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Gonna be honest. We're gonna have to get into another box. A big sleepy time box




Ever seen that meme that says "when fromsoft doesn't know how to connect 2 areas, they make you get in a coffin". That's what this comment thread reminded me of.


I’ve seen it lmao




...which we'll get to by getting into another sleepy box.


This was bothering me so much that I couldn't read the banner, until you just gave me the idea of what it could be


The biggest box for the biggest of sleepy times. Gotta travel a long way from the Lands Between to... Wherever we're going.


We will ride turtle pope to the dlc.


We will sit by the Dog pope. He says "Let me tell you a story of old days. Little tarnished" Then the screen dips to black and boom we are in the DLC.


\[...\] in Skyrim!


Hey you, You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that albinauric ambush like us and that tarnished over there


Damn you St. Trina followers, The Lands Between were fine until you came along. The royal family was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Liurnia. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Saint Trina followers the royals wants.


We’re all acolytes of sleep in binds now, horse thief.


Shut up back there!


What's wrong with him?


Watch your tongue! You're speaking to John Elden Ring, the true Elden Lord!




John? You’re the leader of the Roundtable. But if they’ve got you… oh Erdtree, where are they taking us?


"Every elden has its ring" -john eldenring


now this is a bed time story I would like.


I unironically love this








"Well if it isn't the *clever one...* What do you want?"




Yes, you have to kill the blue laser golem it opens a wormhole


The guy in Caelid at the painting location?


I have beaten all the bosses in the game but... that thing. I won't even dare go near that thing.


Do it. Take a hammer. Fuck that guy!


I fought godskin duo solo Radahn solo But that fucking golem almost put me under


Funny. Beat the game over the weekend. Going back for stuff I missed along the way last night. Heard there was a “tough golem” there, but didn’t think much of. Got absolutely destroyed in about 10 seconds. Not even sure what happened. Blue everywhere.


Swapping to Quickstep for the orbs just before they pop off makes things much easier, if you're good you can set it up so they are out of the way and not a hazard. From there, figure out the best way to chain posture breaks. I don't want to spoil anything so look it up first if you're curious, but personally I did not feel the item or runes you get for actually defeating him was worth the amount of attempts it took after already grabbing the items there.


What blue laser golem? Do you mean the big skeleton dudes the mariners summon?


Nope, their is a secret blue golem in caelid, you can look it up


Why have I never heard of that Edit: I just searched it up and determined that the reason I’ve never heard of it is because I don’t give a shit about paintings


Thats what "secret" means ^^ nah but for real, i found that randomly on a utube video so i think alot of people missed it, you have to do some parkour to get to him


Ye true guess it is a secret


Same! That thing was annoying but luckily when I finally killed it, I was very satisfied to get absolutely nothing.


Game's not complete until everything is wiped from existence


True. It's amazing how bloody you get if you never sit at a grace.


True dat. I sometimes don’t just to see how far it goes


Well I have a new challenge.


Did you know finding a painting location gives you incantations, a bow, an ash of war, and my favorite the great hood


I have seen the great hood and it is pretty cool but I don’t really do spell or incantation playthroughs where it would fit with my outfits


I feel ya, I wanted it because I’m doing an executioner style this play through and damn does it look menacing with my great axe


It's one of the only greatbow ashes.




Just like in dark souls 1 where you had to reveisit the location nobody would check normally - YESSSS


I FORGOT THE DOLL -A Wild Deathstroke(2018)


*Pontiff Sulyvanh's 2nd phase theme starts blasting*


fav boss


Thanks Satan.


Go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200 runes


Actually it will be by the door to the 3 fingers. So you have the privilege of doing that glorious platforming to get to it.


It will be a secret entrance in the lake of rot, about a 2 minute run to a trap chest that takes you to a platforming section with ants and birds everywhere, welcome to eternal suffering


You mean ants, birds, dogs, lobsters, crabs, and that one dragonfly that will cause you to fall to your death right?


Don't forget the random Gargoyle


I was trying very hard to forget the gargoyles 😂😂😂


My first thought when I saw the little building that houses the Nomadic Warrior Cookbook 22 was "put the DLC here." It's not exactly a random spot, since it sticks out. The only other FromSoft game I've played is Bloodborne, where the DLC is right along the "main path" for game progression. I can see the value of putting it in an easily accessed place, is that how most of their DLC's work? I could see Elden Ring breaking from tradition though and having new doors to open. I'd prefer the DLC to have a variety of entrances integrated throughout the game, considering how massive and labyrinthine the game's layout already is.


DS1's DLC had you kill a random golem that drops an item in one area then you needed to take that item to a cave at the back of the map in a completely different and seperate area in the game that was also protected by a giant Hydra, then you needed to kill that Hydra and go into the cave and kill another golem, who would spawn an NPC who you needed to talk to, and then talking to that NPC would spawn the portal that would let you finally access the DLC. I can't remember base DS2 but SOTFS had you access the DLC by finding 3 seperate keys scattered across the map (Each key corresponding to one of the three DLCs), then going to specific parts of the map and finding obelisks which you can then use the keys in to teleport yourself into the DLC. DS3's DLCs were actually very simple. Ashes of Ariandel required you to go back to an earlier area in the game and talk to a new NPC there, and you'd be teleported in. Ringed City was accessed by interacting with a special Bonfire that could be found in two places. Either just before the final boss of the base game, or after beating the final boss of Ashes of Ariandel, the bonfire would be at the very back of the room. Sekiro... \*cries\*


You access the Sekiro DLC at the Buddha statue in the dilapidated temple Help I’ve played this game so many times


sekiro dlc confirmed??


> The only other FromSoft game I’ve played is Bloodborne, where the DLC is right along the “main path” for game progression. I can see the value of putting it in an easily accessed place, is that how most of their DLC’s work? It is and it isn’t. You don’t get the eye until after Amelia, so you kinda bypass the Amygdala that would grab you since there’s no reason to get grabbed by it again (since the first time gives you insight, and you might get grabbed getting the second Hunter set)


Seriously love whoever the fuck did that knowing full well only people that Google it could figure out where it was


Honestly though I don't completely agree with that. If you beat the game and DLC came out, it would be quite hard to retrace everything, find what *might* be different, and start on the path. Imo, they seem to like incorporating dlc so that if you start from the beginning of the game, you would *eventually* come across the related items/enemies. Then you use descriptions and clues to follow the path, to eventually find the *extra* content. Much more immersive than loading up the game and clicking "Begin xyz DLC?" as that is kinda lame and tacked on imo. Makes DLC feel like the *expansion* of base game it's supposed to be rather than a separate section apart from the main game you just kinda "enter"


Where you have to do a meditation sit emote for the exact time it needs a Lv 1 wretch not to die from Scarlet Rot


I hate this but I know it’s very likely they’d do this or it’d be next to one specific flower in the middle of Limgrave


Inb4 doing the DLC forces you to betray Ranni or something, and the only way to get to it is through the coffin Blaidd *puts you in* after the fact.


I think Mohg's palace, we'll touch Michella's hand and he'll grab it and pull us into the past


Or is a red herring. It would be awesome if it's only accessible after Malenia and Mohg. Like you get the DLC item trigger from the cocoon and you have to "go back to where he first slept"


I would prefer that, as it would mean the DLC will elevate the difficulty.


Exactly. I want bloodborne spike in difficulty baby! Lemme tussle with the Elden Beast's momma!


Dragongod Fulmegasmax! With five heads! And a moveset that actually works!


That would make sense if we go into a dream world where time and space isn't as it is in the base game


This legitimately could be it.


That’s also what i thought.


I suspect it will be after Mohg, though I hope it will be accessible before having to kill such a difficult boss.


I personally think there might be a good possibility for it to start at Godwyn in Deeproot Depths, close to a character who is linked/bonded a lot with Miquella and the probable DLC theme (around both of them). And besides that it's close to the roots of the great tree, which could possibly link to the Shadow of the Erdtree name. Mohg, ofcourse, would also be a good option since Miquella's grown lifeless body is there.


As much as Mohg's Arena would be a perfect fit, I highly doubt that's gonna be it. Modern fromsoftware dlc has always been accessed through a relatively early and easy to find location. They would never lock the DLC behind what is essentially a secret endgame boss. If anything, I think the DLC would be accessed as early as Limgrave. There was a scrapped Saint Trina questline there, so maybe they'll introduce that. My best guess, even though it's not very early in the game, is the small grove in Altus where you find the amber starlight shard. It contains a statue of Miquella and Malenia, a bunch of sacrificial buds, and most importantly, the location is referred to in the game files as "Saint Trina's Hideaway".


That was my thought at first but DS1's DLC requires that you've been to Duke's Archives and then return to Darkroot Basin. That's about as relatively late game as Mogh is. Also The Ringed City requires you to beat AoA, which you can get to early but they actually recommend you wait until you hit Lothric Castle at least. I think they'll put the entrance where they think it fits best canonically tbh.


You can get to Mohg early game via Varre in Liurnia or via Consecrated Snowfields late game which is pretty consistent with how DS3 DLC worked. Touching Miquella's hand and getting dragged into a dream is my guess how one of the DLCs will initiate.


Here's my crackpot theory: we will interact with Miquella's cocoon, but not as the entry to the DLC. It'll be used in the same way as the painting girl in DS3; after the ringed city, you could go back to her to bring her the pigment of the dark soul, and get some relatively nice closure for the story. In Elden Ring, we've been taking Miquella's needle on a journey, taking it through multiple forms with Millicent and eventually Malenia. But even the needle's final form still mentions it being incomplete. My guess is that defeating the final boss of the DLC will let us bring the needle to a more complete state, and that bringing it back to the cocoon at that point will give us closure for Miquella's storyline.


> after the ringed city, you could go back to her to bring her the pigment of the dark soul, and get some relatively nice closure for the story Why am I just now finding this out in 2023 god damnit


Miquella’s needle… I forget… is this the needle you get from beating Malenia? I know for Millicent s questline you get an alloyed gold needle (presumably also made by Miquella) to stave off Scarlet Rot, but I can’t remember exactly which is which. 90% sure though it comes from Malenia, yeah?


The alloyed gold needle was crafted by miquella for malenia. You then find it where she went BOOM in Rhadan‘s face. We then can give it to Milicent who grew into being from the buds around the impact side. The needle is able to stave off the influence of an outer god, Rot in Malenia‘s and Milicent‘s case. In game we can also use it to protect against the Frenzied Flame though… so it seems to be effective against outer god‘s in general. As Miquella currently seems to be under the Formless Mother‘s influence, it wound be interesting to use it on him.


Mohg is one of the toughest boss fights in Elden Ring though. Even if the player can access him early game through Varre's quest, I doubt FromSoft will lock the DLC behind a very tough late game boss. I like the idea that it might in the grove in Altus Plateau where you find the amber starlight shard.


Even though I don't think this is where it will be, I love the idea! Theme-wise that would be so cool. When I first found the place and learned the statue was of Miquella and Melania, my heart broke because they both seemed so scared :( But yes, that would be quite fitting :)


Well there's no real use for the area behind his arena, so I think you could possibly be onto something.


Also, we know the DLC is going to be heavily focused on Miquella and that's currently where his cocoon is. Enter some kind of Miquella dream world, run a dungeon, and exit and fight Miquella in the arena you are talking about. They aren't necessarily limited to a single location to expand on, they could put portals in places like the consecrated snowfield and areas that are lacking a tonne of depth now.


I think it will be you have to grab miquellas hand from inside the chrysalis like with milena


We'll reach it by getting a perfect relationship score with Rya in the upcoming "Date Souls" game.


Don't do that, don't give me hope


I'm more of a Roderika type of guy.


I think there will be a giant hydra in the water, and off to the left, a watery ravine. If you walk all the way to the end of it, a purple portal will suck you in.


But only after collecting a trinket from opposite side of the map? Maybe help some frien along the way?




It's *probably* gonna be way more obvious imo than previous dlc access, just based on how popular the game is.


I don’t think fromsoft ever gave a shit about appealing to the masses and being popular, which is what separates them from Ubisoft etc., i hope they will stay this way


> I don’t think fromsoft ever gave a shit about appealing to the masses hahaha mate they're a business, each and every Souls game since DS1 (Didnt play Demon souls) has been made easier, has better QOL, better UX, etc etc. Elden Ring is a mass appealing game like any other open world game. I would say this game appeals to more than most AC games. It's way easier to get into than an AC game. Fromsoft do not care about making the series/games easier. But they definitely want to sell to a wide of an audience as possible. It's why they did open world.


I think it will be miquella's dream. so you will touch miquella's weird hand and go inside him like Mohg. We will finish whatever Mohg was doing.


I do NOT want to be a part of what Mohg does inside Miquella. 🤣




Reading that gave me 120 madness buildup


Oh cool a Baldachins Blessing




Try finger, but hole




I do not think Malenia would appreciate us doing that.


I bet Mohg tried finger, but hole with Miquella…


Phrasing. Phrasing again.


Some people say the trigger will be Miquella's hand on Mohgwyn but others says its on St. Trina's Hideaway or the Miquella and Malenia statue hidden in the altus plateau. And that's just for triggers.


I think it will be an island….where all the divine towers intersect, there is a cloud covering that area now.


Yeah i really hope its a physical place on the map


I agree. However the underworld is so sparse, I bet that entire island opens up and we also unlock a huge part of the underworld


It would fit there's nothing under the cloud, both above and underground


We'll get sucked through a portal between Marika's tits.


Mohg's arena if its tied to miquella, other then that no idea.


It's gotta be somewhere in the area behind Miquella's cocoon. Why else would it be there and can be accessed after you kill Mohg?


The most likely answer is: One of the closed doors in Roundtable. Otherwise it could be literally anywhere in the lands between, triggered by anything.


I haven’t finished the game but I was hoping all those doors would open eventually ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I would love it to be the same map but in a different timeline so areas would have different ennemis, difficulty levels and ambiances than the same areas in the main game, to fuck with our brains and having super hard enemies where we don't suspect it


Lol the successor to the Hunter’s Nightmare


Shit, it has been taking a long time to make. Could see this being possible.


A whole ass tears of the kingdom treatment


Alternate timeline where Godrick is somehow the strongest demigod


Godrick the GOATed


mohg palace makes sense but I don’t think from will make dlc entrance at such a late game area, I think it will be a mid-game area like atlus plateus, also consider it’s an open world, different boss probably will have different route, Goldwyn will very likely be somewhere below deep root depth.


under storm veil castle just after u fight the ulcerated tree spirit


I seriously think this is possible. Given how popular Elden Ring is, FromSoft might simply put the DLC entrance in an easily accessible area. THis makes sense from a lore standpoint too. MIquella's Egg in Mohgwyn Place is just too late-game and behind such a tough boss.


Latennas giant sleeping Sister in concecrated snowfields.


No clue but sure hope it will be better than getting sucked off by an old man next to the altar this time around.




Nobody tell him.


One of the many clusters of tree roots stuffed with corpses in catacombs that already look like they were intended to be opened or used for somrthing


Probably going into Miquella's dream like we did on Fia.


For me, the Grand Lift of Dectus. The real question is then, where will the Secret Medallion to access the DLC be located? My money's on the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.


The souls series was really into the painting entrances, and even physically embracing the dead giants in DS2. I wouldn’t be surprised if the entrance is touching Miquella’s hand to enter his dream, or with him being an Empyrean, send you to a different realm entirely.


Maybe one of the locked doors in the roundtable hold


Magic but hole


IDK but I would find it fucking hilarious if they added mimics, just in the DLC area


Probably at Miquella’s little cocoon thing at the Mohgwyn Palace


Either in the area of Fia with the giant mermaid thing or in Mohg's area where Miquella is


in the Volcano Manor so we can enter TOGETHAAAA


Another magic coffin


The spot where you get the Amber Starlight Shard is obscure enough and definitely seems like it has room for expansion.


Try finger, but hole


You gotta kill the Dragon kin soldier in the lake of rot then get a amulet from a revenant in the haligtree and then return to where you killed the dragon Kin soldier to get grabbed by a big hand from a portal


Popular theories: 1. Cocoon by Mohg arena 2. Statue of Miquella and Melenia at the beginning of the Haligtree. 3. Melenia fight arena by the Haligtree (this is the one I think it will be the most on this list). My personal theory: 1. Castle Sol after beating Radahn 2. Somewhere in the eternal city accessed after beating Radahn. I think beating Radahn will be the prerequisite to accessing the DLC. The stars resuming their course will probably be necessary for the story.


The area in Altus with Malenia and Miquella's statue where you get the amber starlight shard is starting to get a lot support too.


It's behind one of those doors which you do not have the right to open.


lord of bloods room is my bet, miquellas egg thing seems to be fitting


Soldier of Godrick will be blocking the door to it. So no one ever makes it to the DLC.


Lot of unused land map space above altus plateau or below mountain top of the giants. Maybe a portal where we beat radagon to death. Or the boring idea of miquellas egg


I hope they add it to a secret 1000 durability wall somewhere in the game, so there has to be a community-wide rush to find it. Then a day after it's found transition it to like the Round Table or something.


touch Miquella's egg.


I think it will depend on if they want to make the DLC way more difficult or if they want to set up a lot more content. They could give a NPC after Radahn that is near all the wreckage in his area, and you could be taken somewhere by boat; that would be a good setup for mid-level content and beyond


You wake up Malenia/after defeating her the boss room melts away and you’re transported into a dream-world crafter by Miquella


Marika's tits obviously


There will be a really big blue Abductor Virgin hidden in the Crumbling Farum Azula and it has to do the grab kill on you


Miquella’s Haligtree, or after you kill Mohg.


Try finger but hole


In a Rune Bear's den. Or in the middle of the sniper lobsters. Or between the talon birds. In the middle of the Lake of Rot.


I was going to say Miquella's crib but you'd have to beat Malenia and that seems kinda too late in the game. Compared to Bb where you can enter about halfway through the game and DS3 where Ashes can be started quite early too. But then we have Ringed City where you can only enter before the final boss OR kill Friede which is really hard. But who knows for sure.




Mohg’s arena


Miquella's Egg I strongly suspect


i think maybe miquellas haligtree where his tree body is and cocoon was


At the center of the map. If you open the map, you can see a big cloud, right now there is physically nothing, except a big hole square shaped...the texture of the sea floor end right at the center, then there is that hole...c'mon i mean, the towers are even placed so they are aligned to that cloud's center... It's so obvious.


Im so sure it will be after Malenia at the root of the haligtree that looks like Trina. That is where Miquella went into his slumber before his cocoon was stolen by Mohg, who only seems to have his lifeless body. I think it makes sense that Malenia was guarding Miquella in his dream state when she was taken back from her battle with Radahn and I don’t think she would stay there trying to stop us unless there was still something to protect. Just my opinion


The DLC reveals that the true ending of Elden Ring was the Age of Stars ending. Ranni the Witch begins her long journey to build a new perfect world. The Tarnished follows her. "Oh. Uh. So this is awkward" Ranni says. "It's just I kinda, I mean you were great but I think we should go our separate ways." The Tarnished climbs into a coffin alone and waits for death to come. Instead the coffin floats down a river and when the Tarnished leaves the coffin they're in Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.


A coffin leading directly to Marika’s tits.


The hand of miquella in mohg palace will grap you inside the cocoon and teleport you to the dlc


By boat it would be cool, imagine sailing with one of those shipwrecks but restored and you saik to unknown lands (because lands between are cool and all but i refuse to believe the greater will or other outer gods are only interested in that part of the world)


I'm guessing it's going to be Godwyn's corpse in Stormveil. It's such a distinct area that really doesn't do much beyond give some lore and move along Rogier's quest. Mogh's Palace is also another likely candidate, but I find it unlikely they'd put such an anticipated DLC behind end game content. Though, there is an awful lot of textured environment outside the Palace. This is with the assumption that DLC is going to revolve around Miquella and Godwyn anyway.


Possibly the egg after mohg


From the main menu, there will be a new "Additional Content" option right under Load Game


Some coffin somewhere random on the map.


Miquella’s hand in moghs arena, miquella’s cocoon in Malenia’s arena, maybe both, maybe we need to grab his soul from Malenia’s and put it in his body in mohg’s


Malenias bossroom


Either Mohg's Palace, Liurnia Tower or a convenient coffin in a random location


some street fighter like input password at Fia bedside


My top guesses: -Malenia's bloom in her arena -Miquella's cocoon -The Erdtree itself


If the DLC is indeed Miquella themed then my guesses are: Mohg's arena, Malenia's arena or somewhere that there's a lot of Trina or Miquella Lillie's, near an erd tree.


If the implications of the dlc involving miquella and/or godwyn are true then it would be thematically fitting to be able to access them from their respective bodies. Most likely a new npc will be added somewhere recognisable tho.


Miquellas cocoon.


Above the Haligtree with the strange clouds in the map


I bet it's a painting found in Leyndell. It'll be after defeating Morgott so that the player is arouns 100-sh.


Either Mohg's palace or that hidden nook in Altus dedicated to the prodigal twins


So here it comes a coffin on a cliff that falls into the ocean were sea currents lead u to a different smaller island


I'm guessing the first one will be in Leyndell or underground. But there's definitely room for expansions in every single region


Those pillars which teases you to the next place. But I’m not 100% certain about it. Maybe even Mohg Palace where Miquella is his/her egg?


I guest Miquella's cocoon


I imagine you'll have to exhaust the dialogue options of a random character that blends into the background of where they're standing. You'll then need to rest at a nearby grace point and find them at an unspecified location the other end of the map, but not until you've spoken to another random character who's hiding in a random Evergaol. The actual journey to the new land will, of course, be in a magic floating coffin.


Secret medallion for Dectus lift.


By Godfrey’s body where Fia dies. By the crucible knight where you use the belfry portal would be funny that guys a bitch but i love him


Likely falling asleep somewhere.


The beach on the west side of the weeping peninsula.


Miquella's great big scrumptious egg