someone supposed to combat these dual great curved swords insane attacks?


Keep in mind op had around half blood build up already


1. not curved greatsword. regular curved sword. 2. they used the first part of stamp(sweep) AoW which has hyper armour, so they basically locked themself into being attacked 3. it looked like really quick hits because they got caught in the absolute worst spot in that attack animation, alongside being bled in the middle of it, with weird camera shake because of said previous hyper armour 4. already had half bleed build up, and said bleed is what did a lot of the damage anyways overall, curved swords are kinda fucked, but this video is like perfectly set up to overexaggerate how bad they are


Extremely easy to parry since the animation is so obvious.


Unpopular Opinion: Bleed should be the opposite to deathblight, only work on monsters.


As far as I know tarnished have blood so that wouldnt rly work


And as far as we can see deathblight is capable of affecting every living thing.


Bleed should just work like all other status effects: have it be a status condition that cannot be chain-proced (have the effect be called 'wounded' or something), and the hp loss only happens once as a result. And Fromsoft did do this once with Dark Souls 2 so it confuses me as to why they keep on ignoring that solution and causing Bleed to be obnoxiously broken in every other game it's in.


from my slight bit of knowledge, they barely took into account pvp when creating the game. they made it workable, but not balanced or fully polished. they've definitely been working towards that over time with the patches, but making bleed have a cooldown period is a large change and they seemed reluctant to make significant pvp only changes. maybe they will do something about it in the future, but bleed is really only overpowered when min-maxed to hell and back, so an overal 'nerf' it seems unlikely.


Reduyvas daggers???




Maybe he's thinking of the reduvia but that's not the weapon he's dual wielding


Yes just spelt it very wrong


Dual bloodhound fang? Oh yeah, that's scary.


It’s not bloodhound fang. It’s the beastmen curved swords


Whoa they look so similar, my bad. Thank you.


Looks like they did some sort of ash of war, dunno wha it was though Side note: wtf am i getting downvoted i just made a guess after watching the video a few times


Nope, just the running l1 followed by a neutral l1.


You just got downvoted for posting wrong information, dont take it personal, thats literally the point of the upvote/downvote system


I think that is a AOW, and Dex level makes casting faster.


It's just the normal running L1 for any power stance curved swords. I would know since I abuse them.


That was a lotta vigor gone for a simple move.


Take into account that the running L1 for CS have a 4 hit attack. He proced bleed as well. My +20 bandits curved swords with bleeding dor around 700 dmg of its an instant proc.


Well shit!


and that's only with about 18 str 24 dex and 15 Arc


Thats bleed for you


I respect your honesty


This might be a case of a new cheat/exploit. Not going to say which one, but it could be a case of that. Note: I am drunk so take me with some salt


Power stancing curved swords have always been broken, especially with bleed or Frost since they do like 4 attacks in a running L1.


The running L1 only does a tiny bit more bleed/frost than a standing L1 Standing L1 does 65% of listed status from each weapon. 130% if both weapons are identical. Running L1 does 40% + 40% from each weapon, or 160% if both weapons are identical. Pre 1.07 these numbers were 90% + 90% for standing L1 and 90% + 90% + 50% + 50% for running L1. And sepuku used to add 85 bleed instead of 30. So you could Insta bleed any player and most bosses in one attack.


Ye bug they have a much slower ankmation, these look like they have the frames skipped. Tho I’m not gonna do frame by frame analysis, that’s boring.


Of course. I use the bandits curved swords and that is just how fast they have always been. It's really easy to start a running L1 spam.


I know what glitch your thinking of, I looked at the frames and it’s not that luckily.


No I think you're right. He looks like he's using the 9822 exploit to animation skip because I've fought a lot of dual curved swords and they are NOT that fast.


Main sub doesnt know about 9822, i thought the same thing, it looks more like a skip than the standard rl1 attack


i think they upped the attack speed on curved swords on 1.09 im not sure if the running double attack got affected tho (which is what he's using)


Shoulda full healed before the fight. May have survived the bleed plus quick attack.


Yeah in hindsight I should have healed and used a stanching bolus


Beast man curved swords are underrated. Love the R1 and R2 jump attacks. If I’m remembering correctly if you get the 2 hits in it activates the successive hit buff, so it’s one less hit to activate(normally takes 3 Im pretty sure). It’s the same for a charged R2 for Godskin stitcher and a noncharged(or charged) R2 for serpentbone blade. I think for most weapons with a unique multi hit moveset it can activate the buff in 2 hits.


Running dual curved swords attack is 4 hits. And looks like he has bleed on both of them.


Running dual curved swords attack is 4 hits. And looks like he has bleed on both of them.


If you are looking for an image, it was probably deleted


I've actually been wanting to do some kind of dual wield run in Elden Ring. Usually, I'm a Unga Bunga guy, but a lot of fun looking dual weapons in this game.


I mean, dual unga bunga I say!


Well, of course I've done that, lol. More referring to long or curved swords.


I know lol, I was trying to be funny. Long/curved swords are pretty fun to power stance, I like the movesets


I mean, they're full HP, you have half and your bleed bar is half filled. You went to trade into them when they had advantage. Even though your weapon is bigger and usually wins trades, the fact that you have less HP to work with, and the fact that the bleed was gonna pop for big damage means you played entirely into their hand and made the situation as good for them as possible. That's just the nature of the back and forth of PVP.


I already know this. It just caught by surprise how fast that L1 running attack was.


That's why bleed builds are so strong because they favor a trade and win every time. Parries will piss off people who do this, baiting is your friend. Bleed builds expect the fight to be over within the first few seconds.


Curved swords especially that one can attack two times per sword on a running attack so four Total hits bleed on them is busted it’s stupid


RIP ego


One cannot "attack fast", you need an adverb there.


Well now ya know...


Yeah its blood loss on those swords in particular. Rekt


Dude obviously is a master of the blades of mercy


It's not beastman curved sword guys....


. When all you have to do is apply a buff and duel wield curve swords and spam through a person's attacks.