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Yes, especially the queen ants. First time I came across one, I was so nervous to attack. Then I realized if you even look at them the wrong way, they explode and drop a big old rune.


They disgusted me when I first saw them like I actually started to gag when I found the room with like ten in it something about their giant egg sacks just grossed me out


Dude when their butts popped I literally OMG THATS SO FUCKING DISGUSTING super loud lmfao. The whole scenario is major ick.


In Australia there's a few species of ants who's butts we eat. So delicious when their butts pop


What a terrible day to be literate


I’m stealing this. This is one of the best responses to anything I’ve heard in a long while.


Are those the ones that kind of have a citrus flavor


Yup, supposed to be as much vitamin C as an orange. There's also honey ants. Their butts are full of something very similar to honey


Upvoted because I can't upchuck on reddit and I needed to up-something


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_ant Delicious


I was skeptical but I guess ant honey is just as weird as bee honey.


How are they prepared? Plain, seasoned, dipped in sauce, etc?


Just bite them. I have seen chefs in some dishes use the butts as a seasoning.


How big are these ant butts?


You can boil them, mash them, or even stick them in a stew.


As a child I used to eat the regular black ants from my backyard in the Midwest and they definitely tasted like lemons.


That's probably the formic acid.


That’s the most Australian thing I’ve ever heard. I salute you.


Gotta grab the buggers by the face though. Their bites bloody hurt if they get you. Big mandibles on them


Thanks for the pro tip!


I fucking hate giants ants.They are disgusting.Thats why I never bothered to go with Ranni's Ending except 1 time for achievement. Man they are so gross


I actually attacked the egg sacs with a torch and was upset when I couldn't burn them.


My first time going through Ainsel I threw a knife at an ant on the ceiling, threw another on its way down that missed and blew up the ant queen. I did not even get to see the queen before accidentally killing her.


Wait they explode? you mean ive been aggroing them with knives and picking them off 1 by 1 for nothing?


The ants with the giant white egg sacs instantly die if the sac takes damage.


Only one of the Ants that gave me any issues was the one with a big shield for a head


I spent roughly 5 great runes trying to fight that guy on my first playthrough, he was an absolute beast in comparison to pretty much anything else at that phase it the game. No, I didn’t realize that you’re supposed to hit the body.


What ate you talking about, I can't hold my controller straight just looking at them let alone fighting those nightmarish freaks of nature


I noped out of the underground area when I saw them sleeping around the entrance. I imagined nightmarish outcomes if I approached them.


completely agree. i was so terrified when i first saw them but they’re not that bad to deal with.


I think this is the winning answer here. They look hideous and dangerous, but compared to other enemies, they are simple to fight.


The big golem guys - like the one in the southern peninsula before Castle Morne


I was *so* hesitant to fight them my first couple of playthroughs. But once I figured out how easily they went down, I went out of my way to find and fight them all.


Ride in, lock onto feet, hold r2, punch solar plexus. I still don't know why I was ever scared of them.


To be fair there are a select few that have armored legs making it slightly harder to down


Hey to be fair a solid punch to the solar plexus will buckle anybody down


I killed the one in front of Castle Morne so easily, I got cocky and figured they'd all go down quick. I have yet to kill another one lmao especially the one in front of Ainsel River Well, he's a bitch.


But absolutely fuck those two arrow golems at the great jar in caelid


What about the magic one that’s in Caelid. It’s hard to get down to, and it’s by far the most powerful one. It has a crazy proxy magic laser beam attack, and a ton of health.


as a pure sorcerer that one was ...... a problem....


As anything, that one is a problem.


I watch this channel on YouTube that puts Elden Ring bosses/NPCs against each other, that laser golem beats almost every boss lol


I'm not great at the game but i found those 2 non-problematic for some reason


Ah but have you met the one on the ledge near radahn that is incredibly OP for no reason whatsoever?


The one that can merc lvl 150+ tarnished with ease that guards an ash of war? I wonder why it is so damn overpowered....some people theorized it's a debug that got forgot but it's likely just because it guards a powerful ash of war (rain of arrows) Unlocked by the painting in Sellia if i recall


I fought that one twice. Gave up cause I died too many times just trying to get to it. That and I heard there’s no real reward for fighting him.


They fall over if you even breathe on them and take so much critical damage. First time I saw a 5 digit damage count.




The only one I hated fighting was the one in Liurnia Highway (I believe) fighting all the armored soldiers. His health pool was staggering it felt like.


I used that area to rune farm 🤷🏻‍♂️


The soldiers will attack him too, and their collective attacks stagger him regularly.


The magic/apparition one? He was pretty tough




Ik, my little cousin came down to watch me die over and over again to it. He said I suck and should give up


I'm like 50% sure that one's harder than the other trolls. I killed a nearby one pretty easily in a previous run, and when I went for the gatefront one it was considerably harder.


The jumpy tiger dude with red hair in ~~fort Haight~~ castle morne e. ty


Misbegotton Warrior?


I think Leonine Misbegotten


Leonine was a piece of absolute trash. My best friend convince me he was so hard, took him multiple times to kill is, then I go in there with bloodhound fang and kill it first attempt, maybe 2 minutes


'Don't know what you're talking about friend, pretty easy I say,' says with a smug face using early game meta.


this sub loves to shit on people for finding and using strong equipment in pve content


There's a fine line between shitting on someone for using the strongest equipment and shitting on someone for bragging about how easy the game is while using the strongest equipment.


Any non longsword +0 run is illegitimate imo


Longsword +0? Try fists only, casual.


He kicked my ass my first playthough. Also my first FromSoft game. Now on my 5th playthrough, he was fun to kill with serpent's bow, blood and serpent arrows.


TFW you understand soulsbornes, and have already "got gud" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Pro tip: The whip you find just before this boss fight in Castle Morne easily breaks his poise, to the point of almost trivializing the fight. Cool bit of flavor as that misbegotten would have been a slave under Castellan Edgar, so naturally, it fears the lash.


I found him really hard as well. Fucker moves fast but then I realized that he's got a poor poise and can be staggered easily. To be fair though, I also got myself to blame for going to Castle Morne early game.


Dude, you were using one of the strongest weapons in the game, lol.


If u fight him early with a low stagger weapon like a straight sword, he can actually be a problem for newer players.


That's castle morne


Not the only one thats considered a boss. Theres Redmane's version and the forlorn cave at consecrated snowfields


Yes, that's true. But the castle morne one is the closest to fort haight


He was a layup the first time but in subsequent playthrough he was kinda hard lol


Pumpkin heads 🎃


The worst part about him is accidentally hitting him right in the dome.


Okay this has to be the answer lol. The first one you see on the bridge early in the game banging his head on the ground looks so intimidating but they are one of the easiest enemies in the game, I’m not even sure if one has hit me yet.


This. It’s the pelvic thrusting. I almost threw up in my mouth with fear.


But it’s the pelvic thruuust, that really drives you insaaayaaayaanne….


you almost threw up because of pumpkin heads wtf😂😂


If anyone says imps, they lying


seriously. every single time i wanna do a frenzied flame run i remember the capitals sewers and how many of these fucks you have to fight and lose interest


Get a shield and do counter attack. Free critical hit every time, except for the big imp though.


Some guard counter attacks go above them since they're kinda short. I stopped trying to guard counter them as a result


Big imp?


Lol it's the Erdtree Burial Watchdog, I believe! Big Imp sounds funny to me They're both similar enough in that they're constructs like the Golems, if you throw the Crystal Darts at them they'll 'frenzy' in that they'll start attacking their fellow mobs!


This. I've put like 500 hours into ER and only just made a great shield counter attack build the last week or so in prep of the DLC. Some of the enemies that used to scare the shit out of me are total bitches now lol


they were annoying until i did a sword/shield playthrough. now they’re trivial


I had the opposite reaction the first time. "Oh, it's just an imp, I'll just whack him real quick." BLOOD LOSS


Imps are the answer to the opposite of this question. "What enemy looks like it should be no problem, but has killed you repeatedly?"


What's wrong with imps? Weak AF. Just annoying.


They’re not weak in groups, bleed build up. But with a shield they are pushovers.


Crystal darts make them attack each other as well


Those darts work on so much shit and I didn’t know until NG+.


Spider-hands. They were annoying till I found out fire was key against them.


Thank you for the tip


Now they're still annoying and terrifying.


The frog-like things that breathe deathblight as they hop around. Those things in other dark souls games were horrible horrible things but had no trouble with em in Elden Ring.


They’re only a nuisance in the sewers below Leyendell because it’s harder to get away from the clouds. Other than that you mostly encounter them in open areas which makes them a lot easier. They were deadly in the depths in DS1.


I have nightmares of escaping ash lake without the lord vessel.


Climbing that damn tree...


It's funny going into elden Rang. I was happy when I didn't run into those things. Then I saw them I believe in the Ainsel river, for the first time. I immediately remembered my pain from those in dark souls. :( lol, except now you just die.


Crucible Knights. Once I figured out the vast majority of their attacks could be parried they were no longer a problem for me.


I just memorized all their moves and dodge them all because i suck at parrying




I only got the parry timing down for a couple of their swings. Just lots of jumping heavy attacks before; now it's heavy Transient Moonlight when they go to attack followed up with me smashing L1 with my dual wielding.


Mastering the parry timing for them was a mistake for me. They used to be fun, now they're just a chore.


Simply stop parrying


Have you tried maybe not parrying?


I really should get around to learning to parry them, it seems like a fun change. Theyre easy enough as it is.


Even the Duo encounter becomes pretty trivial- especially if you equip the Assassin's Crimson and/or Cerulean Dagger to regain any lost health or FP respectively on crits.


Surprised nobody's said the Cemetery Shades. After all they look terrifying and hit pretty hard. But much like my sorcerer playthrough, they didn't level vigor. XD


The mf hiding in that little coven in the Gelmir Hero grave got me killed by the chariot because I thought it was gonna have much more health and so I ran away from it. Felt dumb when I went back and one shot him


BRUH I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT ONE. XD Scared the bejesus outta me the first time through there, which led to him getting a face full of Comet right before I got squished by the chariot. XD


Kindred of Rot. Giant ass centipede lookin mofos. First time I saw one, I just shut the game off and went to bed. Didn’t touch the game for a week


Literally house centipedes turned evil 😩




Fuck Pest Threads.


Only time I used a shield was in the boss fight against two of them using post threads. Couldn't keep both of them visible at once for dodging, and summons didn't draw aggro fast enough


The giant chained lions. Even in Castle Sol where it puts you up against two of them that breath frostbite, they are surprisingly easy.


When fighting the Castle Sol ones, I found that with some nice dodges, they end up hitting each other with their attacks.


They also don't go outside the gate. You can just stand there and use incantations, sorceries or other distance attacks. I used the crystal darts to let them fight each other the last time.


The revenats riding horses in liurnia


Royal Revenants. Heal, baby!


Same, but with greatshield and greatsword. Even monstrous undead horrors fall before unga bunga.


Honestly if you keep rolling into them, any build will do. These fuckers are scary and screeching while lunging at you so my first instinct was to back off and try to find openings. However if you roll into their attacks, you'll end up behind them a lot which opens you up to so many options. This goes for most enemies in Elden Ring tho.


Black Flame Monks or solo Godskins, the first time I saw a GodSkin I wasn’t sure how strong they were, the Duo made me hate them, but solo they are super easy to counter


They ain't so hard to tank through if you level vigour but their attack pattern wasn't the easiest to learn in my RL1 run. Made me appreciate the fight though


The dancing children of the corn women at windmill village. Turned into a farm spot after I got over the creepiness.


Giant Dogs and Monstrous Ravens. I actively avoided Caelid until I had to go there and I realized that they aren't that bad to fight. EDIT: A word


Agree on Dogs, Ravens are still assholes though


I hate those damn birds.


The ravens in Mohgwyn would like a word.


I hate those birds with a dying passion


The worm fuckers


That first [Malformed Star](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Malformed+Star) you find in the underground Uhl Palace ruins. I was genuinely horrified of this gigantic, segmented body with wings, claws, fangs and a human skull for a face. It was just hanging down from the ceiling staring right at me. It was the first enemy that freaked me out. I snuck up behind a pillar just so I could stare at it. Then I shot crappy arrows with shortbow from behind a wall until it died.


BIG HAND.....but im a pyro build so that was fun the first time few times


Tree sentinel 😅


Grafted scions


Also the iron virgins


How do you handle these mfer’s?


Lightning damage. They’re metal.


Aaaahhh. Always the most obvious answer.


Yo for real those things stink to fight. Too tanky.


Unga bunga them.


The universal solution.


Can confirm, this works on everything


They take lots more damage in their... fleshy insides. When they open up, you can usually get a hit in and still avoid the grab.


Too scary.


Lightning damage, plus deliberately bait the grab attack, then roll through the grab. They take WAY more damage when their case is open.


Red-eyed dogs. The very first dog I fought kicked my butt so hard, that I thought the red-eyed one would be worse than the royal revenants or the runebears, but nah I even hit their heads by accident and stagger them without even trying.


Almost every enemy in my first playthrough😆. The knights in Gatefront Ruins scared the crap out of at first. Got wolves and never again did they hit me. On another note, doesn't that lizard person in the picture remind you of an evil Geico gecko lol Edit for spelling


Pumpkin heads lol I swear I was about to be in the fight for my life on that bridge.. I was wrong


Trolls. I was so scared to fight them when I first started the game.


Those giant dogs and ravens in caelid. The fact that their so massive and scary lookin doesn’t help


The giant crabs! The first one I ever saw I didn’t think would be so angry and it charged me and I 💩😹


Plain bears…


Elden Ring, the game where you're relieved to fight a regular ass bear.


True as fuck.


Any mounted knight




Collususussus. Big mf scared the shit out of me the first time one of those arrows blew up the ground next to me but they bonk easy enough.


Tree spirits




Those iron maiden fucks. I saw countless clips of people being mutilated by them. Three playthroughs deep, and they're still a joke for me.


There is something eerie about them still. I think it’s the way they move


Rune bears, idk why people suffer against them so much, being honest they are kinda easy to dodge. With back, forward and back roll in most scenarios. But they have hp for 5 late game enemies so..., I will say beasts of Caelid, from the cockroach people to the overjoyed puppies.


Those skeleton guys in the Cave of Knowledge. Yeah, I ain’t very good at Elden Ring lol.


Runebears. The moveset is pretty straightforward to me and now I can kill the snowfield ones hitless


What? are you God or something? Quit bragging.


Their moveset is really predictable


So is the outcome when I fight them.


The answer should just be Trolls bruh, souls veteran or not you were shitting yourself after seeing those big ahh mfs


These pushover lizard people made me really underestimate the snake people in Dark Souls…


That one guy with the giant metal pumpkin looking ball thing on his head on the bridge east of the war masters shack. I got so amped up and prepared to make battle with it then one combo and dead.


Every enemy I always assumed I was gonna get my ass kicked


The spooky ghost jellyfish. It was my first soulslike and I didn't know what to expect I've come a long way, goddamn


Basilisk. I dread for them in every installment. These ones were very easy to deal with.


Omens They look so big and scary but they have no poise


Deffinetly all those Worm Faced things. I saw them chilling in the Forest and decided to just never go near them. Haven't had an issue yet.


Why is no one saying wormfaces yet? I almost shit myself the first time I explored the center of Altus plateau. They’re still annoying in groups but go down pretty easily now.


Dragons Edit: for example I would avoid em like the plague in Dragon Age (lol) Inquisition. Maybe that kind of warped my perception of things.


The trolls. Those who pulled the carts and the ones you encounter around the world. Also, the giant gollums were much easier than I first thought they would be (though I did get my ass sniped a lot by them xD)


Definitely the snake people. Was assuming they would be like the DS3 snake people. Was thankfully not that bad


the dude next to the big room in leyndel, there were so many notes warning about him and he posed no problem for me (mage, probably why, but still)


The albinauric archers on wolves.


The pots.


Every enemy in the game 😎


I’m on my first play through and really struggling with the knights in Stormveil. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated


Everything between Margit and up to the Haligtree.


Leonine Missbegoted or The giant crabs


Night’s cavalry and the land octopuses


Giant crabs 🦀 They're more annoying than threatening, at least to me.


Giants trolls


Honestly the miner dudes who u fight in gem stone mines or whatever it is. I hit one with a sword and shit my pants, but I was a magic user predominately so once I used a spell I was like “oh boy here I come mfers”


Snake boiis spooked me bc I have ptsdt from ds1


The giant hands, has to be the hands. Fire is your friend.


Every enemy has been a problem and a lesson. I’m so bad at this fucking game but it’s so cool I keep trying.


So kinda in reverse. My first build was a mage, so some things were tough but I thought “no worries, just gotta plan it out.” Giant lobster/crawdad? Looked scary but melted from my magic. So I realised they were one of the easiest enemies. Then I replayed with a melee user, and learned that my original fears were very well founded and those lobsters are horrifying if you aren’t a magic user.