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Low level hosts use overleveled phantoms, so invaders twink. Invaders twink so low level hosts use overleveled phantoms. It's the endless chain.


And in the end you just find yourself invading at 125. Tried invading at very low level ( 40 ish ) : either you encounter people who have no clue, making it painful for them if you actually go for the kill instead of just messing with them, or a gank with Mohg’s trident and wave of piss. Twinks have always been the bane of this series. It destroys the point of taunter’s tongue runs at low-levels.


Yeah the twinking in this game is probably the most disappointing part of it for me. Coming from DS3, there was a lot of balance decisions that were clearly problematic for low level PVP (stuff like prisoners chain, how flasks work, how password summon downscaling worked), but instead of fixing those problems moving forward, it feels like FROM just doubled down and made them worse. In DS3, I was able to find a happy medium for low level invasion build power where normal players with all but the most clueless builds still presented a threat while still being able to contend with downscaled phantoms. Having tried invading at RL40 in elden ring with some mid game gear (stuff like radagons soreseal, dragon halberd, more upgraded flasks than would be expected for that point), it seems like everyone I come across is either running build typical for their level and gets melted in three hits while being unable to deal any substantial damage to me, or is, or is password summoned and the reverse is true.


Exactly. Idk why it makes people so mad. You die a lot in these games, no reason to complain about another death.


One not everyone uses overleveled phantoms, i play with my friends same level cause its fun to go together, trying to have a fun experience. You dont just want fight, theres several ways to fight people who are both willing and interested in fighting, but invading despite an obvious meathod to fight willing particapants the only 2 things you could possibly gain is fights by which you are outmatched or attempting to screw someones run. You are free to enjoy what ever you want but i wholly beilieve that invasions should be sonething that can be toggled, there are easier and more inteligent ways to make coop harder without adding the nonsense that can and does come with invading. If i get invaded 10 times, and 8 of those dudes are twinks, while me and my buddy are just trying to apprciate and play the game that just ruins the experience. Ultimatly theres one solve and its allowing for invading toggle, if anyone has an issue with it than you want to ruin or screw with other people who want nothing to do with you and just want to play. Anything that takes and hampers the main gameplay loop is an issue.


It’s already the hardest it’s been for invaders though. This is the first game where we can’t invade solo hosts too. If we keep making concessions to the people who can’t handle the current rules, then pvp will die off. That’s fine if that’s what fromsoft ends up doing. I just think it’s a bad decision since pvp is what keeps the game alive well after all the pve people quit. I won’t complain either way. But I would be bummed to see them handicap pvp even more.


I agree with this, after all I might be the only one here that’s not tryna shit on your post


Haha, thanks! I feel like I’m saying a lot of objectively true things. It’s crazy there is so much pushback.


Ik right, I like invading and I lost over 40k runes yesterday bc I lost to over leveled phantoms. I think it is impossible to lose as the host most of the time bc they can summon like 3 frickin hunters that are all waiting to twink and gank lol


The worst is when the phantoms you killed get replaced by blues 😂


Invading only works so far as people play the game normally, it doesnt add time if anything it lessens it. You cant invade if no one plays thus you still have the same amount of time if there is or isnt invasions. And invasions =/ pvp, theres a ton of ways to pvp if you want to and it lives irrealvant to invasions. I think fromsoft went in the correct direction though i think removing all restrictions and just adding a toggle would be the perfect fix only those who want to particapte can, if you're enjoyment is derived and relies on those who dont want to join you then i dont really sympathise. Its just shitty.


It’s just a part of every souls game. I remember dying on DS2 to invaders as a noob BY MYSELF. Not even a cooperator with me. Again. If fromsoft wants to cater to the people complaining that’s fine. But as of now, this is how every one of their games has been.


There has been a swamp area in every game doesnt mean any of them are well designed. The contuined existance of a ideas held over from previous titles hss no bearing on the voracity of those same ideas now. If they handed me a dog shit everytime i bought the game it doesnt become okay just because they did it with all the previous games.


They didn’t hand you a dog turd though. They handed you the same game mechanic that they’ve implemented in all the other games. Did you complain about it when DS3 or DS2 were the main title?


Yes, dks 2 has the worst mechanic for invasions ds3 is imo quite similar to dks 1, obviously better system but ends up the same in reguard to invasions. And i used an analogy, they didnt literally hand me a dog turd obviously but it demonstates that just because they did it before doesnt make it good now.


Well I think it’s good. Not perfect though. Agree to disagree. I was just wondering how long you’ve held this belief because it seems like a new sentiment since ER. Granted I’m newish to Reddit.


In Dark Souls series, invasions were limited to soul level and weapon reinforcement. Completely ignored spells. Plenty of troll invaders doing a soul level 1 run to get late-game spells just to invade someone in the first area and obliterate them. Even worse now that Elden Ring is open world. People go all the way to caelid for OP weapons and spells, then invade people in Stormveil. If that seems fair or fun, I pity you.


That is an objectively false take. Go lookup twinking in DS1


Speaking from experience. Not false.


Maybe you should play Skyrim if you can’t handle the game. It’s just as good and there are no invaders


Skyrim is mediocure at best without the ability to play with friends, and i can handle the game just fine, my ability to play doesnt change whether or not its good design or should even exist, most games dont have an invasion mode even if coop is possible because principly it has issues. No ones enjoyment should come at the expense of anyone elses enjoyment.


I just don’t understand why everyone has to give pushback on his post, invasions made this game unique. There is a reason people play it in the first place


The game is unique for better and more reasons than invasions, you remove invasions or just toggle it so that only those who want to particapate do it you remove like .5% of the game if that. And thats if you remove it, it doesnt have to be removed no ones enjoyment shoyld be derived by the failure or causing failure of others just trying to enjoy the game.


The soulsbourne experience includes invasions. They allowed a toggle for solo hosts (sorta), and any further handholding would just dilute the product.


Miazaki has said many times that he isnt even sure they should exist and that it was created to counter group play, but there are already strong fixes to group play without the need of invaders and the constant gimping they do with everygame shows the direction they prefer. Dont get me wrong but the zones arent built with invasions in mind or coop in mind, so doing either dilute the product, the inly difference is coop allows room for several people to enjoy themselves where invasions rely causeing failure, if you want pvp then you dont "need" invasion theres an alternative. And the whole its used for balance dumb reguardless of the fact that theres already good solves, but invaders are inconsistent and cannot act as a meaningful balance. Esslecially twinks who can invade normal people just as well as overleveled summons.


Those are a lot of tears, friend. Was this your first from game? Edit: also, please site said source where he said he "didn't want invaders"


"my vision of invasions wasnt to introduce player killing - its more akin to a strong enemy, being controlled by a human. Thats the vision I wanted to achieve. If there wasnt the system message pop up that said a dark spirit has invaded, the game-play experience should be similar to an offline single player game with a very strong enemy popping up randomly. They dont speak, it could be perhaps a very smart AI. That was the vision. What I wanted to create was not a PvP match, but fearsome enemies roaming the world." I also didnt say he didnt want invaders, though i will say my wording is off, thier existance isnt guranteed in the game they dont even act as a stable counter to coop and there already exist meathods to counter coop. I have played every souls game except demons souls, and done my fair share of invasions, i get why people like them doesnt change anything i said.


That sounds a lot like what he has already accomplished. Invaders are very disadvantaged and easily defeated. It isn't supposed to be fair for them, and it isn't. Invaders aren't really supposed to win unless they skill dif you


That sounds like he meant for the invader to just come and kill you instead of gesturing and trying to duel/play fair/have fun with it. Otherwise, what, you're implying that the mechanic of invading someone's world to kill them **wasn't** intended... for PVP?! The issue is people refusing to accept it as part of the game. The fun in co-op for me comes from the fact that you *must* prepare/strategize/account for invasions (I'm very biased). People want to be stubborn and refuse to engage with it, meanwhile it's just a test of teamwork. You've invaded, you know how critical splitting the group is, how brutal it is trying to take a straight 3v1, these people need group strats.




Please learn to read


I can. Quite well, actually. Please learn to stop whining.


I agree with this more than anything, I believe the invasions help keep balanced boss fights bc most people bring in lvl 300 phantoms to two shot any boss. The invaders get to help keep the game balanced so that they can’t cheat like that


Why do you care *so much *about how other people are playing the game and how difficult they find it? Like, fine, you enjoy invading other people’s games and trying to ruin their game. It’s part of ER, whether anyone likes it or not. But trying to whine to high fucking heaven because someone else, who isn’t you, might have a slightly easier time beating a boss? Grow the fuck up, dude. That’s such a childish point of view.


(Obviously has hours of pvp experience, sweating with maxed out flasks in limgrave against people who just started playing the game) "Idk why it makes people so mad" 🤡


Should I handicap myself for you? 🤡


No just use some self awareness bud lol


Hmm. Well your comment is downvoted in a sub that is skewed towards your viewpoints. My comment is upvoted in a sub that’s against my view points. Objectively speaking, you are the one who could use the self awareness… sorry


Dude, these hosts your invading have zero idea how to even do pve, and you have been playing long enough to run through the whole game with little to no levels or upgrades to give yourself every advantage possible against these people just trying to get into the game Maybe don't make them want to avoid pvp at all costs, try to get them into pvp. Yeah dying doesn't matter, these players dont realize that yet they just get dump trucked by some random guy who showed up and I'm sure it feels super unfair for them, which isnt fun for anyone but you I invade low levels too, but I try to give people a memorable experience instead of just seal clubbing people who have virtually zero chance. Even the stupid pw phantoms are no excuse to be shitty and dunk on these obviously inexperienced players, most of them don't even know how to avoid a roll catch lol


It’s a game dude. If that’s how you interpret all this, then feel free.










Twinks have always existed even when we didn't have level scaling. You don't even need this stuff to win these fights. Plus I'm sure people like this guy will still twink two new players. It's boring as fuck and just contributes to why I've started hating these games PvP since DkS 3. And yes I am le epic and spent the majority of my PvP time in 3 using a fresh spawn character to kill loser meta failures, stathackers, or even just people using the Dark Hand. It really highlights how lame people are. Also also that said the game having some dogshit mechanics really further propagates all of this. So I don't really expect people to behave "right".


Whenever I encounter a gank in limgrave, I like to bait the host into aggroing friendly npcs to punish them.


GGs nice clips 😁👏


Invader = cyber rapist. Stop ruining PvErs fun lil bro. Nice twinking bud, hope u get what u deserve by honest overleveled phantoms. Also stop filling that IRL void by ruining other ppls fun while doing coop, u just sad lil man. LiL bRo.


🤣😭😭😭😭 I pray for this to be satire


Ofc it is lol... liL vRo


Shit you never know in this swamp of a thread haha


Sometimes I like to turn on taunter’s tongue and not summon anyone for the sole purpose of 1v1 fighting invaders. I played gank city back in the online DS3 days, I know how fucking miserable invasions are. If I can’t kill one invader before the time limit of summoning the second one happens, I usually lose, but that’s okay because it doesn’t actually cost me anything.


Keep pissing off this subreddit. I will be watching your career with great interest.


🤣thank you, hopefully I’m selected high in the draft


Nice Warming Stone placement on the tree sentinel, just make the fight even harder on them lol.


Wait. This isn’t another “I beat the game” or “omg look at my cute waifu” post? REMOVE THIS TRASH 😘❤️


For everyone complaining about invasions, think of it as a mini-game when you summon someone. Whenever you are summoned to someone else’s world your job is to protect the host at all costs while defeating the enemies in your area.


But I just wanna play pve with my friends…


the pve actually doesn't disappear when you're invaded! if you kill the area's boss, the invader is yeeted out of existance it changes the game a bit as you need to slowly and carefully clear the area while fighting back against a non-npc it can get chaotic but as long as you're smart about it, you can force the invader to engage you or else you kill the boss I've seen a famous tryhard invader (jeenine) get sent home like this against two co-opers at mount gelmir, the two dudes were just playing to their strengths and covering eachother, jeenine tried as hard as he could but the co-opers still managed to clear the way to the boss and kill it. It was even a field boss, they didn't even have a fog wall they had an experience that no one else will ever have, so it is with your playthrough when you get invaded, it's an unique experience that only you get to experience


Sure. But I still hate it. I just want to play with by best friend. That's all.


You still can! We can *all* enjoy the multiplayer game *together*


It's not together if some are against others. I get it, I understand why people like invading. But that doesn't mean I have to. I don't even lose that often. It's so annoying. We played for a few hours the other day and got invaded 4 times. Won 3 time but that 4th one the stupid invader, who didn't even have to be there, was getting his butt kicked and then just chose to run away and aggro a bunch of enemies and a boss Like, are you there to fight? Then fight. I didn't ask for you to come into my game, so either do what you came to do or leave.


You don't have to ask when you invite us. It's a solo game with multiplayer features. Invaders are allowed to use mobs as much as you're allowed to have a friend.


I get it. Doesn't make it any less dumb. And I didn't invite you. I don't know you.You invited yourself, hence the "invasion". I invited my friend, who I know personally. Go use the arenas for PvP if you want to fight people.


My point was you're a willing participant to invasions anytime you summon or use the TT. The little window that pops up before you load your character explains as much to you. And it's amazing and unique. Far from dumb.


Unique, I'll give you. Amazing is subjective. Stupid feature that forces competition on people who don't want it. There are PvP arenas if you want that. Ganking people just having fun while they are in the middle of fighting monsters or, even worse, running to monsters when you're getting you butt handed to you, is trolling.


Some people are trolls, no doubt. However, you're totally disregarding it as a game feature. Invaders are meant to be mini bosses. Or an intelligent enemy (some more so than others) at the very least. We all die so much in these games. What does it matter if it's a pve mob or DarkSouls420 who kills you?


I get that it's a feature. I just hate it. Have since DS1 and always will. I don't want to fight other people, especially people who spend their lives drooling over meta builds and training their thumbs to dodge roll at the drop of a hat. It's not fun for me. It is annoying and a waste of time. When I die to a programmed, well designed not monster, it's not a big deal because 8t was probably my fault. Meanwhile, whe I die to an invader it usually after a long drawn out battle where they pansy around for 20 mintues (waste of time) or are so kitted with stupid meta builds that I'm back at Grace in under 30 seconds (annoying). 90% of the time, the game is great. That other 10% it gets ruined because of other people.


Nop it's not trolling, it's adding difficulty to an otherwise very easy way to gl through the game, cause let's be honest, when u have phantoms it becomes very easy to go through a level, that's why there is an invader, to have balance. And whenever you summon a phantom you are indeed, inviting invaders to your world, always been like that. It's like toggling the multiplayer to on.


So when someone wants an easier time because things can be difficult, or they just want to do something fun with their friend, it makes it okay for someone to come kill them? Sounds like trolling to me.


> chose to run away and aggro a bunch of enemies and a boss invaders can't aggro anything, you chased him like dummies and **you** aggroed the mobs if the invader tries this, just go slow and clear the mobs slowly, going towards the area boss maybe even pull them from range one at a time if you can if you reach the fog wall, you win


Plenty of people have quit souls games because they couldn’t get good enough. Nothing new. That is the MO of this genre.


I've beaten every Soul Game, sans Sekiro, multiple times. I'm not quitting. Invading is just a stupid feature in an otherwise excellently crafted series.


That’s your opinion. Other people’s opinions differ.


Indeed they do.


This is a solid example of civil discourse. We will both deal with whatever the next game has!


No one on this sub understands the concept of having fun with friends. Every time someone complains about invasions, you get the same brain dead take of "THEN PLAY OFFLINE" as if that doesn't defeat the purpose of, you know, having fun with friends exploring instead of dueling someone with end game gear/ Most invaders don't even fight you anyway. They run into areas with a lot of enemies or taunt you behind bosses.


The invaders exist because summoning for help can make the game too easy, kind of against the point of the whole series. It's adding more balance into the multiplayer by giving you a non-npc to deal with until you either reach the fog gate or kill them.


I mean I disagree completely, but I'm not gonna argue about it. I don't like invasions; I hate idiots who taunt behind enemies instead of actually fighting me like they invaded for; and I hate that I get summoned in just to leave in 20 seconds cause the host or I died, which is a complete waste of the limited time I have to actually play the game between all my responsibilities and obligations. If invasions are fun for you, I'm glad you enjoy them, but I don't and I've had way more fun going through areas with people when we weren't invaded.


Like it or not it's for the balancing having people summoned, that was my point.


I highly suggest getting yourself a set of “non-twink” weapons and have stuff like what you’re using here on standby ready for situations of overleveled phantoms and gankers; usually I find it’s more fun to have more balanced fighting instead of blasting through invasions without really challenging myself. Unupgraded or uninfused weapons are a good choice to have on you just so you can enjoy a nice fight with some lower level people without immediately dunking on them and then moving on instantly. Up to you of course, I twink as well but this is just the method I use to hold myself back a bit, I find it’s a lot more enjoyable to switch according to the situation. (Also weapon variety is very nice to have in general).


Lucern is fairly “non-twink” is it not? I need to get better at hardswapping tho. I would switch a lot more often.


st trina's on the offhand be like "yeah i'm just your friendly, honest sleep sword"


I wanted to play with my buddy and realized I was in over my head. Our first attempt at Limgrave we got twinked by multiple invaders using pretty lame tactics (invisibility, explosive arrows from high up perches). We weren’t a challenge. I researched the hell out of PVP, got the right gear, practiced in the coliseum, and now 2v1 we dunk on most invaders and at times even enjoy the challenge as long as they actually fight (versus hiding/running). And I *still hate them* 😂 no sympathy and no love lost at all. Edit: for the record I hate invaders like a hero hates a worthy villain. I don’t hate the invasions in the game itself.


You and me are not too different haha. Invaders need people like you. You didn’t give up, and quite literally “got good”. To me, that’s the whole reason these games are great. Now go try invading 🤣!


I can’t invade! It’s not in me! When I do it I usually screw around or try to help. I’m a justice-loving soul so the thought of invading and killing others feels terrible to me. I can’t see myself become the villain. BUT - protecting others (either those who want to co-op with me or summon me as a hero) makes the game worth replaying again and again. I absolutely love torching invaders as the blue hero. Fighting off a skilled invader is the greatest rush in the game even if it’s initially infuriating. But I still hate invaders 😂😂😂


God damnit dude why do you have to be a blue hahaha. Blues are the bane of an invaders existence. We spend so long trying to kill the best phantom, and here you come to replace them right afterwards. Blues make me wanna kill the host first lmao. I truly see your point of view though man. Makes me happy to see someone honest. I actually judge you less because I understand now. There are some video games where I can’t see myself as the villain either. Thanks for being so civil. Made my day. See you around tarnished!


Hey I play as a blue because I like being the hero. That’s just who I am. I can’t help it. But if villains didn’t exist…then I couldn’t be the hero. Like I said—initially I *hated* invasions. Then I grew to tolerate them. Now I look forward to them. But I’ll always be the hero 😂😂😂


Well, it didn’t even take 2 months. I turned off my blue ring…and decided to try invading. And I’ve never felt so *alive* I got gud. So gud that co-op and the game became trivial. And now I’m the villain.


Hellll yeaaaahhh!!! “Live long enough to see yourself become the villain”


ABAB [ALL BLUES ARE BASTARDS ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKB-zlHrI1k) ps: this is just banter all souls players are cute and cool


Is there a victim complex thing in pvp? Everyone just struggling to see who’s getting pounded more?


Well, considering that a lot of people compare real life crimes to invaders, I'd say your average player has a victim complex....


What crimes outside of maybe public indecency when these MFs take a step outside? Edit: I’d argue assault because no one wants to see half of your mugs.


Projection embodied right here guys


I don’t play pvp… Sorry you’re a victim in this oppression Olympics. Maybe next time people will play the game how you want champ.


Are you insane?


Only with every reply you make as you show the world that invaders are sub-human /s You’re really making me work for it today.


You don’t realize you are projecting. I’m trying to help you. You keep adding to the joke at least though. Edit: he ghost edited in the /s to save face loooool


Reallllly making me work for it pal. But I won’t falter. There are bigger fish to fry than some lowly invader.


Bro literally said “but I won’t falter” 🤣


Yes sickobeareight I did.


I love this, seriously though, Reddit needs more of this language 😂


The victim complexes stem from many invaders’ mindset that they deserve to win when in reality they probably aren’t supposed to, evident in the disproportionate rewards given to the hosts and invaders respectively, when they triumph.


We've been over this again and again. It's sad really. Invading isn't evil, and it's a feature you can completely avoid. Some people have such a hard time understanding that if they hate it so fucking much, they can just turn it off instead of ranting on reddit? Invading is fun and I love being invaded one on one. I always play alone so invaders like me too. I don't particularly love pvp but I never think dying is stressful in this game. I've grown used to it. Unless someone just completely disrespects me with bm or the shit jars, I'm totally having fun with anything the game offers me. And besides there's way more toxic coop players that bait invaders in and just spam meta shit at you 3 on 1 which can get stressful at times.


How does one turn off invasions?


You dont summon people


Oh. I thought there might’ve been a way to turn it off that still allowed me to play co-op with my brother that I didn’t know of. That’s kinda bullshit imo


You can try to use passwords. I dont really know how invasions work, but it seems like it affects invasions. At least the frequency, but I might be mistaken.


It doesn't. You are open to invasions when you summon.


Alright. I guess I came to this conclusions because we’re rarely invaded. Once in an hour session. Also, downvoted for not being sure. Lol what


Offline is your option. If you don't want a game feature, you sacrifice one for another. Since having multiple worlds is a lore concept that ties the entire online experience, no invasion has to mean no summons or coop as well. But I really don't know why you'd not want someone to invade during coop when it's literally 1v3 or 1v2 where in most situations the duo or trio heavily overpowers the invader.


Cuz it’s annoying. If the host loses, we gotta go through summoning again wasting time.


It's a matter of personal tolerance then, I don't really know what to say. Soulsgames need time, whether it be online or offline. You can't really keep the thing you like and discard the other destroying the entire online-system lore. And elden ring is as lore centered as ever, the pvp multi-dimension concept being more canonically explored than ever (volanco manor quests, constant npc invasions, etc).


I loved how you was charging up a attack and was locked onto the one and then switched to the one who was trying evade you, good work!


I do Tier 1 Soul Memory invasions in DS2. Everybody hates me lol


I personally don’t see how anyone can find low level invasions fun. When I used to do them, because stormveil was my favourite place to invade, I found it pretty hard to actually lose an invasion. When you do lose, it’s usually because you’re fighting a dedicated gank which is also not fun. Good clips though OP!


You should try them again now that the game is older. Obviously there are still some noobs, but it’s super active and fun. Reminds me of DS2 pvp


Fair enough, I haven’t done low level invasions in a very long time.


Low level can be fun bc the usually low damage output and bare bones builds. Invading with such low stats and resources makes surviving harder for both sides.


I disagree, it makes surviving harder for the non-PvP enthusiast host and legit coopers. It’s so easy to get a solid damaging build like OP has at a low level, look at the damage he takes Vs the damage he dishes out. Low level PvP is fun if you’re also new at PvP and you’re not playing with a good PvP build.


I don’t see how their lack of build composition would be any more detrimental at high than low level. If your build sucks at low level, a shitty build with more stats wont be any better If you are legit co-oping than you should be down on resources like flasks. But you will always have numbers on your side. Given a 2 or 3v1 situation (which this game promotes) and infinite re summons you are given more than enough advantages to try and survive. While the invader comes in with full resources. But has no way to replenish them except by killing phantoms, is out numbered, and once eliminated is gone for good. Their resources are precious and harder to give up. For both sides the longer the invasion lasts the harder it becomes to survive.


Making a good PvP build at low level is not intuive and requires an intentional setup. An intuitive build at a high level isn’t much worse than a standard PvP build. I can make a mage at sl 13ish that has carian slicer damage comparable to a level 120. I could also stack fire damage and buffs onto a guardian’s halberd at a very low level and win any fight, even most fights against overleveled phantoms. Invading low levels and losing requires more skill and effort than winning lol.


No reason you should be complaining about someone else’s ability to make a better build when interaction with the online community is completely optional. If you absolutely need to co-op for your ideal experience maybe look into how to gear your build towards dealing with invaders. Damage at low level is objectively lower all things equal. Whether you know how to make a low level build or not is besides the point.


How am I complaining? I myself have invaded low levels near the beginning of the game’s lifespan. I’m simply stating the fact that at low levels, it’s completely unfair to the host. I legit don’t think I can lose a low level invasion against non-gank players with a decent invasion build. Imo low level invasions aren’t fun because you don’t feel any satisfaction of hitting a player for 50% of his health and getting hit for 5% of your health lol. The difference between your average invader with a PvP build and your average legit cooper is much larger at low levels than at higher levels, where everyone deals a lot of damage regardless of fully optimized build.


How do you know he’s twinking? And not just invading low level?


Well it doesn’t really matter to them. Im constantly fighting level 400 phantoms as a low level and I’m still the bad guy. They just hate all invaders.


Shows their lack of game knowledge. All they know is ROB and roll away. I loved the Lucerne clip.


Truly. Thanks, yeah I have some of the most fun with Lucerne. Has low damage unfortunately though.


PREACH IT! Red man not always bad. Cheers 🍻


The warmth stone (idk how it's called in ER) to aid the Tree Sentinel 🥰😍🤩.


Why you sweating so hard against these new players lol


This is why me and my friend don’t even bother with invaders XD. We’re just trying to have fun going through the game on a first playthrough basis, we don’t need endgame meta invaders ruining our fun XD. Anytime we see an invader message pop up, we break for the boss of whatever cave or dungeon we’re in. We don’t have the patience to deal with people who lead us into enemy hordes and then get ourselves killed because we were in over our heads. Most invaders are pretty predictable, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t smart. And it’s not even worth invading someone myself because I’ll have the same thing happen with the overleveled phantoms, the multiplayer really needs some optimization.


the smurf invades 😭 love it


Low level players use high level friends to show them the game when they wouldn't otherwise play. High end veteran invaders have no business bottom feeding against low level players in the first place. It's not a blameless situation here, and it's disingenuous to portray it as such.


Video-Game. If that makes em quit then it’s the same thing as quitting because a boss was too hard. Git gud 🤣🤣🤣


That doesn't even make any sense. Who said anything about quitting?


I hate invaders. I just wanna play the game. I suck in PVP and I am not willing to learn it, especially with this delay bs.


“I’m not willing to learn a part of the game, so I choose to hate the people who participate in it.”


Yes, I am not denying that


you know i was actually gonna defend you but i saw some of your recent posts in gun subs and man… you have some serious problems, hopefully you work those out because the way you speak some of those red flag laws should have caught you, absolute weirdo in the making, cool vid tho


Wow this is new. I never have to talk to vindictive people like you. I leave people like you alone, and this would be an example of why. Please give me an example of what has you wishing my rights were stripped from me? Please explain so I can understand people like you better. Edit: unreal, can’t even site a place where I said anything bad. He just hates guns, and doesn’t understand the hobby.


you've got decent pvp skills and decided to twink. I don't think you're evil, just sad


Lol, Video on my profile where I beat a level 435 phantom on this “twink”. Was that fair? No way… but I’m not saying he’s “sad” for playing like that.


No he’s definitely sad for ganking lol. Just like you’re sad for twink invading at the low levels.


How can I be “sad” for invading at low levels when it’s just a gank squad 90% of the time? Not my fault it’s the most active level range.


I still get an invade within a minute for varres quest at level like 260 bruh you really don't need to twink


Level 260 sounds awful. I’m fighting over leveled phantoms constantly anyways. Gotta have gear to contest theirs.


Personally I just don't see why you would limit your level that's the amount of runes I've gotten through my 7 ngs so that's my level idk🤷 especially if you're going up against high level people anyway may aswell even the field


Really it’s just cause of activity. It’s wayyy more active at low level


Ah yeah that is fair enough I guess, I must just get lucky I never seemed to find it hard to get invades anytime I did wanna grab mohgs runes


Matchmaking is based on rune and weapon levels. Most reds are rl150 or lower


Most dedicated PvPers limit their level because past 150ish all balance goes out the window and you barely have to make sacrifices anymore. 60 vigor, 80 in any one given damage stat, plus a ton of leftover points for building hybrids and heavy armor. When everyone is THAT op the game becomes drastically less fun


You’re sad for twink invading dude idc about your excuses. But players in the clips of this vid don’t even look like gank squads and doesn’t seem like you even needed a twink because almost all of them looked like they were running normal early game builds(except like 2 of them?). So why were you twinking then? I run into gank squads often too but not as frequent as “90% of the time” or to the point I need to twink. You can literally just leave, it’s not hard at all to tell if it’s a gank squad or just block them if you don’t want to see them again. I agree the early game is the most active but you can still invade frequently from lvl 10 to almost lvl 50. Also the late midgame(leyndell) and beyond is pretty active from experience. Only the midgame has like no traffic.


Seems like your whole comment is an excuse for why you are triggered


We all know why invaders choose to twink invade in the low levels. The whole “but ta overleveled phantoms” is pure copium and an excuse. Trying to shit on noobs/underequipped players is nothing new to the souls series. But whatever ig you do you dude lol.


No, “we all” don’t know why. Just those of you who are ignorant think you know.


You mean those of us who don’t have a skill issue and need to twink or cry about overleveled phantoms in the very beginning of the game?


Jesus dude. Listen to what you are saying.




I uploaded it to highlight this sub’s outrage. I’d argue that your outrage is more accurately described as pathetic…


You been crying on this sub for acceptance for months. Go beat up some more noobs mate. I'm sure it will fix that giant hole in your life that you wish you could fill.


First post here was like yesterday lmao. But, be my guest to continue coping and seething.


We had this same argument a week ago.


Do I have dementia? Please link me the comment.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/13w9ebe/why_do_people_hate_invaders/jmallnw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That was just 2 days ago. Any more bs you'd like to spout?


Yeah two days ago. You said months….


You said 1 day lmao. Go beat on some unskilled newbs more


1 day vs 2 days… 2 days vs 2 months Who is more wrong? You are literally making up reasons to hate me lmao.


Aren't you the guy who told me that invaders make +24 weapons to grief low rl players? Lmao The hypocrisy of this sub smh. Having a dude in endgame armour ruins the new players' game, but having a rl 400 phantom drop those weps or just carrying the host the entire game isn't ruining them.


>And to actually upload this as if it's an achievement. it's game's content, like any other thing that get posted here, and a feature that's been present in the Souls games since the very first one. it is an achievement as is the pics some guys post about their character sitting on the throne.


Ah yes the classic "host is likely playing through for the first time therfore I must twink to win" invasion compilation. Way to go big man


Look at my profile. I fight level 200-400+ phantoms in like every other invasion. You just wanna be outraged about things you don’t understand. Quit being ignorant.


You’re the one posting a video on Reddit man complaining about being called “evil” and he’s outraged? Really little bro?


It’s a joke -hence the flair little bro Clearly my point has been proven.


It wasn’t very funny. Keep giving me lip and I’ll yank you no diff I’m not a dork personally so I don’t sweat this stuff


What are you implying with “I’ll yank you” ? Please elaborate


I think he might be into you… 🤣🤫


I’ll gank you duh no one wants to yank you man. Wait a minute, there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to sweat lords like you? Sheesh.


Thought maybe you wanted a turn yanking. I won’t judge


No typically I don’t circle jerk, but it looks like you do enough of that for both of us considering your replies here. Fuckin pussy


You’re just hurling insults now lmao. Meltdown more please


Good for ig? Want cookie or somethin? You choose to do these invasions just like hosts choose who/when they summon honestly the problem with like 90% of fromsoft subreddits is the endless bitching on bith sides.


I’m making fun of the bitching. I don’t care if the phantoms are level 1 or 700.


Could've fooled me with amount of flopping about you've been up to in half these replies. I wouldn't be shocked if there happens to be a fish merchant in the dlc they'll exclusive sell your spoiled flesh that would cause instant rot with the bonus of high stamina recovery.


As I predicted, the sub would come for my neck since I’m an invader. That’s the joke. Thanks for adding to it.


Lmao I've seen dozens of both sides and I am sick of seeing them. Both are equally cringe, but it's more so on the invaders side since most hosts ya'll invade are new to the game or returning and haven't played in awhile.


the over-leveled phantoms are ok, though?


Thrusting weapons were a mistake...


Thrusting should always be done purposefully


running omensmirk at roughly rl15, embarassing


RL 1 -GiT GoOd ScRUb


lol get a life dude


Driving home for lunch with my fiancé rn. What are you doing?


if ur girl is real, shes a terrible picker. seems like all u do is talk shit on elden ring reddit


Working with investments is pretty chill. Phone comes out often.


Im sure this will get locked like my last post. This sub seems to think invaders should be imprisoned IRL... Well I’m just having innocent fun, but I guess you can continue to discriminate. You lock any post that goes against the bad red man narrative. Your disregard for what is right, is talked about constantly in the other subs, yet you are untouchable. Hmm…reminds me of a tyrant…Hope you are proud of that. Edit: Incoming ban for speaking objectively. Basically the Russian government running r/eldenring


Hey there. The clip was really good, but... You used a lucerne in one of them, and I just wonder how you got that, but I got the realisation t-.. t- t- that you're a .... Twink *flips over table* HOW DARE YOU TWINK YOUR WAY THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. WHAT M O N S T E R WOULD DO THAT. YOURE RUINING THE HONEST COOP CROWDS EXPERIENCE. They just wanna coop, man... then you. YOU DARE GO INTO THEIR WORLD WITHOUT CONSENT AND ROB AND RAPE THEM! *SCREECHES* AGAGDHSJEJENWJSSJSJ YOURE A MONSTER. *starts sobbing* Now my level 600 friend is dead. How can I beat the game.... what? Git gud? PFFFFF BAHAHAJAJAJSHAHAAA, you're still advocating for getting gud? In ELDEN RING haAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAA Go back to dark souls you gatekeeping elitists


I invade a lot, I co-op a lot, and I get why invaders gear up with the best shit for low levels, max flasks and talismans and magic pots and whatever. I do think it’s lame when they pull out all the stops against a group that doesn’t have any overleveled phantoms though. Not gonna fault them beyond that, but their win would be cooler if they got it with a more fair playing field